I Think This Is the End

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This is one area among several I disagree. In fact when you threw in an occasional F bomb for punctuation, I thought there maybe hope for you but then you started writing effusively without strategic swearing in iambic pentameter and this is where the content of your writing degraded and became more vacuous. You have an opportunity to repent. You see, writing about tinnitus and not conceding about how fucked up it is, is being intellectually dishonest. You can atone if you find Jesus. Can I get a big Amen from Nathalie's flock? Or at least a hell yeah?

I cannot be perfect all the time. No one is flawless in their doings. Why are you so determined to find what is wrong about me or my posts? Maybe you have misunderstood me somehow. Lol man, it doesn't make sense to me. Maybe I don't make sense all the time in my posts but it happens to all of us. Nothing too serious.
I cannot be perfect all the time. No one is flawless in their doings. Why are you so determined to find what is wrong about me or my posts? Maybe you have misunderstood me somehow. Lol man, it doesn't make sense to me. Maybe I don't make sense all the time in my posts but it happens to all of us. Nothing too serious.
Nobody can be perfect because there is no such thing as perfect. Who has dominion on the definition of perfection?
I do want to be clear about something. Your suffering is real and each of us have been in your place. To me, you lack perspective. Perhaps because you are young and/or may have been sheltered or perhaps just the way you are.
I find your writing hollow. Forgive me for being harsh. One way you can look at your tinnitus is...this is the beginning of your journey and not the end. The beginning to becoming a more understanding and compassionate person and stepping outside your self indulgence and idyllic and farcical view of the world which is a fairy tale and recognize that the human condition is about suffering and compassion for others and not about self pity. So you have an opportunity Nathalie. You can become mired in self pity or you can become a better person. Of course you should be gentle with yourself through the grieving process of contracting tinnitus. We all know exactly how you feel. Learn to love yourself and to reach out and help others who possibly have suffered more than you ever have or ever will. Tinnitus isn't an iota of your true self. However it is exposing who you are. It is of no coincidence that those that have the most to offer with deep understanding on this forum who try to help others the most have suffered the most.
I am hopeful you take my post in a constructive way and I truly wish you and everybody here the strength to make the journey we are all on together with grace.
What do you think about airbags and people who don't want them ? :D
My view is...the same about motorcycle helmets. Tho those that choose to disable airbags can often meet the same fate as those that ride without a motorcycle helmet...death rate rises which increase medical costs and insurance premiums for everybody. As we have discussed before however, to each his own. Seatbelts can cause bruising if in a head on crash as well. But without an airbag, survivability of a head on crash...chances are miniscule.

Only other thing to say is to think about others. If you disable all the airbags...some vehicles have 8 or so...perhaps even more including roll over and side impact bags....and a passenger in your vehicle is killed...a family member or neighbor friend, this would be a tougher burden to bear likely more than a spike in your tinnitus.
We had this discussion before. Just joking man. To remind you that it's not always so easy to have perspective and a deep understanding of other people. I think Nathalie is doing pretty good, as a lot is happening to her these days.

I was in the same horrible situation a few months ago. It took me more time to calm down and see life differently (but I still don't want airbags).
We had this discussion before. Just joking man. To remind you that it's not always so easy to have perspective and a deep understanding of other people. I think Nathalie is doing pretty good, as a lot is happening to her these days.

I was in the same horrible situation a few months ago. It took me more time to calm down and see life differently (but I still don't want airbags).
Why I wrote what I did. We have all been in her place and quite right, there should be much compassion.
My car has 10 airbags and whilst I can disable them at a flick of a switch I wouldn't want to do that...
Certainly a worthy discussion for those of us with our hearing challenges. The pop of an airbag can change a person who has hearing damage without question. So it comes down to the possible consequence of greater T and H versus the higher probability of death in the event of an accident. People make choices. My only hope is they don't make this choice for others as they ride along with them.

My father years ago would never wear his seatbelt. He died years later unrelated to driving therefore it wasn't a consequence in his life. This pre-dated airbags. As it turns out, I was in a rollover crash in a sportscar years ago when I was young...a convertible in fact and had I not had my seatbelt on, tinnitus would have been the least of my problems. Still always better to be lucky than good.;)
No parties? That's worse than T ;)
Seriously, glad you are having a low T day. I woke up to 3/10 and about a 2 or so now....a livable level.
Be well Sam.

You to man! Alrhough i am curious, what wouls you be doing differently if it were on an unliveable level?
You to man! Alrhough i am curious, what wouls you be doing differently if it were on an unliveable level?
I would probably try and develop a closer personal relationship with someone who has struggled with this disorder more than anybody here and that would be glynis. I would contact her and try to follow her roadmap for survival.
Michael, GregCA and may others know a lot about how to cope with intrusive tinnitus but to me glynis sets the bar high. Her insight is quite special and I would ask humbly for her advice.
@Michael Leigh ,
Your car is lovely on the photo and 10 airbags wow...

My view on airbags they are their for a reason just like seat belts and child car seats ...one day may save your life ..lots of love glynis
As it turns out, I was in a rollover crash in a sportscar years ago when I was young...a convertible in fact and had I not had my seatbelt on, tinnitus would have been the least of my problems. Still always better to be lucky than good.;)
I see the airbag as a life saving device and it's not 100% certain that if they are deployed, a person is bound to get tinnitus or if they already have it that it will be made worse? I know their sound level upon activation is around 170db but I still am not going to disable them.
Last summer I went to a venue where the sound level was around 100 decibels. I wore no earplugs although I had them with me and had no problems with hyperacusis or tinnitus. This was just a test and something I don't normally do or recommend anyone to try.


@stophiss , Aww thank you for your kind words and you can contact me anytime .

Today im laid up with a gunky nose and chest infection but been work and still smiling even though my ears have joined in the party and lungs now protesting.

Was lovely see the children and telling me what they have been up too.
Looking forward to one more night with my Christmas tree up and lights and a glass or two of something nice...
Then off the doctors tomorrow as
need a recovery package of antibiotics and steroids but staying positive as I know what to do and need.

Had a amazing New year in London
..lots of love glynis
I see the airbag as a life saving device and it's not 100% certain that if they are deployed, a person is bound to get tinnitus or if they already have it that it will be made worse? I
You probably remember my story... So you know, I'm 100 % certain of the consequences (I only speak for me of course) ;)

I went from mild T, mild H and mild hearing loss to 8-9/10 T, severe H and moderate to severe hearing loss because a kid's balloon popped next to my head inside a car. That was exactly one year ago and my life changed completely.

I know that if tomorrow, an airbag goes bang next to me, I'll live a whole new level of hell. It'd be a shame, as I'm still struggling with my current hellish hearing.

So I will shock some of you, or make laugh some of you, but I'd clearly prefer to die instead of having to face all the consequences (airbags and the rest) of a big crash. I'll always inform my passengers, no one has to come with me if they don't want to. I don't have kids.
You probably remember my story... So you know, I'm 100 % certain of the consequences (I only speak for me of course) ;)

I went from mild T, mild H and mild hearing loss to 8-9/10 T, severe H and moderate to severe hearing loss because a kid's balloon popped next to my head inside a car. That was exactly one year ago and my life changed completely.

I know that if tomorrow, an airbag goes bang next to me, I'll live a whole new level of hell. It'd be a shame, as I'm still struggling with my current hellish hearing.

So I will shock some of you, or make laugh some of you, but I'd clearly prefer to die instead of having to face all the consequences (airbags and the rest) of a big crash. I'll always inform my passengers, no one has to come with me if they don't want to. I don't have kids.
Certainly no laughter from me....an important choice. I completely respect your decision Fonky and even though I am not the most knowledgeable member about hearing on this forum, I am an expert in airbags and what they can do to save lives.
I am not shocked all said but god damn it, I wish a cure would come along that could address the suffering that some have with this disorder. Ride safely or take the train a lot...no guarantees about the latter either these days. ;)
Cheers bro and hoping you get some relief in '17.
So I will shock some of you, or make laugh some of you,
As I mentioned to you yesterday @Foncky hyperacusis, is no laughing matter when it's severe and I believe I've had it as bad as it can get. Conversation with someone hurt my ears. I know you are going to try other treatment and I hope you get some relief from the symptoms. However, when hyperacusis has been caused by loud noise, as in your case and mine; the auditory receptors or gateways in the brain have been opened up wide and this causes the sensitivity to sound that you are experiencing. The best way to treat it, is to desensitize the auditory system with white noise generators and thus, this will close down the auditory gateways (receptors) but it is not a quick fix. It could take up to 2 years as in my case. If the treatment that you are going to try isn't successful I advise you to consider wearing white noise generators in the manner that I advised yesterday.
@stophiss Thank you. The old BMW E32 I plan to buy will provide a good amount of passive safety, that's a start... And the V8 engine is not bad ! So I'll finally enjoy my rides, hopefully.

@Michael Leigh don't you think that my hearing loss could reduce the potential effect of white noise generators ?

Sorry for the off topic Nathalie.
@Michael Leigh don't you think that my hearing loss could reduce the potential effect of white noise generators ?

I don't think your hearing loss will be too much of a problem Foncky. If you are able to be seen by hearing therapist, you can be fitted with hearing aids that also have white noise generators in them. They serve a dual purpose. I still wear my white noise generator at home even when my tinnitus is silent. My white noise generations also have built in hearing aids. Because I do not have any hearing loss, my hearing therapist disabled the hearing aid section via the computer.

I truly believe that you can get help but it might be expensive. Since you have hearing loss then you would need to be seen by a hearing therapist and be fitted with dual purpose hearing aids. If you are not wearing hearing aids at the moment, this will often make the tinnitus and hyperacusis more intrusive. As you know, when a person has hearing loss the brain tries to compensate for the loss in hearing by turning up its internal gain. Unfortunately, this often increases the level of the tinnitus and also the hyperacusisis.

The hearing aids will supply your brain with more sound from the outside environment and this allow your brain to reduce its internal gain. A hearing therapist might decided that you only need to be fitted with hearing aids, which will treat the tinnitus and hyperacusis. In any event, I believe once you are properly assessed and fitted with the right devices: hearing aid or hearing aid with white noise generators, I think you will make improvement
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@stophiss , Aww thank you for your kind words and you can contact me anytime .

Today im laid up with a gunky nose and chest infection but been work and still smiling even though my ears have joined in the party and lungs now protesting.

Was lovely see the children and telling me what they have been up too.
Looking forward to one more night with my Christmas tree up and lights and a glass or two of something nice...
Then off the doctors tomorrow as
need a recovery package of antibiotics and steroids but staying positive as I know what to do and need.

Had a amazing New year in London
..lots of love glynis
Glad to hear your trip went well!

You are one resilient lady Glynis. You have my utmost respect.
Thank you kind sir......
Happy New Year to you.
I think this year will be full of fun and laughter and balances out the not so good days....staying my positive self.

MY NEW MOTTO for 2017
If life throws you lemons don't think life sucks as it's up to us make the most of everything we can do and what we have... lots of love glynis :)
@stophiss Thank you. The old BMW E32 I plan to buy will provide a good amount of passive safety, that's a start... And the V8 engine is not bad ! So I'll finally enjoy my rides, hopefully.

@Michael Leigh don't you think that my hearing loss could reduce the potential effect of white noise generators ?

Sorry for the off topic Nathalie.
Sure its an E32 with a V8 engine Fonky? On this size of the pond the E-32 came in straight six...venerable M30 and V12 incantations...V12 motors had huge reliability issues. V8 E38 7 series...successsor to E-32 came along in the next model run with all aluminum 32V 4.0L V8....740i and 740iL. Be weary for what its worth and perform a leak down test on the all aluminum V8 Fonky before you buy. Lots of engine blocks replaced in the US due to cylinder wall failure...no wet liners.

Here are a couple of pics of my E-32 BMW 735iL I restored with some tasteful mods several years ago.
The car was truly an exceptional motorcar and considered by many to the finest saloon in the world in its day. I sold it to a collector who flew into my town and got a speeding ticket when driving it cross country back home.:cool::
FWIW driver air bag and no pass air-bag:


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@stophiss Nice car and you restored it well. What are you driving now?
A modest GM SUV. I sold my custom cars and motorcycles when I moved south to indulge my passion for cycling where I can ride year around.
My bikes have replaced my car fetish. Only a slightly less expensive hobby as it turns out. I decided to give up riding motorcycles because of the risk to life and limb. I love motorcycles arguably more than cars and I have owned some pretty cool cars. I grew up racing. I couldn't stand to get maimed on a motorcycle which countless do so I can be healthy enough to ride bicycles at high speed. Of course, its pretty easy to get run over on a bicycle and many people in my club have had bad crashes on the road.
Sure its an E32 with a V8 engine Fonky? On this size of the pond the E-32 came in straight six...venerable M30 and V12 incantations...V12 motors had huge reliability issues. V8 E38 7 series...successsor to E-32 came along in the next model run with all aluminum 32V 4.0L V8....740i and 740iL. Be weary for what its worth and perform a leak down test on the all aluminum V8 Fonky before you buy. Lots of engine blocks replaced in the US due to cylinder wall failure...no wet liners.

Here are a couple of pics of my E-32 BMW 735iL I restored with some tasteful mods several years ago.
The car was truly an exceptional motorcar and considered by many to the finest saloon in the world in its day. I sold it to a collector who flew into my town and got a speeding ticket when driving it cross country back home.:cool::
FWIW driver air bag and no pass air-bag:
Outch, I'd like to find one in this shape !

I'm in Europe, E32 came with a V8 engine (3.0L or 4.0L) in 1993 and 1994.
A modest GM SUV. I sold my custom cars and motorcycles when I moved south to indulge my passion for cycling where I can ride year around.
My bikes have replaced my car fetish. Only a slightly less expensive hobby as it turns out. I decided to give up riding motorcycles because of the risk to life and limb. I love motorcycles arguably more than cars and I have owned some pretty cool cars. I grew up racing. I couldn't stand to get maimed on a motorcycle which countless do so I can be healthy enough to ride bicycles at high speed. Of course, its pretty easy to get run over on a bicycle and many people in my club have had bad crashes on the road.
Well done Stophiss
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