I had to vote no because it is simply too much for a newbie to handle; I can still remember the thoughts going through my head at the onset of T, I wouldn't have wanted to read that.
After reading the article (brutal grammar) I can't bring myself to believe a linear path exists from her T to her suicide (T = suicide); people are far more complex than that and the article only gives us a snapshot of her life (scarcely that). Furthermore, the article seems to hit the big emotional chords (she had two kids, great person, therapist, 'tried everything'). Tabloid drama 101. Did she really see experts or did she just think she exhausted that route? Was she abjectly habituation resistant? Did she have chronic depression? What are the motives (real motives) behind the publishers? Did she have excessive, chronic anxiety factors in her life? Who knows, the questions are many. I am NOT saying any of the implied answers to these questions are true -- by any stretch of the word; and I'm NOT judging her -- because I don't have all the facts (and that's the problem with this article). I'm just saying it is simply inappropriate to put an article like this on a support forum without any real facts -- and all the facts. Otherwise it comes across as tabloid drama.
I agree with others stating people commit suicide and cite seemingly trivial reasons; are those people really being forthright? Or even accurate (state of mind)? I'm not sure we could ever really know; people just aren't that simplistic -- there's always more than meets the eye.
However, this difficult subject might be worth addressing (in a very indirect manner) on this site. When I first hit the site I found it very user friendly (with lots of friendly users

). That being said, what if we considered something a little more overt like a 'Start Here' button for newbies? When clicked, it takes them to a welcome page with a kind, "don't panic" style message and that includes all the administrivia to get started. Embedded in this page could be a small statement possibly addressing the issue. The wording would need to be well vetted; but it would be doable.
I realize we have the 'Introduce Yourself' link but it has the same look and feel as all the rest of the links. A 'Start Here' may catch a newbie's eye a little better. Please don't think I'm complaining about the site, I really like the functionality, look and feel, and ease of use -- just throwing ideas out there.