
I tried to open a butter tub (stupid) - it popped LOUDLY (90 dB per decibel meter).

I KNEW it would happen. I tried to use towel to dampen the sound but I wasn't gentle enough. That's another exposure, and another step closer to potentially catastrophic hyperacusis/tinnitus.

Will I get a setback from this?

Usually I would have asked mom for help but she's asleep. I didn't have to eat anything. It was avoidable. I should have bought quieter foods a long time ago. Left ear's foam earplug was halfway out of the ear! I've been using the same earplugs all day because running out. Peltors might have also been compromised by wearing glasses. It's the same stupid decisions every time - do I never learn? Now the left ear hurts a bit - freaking out.

Too late now!
Update: Call with new provider was a disaster. The lowest volume setting on the app they use was still loud, and the provider's voice sounded very high. She said she didn't think I was withdrawing which was one one my fears. I had to end the call less than 5 minutes in because my ears were bothered. After the call, I got some pain/burning sensation in ears - this never happens with calls where I can turn the volume extremely low. Her voice sounded louder than average, don't know if it was me but it was too loud.

This is a nightmare. I waited 2 weeks and paid a high appointment cost and ended up with a bad noise exposure. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? I've had the volume so low on a phone call I could barely hear but the lowest volume on this call was too loud?! Could it be the app? Maybe I should have done a regular call? Part of me is paranoid that I thought I turned it to the lowest volume but I didn't. I was restless and anxious before and during the call. Even the provider asked if could hear because I think I looked fidgety or distracted. I sent her a message beforehand about my ears and told the office but she said she didn't know. I don't know if she didn't see the message. I'm so STUPID for not doing due diligence. I should have looked at the app before I've used them before and it's never been that loud! Maybe my ears got worse??? THIS MIGHT BE THE END. I don't have a new provider unless I go in person and I'm not sure I feel comfortable since she doesn't think I'm withdrawing.

I just don't get why everything ends like this. Am I stupid and careless? I thought this would be better than a noisy car ride. I did a teletherapy appointment and the volume was very low.

I think I'm done if this doesn't go back to baseline. It's too much and apparently I don't have common sense. I tried using different earplugs but I couldn't hear her with the Loops in and other ones I used weren't protective enough.

Wish I had brought my dB reader because I have no idea how loud the call was. It felt very irritating which seems like a bad sign. I should have started preparing for the call earlier I was frazzled should have had it set up beforehand. There was a messaging feature but she said we couldn't use it because she needed to see me which I'm not sure why - I messed up bad.

Realistically, is there any way I won't get a setback from this? It was way too much volume and the digital audio might have made it worse.

I just want to be ok and I worry the only way to do that is to take my life. I pretty much ruined any chance of getting better with this phone call and now it might go to catastrophic levels. Has this happened to anyone else, and did you worsen permanently? It probably didn't happen to anybody else because all of you are SMART unlike myself.

I currently have a warm sensation radiating from ear toward neck. This is bad, isn't it?

Thanks everyone.
Your current doctor is an idiot. Thank goodness you're seeing someone else. All the best.
I messed up bad, @tpj.
I currently have a warm sensation radiating from ear toward neck. This is bad, isn't it?
It's not bad. That kind of thing can't have messed you up permanently.

I hope you can read your own messages and see a bag of anxiety, paranoia and irrational thinking. You are every day "messing up bad" from a bag of chips, phone call, closing the door, the list goes on... And every day you think this is it, you can't do it anymore.

I mean... a lot of your problems ARE rooted in mental issues, nobody can argue otherwise. I'm not saying you don't have bad hyperacusis and tinnitus, you probably do, but all of it is exacerbated by the mental problems. Please see a good cognitive behavioral therapist who can maybe help a bit here.
Update: Call with new provider was a disaster. The lowest volume setting on the app they use was still loud, and the provider's voice sounded very high. She said she didn't think I was withdrawing which was one one my fears. I had to end the call less than 5 minutes in because my ears were bothered. After the call, I got some pain/burning sensation in ears - this never happens with calls where I can turn the volume extremely low. Her voice sounded louder than average, don't know if it was me but it was too loud.

This is a nightmare. I waited 2 weeks and paid a high appointment cost and ended up with a bad noise exposure. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? I've had the volume so low on a phone call I could barely hear but the lowest volume on this call was too loud?! Could it be the app? Maybe I should have done a regular call? Part of me is paranoid that I thought I turned it to the lowest volume but I didn't. I was restless and anxious before and during the call. Even the provider asked if could hear because I think I looked fidgety or distracted. I sent her a message beforehand about my ears and told the office but she said she didn't know. I don't know if she didn't see the message. I'm so STUPID for not doing due diligence. I should have looked at the app before I've used them before and it's never been that loud! Maybe my ears got worse??? THIS MIGHT BE THE END. I don't have a new provider unless I go in person and I'm not sure I feel comfortable since she doesn't think I'm withdrawing.

I just don't get why everything ends like this. Am I stupid and careless? I thought this would be better than a noisy car ride. I did a teletherapy appointment and the volume was very low.

I think I'm done if this doesn't go back to baseline. It's too much and apparently I don't have common sense. I tried using different earplugs but I couldn't hear her with the Loops in and other ones I used weren't protective enough.

Wish I had brought my dB reader because I have no idea how loud the call was. It felt very irritating which seems like a bad sign. I should have started preparing for the call earlier I was frazzled should have had it set up beforehand. There was a messaging feature but she said we couldn't use it because she needed to see me which I'm not sure why - I messed up bad.

Realistically, is there any way I won't get a setback from this? It was way too much volume and the digital audio might have made it worse.

I just want to be ok and I worry the only way to do that is to take my life. I pretty much ruined any chance of getting better with this phone call and now it might go to catastrophic levels. Has this happened to anyone else, and did you worsen permanently? It probably didn't happen to anybody else because all of you are SMART unlike myself.

I currently have a warm sensation radiating from ear toward neck. This is bad, isn't it?

Thanks everyone.

I messed up bad, @tpj.
It seems likely you have been overprotective and making your ears more sensitive to everyday sounds. I only wear ear protection for drilling or mowing the lawn, etc. I hate wearing earplugs as the tinnitus ramps up to insane levels with them in.

CBT could help your anxiety and catastrophic thinking. I understand as I am afraid of sudden loud noise too but most everyday sounds are not going to cause any damage for short periods, even though they may spike the tinnitus.

Please consider gradually reducing your protection whilst being careful. Staying indoors can make us dwell on things more. Walking outdoors in nature is my greatest comfort.

By the way, my tinnitus is loud and I suffer from hyperacusis in one ear.
Today I found out not only am I semi-disabled, but I am ugly as well. Born with scaphocephaly, my head is long and narrow. This odd head shape basically makes me a permanent 4/10. I don't look good at all, no sex appeal. Basically, I will find no love. I could handle the tinnitus and hearing loss, but the thought of being lonely kills me.

No looksmaxxing is going to save my ass.

So not only is my one chance at health gone but my one chance at high confidence was never there to begin with.

Sucks that I have been dealt in life with unfixable issues. There's nothing much that can now be done on my fully developed skull to salvage the situation. It hurts seeing people who did me wrong live the life I wished/dreamt of living. I always dreamt of it but that's all it can ever be.

I wonder why God did this to me. 18 years of living and I just feel like a lab experiment. It's just one sad joke. Some of us are truly made/destined to lose...

I don't know what's keeping me alive, but I am truly done living. I have never been so defeated in life like I have in the past week. I just want to vanish.
Today I found out not only am I semi-disabled, but I am ugly as well. Born with scaphocephaly, my head is long and narrow. This odd head shape basically makes me a permanent 4/10. I don't look good at all, no sex appeal. Basically, I will find no love. I could handle the tinnitus and hearing loss, but the thought of being lonely kills me.

No looksmaxxing is going to save my ass.

So not only is my one chance at health gone but my one chance at high confidence was never there to begin with.

Sucks that I have been dealt in life with unfixable issues. There's nothing much that can now be done on my fully developed skull to salvage the situation. It hurts seeing people who did me wrong live the life I wished/dreamt of living. I always dreamt of it but that's all it can ever be.

I wonder why God did this to me. 18 years of living and I just feel like a lab experiment. It's just one sad joke. Some of us are truly made/destined to lose...

I don't know what's keeping me alive, but I am truly done living. I have never been so defeated in life like I have in the past week. I just want to vanish.
I agree life is not fair. This is obvious.

But your brain has not even finished developing (you are only 18 yo) and you are already thinking of calling it quits. I googled scaphocephaly and it's not that awful. Definitely not worth committing suicide for.

There are millions and millions of people who have found love, even when they are in dire straits, or don't look the typical beauty standards.

Watch this YouTube channel. There are TONS more couples like this. Your life is not finished. Looks aren't everything. There are people who don't give two shits about your scaphocephaly; they might even find it sexy. And there are definitely people who will find your personality sexy and want to share their lives with you.

Don't be discouraged. Your life is just starting. It's not finished.
I'm freaking out right now guys. I STUPIDLY stopped my anxiety meds abruptly (had withdrawal symptoms), and I'm worried it's the explanation for why my hyperacusis/tinnitus got seemingly worse out of nowhere.

Just read that stopping meds can cause tinnitus (the opposite happens in some cases too). I panicked because I read they could be ototoxic which is why I stopped. Who does that?! I should have talked to a doctor first but scared of phone calls/office visits.

I still can't believe I did it. Does anyone know if this would explain the worsening? I never used to have nerve pain/sensitivity before and my loudness hyperacusis went up too. One night I didn't feel well, my heartbeat was off, and I started getting nauseous.

TIRED OF MAKING STUPID DECISIONS, USUALLY BASED ON FEAR. Sometimes I feel like I'm too deep to come back up.

Apologies for rant and please judge me bc I deserve it.
You've made good decisions, not just what feel like really bad ones. You've invested time posting and reaching out to others in this group. Well done.

Abruptly stopping a medication can increase tinnitus and I would think hyperacusis as well.

In terms of the anxiety meds, it you still have the prescription, consider slowly titrating up (increasing the dosage) until you reach the prescribed dosage. Before you do so, have someone in your family consult with the prescribing doctor about how any concerns about whether the drug is linked to increasing tinnitus and hyperacusis.

If the doctor is not sure, have someone in your family contact an ENT knowledgable about tinnitus and hyperacusis. Good luck!

Good luck.
I wish not to exist, as I can not be me. I can not think, read and talk with me and others in silence. I find it very unjust, that tinnitus was forced upon me due to idiocy in the medicinal and other important areas of human life and human rights, which were and are in my case being violated.
I'm having a hard time coming to terms with my tinnitus that isn't going to go away ever. I don't know what to do and need some advice.

I have been having serious thoughts about leaving my job so I can try to get better and my finances shouldn't be an issue for me to do this for some time.

The stress looks to be piling up. Does it get better?
I'm having a hard time coming to terms with my tinnitus that isn't going to go away ever. I don't know what to do and need some advice.

I have been having serious thoughts about leaving my job so I can try to get better and my finances shouldn't be an issue for me to do this for some time.

The stress looks to be piling up. Does it get better?
Was your infection an ear infection and, if so, was it in just one ear?

I had an airplane barotrauma in 2008 that caused fluid in my left ear. My primary doctor said it was about two-thirds full of fluid when he looked with his ear scope. He prescribed Amoxicillin at the time. I have bone on bone TMJ on my left side also that possibly is causing my noise. It usually is annoying static.

Your ear infection could have caused inner ear damage. Does your audiogram look okay? Is your hearing okay? I hope your tinnitus is reduced in time as you are only about 4 months in. Mine is still debilitating most of the time and especially loud when waking up, primarily in my left ear. Best wishes for your recovery if it just takes more time. I know how it affects your quality of life.
While I'm not suicidal anymore, I feel this vent is better suited for this thread as it pertains to the time when I was, and very much so as a matter of fact. Seems more apt here than in my own thread.

Disclaimer, my folks have been MVP's during my cancer treatment and tinnitus-induced mental health crisis, but I still need to get this off of my chest.

My parents will very occasionally make a joke along the lines of "It feels like you had tinnitus, not cancer" and it low key pisses me off quite badly. I didn't sit in the garden while work friends were visiting crying my eyes out that the person I was before is dead for the hell of it. They recently explicitly confirmed that they knew I had suicidal ideations as well so it makes the jokes seem even less funny.

The cancer didn't keep me awake for 2 months and leave me in a mental fog where I was constantly on the verge of having a panic attack. So yeah, I really hope I've heard the end of this joke.

Again, they have on the whole been absolutely incredible so I don't want to get it twisted.
I'm having a hard time coming to terms with my tinnitus that isn't going to go away ever. I don't know what to do and need some advice.

I have been having serious thoughts about leaving my job so I can try to get better and my finances shouldn't be an issue for me to do this for some time.

The stress looks to be piling up. Does it get better?
If you can leave your job, then do.

Concentrate on your health, well-being and finding protocols to cope with this hard affliction.

Avoid stress and embrace peace and love as much as possible.

You can do this, slowly, one step at a time.

Praying for better days @JayJay1.
There is no hope. I think I'm catastrophic at this point. I can't touch my ears without it sounding extremely loud. People are nice and say it can still get better but I'm afraid they just don't want to scare me.

I'm done. It's over. The MRI was too much trauma. I will not heal. Stopping anxiety meds cold turkey fried my CNS and made it worse. That won't heal, either.

Thanks to everyone here for your help. It's time for me to go. Maybe not today or tomorrow because I will chicken out. But I can't and won't do this anymore.
Today I found out not only am I semi-disabled, but I am ugly as well. Born with scaphocephaly, my head is long and narrow. This odd head shape basically makes me a permanent 4/10. I don't look good at all, no sex appeal. Basically, I will find no love. I could handle the tinnitus and hearing loss, but the thought of being lonely kills me.

No looksmaxxing is going to save my ass.

So not only is my one chance at health gone but my one chance at high confidence was never there to begin with.

Sucks that I have been dealt in life with unfixable issues. There's nothing much that can now be done on my fully developed skull to salvage the situation. It hurts seeing people who did me wrong live the life I wished/dreamt of living. I always dreamt of it but that's all it can ever be.

I wonder why God did this to me. 18 years of living and I just feel like a lab experiment. It's just one sad joke. Some of us are truly made/destined to lose...

I don't know what's keeping me alive, but I am truly done living. I have never been so defeated in life like I have in the past week. I just want to vanish.
As a 45-year-old man, let me give you some advice. True love from a woman does not exist, so don't beat yourself up over it. Just go on YouTube and type in MGTOW, and you will understand. I am speaking from experience and not misogyny.

This is just the way women are programmed by nature and modern society just made things a million times worse. A woman cannot love you the way a man wants her to, love is transactional basically. While a man functions as a provider, a woman will stick around, but as soon as your finances go up shit's creek, then you will see her heels walking away from you. This is just a basic intro to the subject.

Yes, you can enjoy time with a woman, by all means, but know that in 90%+ of cases, this time is limited and is dependent on what you bring to the table -- not what she brings, and so on.

P.S. The shape of your head has absolutely NO bearing on a woman's desire to be with you. Sure at 18 years old they may shun you, but it's because they are immature. Just wait till you are 25+ and in the meantime work on your purpose (money, career, body) in life so that when the time comes, you can attract a female.
There is no hope. I think I'm catastrophic at this point. I can't touch my ears without it sounding extremely loud. People are nice and say it can still get better but I'm afraid they just don't want to scare me.

I'm done. It's over. The MRI was too much trauma. I will not heal. Stopping anxiety meds cold turkey fried my CNS and made it worse. That won't heal, either.

Thanks to everyone here for your help. It's time for me to go. Maybe not today or tomorrow because I will chicken out. But I can't and won't do this anymore.
How long has it been since the MRI?
As a 45-year-old man, let me give you some advice. True love from a woman does not exist, so don't beat yourself up over it. Just go on YouTube and type in MGTOW, and you will understand. I am speaking from experience and not misogyny.

This is just the way women are programmed by nature and modern society just made things a million times worse. A woman cannot love you the way a man wants her to, love is transactional basically. While a man functions as a provider, a woman will stick around, but as soon as your finances go up shit's creek, then you will see her heels walking away from you. This is just a basic intro to the subject.

Yes, you can enjoy time with a woman, by all means, but know that in 90%+ of cases, this time is limited and is dependent on what you bring to the table -- not what she brings, and so on.

P.S. The shape of your head has absolutely NO bearing on a woman's desire to be with you. Sure at 18 years old they may shun you, but it's because they are immature. Just wait till you are 25+ and in the meantime work on your purpose (money, career, body) in life so that when the time comes, you can attract a female.

How long has it been since the MRI?
This is a load of bull.
I am speaking from experience and not misogyny.

Wow, that's fascinating. My bullshit meter is going off the charts! Please tell me, in what world is that belief not misogynistic?
I'm having a hard time coming to terms with my tinnitus that isn't going to go away ever. I don't know what to do and need some advice.

I have been having serious thoughts about leaving my job so I can try to get better and my finances shouldn't be an issue for me to do this for some time.

The stress looks to be piling up. Does it get better?
I'll speak for myself, but I believe others have had similar experiences. I developed catastrophic tinnitus and hyperacusis 11 years ago after my father passed away. I believe stress was a key factor. The hyperacusis resolved within a year (for the most part as I am still somewhat sensitive to sound and will avoid extremely noisy environments and carry earplugs if I will see a movie... just in case).

I still have tinnitus. It varies from moderate (where I don't wear white noise devices) on good days to severe (where I wear maskers that produce pink noise).

The initial shock of being faced with tinnitus can be a very emotional time.

I would suggest a sound machine and/or maskers. The price of maskers is ridiculous. I found a company in Britain whose prices are somewhat cheaper.
There is no hope. I think I'm catastrophic at this point. I can't touch my ears without it sounding extremely loud. People are nice and say it can still get better but I'm afraid they just don't want to scare me.

I'm done. It's over. The MRI was too much trauma. I will not heal. Stopping anxiety meds cold turkey fried my CNS and made it worse. That won't heal, either.

Thanks to everyone here for your help. It's time for me to go. Maybe not today or tomorrow because I will chicken out. But I can't and won't do this anymore.
How long have you had hyperacusis and tinnitus? I'm asking because the first year of catastrophic tinnitus and hyperacusis is usually extremely debilitating, as being unable to carry out even day to day activities. There is no certainty that things will improve, but it is possible. Also, Susan Shore's treatment for tinnitus should be available within a few years? The date is uncertain, but it's on its way.
View attachment 55790

Wow, that's fascinating. My bullshit meter is going off the charts! Please tell me, in what world is that belief not misogynistic?
70 percent

"Nearly 70 percent of divorces are initiated by the wife. In addition, over 50% of divorced wives never want to remarry while only about 30% of men express that same sentiment. Seeing as most divorces are initiated by women, men can use this statistic to make sure they are being mindful of their wives' needs and wants."

Source: The Jimenez Law Firm

Need I say more? I will leave it that, because not gonna get into an argument with a Karen... :p
"Nearly 70 percent of divorces are initiated by the wife. In addition, over 50% of divorced wives never want to remarry while only about 30% of men express that same sentiment. Seeing as most divorces are initiated by women, men can use this statistic to make sure they are being mindful of their wives' needs and wants."

Source: The Jimenez Law Firm
That doesn't tell me much, just that women divorce at higher rates than men do. There's no mention that the women in the research left solely because their partner couldn't provide enough to the marriage. Can you please link another study that clearly supports your opinion?

You've also said that this occurs in 90%+ of cases, that's an awfully high number. Will you please link your research to support this number as well?

I'm very sorry you so obviously got burned, but making generalizing statements like that is not a great look. Especially when you shroud it as "helpful" advice.
I will leave it that, because not gonna get into an argument with a Karen... :p
Words have meaning, Dan. Disagreeing with an opinion does not make one a Karen(y).
How long has it been since the MRI?
About 6 months.
I'll speak for myself, but I believe others have had similar experiences. I developed catastrophic tinnitus and hyperacusis 11 years ago after my father passed away. I believe stress was a key factor. The hyperacusis resolved within a year (for the most part as I am still somewhat sensitive to sound and will avoid extremely noisy environments and carry earplugs if I will see a movie... just in case).

I still have tinnitus. It varies from moderate (where I don't wear white noise devices) on good days to severe (where I wear maskers that produce pink noise).

The initial shock of being faced with tinnitus can be a very emotional time.

I would suggest a sound machine and/or maskers. The price of maskers is ridiculous. I found a company in Britain whose prices are somewhat cheaper.

How long have you had hyperacusis and tinnitus? I'm asking because the first year of catastrophic tinnitus and hyperacusis is usually extremely debilitating, as being unable to carry out even day to day activities. There is no certainty that things will improve, but it is possible. Also, Susan Shore's treatment for tinnitus should be available within a few years? The date is uncertain, but it's on its way.
It's been six months. The tinnitus is manageable (I'm praying it doesn't get worse again), but the hyperacusis is unlivable.
That doesn't tell me much, just that women divorce at higher rates than men do. There's no mention that the women in the research left solely because their partner couldn't provide enough to the marriage. Can you please link another study that clearly supports your opinion?

You've also said that this occurs in 90%+ of cases, that's an awfully high number. Will you please link your research to support this number as well?

I'm very sorry you so obviously got burned, but making generalizing statements like that is not a great look. Especially when you shroud it as "helpful" advice.

Words have meaning, Dan. Disagreeing with an opinion does not make one a Karen(y).
I would assume men are more likely to abuse their female partner and engage in infidelity, so that's probably why women initiate divorce more than men. Maybe I'll take some time to look up some qualified statistics, and fact check that 90% one.
About 6 months.

It's been six months. The tinnitus is manageable (I'm praying it doesn't get worse again), but the hyperacusis is unlivable.
When I had severe hyperacusis and my nervous system felt like it was in overdrive (including panic attacks), I turned to yoga, bhramari breathing, alternate nostril breathing, and savasana (lying on one's back and calmly breathing).

A change of diet to warm soothing foods such as hot cereals and soups.

A sound machine to play ocean waves to help sleep.

Self-massage with an Ayurvedic oil called Vata oil.

Hot baths with Epsom salts to help relax before bed.

Valerian and Melatonin before bed to help my sleep.
I would assume men are more likely to abuse their female partner and engage in infidelity, so that's probably why women initiate divorce more than men. Maybe I'll take some time to look up some qualified statistics, and fact check that 90% one.
Men are not more likely to abuse or cheat, check your facts. Abuse can also be psychological.

What I meant was that if a man loses his ability to provide (catastrophic tinnitus/hyperacusis, or another debilitating illness), then it is over 90% chance your woman will walk. I also said that as long as you provide her desired lifestyle, the chances of her walking reduces to about 60% during the marriage (standard divorce rate). True, unconditional love may exist in a woman, but it is very rare in today's narcissistic society. I'm not saying men can't be assholes, but fundamentally, a man does not wish to divorce even if things go up shit's creek... men are logical thinkers as opposed to women as emotional thinkers (proven by science). Emotions are not as reliable as logic. I wish things were different but that's modern reality.

In ancient times, divorce by a woman was only acceptable in extreme cases, such as physical abuse by the husband...

Karen said I was "burned". Well, that may be true, but so did thousands of millions of men, men who were left homeless, penniless and destitute after the ex wife got through with them and or suffered psychological trauma post break up.

OK, I was just giving advice to a young man here who was having a rough day.
About 6 months.

It's been six months. The tinnitus is manageable (I'm praying it doesn't get worse again), but the hyperacusis is unlivable.
Keep calm, 6 months in hyperacusis is early stages. Things are going to get better, you can take that to the bank.
What I meant was that if a man loses his ability to provide (catastrophic tinnitus/hyperacusis, or another debilitating illness), then it is over 90% chance your woman will walk.
Again, where is this magic number coming from? Are you just making up a number or are you pulling it from actual statistics?
In ancient times, divorce by a woman was only acceptable in extreme cases, such as physical abuse by the husband...
I'm not sure what point you're making here. No one should be forced to stay in a marriage, it shouldn't matter if a person is being abused or not for a divorce to qualify.
Karen said I was "burned". Well, that may be true, but so did thousands of millions of men, men who were left homeless, penniless and destitute after the ex wife got through with them and or suffered psychological trauma post break up.
Obviously, it's unfortunate, I'm not saying it isn't and that some women aren't to blame. But it's not fair for you to generalize women like that. I don't generalize men for having bad experiences in the past.

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