There are a lot of variables in this treatment.
-The site of the electrical stimulation
-The amount of electrical stimulation
-The timing of the electrical stimulation
-The nature of the sound
-The duration of the treatment (both per session and overall)
This is new technology and people here are trying to draw final conclusions already.
If I were to try one of these treatments at this early stage and it didn't work for me I don't think I'd write it off. I'd try one of the others or retry later if they made changes.
No one is writing the treatment off that isnt being over dramatic.
I was in sessions since like June through December logging every single day. My tinnitus varies but I just didn't notice any variations due to the sessions. If anything they irritated my tinnitus more often than I felt they helped.
I'm just saying it never felt like it did anything for me after many sessions. Maybe it did and I just don't know it but that certainly doesn't mean it didn't help other people.
Maybe I was in a placebo but I don't see why they would have me be placebo the entire time when they can easily change that session to session without me having a clue. I don't see a reason why they would keep it that way the entire trial but who knows. People shouldn't just assume I was because my experience wasn't positive.
Lastly, I think my experience should be a good wake up call for people. The best treatment for tinnitus is to try and get on with your lives and stop obsessing over forums. Watching these threads for years impatientely waiting for your chance at the treatment is going to be nothing but devestating for you if you finally try it and it doesn't meet your expectations.
My tinnitus is horrible but every month I get better at it. It's much better now than it was before I started the treatment. Why? Because time has allowed my tinnitus anxiety to heal. If anything its louder than ever but I am 10x better at accepting it and ignoring it because I finally let go of my anxiety over it.
If I get more info from the trial that contradicts anything I said or let's me know I didn't receive the real treatment I will certainly let this thread know. I just have zero expectations after experiencing the trial so have moved on personally.
Sorry to disappoint but sometimes it's better to be real than fake optimism.