Action on Hearing loss funds research on stem cell delivery.
Back in 2012, we funded Professor Marcelo Rivolta, at the University of Sheffield, as he made a huge breakthrough, showing that human stem cells could repair damaged auditory nerve cells in deaf gerbils, and even more importantly, restore their hearing. This paved the way for the development of stem cell treatments to restore people's lost hearing.
However, the use of stem cells raises some safety concerns. Stem cells, as well as being able to turn into any other cell type in the body, can also divide and replicate themselves indefinitely (this is in contrast to most cells in the body, whose growth and replication are strictly controlled). This means that they could travel beyond the site of damage in the inner ear, and more worryingly, divide uncontrollably and form tumours. It's therefore important to find ways to minimise such a risk when developing stem cell therapies.