Despite my requests, someone today forgot to close the front door (a really heavy front door of a house) and the wind caused it to smash shut. My room is on the first floor, directly above this front door. My room is directly next to the stairs, that lead from upstairs right next to this front door on the ground floor. I felt my own room's door shake from the noise of the front door smashing.
I feel like my tinnitus is louder now. I can't take this anymore. How loud could this door slam have been from my room? I am honestly losing my mind.
Hi Buddy, I distinctly remember you after the build up to New Year's Eve had you freaking out, and this was before anything had even happened. You display all the characteristics of being extremely anxious and phonophobic, but this is totally understandable under the circumstances. That composite door has done nothing to your ears. You were upstairs as well, but I'd tell you the same if you were downstairs standing near it. It would have been a short, un-noteworthy, impulse sound. Your belief that it was damaging, is now so hardwired, that you have triggered a psychological reaction to the point where your body is now in over-drive (full CNS response). I know that you will unnecessarily ruminate over this all night, but this is only going to cause you even more unneeded grief, and it will further fuel your anxiety. I have been where you are, brother, fearing sounds like these and then spiking like crazy. It's a miserable existence, but I eventually overcame it and so can you.
I want you to know that you are fine. However, this event will be forgotten and replaced with another one in the near future, and this cycle will never end until you face your demons head-on. Your fear of sound will spiral out of control, and if you're not careful, you could find yourself fearing your own footsteps.
Please do not worry about this door. It's just not worth your time at all. I'd suggest you try and seek some form of help to get you through this difficult stage in your life; you need to regain control buddy. No advice (that anyone can write) will make you feel better when you feel like you are now. I know this because I've been there; totally depressed and full of worry. You need a huge virtual hug and some encouragement
You could try:
• Various forms of psychotherapy
• Cold shock therapy (swimming in cold water)
• Any type of exercise
• Eating a better diet
• Taking up a new hobby to give your brain something else to think about.
• Changing your routine. If you are stuck doing the same things day-in, day-out, then changing your routine can help break those bad behavioural patterns. Doing this can give you some power back.
Ultimately, if you change your ways (which is hard, but certainly not impossible) then you can reclaim your life and banish this overbearing anxiety back to where it belongs: your primitive brain.
Take care and don't let this incident get you down; you don't deserve it at all. You'll be absolutely fine so try and forget about it