Marijuana / Cannabis and Tinnitus


Oct 8, 2012
CNN recently aired a special on medical marijuana.

It was quite remarkable to see persons with very serious medical conditions helped greatly by marijuana use.

I definitely support medical marijuana.

Is there anyone who posts here who has had a positive experience with marijuana for their tinnitus?
CNN recently aired a special on medical marijuana.

It was quite remarkable to see persons with very serious medical conditions helped greatly by marijuana use.

I definitely support medical marijuana.

Is there anyone who posts here who has had a positive experience with marijuana for their tinnitus?

Hi Grant, I've been wondering the same, I support medical marijuana too and where I live its easily available. I googled a lot on other forums, seems like most people reported that it made their T worse, but I dont know, Im still looking into it.
If it's easy for you to obtain I'd recommend trying a bit, I noticed a time when I smoked when I felt like my T stopped, but it was only momentary.
I love me some weed. From my experience it and you'll see it reported quite a bit that marijuana will spike your T, it's *always* temporary though, definitely helps me sleep better. There have been a couple times where I've been high and my T completely stopped, would last like 20 minutes only though. To note I only vaporize now, try to avoid smoke.

I mentioned this in another thread here somewhere but it would be very interesting to see how different strains and extracts like edibles and oils with varying THC:CBD ratios would effect T. I would be very interested to see how a heavy CBD (this is the more medicinal component of marijuana, THC is the psychoactive part) strain or oil would effect the perception of tinnitus. If I had access to legal/medicinal marijuana I would definitely play around with it but I'm limited to normal street stuff here.
Too scared to try it ! Read other forums and seems like it made it worse for many. Next plan of action is to order "cordyceps "
This seemed to have helped some T sufferers. It's a supplement made with some kind of mushroom.
The tinnitus spike associated with MJ is temporary. In fact, I'll add that I have always felt it was a "mental" spike, because your anxiety can spike so much. If you are a person prone to anxiety, I would strongly advise against MJ. I have no personal problem with it and will not say it is bad, but I definitely believe that if you are a person prone to anxiety, smoking MJ can cause your anxiety to go through the roof. For a tinnitus sufferer, that is a huge deal. If it helps, well, hell, more power to you.
I have not smoked weed in 40 years, but with me it heightened all my senses & made me paranoid, from what I have just read and my own experience I am going to stay away from it. I have some a friend gave me to try, so far it is sitting in a drawer.

Hey if it works for you though, I say go for it....
I think it's just like having a couple of beers/wine. You might feel different, listening to some music, taking your awareness away from the T, thus seemingly helping. Or like coffee, I've had mixed results. I'm not sure anything helps mine much. It's always there and I don't want to think about it.

Do you still have the pulsating, and have you had any additional tests to determine what the cause might be?
It is legal in my state. I have talked to some with T, who smoke regularly and they say it definitely spikes it. What I am wondering about are the edibles (foods with marijuana). More powerful than smoking it, longer lasting and I heard it is better for people with chronic pain. Not sure about chronic T though.
Hi Karen, in reply.
Yes, I still have the pulsating T. My coping has gotten better, sometimes, I hope, sometimes.
I personally still don't know the cause. I thought it was a mixture of some medications I was talking for a while. The original ENT comment was some sort of nerve damage causing hearing loss. I just happen to have the pulsating effect too. WOW, lucky me, if I could only win the lottery. Some day's if the pulsing volume goes down, a little, it's a lot better to deal with. It must be due to some vascular (blood flow), imo. I kind of gave up the research.
Too scared to try it ! Read other forums and seems like it made it worse for many. Next plan of action is to order "cordyceps "
This seemed to have helped some T sufferers. It's a supplement made with some kind of mushroom.
Watch this video if you want to know where cordyceps come from:

In short, cordyceps are a species-specific fungus that attacks an insect, modifies the insect's behavior in order to optimize its own growth, and then blasts out of the dead bug's body---like something from a sci-fi film!

As for tinnitus, here is a link for Cordyceps:

Hi Karen, in reply.
Yes, I still have the pulsating T. My coping has gotten better, sometimes, I hope, sometimes.
I personally still don't know the cause. I thought it was a mixture of some medications I was talking for a while. The original ENT comment was some sort of nerve damage causing hearing loss. I just happen to have the pulsating effect too. WOW, lucky me, if I could only win the lottery. Some day's if the pulsing volume goes down, a little, it's a lot better to deal with. It must be due to some vascular (blood flow), imo. I kind of gave up the research.

If it makes you feel any better, when I first got tinnitus I had pretty bad pulsating tinnitus aswell along with a gang of other noises. It was pretty bad for a few months (5-6) but the pulsating resolved by itself, hoping the same happens for you!
I can speak from experience and say that the effects of it, positive or negative, are only temporary.

It doesn't really help or hurt you at all. It just seems to have affected you while your body is under the effects.
I vaporize MJ about 2 hours before going it and although it doesn't help T at all, I do sleep like a log. On top of that, sex is always great. MJ has a tendency to enhance sensations. In my case it does enhance the T but it also enhances fun things like orgasms. ;)
Hi Golly thank you so much for the info and video, very interesting ! Seems like Cordyceps helps those who's T was caused by fluid. Mine was caused by aspirin and then noise, but am so desperate I'll try Cordyceps too. Wii buy online soon. Thanks once again.
Hi Golly thank you so much for the info and video, very interesting ! Seems like Cordyceps helps those who's T was caused by fluid. Mine was caused by aspirin and then noise, but am so desperate I'll try Cordyceps too. Wii buy online soon. Thanks once again.

You are very welcome! Please give feedback as to whether the Cordyceps prove beneficial. I hope you feel better soon.

Best, Golly.
I smoke a bit of pot in some form or another every single day. Afghani hash is my saving grace. It doesn't lower the volume of my tinnitus at all, and if anything, it causes a spike. But it's worth it.

Smoking weed keeps me balanced, helps me sleep, helps me keep on weight, and essentially cures my depression. It's been more beneficial to me than any other med I've ever tried, with fewer side effects, and virtually non-existent withdrawal if I ever happen to run out or take a break.

It is mind bogglingly silly that this virtually harmless plant is illegal in most areas worldwide at the same time powerful, addictive, and neurotoxic dissociative hallucinogens such as DXM can be purchased over the counter at almost any pharmacy.
it is ONLY illegal due to the large private prison industry in USA, plus the desire to keep all black people behind bars, also distillery industry and tobacco industry hate it, it would put them out of business and Big Pharma makes Billions of dollars from shitty meds that do nothing, and they would lose those billions if people could use cannabis, which people can grow in their own back yard, or even in the house with grow lights.
The MJ spoken about in the CNN show "Weed" was specifically bred to be high in CBD and low in THC. THC is the chemical that get you high and causes anxiety, paranoia, etc. The high CBD type is known as Charlotte's Web and doesn't contain enough THC to affect the senses.

If there is anybody in Colorado, how about finding that particular strain and take one for the team.
You're the first person on this forum (that I'm aware of) whose pulsatile tinnitus resolved by itself!! That's very hopeful news to me, and I hope your ringing tinnitus is doing better now, too.

I've had pulsatile tinnitus since 2010; it started after taking a blood pressure drug. The ringing became much louder, too. It is now 3 years later, and both my ringing and pulsating have calmed down quite a bit. It's great to know that someone else has had this, and that it has resolved. Thanks for giving me hope that things will continue to improve!
CNN recently aired a special on medical marijuana.

It was quite remarkable to see persons with very serious medical conditions helped greatly by marijuana use.

I definitely support medical marijuana.

Is there anyone who posts here who has had a positive experience with marijuana for their tinnitus?
I've written to Dr Sanjay Gupta of CNN , ( he did the special on medical marijuana )
And have asked his opinion for T and marijuana. Lets see if he replies !
I did a search on this and found nothing but glad I found this thread. I also saw the Dr. Gupta show on CNN. Background: Smoked pot back in the middle 70's. I was single but got a good job,got married and quit. Very easy to quit. For me the pot back then was v-e-r-y relaxing. Always said put this in a pill and everyone would but it.

Tinnitus(very severe-was approved for disability retirement because of it)started in 1999. Fast forward to 2010. Tried some of the newer pot hoping it would relax me. Just the opposite. Paranoid and my tinnitus increased 10x. Now maybe it was because it had been so many years since I last smoked. Don't know.

Saw the CNN special and knew pot had THC but never heard of the cannabidiol(CBD)part of it. Now please keep in mind I have tried so many benzos out there and not 1 of them do anything for me. I wished they did but they don't. All I want is something that will relax the hell out of me like the pot did back in the middle 70's. So it sounds like the pot with low THC levels and a higher CBD level might just do the trick. Has anyone tried this combo?

I see where Colorado will be selling that type of pot and I would make the drive. I live in Iowa and it's a 11 hour drive to Denver(I went to tech school there and have driven that 3 times-It's all I-80 all the way)so If I knew I could at least get more than a sample yes I would buy it and try it right there. I'm not asking to get stoned just need to get some relief from this torture. If all it does is relax me to the point where I don't care about my tinnitus then thats a victory. Added info-I'm retired-don't work-hardly drive so if a certain kind of "pot" would help then heck yes i'll buy it. The point is the CBD strain is not pot! Would like any info! Thanks!
Did the pot relax you or make you paranoid? When I last did it it made my tinnitus so intense and gave me the worse paranoia that I have ever had. I'm hoping the pot with very little THC and more CBD will do the opposite. I'm not expecting it to lower my tinnitus but at least deeply relax me where I would not notice the tinnitus that much. Like I said any benzo does nothing for me. Sure would like to hear from anyone who has tried the CBD pot.

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