I agree with your agree
It's needed to get in low price stocks early to gain the big reward and not when the stock price has moved up. When buying on the way up, traps, manipulation will average stock returns over time to ZERO or negative numbers. On top of that, deep research is needed.
OCGN is an eye disease company and they announced a bogus COVID-19 non existing virus treatment because they were about to be delisted. So there was a play, but the play is now over as said and the price is dropping. It took big pharma a lot of hard work, knowledge and expense to come up with vaccines.
VTGN will most likely not get approval for their drugs. They were rejected by the FDA for similar before and this why it's once again a low price stock. Many large pharms have tried this treatment and failed. They have 3 researchers and can not do the neuro research and MRI study needed. This drug research and understanding is as complex as tinnitus research, discovery with successful drug treatment.
CEO's and management make good money running these small public drug companies. When they need more money, they issue more shares which dilutes stock price.
It's all about taking a position before unfounded hype takes place and then sell.