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If time was re-round 10 years, Would everything be exactly the same as it is now?

If time is real (defined as a 4th dimension) this conversation already happened and is fixated in time. The past, present and future should be one. That leaves zero room for free will.



What if dark matter doesn't exist?, Science spent almost 90 years investigating something that has not A SINGLE EXPLANATION! . What if galaxies are conscious (defined as having sensory perception) and they choose/are instructed to have positions.

Also why do they form this?

(this is a computer model of what trillions of galaxies look like zoomed out.)

The first assumption of materialism is that the Universe is mechanistic not organistic -Rupert Sheldrake
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What if dark matter doesn't exist?, Science spent almost 90 years investigating something that has not A SINGLE EXPLANATION! . What if galaxies are conscious (defined as having sensory perception) and they choose/are instructed to have positions.

Also why do they form this?

(this is a computer model of what trillions of galaxies look like zoomed out.)
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The first assumption of materialism is that the Universe is mechanistic not organistic -Rupert Sheldrake
We're fairly certain Dark Matter exists in fact we recently confirmed it's cold. The reason we're so sure is because we can see so many random lensing effects that aren't caused by WIMPs.

They form fillaments because gravity pulls galaxies into large megaclusters.
I'm sure you are familiar with him. I know he's a stone hard materalist but I love his content!
I think it's safe to say no one knows what dark matter is or if it even exist. Organism like galaxies/Stellar systems would be a radical conclusion if the universe wasn't shaped like a giant neural system!


The universe doesn't have to be exactly like a neuronal network. But the striking similarities are what would be consider "empirical evidence" against materialism. Independent models of galaxy constructions are showing the same thing. Stars are sending information using light (photons). This integrated information could be conscious.(defined as having subjective perception)

This suggest the Universe is more of a organismic process rather then just physics and "dark matter" that no one can make sense of. Why do both the extreme macro and extreme micro show all this weird shit?
Linux is a bad OS, Ubuntu derivs are the only family of distros that have some sanity. The only reason flatpak, snap and appimage showed up is because users coming from Windows (like me) started to complain. Updating software individually should not break the OS. Historically that was the case. Mac has the same problem but Apple has $$$ and no distro fragmentation to hide and minimize this problem from the user. Also mac users are turbo normies that wouldn't bother caring about trying to update or downgrade specific software packages on the same OS.




This complaint was known and ignored by Windows users testing Linux for decades, and was not addresed seriously until around four years ago.


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Sam Harris would say consciousness is epiphenomenal and free will is an illusion. He would show that Benjamin Libet's studies show that brain activity occurs 1-4 seconds before a conscious decision is made.

Meanwhile Dean Radin did a study on precognition showing skin conductance and brain activity lights up several seconds in advance before a computer screen displays emotionally provoking stimuli (baby animals, a cute girl, something really good or bad) unlike dull stimuli in which nothing special happens. This indicates consciousness uses backwards causality and quote on quote "bends space-time like a pretzel".


Stuart Hameroff explains this better
I'm to much of a brainlet to understand his research on microtubles and obviously I don't know jackshit about quantum physics.

But I'm not going to let a bunch of materalist normies tell me I don't have free will.
This is a computer model of the known Universe. There are many others likes it that show the same thing.

Yelow = Galaxies
Lots of Yellow = Super clusters of Galaxies
Purple = Dark Energy (that might not exist as we understand)
Black= Dark Matter (that might not exist as we understand)


Sheldrake made a really good point about the galatic web's resemblance to neural networks. He insist the number 1 flaw in Materalism is that they assume the Universe is dumb and machine like when it is infact far more organism like. Why would a dumb materalist Universe resemble a giant neural network? Out of any shape or design, why did it choose to be a neural network? Shrugging this off as coincidence is foolish and shows materalist do hold dogmas.

Why would gravity behave different at such a massive scale, just for this. Why isn't it shaped like a spaghetti or some incoherent meaningless shape?
This is a computer model of the known Universe. There are many others likes it that show the same thing.

Yelow = Galaxies
Lots of Yellow = Super clusters of Galaxies
Purple = Dark Energy (that might not exist as we understand)
Black= Dark Matter (that might not exist as we understand)

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Sheldrake made a really good point about the galatic web's resemblance to neural networks. He insist the number 1 flaw in Materalism is that they assume the Universe is dumb and machine like when it is infact far more organism like. Why would a dumb materalist Universe resemble a giant neural network? Out of any shape or design, why did it choose to be a neural network? Shrugging this off as coincidence is foolish and shows materalist do hold dogmas.

Why would gravity behave different at such a massive scale, just for this. Why isn't it shaped like a spaghetti or some incoherent meaningless shape?
Maybe this helps explain it?

TL;DW Gravity makes galaxies migrate along large cluster pathways.

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