I just had a quick chat with the Doc, he was quick to respond when I messaged him regarding the treatment.
He mentioned he has been doing this for 4 years which is surprising because I had to come to Tinnitus Talk to find out about him. I will paste the chat log you be the judge, honestly I am skeptical at this point, it is strange to see a doctor that could potentially win the Nobel prize looking for patients on Skype.
Hello Dr Shim I see someone on Tinniuts Talk has tried your treatment I would like to know more information thank you
Minbo, 12:18 AM Hello! Basically we are using growth factors.
12:19 AM hello sorry my medical knowledge this is not good, is this like stem cells?I have had tinnitus for over 6 years it has gotten worse with time but I still have a normal audio gram
Minbo, 12:22 AM You could have hearing losses in superhigh frequencies .
12:23 AM I had up to 16k
Minbo, 12:24 AM Could you send a copy of your audigram?
12:24 AM sure
Minbo, 12:28 AM This is not normal findings.You may have tinnitus in left ear.
12:29 AM its more worse in the left ear yes but I also have it in the right ear
Minbo, 12:31 AM You have notches at 3000hz Left is worse, probably induced by noise
12:34 AM so how does the treatment work?
Minbo, 12:37 AM It improves the hearing.Then,the tinnitus will disappear.
12:40 AM does it improve the hearing but regrowing the ears cells?
Minbo, 12:44 AM Without regrowth of cells, any improvement of hearing can't be achieved. So when the hearing has improved, it means your hair cells are regenerated.
12:46 AM what is the success rate for the treatment?
Minbo, 12:49 AM It depends on patients hearing status.
12:49 AM what does it seem like from my case?
Minbo, 12:52 AM Good results are expected,but also consider your age and duration of illness
12:53 AM how long have you been performing this procedure?
Minbo, 12:58 AM 4 years, I am on vacation now.any qs,send me email with info.