Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

@FERNANDO GIL do you posses a mobile device that produces more power than this medical equipment?
Would you suggest the above treatment? It sais it combines 5 visits to the office with a tool of 5mw you can buy and use at home. Any experience with those?

Is a SCAM, 5Mw is nothing, absolute nothing.
40 Mw /660 nm is ok for your day use. 5 sessions are not enouph.
I coundn´t read it. It´s in greek, but for what I can see ii´s a scam.

I will pass it to Anne , maybe she knows someone in Grece.
Hello @FERNANDO GIL , You convinced me of the value of LLLT . I must now find a doctor in France who practices this kind of thing . For the moment I can not travel I finish my studies in 1.5 years :( . I have a tinnitus in both ears with a slight loss of 10/20 db between 6000 and 8000 MHz .

whatever happens I will find a way to be part of the team LLLT .
Hello @FERNANDO GIL , You convinced me of the value of LLLT . I must now find a doctor in France who practices this kind of thing . For the moment I can not travel I finish my studies in 1.5 years :( . I have a tinnitus in both ears with a slight loss of 10/20 db between 6000 and 8000 MHz .

whatever happens I will find a way to be part of the team LLLT .

Thanks for the thread, but 10/20 db loss is to not "enouph" to have T. Did you make an audiogram all the way to 16Mhz orit can be something else, please check all possible options that can cause T. Can you share your audigram, maybe you can get some more help from other people on the fórum.
I have tinnitus because of a very hugenoise trauma ( concert without protection). I was almost deaf. I immediately received treatment with corticoid . I had nothing before. I have tinnitus fore more than two years . After eight months the sound became a pure tonal tone . I have some times big spikes for a few weeks .

I made a Audiogram before my acoustic trauma and after (1 year after ) .
I'll post my audiogram as soon

This is actually the loss between 6000 and 8000 , which has triggered my tinnitus .

If yes I made up an audiogram 16,000 and nothing to report.

: D
Fernando I had 2 audiogram done but up to 8khz with no loss more than 10db in both times
Initially I thought my T was at 8khz but it is very difficult to pinpoint. now i think it is at a higher frequency maybe 14khz
I got my T 6 weeks ago couple of days after a strong cold that I had
I had done 2 CT scans and an MRI and saw 7 ENT specialists who all said everything seems fine in your ears either it will go by it self or get used to it
I currently take neurobin, vitamins daily and 3x16mg betaserc
Would doing LLLT help in my scenario where there is no noticeable hearing loss I actually feel I have H where I can hear low noises that people around me cannot hear
I also did an ABR and it was natural represent
saw 7 ENT specialists who all said everything seems fine in your ears either it will go by it self or get used to it
You right they are specialists, but to say what they all say." it will go by it self or get used to it"
And once again those "specialists" didn´t make you an audigram all the way to 16Mhz. I´m I correct?

If not try to make it. possible your T is on the high frequencies.

LLLt can help to gain hearing, but on the HF takes longer than on the lows. You'll get some reduction on your T, but only time will tell if cure can be achieved, no promises. I have to remember that it takes time and effort, And protect your ears. That is the best think you can do now.
Please share you audigrams.

Please share you audigrams
attached are my audiograms conducted one month apart
none of the ENT's I saw had audiograms capable of tests over 8Khz
I am trying to find one who can to test it all the way up to 16Khz
attached are my audiograms conducted one month apart
none of the ENT's I saw had audiograms capable of tests over 8Khz
I am trying to find one who can to test it all the way up to 16KhzView attachment 4478 View attachment 4479
Your hearing seems fine for the normal ranges (0-8Khz). It doesn't look like there is anything in particular that would indicate hearing loss in higher frequencies either...
That's the issue I am currently having
No ENT is able to diagnose the reason I have T they say my CT, ABR, Pressure, Mr I and audiology report all seem to show a normal ear, my T is stable but does get louder sometimes but gets back to the baseline after few hours
What kind of hearing aids did he have? I am imagining he picked up some of those crappy ones that you can buy off the shelf in a store rather than getting professionally fitted by an audiologist.

I will have 2 ask...but pretty sure the are proff fitted.
In denmark we get this stuff paid by our taxes. So no one have cheap hearingaid.

Otherwise I can't see how it's possible that hearing aids caused more hearing loss.
This is because u have a lack of understanding in how the inner ear works and i dont blame u.
I dident know myself before Dr. Wilden told me.
If u have a wound on your leg and u keep rubbing it, its never gonna heal. Its gonna get worse.
Its the same that happens in your ears when u try to force more sound in a specific frequency to cells that work in this area and are already badly damage.
This is true for noiseinduced hearingloss.
Pretty logic imo! ??
That's the issue I am currently having
No ENT is able to diagnose the reason I have T they say my CT, ABR, Pressure, Mr I and audiology report all seem to show a normal ear, my T is stable but does get louder sometimes but gets back to the baseline after few hours
U can get loss in hearing by needing Zinc and also by jaw and neck tension!
Look it up.
But that could explain your situation.
Hearing aids causing more damage makes perfect sense to me.
Besides , probably hard to tune them at the exact frequency , meaning that they are blasting healthy areas with too loud sounds. There is also the issue of phase , the damaged areas might be less sensitive but they do still work somewhat and there is a phase difference to what goes straight into your ears and what come through the hearing aid. This might cause problems.
This is because u have a lack of understanding in how the inner ear works and i dont blame u.
I dident know myself before Dr. Wilden told me.
Dr. Wilden clearly has an agenda to sell you on LLLT, not hearing aids. That's not exactly an unbiased factual based source.

My understanding of the inner ear and how hearing aids work is just fine, thank you. :) Tell you what, I'll ask my neurotologist during my next annual followup appointment and get his thoughts. No offense, but I tend to believe the words of many ENT's I have seen during my 35+ years. It would be quite surprising to find that they all knowingly recommended something that would damage my hearing further. I'm just not big into conspiracy theories I guess.

Hearing aids causing more damage makes perfect sense to me.
Besides , probably hard to tune them at the exact frequency , meaning that they are blasting healthy areas with too loud sounds. There is also the issue of phase , the damaged areas might be less sensitive but they do still work somewhat and there is a phase difference to what goes straight into your ears and what come through the hearing aid. This might cause problems.
That is why they should be properly fitted. I have no doubt that it could cause damage if they are not 'tuned' correctly as you described. But even then, they have maximum outputs for both the hearing aid itself and also for what is programmed for a specific individual, making sure that it does not reach damaging levels. Being exposed to loud sounds doesn't automatically get amplified even further, they don't work like that.

Dr. Wilden clearly has an agenda to sell you on LLLT, not hearing aids. That's not exactly an unbiased factual based source.
And the agenda is making sure this madness with ppl getting worse and worse hearing by these incompetent ENT's is being stopped.
I could tell u alot about the connection between doctors and the big drugpush.....i mean medicincompanies go hand in hand and why natural medicin is being suppresed and its the same ugly stuff we see when it comes to hearing.
But im not gonna waste my time on that and neither should you. Cuz i already know what your ENT is gonna say.

Good luck to u :)
Level 10 to a level of 1 is quite an improvement.
Not all the time at all. but I had times for a few minuets where I try to concentrate and no sound.. Specialy if I´m out side.But very sporadic.

Yesterday at lunch time, only I when finished it I realised I didn´t notice the T for an hour, And just now at a shop, I tried to listen the T and nothing, even trying, So good signs on the way.

Sometimes I think that if I don´t get cured, I will be the unlickest guy on earth, Cause I fell it´s almost there.

All the best
Your hearing seems fine for the normal ranges (0-8Khz). It doesn't look like there is anything in particular that would indicate hearing loss in higher frequencies either...

I think you should double check everything again. And at least get an audiogram til 12Mhz, easier to find than 16Mz.
Right now if I made an audigram till 8Mhz( or even ATEOS) it would look similar to yours. But since ATEOS already made one till 12Mz he knows there is a drop, and in my case a huge drop. So my opinion now, is try to find the reason for the T.

All the best

I could tell u alot about the connection between doctors and the big drugpush.....i mean medicincompanies go hand in hand and why natural medicin is being suppresed and its the same ugly stuff we see when it comes to hearing.
Had a Chat with Anne today.
She told,yesterday she spend all day with lawyers, cause some company/ or doctors in Norway say that she can not promote in her website, that she cures Tinntus. at least in Norwegian. So she is kepping only it on the inglish/ international website, and she had to pay a few thounsands NOK of fine.

I bet if someone promotes the cure of T with TRT, that would not happen.

Now I know why Dr Wilden is the way he is.
So is the strategy to go to see dr. Wilden first and then get your own device and treat yourself?
Sorry i did not answered before.
I said in a previous thread that there is two options. That I know. The are more for sure. In the US in florida I think. But for sure ter will be more. And one of them is Dr Wilden son in Germany.
If you go to Dr wilden, you will be talking with one of the bigest specialist in earing and T in the world, all his life is about ears, you will pay 200€ for one hour of LLLT, and have a chance to buy a laser. Right there. He will explain you how it works, and you will be more than free to call him or send him a mail after the treatment, so you can get advised.
In his son clinic in germany, i don´t know the price but he sells laser as well. The other option is Anne Harilla in Norway, there you will pay 120€ for a full day of laser treatment. Usual 4/5 hours, first day less so your ears can adapt, unless you already make LLLT before you went there. You will get a much higher dose during the time you will be there. Anne does not sell lasers, but she can give you the contacts of almost every manufacturer in the world and then you decide on your own. After the treatment you can call her or mail her for advice.

She is the kindest person I was treated by. She is not so specialist in T or ears as Dr wilden, but when it comes to laser, she is the place to go for sure.

Had a Chat with Anne today.
She told,yesterday she spend all day with lawyers, cause some company/ or doctors in Norway say that she can not promote in her website, that she cures Tinntus. at least in Norwegian. So she is kepping only it on the inglish/ international website, and she had to pay a few thounsands NOK of fine.

I bet if someone promotes the cure of T with TRT, that would not happen.

Now I know why Dr Wilden is the way he is.
Yes she told me this also.
The goverment was gonna give her a personal fine of 13.000€ and one for her clinic of 39.000€ if she dident pull down her websites.

Its a crazy witch hunt. No wonder there are so few clinics, when its so hard doing bussiness.
She told me she could show them all the studies of the benefits of LLLT on T, but the dident care.
In some way i understand why we need to protect very sick or very naive people from being exploited by all kinds of scams.
But LLLT has shown positive results in studies.....even if a patient is having 1% decrease in his T from LLLT treatment, thats still 1% more then any ENT can come up with.
Its either giving hormones within what 48hours of the damage?? Or u will have to live with it.

Such a joke!
Many studies clearly shows good/very good results from most people doing LLLT.
The younger the better and the more treatment and higher dose ect. the better the respons and end results.

But goverments say noooo no... Dont bother us we the facts! Our mind is already made up. No reason to look into LLLT.
The studies with 1mW and 243nm for 2minuts inside he ear one time a year for two years in a row have clearly shown no effect!! :whistle:

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