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Marijuana / Cannabis and Tinnitus

I've had tinnitus since 2002 (15years old) and I've been smoking cannabis since 2006 (19 years old) and I haven't felt my tinnitus since I started smoking.
6 weeks ago I stopped smoking cannabis and now that awful tone is stuck in my head again..
I was so well that I even told my mom that I thought I was cured - and I didn't reward cannabis for my the disappearance of my tinnitus.

Not until now!

For the first time in 10 years I got problems with my concentration and that sharp sound is the cause.. I got problems sleeping because I can hear the sound, and my lack of sleep sure isn't helping.

From a medical perspective it is important to find out if your tinnitus is caused by a high level of blood pressure or the disruption of the small hairs within the ear.

It makes no sense to use cannabis to if it has to do with a physical disruption of the hairs inside the ear. Cannabis is however great at lowering blood pressure which is the cause of some sorts of tinnitus.

I'm not a physician and my advice is solely based on own experience.

Some people experience anxity and paranoia. In my experience I have only experienced that when I smoked severly and I've never experienced anxity only a bit of paranoia, but that was in the past, before I had experienced being high many times.
Because I knew that my worries were related to the cannabis and not real world problems.

Also I smoked between 2,1 -3 grams of hashish a day, smoked a joint every 3-4 hours. So I've been high for almost 10 years straight, and that also has to do with the experience, because the high is never a surprise to the system.
In that sense you can compare the difference between morphine and malphine.

Malphine is splitting the dosis of morphine over many hours so you won't ever go from zero to high.. that part is the most addictive.
If your body gets used to that reward it will be difficult to stop again. But if you smoke constantly, you won't get that rush, and it won't be an issue concentrating, doing math etc.

In my opinion cannabis has helped me in more ways than I can describe, but it takes severe self control to do homework and other duties.

Cannabis smokers are usually stigmatized as being stupid, and in many cases that is true.

Most smokers want to play a game of PlayStation, or watch comedy, that is a problem because the brain gets better at what it is used for. The signals in the brain travel faster if it is trained, and that might be the reason why weed smokers are known to be stupid, they simply use/train their brains to play computer or PlayStation.

I passed my high school with the highest grade in my entire school while consuming a lot of cannabis. But I also took my precautions. I threw out my tv and used my time studying.

Math is boring but I told my self that it is less boring if I'm stoned. And suddenly it became really interesting, as everything does when one becomes good at it.

In my experience it is not clever to only smoke one joint a day, I at least need 3-5 and I would advice people to make less strong joints and then divide it over the entire day.
I can't do much when I smoke a joint after a 3 day break, it simply makes me too high to function but that only lasts for two hours.
And if I keep going the high goes away and it makes me focused.

If you are going to experiment with cannabis, please don't keep it a secret. Share that info with friends and family, I told everyone that I smoked daily and they understood and were open and friendly.

You will need a confidante to tell you if you are getting too high on a daily basis.
- and you will do yourself a favor to listen and let them help you lover your doses.

My mom is my confidante and she have helped me lover my use at times when I smoked too much for me to be at my best.

Swallow your pride and listen to the people who loves you, they are the only ones who can see this from an objective perspective.

I hope this was helpful and I will underline that not everyone has the same experience as I. Therefor I won't advice anyone to use cannabis, but I'll also not advice anyone to not use cannabis.

Some people get heir life value enhanced and I would be an idiot not to condone that..

God bless you all - and remember that side effects are relative - if you compare to legal drugs and medication the side effects of cannabis are preferable..

But I'll advice you to read up on the side effects but I haven't had any bad side effects, and I love smoking weed a lot, so if my opinion seems somewhat biased I can say that they truly are biased.
Because they are founded on my experiences.

Read about it yourself..

But if you're going to experiment please take my advices..
My experience is that I'd reached a point where I could pretty much ignore my Tinnitus, then I went on medical cannabis to deal with anxiety and insomnia. Its working pretty well for both but I immediately had a spike in T for a few hours after consuming. No problem if that were it but lately its spiking all the time. Not sure if the cannabis is just causing me to focus in on it or making it worse. If its a focus issue I'd continue using cannabis, if not, I'd need to give it up which I really don't want to do but its obviously making insomnia worse at the moment.
I use Medical Marijuana to fight anxiety, depression, PTSD, insomnia, suicidal thoughts, et al. I was in a motorcycle accident in November 2014, where I hit my head hard (helmet took a big blow at 70mph/113kph). I had only acknowledged my tinnitus a few weeks back from this post. Acknowledging tinnitus makes those thoughts completely subside, but I am then in a physical pain which I cannot resolve. As for what I "hear", it is a constant whine at about 15kHz at a level of about 35dB above "silence", in my left ear only.

Here is what I've noticed, after extensive use of Medical Marijuana:
1. Higher CBD strains will help alleviate the symptoms resulting from the tinnitus (other than the noise itself)
2. Higher THC strains will intensify the tinnitus sound for one to three hours following inhalation, then it will subside (as will you, ZzZzZzZz...)

I think that this is not an anomaly. As THC tends to heighten one's sense perception, as it would the audibility of tinnitus. Contrary, CBD will not resolve the actual issue (you'll still hear the tinnitus), but the mental state resulting from it otherwise (such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, insomnia, suicidal thoughts et al.), is that which can completely "ignore" the sound as an uncontrollable stressor.

If it is the same for others, low THC (at or under 1%) and high CBD (at or above 10%) is the key to coping with tinnitus using Medical Marijuana.
Expensive stuff been waiting for it to be discounted from my LP. Might just have to jump in or give it all up.
Yeah, I concur. I was able to purchase 1oz for $236 locally. It has worked wonders for me. I didn't know of the tinnitus, I knew of all of the other things surrounding the tinnitus. Now that I've acknowledged the tinnitus and can "hear" it, CBD just makes it a non-issue for me, but only when I am using CBD. Without, it can be miserable to intolerable.
CNN recently aired a special on medical marijuana.

It was quite remarkable to see persons with very serious medical conditions helped greatly by marijuana use.

I definitely support medical marijuana usage in general. The dissociative painkiller effect is incredibly useful, especially given that

Is there anyone who posts here who has had a positive experience with marijuana for their tinnitus?

I used it HEAVILY (both medical and recreational) while at college, and I WILL say that it makes the tinnitus 2x louder, due to the blood vessel expanding effects, by the time you are THAT high, it no longer matters to you.

The nicest thing about the whole situation is that Cannabis will not damage you PHYSICALLY in the long term. It may have lasting, damaging mental effects as you attempt to readjust to sober reality, provided you become addictedto it in the first place, which is INCREDIBLY difficult to conscously do. The same phenomenon happens with alcohol, prior to the alcohol user becoming an alcoholic. However, I would argue that it is harder to resist becoming an alcoholic than a cannabis dependent person due to the sheer expense of available drugs. $45 for an eighth versus 30.99 for a high quality handle? Don't gotta ask me twice!

Just speaking from a college student's perspective :whistle:
I believe cannabis reacts differently on people and its a crap shoot if it will help or hurt. I believe it can cause psychosis in some people and be helpful for others. I have seen it do damage and I've seen it help. I reacted badly to it so its not for me, but for the pain we are in its justified to give it a try.
CBDs work. They are amazing. Yet it is expensive. You can go through 30- 100 a day for your needs.
I currently have "Sour Tsunami", the breakdown is: 19.0% CBD and 1% THC-A. I just cleared one bowl of it, and the level is definitely about 15dB less, significantly lower. My level of anxiety plummets in tandem with this remediation, which I do daily before I do anything else. Beforehand, the noise is pronounced more so, and my anxiety levels are to the point of wanting to rip off my face.

As I mentioned though, the sound doesn't go away - it does seem to attenuate, and it also becomes "in the mix", such that it is not anything brought to my attention.

The background is that above "silence" (whatever that means for us), my tinnitus is normally about 30-35dB above that point at about 15kHz in my left ear, pure tone.

It's like the dentist will not leave my eardrum alone with their drill.

CBD works wonders for me.
Try smoking a strain that's pure CBD, with less than 1% THC.

I see from an earlier thread you tried CBD cannabis, did it work for you? I see SuperH did have positive effects. Would like to continue because its helping what I use it for, but this morning I had vertigo as well as my extra loud tinnitus.
I see from an earlier thread you tried CBD cannabis, did it work for you? I see SuperH did have positive effects. Would like to continue because its helping what I use it for, but this morning I had vertigo as well as my extra loud tinnitus.

No, it doesnt do anything for me, except maybe calm me, make me drowsy.
Looks like I have some other issue going on with my left ear. The volume has dropped throughout the day, with a few peaks along the way. Hopefully it will be back to the "normal" tinnitus soon and I can go back to my "meds".
I understand pot probably won't decrease the volume but I'm curious if people had an experience of it causing a spike.

Yeah, that's what pretty much everyone here is saying. BTW, CBD oil seems to impact Tinnitus a bit less but mine is still there. My wife (a GP) had a look in my ear a week ago and said I have fluid built up inside the ear so that could be the cause. Going really easy on the weed till I figure this out.
Question for anyone who uses cannabis on a regular basis (several times a month to almost daily).

How often do you use cannabis and for how long (months/years)?

Have you noticed a slow increase in your baseline levels of T when you are not under the influence?

If so do you think the increase can be attributed to cannabis?

I've had tinnitus since 2002 (15years old) and I've been smoking cannabis since 2006 (19 years old) and I haven't felt my tinnitus since I started smoking.
6 weeks ago I stopped smoking cannabis and now that awful tone is stuck in my head again..
I was so well that I even told my mom that I thought I was cured - and I didn't reward cannabis for my the disappearance of my tinnitus.

Not until now!

For the first time in 10 years I got problems with my concentration and that sharp sound is the cause.. I got problems sleeping because I can hear the sound, and my lack of sleep sure isn't helping.

From a medical perspective it is important to find out if your tinnitus is caused by a high level of blood pressure or the disruption of the small hairs within the ear.

It makes no sense to use cannabis to if it has to do with a physical disruption of the hairs inside the ear. Cannabis is however great at lowering blood pressure which is the cause of some sorts of tinnitus.

I'm not a physician and my advice is solely based on own experience.

Some people experience anxity and paranoia. In my experience I have only experienced that when I smoked severly and I've never experienced anxity only a bit of paranoia, but that was in the past, before I had experienced being high many times.
Because I knew that my worries were related to the cannabis and not real world problems.

Also I smoked between 2,1 -3 grams of hashish a day, smoked a joint every 3-4 hours. So I've been high for almost 10 years straight, and that also has to do with the experience, because the high is never a surprise to the system.
In that sense you can compare the difference between morphine and malphine.

Malphine is splitting the dosis of morphine over many hours so you won't ever go from zero to high.. that part is the most addictive.
If your body gets used to that reward it will be difficult to stop again. But if you smoke constantly, you won't get that rush, and it won't be an issue concentrating, doing math etc.

In my opinion cannabis has helped me in more ways than I can describe, but it takes severe self control to do homework and other duties.

Cannabis smokers are usually stigmatized as being stupid, and in many cases that is true.

Most smokers want to play a game of PlayStation, or watch comedy, that is a problem because the brain gets better at what it is used for. The signals in the brain travel faster if it is trained, and that might be the reason why weed smokers are known to be stupid, they simply use/train their brains to play computer or PlayStation.

I passed my high school with the highest grade in my entire school while consuming a lot of cannabis. But I also took my precautions. I threw out my tv and used my time studying.

Math is boring but I told my self that it is less boring if I'm stoned. And suddenly it became really interesting, as everything does when one becomes good at it.

In my experience it is not clever to only smoke one joint a day, I at least need 3-5 and I would advice people to make less strong joints and then divide it over the entire day.
I can't do much when I smoke a joint after a 3 day break, it simply makes me too high to function but that only lasts for two hours.
And if I keep going the high goes away and it makes me focused.

If you are going to experiment with cannabis, please don't keep it a secret. Share that info with friends and family, I told everyone that I smoked daily and they understood and were open and friendly.

You will need a confidante to tell you if you are getting too high on a daily basis.
- and you will do yourself a favor to listen and let them help you lover your doses.

My mom is my confidante and she have helped me lover my use at times when I smoked too much for me to be at my best.

Swallow your pride and listen to the people who loves you, they are the only ones who can see this from an objective perspective.

I hope this was helpful and I will underline that not everyone has the same experience as I. Therefor I won't advice anyone to use cannabis, but I'll also not advice anyone to not use cannabis.

Some people get heir life value enhanced and I would be an idiot not to condone that..

God bless you all - and remember that side effects are relative - if you compare to legal drugs and medication the side effects of cannabis are preferable..

But I'll advice you to read up on the side effects but I haven't had any bad side effects, and I love smoking weed a lot, so if my opinion seems somewhat biased I can say that they truly are biased.
Because they are founded on my experiences.

Read about it yourself..

But if you're going to experiment please take my advices..
Edibles my friend they last for 8 hours, great information.
Thats crazy but don't you think more people would have menieres if weed growing chemicals caused it?
I was using miracle grow, very few growers are this ignorant, you can't flush the plants where you spend two weeks feeding them nothing but water to rid them of the chemicals because the soil itself has time released "balls or beads" that always release with water. I was smoking 8 times a day of always my own stuff. It's definitely possible that it's just a coincidence that I got menieres at this time, but I bet it was a factor for sure. There are salts in thc crystals, and believe it or not your vestibular cochlea functions due to salt crystals called otoliths, these crystals can become dislodged (BBPV) or become irritated leading to vertigo and tinnitus. Perhaps the salts from my plants met with the salt of my ears and there was a reaction I experience as tinnitus.
I've used marijuana to help with my tinnitus. At first it made my T overwhelmig and worse. But the more I used it, the better it became to manage it. The dosage is an essential factor. Due to me being a daily user, I smoke about one bowl each session and its enough to help mix in the sounds around me with my T. Someone who smokes less should only smoke about a pinch. Its helped me a lot in getting used to my T. Makes it easier to pretend its not there at least :/
I just got on this thread. I have tinnitus, a loud hissing and pulsing, and 80% hearing loss due to the neuroma. I've been smoking weed for 40+ years, a lot more lately. And it always seems to make the tinnitus louder. But then we have storms moving through the area too, so I'm not sure it might be an air pressure thing. If I could quit smoking, I would, but have tried quite a few times, but I just look forward to it so much. The fullness in my ear, the hearing loss and especially the hissing, is a real PitA. Rick
I just spotted this thread. I neveer tried to smoke since I have tinnitus, but I suppect it will cause a spike. I remember smoking not having tinnitus and it sharpened all of my by senses, including hearing. So I suspect this would sharpen my T as well. I have one joint at home from my friend but I don't think I'll dare to use it.
I mostly suffer from Vertigo and have been diagnosed w Maneers disease. I also have T. Im getting a 30 day supply of 30mg CBD pills. Will try and repost with my findings.
I mostly suffer from Vertigo and have been diagnosed w Maneers disease. I also have T. Im getting a 30 day supply of 30mg CBD pills. Will try and repost with my findings.

Have you tried acyclovir? Might be worth trying with Meniere's as the varicella zoster virus might play a role in it.
Thanks for keeping this discussion alive with anecdotes on cannabis use. A pity more refined scientific research wasnt taking place. Very interesting to read the different reactions to different types of weed re THC:CBD ratios. Any ideas about CBN? CBD gets a lot of publicity for medical uses. CBN is thought to be an antipsychotic thus it has sedative/tranquilizing properties. CBN I believe is a product of THC as it break down - THC breaks down with age and light exposure to produce CBN. The three main constituents under investigation are THC, CBD and CBN.

I have access to some weed which is supposed to be very high CBD to THC ratio 10:1. The problem I really dont know if this is the case - how does one test?. The effect is a nice quiet chilled evening with that "couch lock" experience then a nice sleep.

I had some good experience of habituation about a year ago with a spike from stress here and there. I have tried high CBD weed for some time now and the results are always the same - a spike while smoking which then leads to increased awareness of the T for a couple of days followed by a reduction again. The positives are that I sleep like a baby (well a baby with a whistle in his ear) and wake feeling chilled but with an increase in T. The impact isnt unpleasant enough to put me off using it again. Is the spike from the CBD or the small amounts of THC?

My understanding is that there are some new strains of weed coming out this year which have even higher CBD:THC ratios.

Plenty of room for research here - but not much profit for drug companies if you can grow it yourself.

Stay informed .
I'm suspecting that both CBD and THC (more so for obvious reasons) spikes T. I'm thinking the reason why both do it is another cannabinoid not yet determined. If a strain could be developed without that cannabinoid we could get the benefits without the increased tinnitus.
Wow. I was just about to make a new thread about this very subject.

I have recently been smoking a little bit of bubblegum weed. I haven't smoked pot in over 20 years. Anyway my brother who is 11 years younger than me just came home to visit (he works overseas) anyway he bought a bunch of pot. I smoked some over the last few days and I also made some brownies today. I have to say I didn't pay any attention to my T. I even just went to bed without my fan on which I use when it's quiet at night and I don't hear it. Granted, my T so far isn't that loud, I only notice it when I focus on it in silence.

I don't think it's a cure but it seems to be quite helpful. I don't need much just a little bit and I'm fine. I don't know how to go about getting some more but I will definitely consider getting some. I just wish you could get it at the pharmacy.

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