Hi Eve,@Liz Windsor
Hi Liz. I'm really pleased for you that you can go ahead with Lenire. I agree with you that it was a much shorter hearing test. Your hearing is probably better than mine, I'm 70! How did that happen!
I thought there were a lot of gaps too and perhaps pressed for my tinnitus noise, don't know.
It would be helpful to have a longer assessment time IMO so that more questions could be asked and answered more fully.
As you saw they are a small team at present and I suspect under pressure with the amount of time available.
We are supposed to try to reduce our attention to tinnitus but at the moment most of my thoughts are focused on EARS, HEARING LOSS and TINNITUS.
I've been to Dublin before and it's lovely. How about a Group meet for some Guinness and a bit of Irish dancing to take our minds off tinnitus!
So nice to hear from you. I'm down in the West Country as well. Not as far down as you though... I was so sorry to hear you can't go forward with the device but we don't know what will happen further down the line.
Fingers crossed it can maybe help you in the future, or something else may come along. I've never been very good with hearing tests because I really get confused and don't know if it's me that's beeping! Then I don't want to press the button in case I'm 'over-pressing'

I think some Guinness and an Irish dance sounds fun! Maybe we can have a 'West of England' rendezvous - all wearing earplugs!
Take care.