I Invented a Sound That Knocked Out My Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Alternative Treatments and Research' started by R. David Case, Dec 27, 2018.

    1. Stuart-T

      Stuart-T Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ear wax or COVID-19 infection
      Which is why I am skeptical when someone tries X - sees improvement - and attributes the improvement to X.

      Too many factors at play.

      There is also of course the placebo effect.
      • Agree Agree x 3
    2. AverageJoe12

      AverageJoe12 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Night club in Feb ‘23, MRI in Feb '24, drummer since age 15
      Man, you need to be the one we go to for words of wisdom! 34 years is longer than I've been alive for. I'm one year into this mess at age 31 and am feeling like I will not really get to live life to the fullest because of the condition. My only hope is maybe a cure or medication in the next decade that eliminates the sound. Perhaps that's what keeps me going.

      Sorry to hear the audio file made things worse. I hope you're hanging in alright.
      • Like Like x 1
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    3. dj_newark

      dj_newark Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Thanks man. Yeah, this has been a challenge to live with all these years. I have a LOT of faith in the Susan Shore device, which is in review right now with the FDA (I believe they're not saying anything publicly), and it will probably be out in the next couple of years. Saying exactly when is guesswork, of course!
      • Hug Hug x 2
      • Optimistic Optimistic x 2
    4. dj_newark

      dj_newark Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Oh! Another natural remission that a tinnitus scammer takes credit for. Well done! Congratulations.

      Warning: @R. David Case is a nutcase quack who believes natural remissions are the result of his "treatment."
      • Agree Agree x 1
    5. AUTHOR
      R. David Case

      R. David Case Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Everyone's tinnitus is different and from many different causes. My Tinnitus Mix has helped over 3500 people stop or greatly reduce MANY phantom sounds, such as tinnitus (not reactive tinnitus, as no sound therapy will help that) and it helps voices, clicking sounds, TTTS, and hyperacusis. It helps about 40% of those that follow instructions. If you play it for 2 minutes and say it doesn't work, you did not follow the protocol. It is free and it is your choice to try it. Many on Tinnitus Talk have also found relief but the haters and negative people always control the conversation when they HAVE NOT READ THE THREAD.

      T gone best T Talk.png

      Screenshot 2022-08-13 at 07-14-30 I Invented a Sound That Knocked Out My Tinnitus.png

      Screenshot 2021-12-02 at 08-00-00 I Invented a Sound That Knocked Out My Tinnitus.png

      Screenshot 2021-09-18 at 09-06-22 I Invented a Sound That Knocked Out My Tinnitus.png

      Screenshot 2021-09-18 at 09-21-26 I Invented a Sound That Knocked Out My Tinnitus.png
      • Funny Funny x 2
    6. dj_newark

      dj_newark Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Testimonials mean nothing. Where's your scientific study? Where's your placebo control? Even if it was "3500" people you say you've "helped," this is all 100% unscientific and anecdotal without the science to back it up!

      I played it for two minutes and said it doesn't work? How about doing it for a year and a half without missing a day with the recommended headphones. That's a fair attempt by anyone's standards. And it not only didn't work, it made my already severe tinnitus worse than it had been before!

      And what about the reactive cases that you've gaslighted into trying your method, making them worse? It's lunacy to tell someone with reactive tinnitus to try your method of getting them to pump more sound into an already damaged auditory system. You are a quack, and you should be in jail for fraud.
      • Agree Agree x 1
      • Genius Genius x 1
    7. AUTHOR
      R. David Case

      R. David Case Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      You don't know what you are talking about. The British Association of Cognitive Neuroscience studied Tinnitus Mix and published its findings in the below scientific journal:

      Generation of Ultrasound Based on the Frequency Response Characteristics of the “Koss Pro Headphone” with R. David Case Sound Wave Files’—A Case Study

      I understand tinnitus makes you angry but it's not my fault. You are the nut case.
      • Like Like x 1
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    8. Smork

      Smork Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud Sound Damage
      Hey @R. David Case, thank you for offering your audio for free and answering so many questions.

      Today, I began testing out your audio because my tinnitus got really bad recently, and I need a solution.

      I have a few questions:

      1) What originally caused your tinnitus, and on a scale of 1-10, what was the severity of it?

      2) How did your tinnitus progress as you used the audio? Was it gradually improving over weeks until it reached zero? Did it take months? Please go into some detail about this. I'd like to know what to expect and how long to stick with it.

      3) Do you know if you had hearing loss back when you had your tinnitus? And what effect, if any, did Tinnitus Mix have on that? Have any of your users reported changes or improvements in mild hearing loss? Or is hearing loss just permanent?

      4) I am testing your audio with these headphones. Can you tell me if these are acceptable or do I need other headphones?

      5) Is it okay if I listen to the audio throughout the day in addition to sleep? I work a lot at the computer and can listen to it passively throughout the day if that will help.

      6) Can you discuss to what extent the volume level of the audio impacts this treatment? Right now, I'm playing it on the lowest possible volume, like a 1/10, which is enough to mask my tinnitus. I'm somewhat afraid to raise the volume higher. What is the ideal volume I should be using? Should I raise the volume as the weeks progress? To what level?

      7) My tinnitus was caused by a gunshot. The tinnitus was very mild originally. But that gunshot somehow weakened my ears such that they are now easily further damaged by sounds that are not even so loud, such as dropping the lid on a toilet seat. Most of my tinnitus came from damage, which I incurred long after the gunshot. My problem is not only sharp tinnitus but living in fear that, at any moment, a loud sound will damage my ears even more. This has already happened to me three times, so it's a serious problem. I just wanted to hear your thoughts on this matter and whether your Tinnitus Mix has any effect on strengthening the ears so they don't get further damaged from moderately loud sounds, like a dropped toilet seat lid. What has been your experience with this? It seems that once the inner ear is damaged, it becomes easier and easier to damage in a hopeless downward spiral.

      8) Has anyone ever reported to you that their tinnitus got worse from using Tinnitus Mix? If so, could you please discuss that.

      Thanks for your work. I'm sorry that some people here troll you when it is obvious that you are sincere in your approach. Yes, of course, there are risks. There are no guarantees when it comes to tinnitus, but the purpose of this forum should be supportive and to work collaboratively together to explore possible solutions, not to attack those who offer solutions. Healthy skepticism and caution are good, but trolling is not useful.

      I will be seriously testing out Tinnitus Mix and I will report back my results, positive, negative, or neutral.
      • Funny Funny x 2
      • Agree Agree x 1
    9. Travis Henry

      Travis Henry Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      1 Moderna Vac, Noise and stress I guess, its killing me
      Do not use this quackery. You are better off just listening to nature sounds low on a nice speaker or getting a small water fountain. This dude never had any real damage, and like a lot of scammers, such as Liam Stops Tinnitus & many others on YouTube, are taking credit for their and others' natural remission of symptoms.

      Do not play sounds directly into your ears. TRT & sound therapy is bullshit and can make what ringing you now have way worse. If that happens, you'll be really distressed about it. Tinnitus has no limit. Don't do anything to worsen it. Don't walk on a broken leg.

      There is a screenshot one page back of what @R. David Case said caused his tinnitus.

      Please do not use this or any sound therapy in ears if you have any kind of hyperacusis or lowered sound tolerance.
      • Agree Agree x 7
    10. dj_newark

      dj_newark Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Haha! Very mature. I call you a 'nutcase,' and you respond by calling me one! What are you? Five years old? And that study you sent me was about as good as the Lenire study. No placebo. I think you are proving my point.

      As others have pointed out, your method is nothing more than residual inhibition. It's nothing new, and it's not scientific.
      • Agree Agree x 5
    11. rei

      rei Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      2006 but not a problem till 10/19
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      loud music spiked with lyme disease
      Tinnitus Mix is a cutting-edge industrial/comedy album that deserves a Grammy. If you believe laughter is medicine, then go for it.
      • Funny Funny x 3
    12. BB23

      BB23 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Antibiotics and mirtazapine
      You have actually summed up why sites like Tinnitus Talk still exist and why there will probably be no cure for this condition.

      Everybody researching this condition is in it for fame and financial benefit. They can't admit they can not cure it, or they aren't capable of curing it. They don't even know what the problem is. If it is neuronal loss, good luck curing it in the first place. But they will go on talks, forums, etc. to fill up their bank accounts. At this point, their talks aren't any different than listening to afterlife gurus on YouTube.

      And then we have others, such as Jastreboff, who would medically gaslight you if you don't think TRT works for you by saying you are an attention seeker.

      Unless there happens to be a government initiative to fix this condition, like what happened with HIV, don't expect any proper treatments.

      We are still waiting for Prof. Tzounopoulos to bring out his miracle drug so we can cure our pet mice if they get acute tinnitus. It has been almost 15 years.

      Also, pretty much all tinnitus "experts" would have been out of a job had this been any other industry.
      • Like Like x 2
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    13. Smork

      Smork Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud Sound Damage
      Natural remission of tinnitus can certainly happen. But it's not going to be so rapid that it occurs within a few weeks. So, if listening to this audio for a few weeks reduces tinnitus, it is improper to attribute that to natural remission. I've had tinnitus for eight months, and throughout that time, it has only gotten worse over time, never better. So, the notion that it will spontaneously heal itself without any kind of technology within a period of three weeks is absurd.

      I see some folks here abusing skepticism, using it improperly. Skepticism has to be applied carefully so that you don't trample over legitimate things.

      I find it implausible that all of @R. David Case's testimonials are fake or delusional people. @R. David Case obviously doesn't gain anything from giving out this free audio and patiently guiding people through this process for years. This is the worst possible way to earn money or fame.

      It's easy to be skeptical of things that are not 100% guaranteed and demonstrated. But nothing in this field of tinnitus is a 100% guaranteed solution, and if you expect such a solution, then you're just not being realistic. If there is even a 50% chance solution, that would be a miracle, especially if it's free and easy to use.

      If there were ever a 100% guaranteed solution, Tinnitus Talk could be shut down, and every doctor in the world would just offer it. But human medicine rarely works that way because it's too complex, and there are too many factors at play. So those of us who are serious about finding a solution must be open-minded and look for stuff that is in the grey area. If that approach doesn't appeal to you, frankly, I don't understand why you're on this forum. Yes, there are risks. After all, this is experimental medicine, because none of the established medicine is good enough for our condition.

      To me, @R. David Case's solution seems plausible because, from what I understand, tinnitus caused by loud sound damage is the result of the little hairs in the ear getting damaged. The hairs get crinkled up and out of shape, which causes them to hear static and produce phantom sounds. It is plausible that something like @R. David Case's audio could shift around those crinkled hairs and straighten them back out over time. Obviously, sound waves affect and move those little hairs around all the time. So @R. David Case's audio could be like giving your hair cells a sonic massage or bath, and any misaligned hair cells could get loosened up in the process, similar to combing out tangled hair. Just from listening to his audio for 1 hour, that's sorta how it feels to me.

      I think the issue with tinnitus is not so much that your hair cells died off as they were damaged and dislocated. If they completely died off, then that would be permanent hearing loss, more so than tinnitus.

      This is just my theory. I don't know if it's true, but it would align with the testimonials @R. David Case shares and explain why light therapy might be effective, as some people report.
      • Helpful Helpful x 1
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    14. Smork

      Smork Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud Sound Damage
      I already have some results to report.

      Today I listened to Tinnitus Mix for 4 hours straight while awake using my AudioTechnica ATH-M50x PRO over-ear headphones. This reduced my tinnitus from 8/10 to 3/10. It's very obvious, not some vague placebo. It feels like magic, so quiet for the first time in months. My tinnitus has been constant for 8 months. It does not vary in intensity throughout the day or day to day. So this result is obvious to me.

      But I have no idea how long this will last. I suspect it will be temporary for now, but for the first time, I have hope.

      This is just a test. I will be testing this a lot more in the weeks to come to get a conclusive result.
      • Like Like x 2
      • Funny Funny x 1
    15. RunningMan

      RunningMan Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      HiFrq ~2000, Increased 2022, LoFrq ~2020
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud noise - clubs, stereos, cycles, headphones, engines,etc
      Actually, it can happen quickly. When I was younger, I would get tinnitus that would fade over a shorter time frame.
      If you look over those very few testimonials, some of them were just speaking in general and never used Tinnitus Mix. The others don't even exist in the Tinnitus Talk membership, or are potentially newly registered users like yourself with a very low post count, and likely sock puppets. I haven't seen any credible feedback that Tinnitus Mix has truly worked for anyone, but there would be some placebo effect and residual inhibition that gives temporary relief, no different than the many other similar sound files on YouTube, that are more peaceful to listen to.

      I noticed you just registered to Tinnitus Talk today and have a lot to post in defense of @R. David Case. You say things in a way that sounds like @R. David Case.
      Thanks for warning others about your experience so they can avoid the adverse effects of using Tinnitus Mix.
      • Agree Agree x 3
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    16. dj_newark

      dj_newark Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Sure, my man! It's my pleasure and civic duty to warn others about this dangerous "treatment". I think it's highly likely that @Smork is a sock account for @R. David Case! Good catch!
      • Agree Agree x 3
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    17. Markku

      Markku Founder Staff Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I'm pretty confident it's not his sock account. There are many reasons why I think so, but rather not go into specifics as to not give ideas to genuine sock puppets.

      Could it be a friend supporting him? That I cannot guarantee.

      Personally, I don't think @R. David Case is a scam artist or scum of the earth like some here describe him. I think he sincerely believes he has created something useful and wants to help others by sharing the file. And I know that some people have absolutely found the file to help. I've spoken with some of those and I have no reason to question their experience. But likewise, I have no reason to question your or some others' experiences who feel this has worsened their tinnitus. I hope there will be some actual relief in the coming years.

      This all in contrast to Guy Stops Tinnitus and others who I get a really bad vibe about.

      Tinnitus Mix sounds incredibly awful to my ears; I could never sleep with it as suggested. So I'd definitely say caution is advised - and that's why we have had that warning in the first post since the early days.

      One thing I should add that I don't like: @R. David Case should not make blanket statements that Tinnitus Mix is in every situation safe, or scientifically validated in any manner. If your ears are severely compromised, you have reactive tinnitus or hyperacusis, in my opinion it's not something to try at all. And if you do try it, do so only at very low volumes. And the scientific paper that was referenced is indeed worthless; it wouldn't pass muster in credible, high-ranking journals.

      Anyway... let's try to be a little nicer to each other, calling others nutcases and so forth is not welcome from either side.
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      • Winner Winner x 1
    18. Smork

      Smork Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud Sound Damage
      It's predictable that you would say that. Because it's obvious from your attitude that your mind is not truly open. I read a lot of this early thread and I see people here being unfairly skeptical and cynical. You're approaching this whole thing from a position of closedmindedness and negativity. Then your mind gets trapped in confirmation bias. This is a basic misuse of the mind. Serious science and discovery cannot be done from such a frame of mind because you only accept the evidence which validates your existing assumptions. This leaves no room for anything truly original to arise. If someone registered on Tinnitus Talk and offered a genuine new solution to tinnitus, with your attitude, you would shoot it down. So then why even be here? A certain degree of optimism and trust is necessary to do effective science. Otherwise all you're left with is criticism and naysaying. Optimism is necessary to take action, to experiment, to explore, to take risks, to make new discoveries. Not a foolish optimism, but a grounded optimism squared against experimental results.

      I am not any kind of sock puppet. I do not know @R. David Case. I have never heard of his method until today. The reason I registered my account is because I spent a long time browsing Tinnitus Talk for information, and then I stumbled upon this thread and needed to ask @R. David Case some clarifying questions to make sure I do this treatment regimen properly.

      Notice that when you adopt such a negative, cynical attitude, anyone new who comes to Tinnitus Talk is shot down. You are literally shooting down people who might have a cure for you at some point. @R. David Case came here 5 years ago, he was immediately shot down, and is still being shot down 5 years later. Even though he seems genuine and helpful. How do you expect to actually make progress on finding a solution to tinnitus with such a cynical attitude towards new perspectives, new techniques, and new members? Just the fact that you think that @R. David Case would register fake accounts on Tinnitus Talk and type the kind of things I said in order to fool you guys to download a free audio file, is shockingly cynical.

      I understand that people here are suffering and some have become jaded from trying many things which haven't worked. I'm in the same boat. But the point of Tinnitus Talk is to explore and find new solutions, using out-of-the-box thinking. It's because I am suffering that I don't have the luxury of trolling @R. David Case or being cynical. I'm just here for the tangible results and any information that is required to get it. Don't forget, cynicism is not a good way to succeed in life. Cynics end up miserable bitter losers in the end. Living the good life requires a certain degree of trust, hope, and positivity. Especially if you are suffering from chronic health issues.

      It is reasonable to warn people about the potential risks that come with any experimental medical technology. But it is not wise to constantly undermine people who are trying to offer solutions, being helpful, and sharing feedback. If you don't want to take the risk of trying this method, I understand. It's potentially a big risk. But that does not make it right to undermine others. Almost every medical intervention comes with risk. You will never find a tinnitus cure with 100% guaranteed proof and 0% risk. Even taking Ibuprofen comes with risk. But if you don't risk anything then how can you find anything truly new? Everyone has their own risk tolerance. I am not telling anyone to take risk which they are uncomfortable with.

      @R. David Case's audio sounds grating, but this is superficial as you can quickly get over it. It took me 30 minutes to get used to listening to it. It's actually kind of easy because it masks my tinnitus while I listen to it. If the choice is listening to @R. David Case's grating soundtrack for 3 weeks vs. living with tinnitus for the rest of my life, for me that's a no-brainer. If you turn the volume down to 1/10 or 2/10 and you stop being a baby about it, then it's quite easy to listen to. When the volume is so low it does not make sense that this would damage the ears. My ears are exposed to higher volumes when I am driving in the car or listening to music. Maybe some of you have ears that are so damaged that you cannot listen to it, in which case I understand. That's something you have to judge for yourself.

      Anyhow, I'm not here to debate or to convince anyone of anything. I'm just here to get the answers I need to cure my tinnitus, post my results, and then I'm outta here. I appreciate anyone here who is serious about finding a solution and sharing tips for doing so.

      The reason I defended @R. David Case is because when I started reading this thread it was immediately obvious that he was being treated unfairly even though his approach sounded genuine and he holds his poise well. Even if he is a scammer, that is not obvious from his tone and approach and he should be given more respect for his work. Because if you don't respect people who come to you with solutions, even if those solutions don't pan out, eventually no one will ever come to you. And then you will truly be stuck. If he is genuine, I am thankful that people like @R. David Case exist. If he turns out to be a scammer, well, then I made a mistake to trust him. But it's not obvious that this is the case so we shouldn't judge him too soon.

      That's my perspective anyway.
      You and I are talking about different things here. I was talking about permanent, persistent tinnitus, which lasts for months and years. If that can heal naturally, it will not happen within a week or two. My tinnitus has been stable over time, so I should be a good test subject.
      • Funny Funny x 3
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    19. Jammer

      Jammer Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Acoustic trauma
      Definitely a buddy.
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    20. dj_newark

      dj_newark Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      The reason you defend @R. David Case is because you are @R. David Case. This is obvious. I respectfully disagree with @Markku on that. How anyone could read that and not believe it was written by that guy is beyond me.

      For the record, I never said @R. David Case is a bad person or "scum of the earth." I just think there might be something a little off about him.
      • Agree Agree x 3
      • Genius Genius x 1
    21. AUTHOR
      R. David Case

      R. David Case Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      For the record, I do not know anyone posting here and this is the only account I have.

      I USE MY REAL NAME. None of you do.
      Hi, I'm glad you are getting results with Tinnitus Mix. Make sure you don't skip a day/night, or the feedback loop in the tinnitus structure will reform, and you will have to start over. The haters on here are saying all kinds of things about you because you are seeing results; if you did not see results, you would be their best friend. It's so funny how this group wants failure, and when something comes along that helps, the mob mentality jumps on them and attacks them. Don't let negative people affect your posting of good results.

      Screenshot 2021-09-18 at 09-23-10 I Invented a Sound That Knocked Out My Tinnitus.png

      Screenshot 2021-09-18 at 09-21-26 I Invented a Sound That Knocked Out My Tinnitus.png

      hyperacusis gone.png
      Yes, I had upper-range hearing loss until I invented the Tinnitus Mix; many others report improved hearing after using It. Here is one explanation of why it helps hearing:

      therory of how therapy works.png

      It is best to use the Koss KTX-PRO1 headphones as they work best, but if you're seeing results with the ones you have, keep going.

      We have tested Tinnitus Mix on thousands of people, and NO ONE has got a long-term spike; it may last 2-3 days and always goes back down. We find the reason is they have a form of reactive tinnitus. No sound therapy can help reactive tinnitus.

      Tinnitus Mix can help sound-induced tinnitus like yours; many band members have contacted me, and here is what they have said about Tinnitus Mix:






      • Funny Funny x 4
    22. dj_newark

      dj_newark Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Yeah, yeah. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt! Some of us value anonymity (to the extent possible) on sites like this. It's a choice. There's nothing inherently good or bad about using a pseudonym. It's just something some of us wish to do.
    23. AnthonyMcDonald

      AnthonyMcDonald Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise induced
      Bro really used people who sit next to drums with tinnitus as definitive examples lol.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    24. Fields

      Fields Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise trauma
      I feel the attacks on @R. David Case are starting to feel a little bit unwarranted. I understand that people are trying to protect other sufferers from further harming their ears, which I'm thankful for.

      However, despite a lot of negative (personal) feedback, @R. David Case has been nothing but civil, trying to help the community in his own way. I personally do not believe in his approach, but I appreciate his efforts nevertheless.

      The least we can do is remain civil.
      • Agree Agree x 5
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    25. dj_newark

      dj_newark Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Insults were hurled by both sides, and neither side took the high road. I apologize for my behavior, but I don't apologize for relating my experience that Tinnitus Mix made my tinnitus worse and for questioning the approach for Tinnitus Mix. I believe this method is really just residual inhibition and nothing special. You can get the same effect from thousands of videos on YouTube. And I believe that @R. David Case was wrong for pointing to a scientifically bogus study that was supposed to support his method. That is not an attack; that's my opinion, and I stand by it.
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      • Friendly Friendly x 1
    26. Smork

      Smork Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud Sound Damage
      So, I've been using Tinnitus Mix a lot over the last few days. It definitely reduces my tinnitus by up to 50% or even 75% if I use it for a long time. But the effects dissipate throughout the day. The real question for me now is how permanent I can make it if I do the full three-week protocol.

      So far, I have never noticed my tinnitus getting worse from Tinnitus Mix. It's always reduced it, and overall, I feel much happier from using it. I hope I can lock in some permanent reduction with long-term use.

      I'll report back in a few weeks.
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      • Funny Funny x 1
    27. ZFire

      ZFire Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
      2012 (mild) & 04/2021 (severe)
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Ototoxicity (2012) Unknown-likely noise induce (2021)
      Threads like this really highlight the urgent need for objective measurements in evaluating tinnitus treatment outcomes. This way, we would know for sure what’s actually bogus and what’s not.

      Subjective self-reports ain’t going to get it done.
      • Agree Agree x 7
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    28. AUTHOR
      R. David Case

      R. David Case Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I agree. I wish I had an extra million to fund a study on Tinnitus Mix, but I don't. In the meanwhile, I am helping thousands of people. It's the best I can do; to give it away free in hopes more will be able to get their lives back.

      CD saved her life.png

      ben roels best.png
      • Funny Funny x 3
    29. rei

      rei Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      2006 but not a problem till 10/19
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      loud music spiked with lyme disease
      I agree. Self-reporting isn't going to get it done. Four years ago, when I tried Tinnitus Mix, I thought my tinnitus was fluctuating daily. It took me a while to realize that my tinnitus doesn't fluctuate at all, but my perception of it does depend on a number of things, mostly having to do with my mood and how immersed I am in work/projects. Four years later, it mostly doesn't bother me anymore, although the volume hasn't decreased at all. I should also say that if I go to a concert with earplugs in, my tinnitus hardly bothers me, and it seems to last for a while. Not something I'm recommending as a treatment, but it's probably no less crazy than listening to Tinnitus Mix while trying to sleep.
      • Informative Informative x 1
    30. dj_newark

      dj_newark Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Regardless of the circumstances, you don't have the science to back up your claims. All you have are anecdotes. There is no evidence, only claims of it helping.
      • Agree Agree x 2

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