How would ENTs and audiologists sell hearing AIDS if it were legal?Are we even sure it's illegal to inject PRP into the eardrum in the United States? I'm going to call around and do some research.
Dana White said it cured his Meniere's Disease or vertigo, whichever one he had.I keep reading about how good it is for athletes.
I'm so happy for you, John. I hope this gets rid of all of your tinnitus and you can live your life again as before.
Welcome to the dark ages.He had Meneire's. He had this done after the failed surgery he had in Germany.
Horrific fact - the third audiologist I saw told me his mother has Meneire's. The surgeons, as a list ditch attempt, had surgery to remove her cochlea. She now has no hearing, but the tinnitus remains.
JohnAdams did his damn homework and it paid off.Dana White said it cured his Meniere's Disease or vertigo, whichever one he had.
This isn't some dangerous lab drug. It's your blood. Why are we sitting around accepting this?
PRP also restores smelling (olfaction) by regenerating the olfactory sensory epithelium.
The olfactory sensory epithelial stem cells are LGR5+ just like our stem cells in our cochleas.
What is weird is that PRP article is in the International Tinnitus Journal that's even sponsored by the ATA. I believe the answer is staring us in the face.
Yeah we just have to start taking our destiny into our own hands.Just shot the German clinic Dana went to an e-mail. Ha. They say they just need a referral from your ENT. It shouldn't be too hard to get the douche I saw to just write a letter saying I have tinnitus.
@JohnAdams -- Do you know what part of this procedure would be illegal? My understanding is that PRP therapy is fairly available in the U.S. So I'm assuming injecting it into the eardrums might be the part that's problematic. One way I thought of to get around that is to use DMSO as a carrying agent for the PRP instead of injecting it. Here's a LINK to a research study that was done using DMSO as a carrying agent to positiviely affect tinnitus.It would be really nice if this procedure was legal in the United States and Europe. It's definitely safe. You can't reject your own blood. Plus PRP is very good at inducing healing.
I may have been incorrectly assuming that this is illegal. I hope I'm wrong. Like I said I need to look around. My coworker has a friend that's an ENT and he's going to introduce me to him soon.@JohnAdams -- Do you know what part of this procedure would be illegal? My understanding is that PRP therapy is fairly available in the U.S. So I'm assuming injecting it into the eardrums might be the part that's problematic. One way I thought of to get around that is to use DMSO as a carrying agent for the PRP instead of injecting it. Here's a LINK to a research study that was done using DMSO as a carrying agent to positiviely affect tinnitus.
If you have any inclination about asking, I would be curious what this ENT might think about using DMSO instead of doing injections. I've long used DMSO for a number of things, and am impressed by its utility, safety and effectiveness. While I "wince" at the thought of getting an injection into my eardrum, I wouldn't hesitate for a moment if DMSO was used as a carrying agent.My coworker has a friend that's an ENT and he's going to introduce me to him soon.
The PRP needs to be fairly viscous to sit up in your middle ear properly, or else it will just flush out through your eustachian tubes. I'll ask him though. DMSO might make the round window membrane more permeable, I don't know. Do you know if DMSO has any ototoxic side effects?If you have any inclination about asking, I would be curious what this ENT might think about using DMSO instead of doing injections. I've long used DMSO for a number of things, and am impressed by its utility, safety and effectiveness. While I "wince" at the thought of getting an injection into my eardrum, I wouldn't hesitate for a moment if DMSO was used as a carrying agent.
I already apply a DMSO/Magnesium Oil solution to my ears on a regular basis to reduce ear injury related pain, and to improve circulation and reduce inflammation. -- And BTW, this same solution has done wonders for my eyes, just by applying a bit on my closed eyelids.
I've never heard of it being ototoxic. The fact that it was used successfully to eliminate tinnitus in the study I linked to earlier would seem to attest to that. -- If you ever get around to doing some research on it, you'd likely be amazed by what it can all be used for. My understanding is it's currently the drug of choice for treating closed head injuries, as it's unmatched in it's ability to quickly and dramatically reduce runaway inflammation in the brain that often killed people before DMSO began being used.Do you know if DMSO has any ototoxic side effects?
interesting, I will look into this for sure.I've never heard of it being ototoxic. The fact that it was used successfully to eliminate tinnitus in the study I linked to earlier would seem to attest to that. -- If you ever get around to doing some research on it, you'd likely be amazed by what it can all be used for. My understanding is it's currently the drug of choice for treating closed head injuries, as it's unmatched in it's ability to quickly and dramatically reduce runaway inflammation in the brain that often killed people before DMSO began being used.
Yes, it will help moderate hearing loss.You said it depends on how long your ears have had hearing loss?? Is there a time window?? Also, do you think it'll work for moderate hearing loss?
Thank you for the informationYes, it will help moderate hearing loss.
The reason it has a time window is because older damage has more trouble healing. You'd get more results in that window, but outside that window it is still possible, it just requires more attention. The time window is not a dead end, it's just a period for more effectiveness.
1) Haven't really tried yet.
To be honest, I feel like I can hear more clearly but this is a subjective feeling. The real measure will be when I get another hearing test here in several weeks.
2) AirBnb. I recommend this place called Cozy House in Gangbuk-gu.
There is a convenience store like 200 feet from the front door, and the clinic in Solsaem is a 15 minute walk from there. It's also very near some really good, really cheap restaurants.
3) Hurts. Yes awake.
Individual treatments cost $4,500 each per ear. If your hearing loss isn't that bad, Shim may divide a treatment into half per ear, making it cost less. John had one per ear.@JohnAdams how much did this cost roughly if you don't mind letting us know?
What's his email??I just had a quick chat with the Doc, he was quick to respond when I messaged him regarding the treatment.
He mentioned he has been doing this for 4 years which is surprising because I had to come to Tinnitus Talk to find out about him. I will paste the chat log you be the judge, honestly I am skeptical at this point, it is strange to see a doctor that could potentially win the Nobel prize looking for patients on Skype.
Hello Dr Shim I see someone on Tinniuts Talk has tried your treatment I would like to know more information thank you
Minbo, 12:18 AM Hello! Basically we are using growth factors.
12:19 AM hello sorry my medical knowledge this is not good, is this like stem cells?I have had tinnitus for over 6 years it has gotten worse with time but I still have a normal audio gram
Minbo, 12:22 AM You could have hearing losses in superhigh frequencies .
12:23 AM I had up to 16k
Minbo, 12:24 AM Could you send a copy of your audigram?
12:24 AM sure
Minbo, 12:28 AM This is not normal findings.You may have tinnitus in left ear.
12:29 AM its more worse in the left ear yes but I also have it in the right ear
Minbo, 12:31 AM You have notches at 3000hz Left is worse, probably induced by noise
12:34 AM so how does the treatment work?
Minbo, 12:37 AM It improves the hearing.Then,the tinnitus will disappear.
12:40 AM does it improve the hearing but regrowing the ears cells?
Minbo, 12:44 AM Without regrowth of cells, any improvement of hearing can't be achieved. So when the hearing has improved, it means your hair cells are regenerated.
12:46 AM what is the success rate for the treatment?
Minbo, 12:49 AM It depends on patients hearing status.
12:49 AM what does it seem like from my case?
Minbo, 12:52 AM Good results are expected,but also consider your age and duration of illness
12:53 AM how long have you been performing this procedure?
Minbo, 12:58 AM 4 years, I am on vacation now.any qs,send me email with info.
Yes. The recovery period lasts a few months then I will go to an audiologist and take another hearing test and certainly post my results.Will you be willing to post your before and after hearing tests? Thanks.
Are they injecting into the eardrum though?Reply from the German clinic:
"The use of this procedure in other indications like the one described is a so called "off label" use which we do not want to promote actively, as there are no double- blind studies for this indication.
To get a better insight about the Regenokine program you can purchase the published book "The End of pain." on Amazon kindle and iTunes.
All the patients we treated were suffering from Menieres desease.
Those patients mostly have also hearing loss or tinnitus.
The meniere symptoms are getting better but in nearly all of the cases tinnitus is not reduced by our treatment.
Especially when tinnitus is very bad. That is why we don´t recommend Regenokine treatment in tinnitus cases.
We are sorry to tell you that.
Best regards,