Feeling Great After 15 Clinical Low-Level Laser Treatments (LLLT)!

I will just summarize:

- I agree it is awful how we have no real guidance with statistics, real data from an array of treatments, making this all a lot harder and just depressing and scary.

- I am 6 months post onset. I think it was good that I took the first 4-5 months to limit my normal life sound exposure and rest my ears more and try some relaxation things and a small sleep medication to calm me down from the most panicked/depressed/anxious I've been in my life. However, it wasn't until month 5 when I got a very high-frequency audiogram to determine my actual cause of tinnitus (sudden hearing loss/damage in right ear from an ear infection.)

- I think before pursuing any advanced, alternative treatment, you have to try to determine the exact CAUSE of your tinnitus to really know if the said treatment would even be of any benefit to you. It was only after I found out about my SSHL and knowing that is what caused my tinnitus to start that I even considered a stem cell scenario. If I didn't show any hearing loss, if it didn't come on with bad ear infection, and it just came on during stressful time, I wouldn't even look too much into stem cells.

So like I said, it's very important to identify the true cause before putting a larger amount of money into a treatment.

Hope that makes sense!
Erika, the first time I visited there in September 2019, I noticed my tinnitus dropped significantly around Wednesday the second week of laser treatments. The FCR may have played a role in that as well. I did a total of 15 laser sessions, and FCR once in each nostril the very first day there.
Erika, the first time I visited there in September 2019, I noticed my tinnitus dropped significantly around Wednesday the second week of laser treatments. The FCR may have played a role in that as well. I did a total of 15 laser sessions, and FCR once in each nostril the very first day there.
Hey @scotty03874, thanks for sharing! I did 4 laser treatments total at 50% power (two per day for two days) and I feel like that is what made my tinnitus spike some and my reactive sensitivity increase. I didn't do any yesterday and we leave on Monday. I wish my ears could handle the laser and allow me to do more and experience what you did with it, but I'm afraid it's too much on the nerves right now. I just hope the spike and sensitivity calm down. I also know the shots to the ears can make things sensitive as well. Especially doing the shots 3 days apart!
Hey @scotty03874, thanks for sharing! I did 4 laser treatments total at 50% power (two per day for two days) and I feel like that is what made my tinnitus spike some and my reactive sensitivity increase. I didn't do any yesterday and we leave on Monday. I wish my ears could handle the laser and allow me to do more and experience what you did with it, but I'm afraid it's too much on the nerves right now. I just hope the spike and sensitivity calm down. I also know the shots to the ears can make things sensitive as well. Especially doing the shots 3 days apart!
Did you think the injections hurt? Mine weren't too bad. I'm guessing Dr. John is getting good at it, as he's probably done 50+ people now since I introduced him to Dr. Shim.
Did you think the injections hurt? Mine weren't too bad. I'm guessing Dr. John is getting good at it, as he's probably done 50+ people now since I introduced him to Dr. Shim.
The injections themselves did not hurt and felt exactly like the steroid injections I got at ENT. I had some odd pains after the first ones but that was because of sinus/ear pressure from flights day before. That aftermath pain wasn't with second shots. I don't love how he has you lay down rather than recline at an angle. I felt it was much harder to not swallow laying completely flat as opposed to reclining at an angle like I did in ENT office. Dr. John also puts 2ml into the ears which I feel is a little more volume than the steroid amount. It felt very full! From what I understand, they have had a lot of people come in for SunaVae. I even glanced at the schedule sheet, there was at least one person every other day if not every day getting a shot.

Do you remember your tinnitus and reactivity being sensitive for a few days after the shots?
The injections themselves did not hurt and felt exactly like the steroid injections I got at ENT. I had some odd pains after the first ones but that was because of sinus/ear pressure from flights day before. That aftermath pain wasn't with second shots. I don't love how he has you lay down rather than recline at an angle. I felt it was much harder to not swallow laying completely flat as opposed to reclining at an angle like I did in ENT office. Dr. John also puts 2ml into the ears which I feel is a little more volume than the steroid amount. It felt very full! From what I understand, they have had a lot of people come in for SunaVae. I even glanced at the schedule sheet, there was at least one person every other day if not every day getting a shot.

Do you remember your tinnitus and reactivity being sensitive for a few days after the shots?
Yes, my tinnitus ramped up a lot. But I also had lots of anxiety. I have had constant anxiety since my hearing problems.
Shame not more in this thread have tried the laser treatments - 2 say yes, and 1 says no.

I don't pay any attention to copied and pasted testimonials - they are not any proper evidence. I can write you some testimonials for anything you want with names etc.
Shame not more in this thread have tried the laser treatments - 2 say yes, and 1 says no.

I don't pay any attention to copied and pasted testimonials - they are not any proper evidence. I can write you some testimonials for anything you want with names etc.
I can 100% tell you the laser treatments helped me in 2019.
Yes, my tinnitus ramped up a lot. But I also had lots of anxiety. I have had constant anxiety since my hearing problems.
I remember my tinnitus ramping up a lot for like a week or so after my 2nd steroid shot in my right ear before calming down, and that was just one ear so I'm hoping this calms down in the coming week or two! My high-pitched electric reactive hiss sends my anxiety and depression so bad.
When I had my Dexamethasone injections years ago, I had to have my head tilted for about 10 minutes and was told to try to not swallow. The head angle was so that the Dexamethasone went into the round window of the middle ear.
When I had my Dexamethasone injections years ago, I had to have my head tilted for about 10 minutes and was told to try to not swallow. The head angle was so that the Dexamethasone went into the round window of the middle ear.
Me too. Every time I've had an ear infection.
Shame not more in this thread have tried the laser treatments - 2 say yes, and 1 says no.

I don't pay any attention to copied and pasted testimonials - they are not any proper evidence. I can write you some testimonials for anything you want with names etc.
I would think if Dr. John did 20-30 SunaVae injections, there would be more testimonials, good or bad.

I don't know if you have to do LumoMed laser with the SunaVae injections, or if you can pick want you want?
I can 100% tell you the laser treatments helped me in 2019.
Do you think you have had long term improvement with the LumoMed laser treatment? Maybe it's hard to tell if you have had an ear surgery?
Did the Shea Clinic do anything positive to help your tinnitus or hearing?
I tried calling the Shea Clinic in Nashville, TN regarding ear injections. The nurse was supposed to call me back, but she didn't so far.

I don't know if you have to do LumoMed laser with the SunaVae injections, or if you can pick want you want?

Do you think you have had long term improvement with the LumoMed laser treatment? Maybe it's hard to tell if you have had an ear surgery?
You can pick if you want the laser treatments. But he encourages it. My ear surgery was the worst mistake of my life, it failed and I lost a lot more hearing.
The injections themselves did not hurt and felt exactly like the steroid injections I got at ENT. I had some odd pains after the first ones but that was because of sinus/ear pressure from flights day before. That aftermath pain wasn't with second shots. I don't love how he has you lay down rather than recline at an angle. I felt it was much harder to not swallow laying completely flat as opposed to reclining at an angle like I did in ENT office. Dr. John also puts 2ml into the ears which I feel is a little more volume than the steroid amount. It felt very full! From what I understand, they have had a lot of people come in for SunaVae. I even glanced at the schedule sheet, there was at least one person every other day if not every day getting a shot.

Do you remember your tinnitus and reactivity being sensitive for a few days after the shots?
Well, like Scotty said, keep us updated! I was thinking of doing this treatment for pain hyperacusis but have been putting it off because I'm not sure if it would even help me or not. I don't live too far from Dr. John, but $20k and the severe pain I will endure to get there is keeping me from trying. Let us know if you experience any improvement at all.
Well, like Scotty said, keep us updated! I was thinking of doing this treatment for pain hyperacusis but have been putting it off because I'm not sure if it would even help me or not. I don't live too far from Dr. John, but $20k and the severe pain I will endure to get there is keeping me from trying. Let us know if you experience any improvement at all.
Will do, @Brian Newman. You absolutely deserve some relief! I know they have patients who have loudness hyperacusis, I did not think to ask about pain hyperacusis, but when they reach out to me to check in, I can definitely ask.
You can pick if you want the laser treatments. But he encourages it. My ear surgery was the worst mistake of my life, it failed and I lost a lot more hearing.
If there is one thing I have learned since getting tinnitus, it is that we definitely can't predict the future.

Having you and @ErikaS on this thread is a blessing. The both of you seem to be a wealth of knowledge on the subject.
If there is one thing I have learned since getting tinnitus, it is that we definitely can't predict the future.

Having you and @ErikaS on this thread is a blessing. The both of you seem to be a wealth of knowledge on the subject.
I'm glad to contribute anything I can and have done to better my tinnitus and hearing issues.
If there is one thing I have learned since getting tinnitus, it is that we definitely can't predict the future.

Having you and @ErikaS on this thread is a blessing. The both of you seem to be a wealth of knowledge on the subject.
@Ryan Scott, I only know as much as I have learned through some research. Many could poo poo on this and that is fine, we are all entitled to our opinions, but if there was one major disappointing, but unfortunately not surprising, aspect I learned very quickly in this community, as we all have, is that traditional medicine is not making the moves it should to help treat this condition. What's US Military number 1 disability? Tinnitus. How does that alone not put it at the top of research/funding lists? But again, I have my own thoughts on what really goes on behind the scenes with traditional medicine, and I'll just leave it at that.

@Brian Newman, I wanted to mention to you, and anyone else interested: They have a good deal with CareCredit. 18 months of no interest. We used it and I feel like a majority of their patients do.

ALSO, I somehow forgot to mention this. I did the VSEL stem cells via IV as well both days. So I got my own VSEL stem cells + cell free exosomes from placenta in ears, and then my VSELs via IV too.
When I had my Dexamethasone injections years ago, I had to have my head tilted for about 10 minutes and was told to try to not swallow. The head angle was so that the Dexamethasone went into the round window of the middle ear.
Yes, Dr. John had my head at that angle as well. The only difference was I was laying down with head angle for this treatment, and for steroids I was reclined with the head angle. I just liked reclined better.
Yes, Dr. John had my head at that angle as well. The only difference was I was laying down with head angle for this treatment, and for steroids I was reclined with the head angle. I just liked reclined better.
You would think Dr. John would have a medical recliner so you would have a choice. My ENT used a medical recliner for the injections.
@ErikaS, just a gentle reminder that cells are around 65% water. I do think that drinking much more water, staying well hydrated, while these precious 'healing' cells are active in your body, will give them a better chance of success.

In fact, drinking more water will help everyone's body work AND heal better!
I am back home after being in Florida for a week. My ears have gone through A LOT in the past 7 days. Not just the treatment, but flights to and from Florida, a different sleeping environment with unfamiliar sounds, going to a couple restaurants, a pool, and a lot of driving around to get to places.

My tinnitus is sensitive and "on edge" as my reactivity has been tested and pushed the furthest it's been through all of this. I'm just happy to be back home and in my quiet environment.

Praying very hard for improvements in the weeks/months ahead and hoping the required traveling/means of transportation/lodging/etc. doesn't hinder any healing!

Thank you for those in this thread for the kind words, encouragement, and well wishes. :thankyousign:
I am back home after being in Florida for a week. My ears have gone through A LOT in the past 7 days. Not just the treatment, but flights to and from Florida, a different sleeping environment with unfamiliar sounds, going to a couple restaurants, a pool, and a lot of driving around to get to places.

My tinnitus is sensitive and "on edge" as my reactivity has been tested and pushed the furthest it's been through all of this. I'm just happy to be back home and in my quiet environment.

Praying very hard for improvements in the weeks/months ahead and hoping the required traveling/means of transportation/lodging/etc. doesn't hinder any healing!

Thank you for those in this thread for the kind words, encouragement, and well wishes. :thankyousign:
Keep us posted with your progress please.
I will! Thank you, Scott, for all your feedback and sharing experiences with the clinic and treatments. I told them I heard about them through you and they remembered you well!
Good to know because if I go back, they're going to discount me a lot. Can you believe when I went to Dr. John with Dr. Shim, I brought up that this will likely significantly increase his practice and he told me "I'm probably losing tons of money because of all the appointments I had to cancel today due to Dr. Shim training me" lol. Now you see his schedule with multiple SunaVae people on the weekly schedule at probably $14,000 a whack. He probably does a dozen at least every month all because of me. I found his comment about him losing money that day when I introduced him to Dr. Shim a little shrewd. Funny how that works...

Erika, how much did you pay in total if you don't mind me asking?

I can 100% say that 240g of spinach boiled in the evening makes my tinnitus 50% lower the next day, every time.
Using Calm Magnesium powder from Amazon helps me a lot. But it gives you diarrhea :(
Good to know because if I go back, they're going to discount me a lot. Can you believe when I went to Dr. John with Dr. Shim, I brought up that this will likely significantly increase his practice and he told me "I'm probably losing tons of money because of all the appointments I had to cancel today due to Dr. Shim training me" lol. Now you see his schedule with multiple SunaVae people on the weekly schedule at probably $14,000 a whack. He probably does a dozen at least every month all because of me. I found his comment about him losing money that day when I introduced him to Dr. Shim a little shrewd. Funny how that works...

Erika, how much did you pay in total if you don't mind me asking?
Oh I would definitely think you have much room to get a discount. And yeah, his comments in certain situations can come off arrogant or shrewd as you said. He was good with me during the treatments, but you can tell he gets pissy and just the way he says things to staff. The man doesn't eat any sugar and is so skinny so I think he just needs like a cookie and a beer! Lol.

We put around $21k on the CareCredit. In addition to SunaVae and 4 laser treatments, I did brain protocol with the VSEL stem cell IV, LumoBlue IV twice, Ozone IV once, and 2 FCRs.

My husband, God love him, REALLLLLY hopes this brings me substantial relief. :)
Oh I would definitely think you have much room to get a discount. And yeah, his comments in certain situations can come off arrogant or shrewd as you said. He was good with me during the treatments, but you can tell he gets pissy and just the way he says things to staff. The man doesn't eat any sugar and is so skinny so I think he just needs like a cookie and a beer! Lol.

We put around $21k on the CareCredit. In addition to SunaVae and 4 laser treatments, I did brain protocol with the VSEL stem cell IV, LumoBlue IV twice, Ozone IV once, and 2 FCRs.

My husband, God love him, REALLLLLY hopes this brings me substantial relief. :)
I can't agree more with you and he does kinda talk oddly to his staff members. Good thing you have a husband that loves you and was willing to agree with you on rolling the dice on $21k. Keep us posted on your improvements...
We put around $21k on the CareCredit. In addition to SunaVae and 4 laser treatments, I did brain protocol with the VSEL stem cell IV, LumoBlue IV twice, Ozone IV once, and 2 FCRs.
This is so sad! $21k on a credit card for treatments that have no evidence base or robust anecdotal base either. This money only enriches the pockets of this Dr. John charlatan.

What's worse is that you have had these problems only since September 2022, you could be getting natural improvement still, without any "treatment". But now if you feel you get improvement, you are going to associate it with the placebo treatments at Dr. John's, probably becoming another testimonial for them, causing other people to keep enriching the pockets of Dr. John.

I don't blame you, this curse of a condition can make people try everything. It's madness we are giving money to Dr. Johns because we have nothing real in way of effective treatments. It's the greatest testimony of how desperate tinnitus sufferers can be.

@Nick47, any thoughts?
This is so sad! $21k on a credit card for treatments that have no evidence base or robust anecdotal base either. This money only enriches the pockets of this Dr. John charlatan.

What's worse is that you have had these problems only since September 2022, you could be getting natural improvement still, without any "treatment". But now if you feel you get improvement, you are going to associate it with the placebo treatments at Dr. John's, probably becoming another testimonial for them, causing other people to keep enriching the pockets of Dr. John.

I don't blame you, this curse of a condition can make people try everything. It's madness we are giving money to Dr. Johns because we have nothing real in way of effective treatments. It's the greatest testimony of how desperate tinnitus sufferers can be.

@Nick47, any thoughts?
I agree and I'm part of the club. Which sucks to say...

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