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Marijuana / Cannabis and Tinnitus

I don't know if this has been questioned in this thread as there is too many comments to read but I didn't find any regarding the use of cannabis oil only people smoking it, it is a known fact that the human body has millions of endocannabinoids and only weed contains this apart from the human body, cannabis oil is used to treat many different illnesses and diseases, even epilepsy and works wonders! I've even found a couple of articles on here about using oil and it has literally cured them. It's just a thought, maybe this has already been questioned but I'm a big advocate for cannabis oil treating most problems with the human body.
I agree. However I can live with having tinnitus be temporarily worse for a few hours after consuming.

My concern is that I think it may have very gradually raised my baseline level of T over the last couple years.

I had minor level of T for nine years but it has gradually increased over the last two years to be much more intrusive. And this correlates with my cannabis consumption.

I'm not sure if they are related but concerned they might be.

Anyone else with a similar experience?
I've never smoked any kind of weed in my life, and I'm 56 years old. But since my tinnitus returned about a month ago after being absent for 8 months, I'd be willing to try heroin at this point. I have a very loud low-pitched humming that I can physically feel as well as hear (I've posted about this on other threads). I know that medical marijuana has been used for a variety of ailments, but since there are so many kinds, I wouldn't know where to start. I don't believe it's legal in my state yet, so I'd be at risk of getting arrested if caught.
I've never smoked any kind of weed in my life, and I'm 56 years old. But since my tinnitus returned about a month ago after being absent for 8 months, I'd be willing to try heroin at this point. I have a very loud low-pitched humming that I can physically feel as well as hear (I've posted about this on other threads). I know that medical marijuana has been used for a variety of ailments, but since there are so many kinds, I wouldn't know where to start. I don't believe it's legal in my state yet, so I'd be at risk of getting arrested if caught.
If you don't have a medical program, your ability to get high-quality med grade stuff with known strains will be entirely dependent on who you know.

Honestly, if you can afford it, I'd say go spend a week in Denver or something, see the sights, and try a different strain every day with known THC/CBD pecentages. That way you can figure out if something helps you.

FWIW, my usual tinnitus is very high pitched, and smoking weed often causes me to have a low-frequency hum which I associate with increased pulse/blood pressure. Additionally, pot is wildly unpredictable and may cause your anxiety to get acutely worse. As far as "living with this BS and not caring about it", heroin is probably a lot likelier to "work", but of course after a week or two of that you're going to have bigger problems since that stuff just rewires you to be a better addict.
Well, I just got word today that the high pitched squeal I'm hearing is the result of permanent high freq hearing loss. Yeah, T. Happened out of the blue two weeks ago. ENT doctor said, well, at least u don't have a tumor! Yeah, I'm going to live and learn to cope, but this sucks so very baddly. I will see what small doses of MJ does for me.
So good to see there is support here in the forum's.
CBD moderates the psychoactive effects of the THC in typical MJ. I don't want to get high, per sae, I just want to relax. It's the high CBD, CBN Ratio to THC that provides the effect we are seeking. Please, stay far away from street weed. It's just not likely to help since 99% of strains are very high in THC and will just spike T and induce stress - not what any of us are looking for! I am harvesting my own high CBD/low thc Strains and will keep u posted.
Is anyone else experiencing a permanent spike?

I am. Is it related to MJ use? I can't say for sure but it corresponds with when I started using MJ more regularly. Have not used it in nearly six months but tinnitus continues to get louder so makes me think they are not related. Prior to that I had 10 years of good habituation.
I've used marijuana to help with my tinnitus. At first it made my T overwhelmig and worse. But the more I used it, the better it became to manage it. The dosage is an essential factor. Due to me being a daily user, I smoke about one bowl each session and its enough to help mix in the sounds around me with my T. Someone who smokes less should only smoke about a pinch. Its helped me a lot in getting used to my T. Makes it easier to pretend its not there at least :/
Hi cameron , are u still using marijuana , im wondering if it can help me get used to my T as if it lets u feel better , but im afraid of an increase in the volume of T , thank u
MJ does increase tinnitus loudness after us but I'm relaxed so don't care at all. It is only temporary anyway - the following day my tinnitus tends to be low.
Hi cameron , are u still using marijuana , im wondering if it can help me get used to my T as if it lets u feel better , but im afraid of an increase in the volume of T , thank u
Yes, but there is no change in tinnitus levels when using CBD products. But when using high THC products it helps (personally) with relaxing me to fall asleep and to mend my perception of sound to be better with my tinnitus and the sounds around me. There is a temporary increase in tinnitus with those high THC products (barley though, and only lasts 2 hours when it does).
In my opinion, only in excess would cannabis have a negative effect, due to increased anxiety that comes with getting too high. I definitely had a panic attack about the T one time getting too stoned. Ever had a panic attack ON WEEED?
I still enjoy smoking weed for the same reasons I have in the past. Thankfully, a moderate stone does not have a negative impact on the T. An indirect benefit might be that it improves mood, and can be helpful to sleep depending on the strain.
Anyways, I've been trying to understand this cannabis, and reading about DCN in the animal research, and so forth, and seeing what people say on this forum, and compare with my own experience.

I also check my pharmacist about this, because he is quite brilliant.

So, I have at least 2 things to say.

#1, cannabis is not a mainstay, but if I wake up at 2 a.m. and need to get back to sleep in a hurry, 0.2 g, which is quite a small amount, taken through the vaporizer (set at 190C), acts very instantly, and that kind of dose, for me, does not cause tinnitus to increase. if it does increase, I'm not worried, because cannabis is not known to be ototoxic. I also, have been putting the herb out in the sun for a couple days, since the U.V. will convert much of the thc to cbn (not cbd), and cbn tends to prefer cb2 receptors, so does not interact so much in the DCN. So, that's what I do ymmv.

#2, my pharmacist tells me, that regular taking of cannabis, causes downregulation of the receptors (meaning the body eliminates the receptors, so you have much less receptor, with regular use). so, if you stop taking cannabis, the opposing neurotransmitters, do not have any cannabis to contend with, with actually makes tinnitus get less after stopping for a few days.

#3, based on the enormous variation in cannabinoids, I believe there is a possibility that either 1. a cannabis strain has the optimum balance of various cannabinoids, or 2. harvesting the flowers at the hyper-ripe phase where thc has naturally transformed to cbn, may provide some relief. so I am planning to see what different strains are available, and see if there is a difference due to strains. if this is true, it could be a valuable observation for clinical trial.

personally, myself, I find that if I get a very good sleep, then I wake up both refreshed and ready to tackle the day, and my tinnitus is usually a bit less if I get a good sleep. if I sleep poorly, I can't function, and my tinnitus/hyperacussis is generally much worse, which puts me into a depressed state.
@object16 Fascinating post, though when I quit for an extended period of time my tinnitus didn't decrease at all. Imm back to vaping it, mostly indicas... it definitely helps me sleep.
I support medical marijuana, but had never had any. Never did any drugs. But my daughter who is a dog groomer injured her hands and has debilitating Carpel tunnel [sp]and tendinitis. It gave her depression. So a friend gave her some to try.. And it worked. Lifted the pain. Lifted the depression.
We luckily live in a marijuana is legal state. She has a medical card.
Trust me, I'm praying it become legal in all 50 states
I've watched my daughter become whole again.
I also know it helps epilepsy, seizures, cancer pain and nausea.
God Bless, He said the leaves and herbs would be healing...
Too much politics in everything
i'm also, going to experiment with more "balanced" cbd/thc and find and buy myself some strain that has the cbd/thc in equal proportions. or alternatively, blend a thc strain with a cbd strain.

i am convinced there must be a strain out there that has the appropriate cannabinoid profile. for myself, thc makes my tinnitus change from a high pitch, to something that sounds like an alarm clock going off inside my head. that tells me for sure that thc is going into the centre of the brain that is creating the tinnitus for me. which suggests, that there must be a method of getting in there to modulate things, maybe i'm wishing for something that doesn't exist, however it does seem like from this thread that not everyone gets a bad reaction from cannabis, and why is that? which is why i don't mind turning myself into a lab animal and experiment.

while i have that "alarm clock" type sound inside my head, i try to instruct my brain to focus on the soundtrack of rainfall that i have in the background, and i command my brain to change the "alarm clock" sound to a rainfall sound.

so far, my brain has not been listening to my commands, but however, i think it is still good way to get my brain to "settle down" and not "freak out". i used to totally freak out with this reaction, but over time, realize it is temporary, and other people also report it is temporary, which makes me less afraid to experiment.
From my personal experience, I smoked a bit after I started to develop T and that made it much worse, much more noticeable for me. Maybe it was just my anxiety, pumped up by weed, that caused it but I would not recommend it.
I haven't smoked weed since summer 2014. Back then i smoked regularly. I want to start again but i'm afraid it will impact my T for the worse, because marijuana could sometimes trigger anxiety and stress. IF i ever get rid of my damned T I think i will start smoking again. I miss it to be honest.
For me my T is more noticeable when I'm high but I don't care as much because I can focus my mind on other things. After the effect gone my T return the baseline each times

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