Sorry for the delays! Wife is on bedrest at the moment. Hopefully the baby stays in the oven for a little longer!
did sign an NDA. So I will provide more details on my tinnitus, and less on the outcome of the trial. The actual trial (from an NDA standpoint), only lasted the month of December.
My participation in the trial ended in Dec 2018. Honestly, I had mixed feelings about it. There had been a noticeable reduction in my tinnitus throughout the trial, and I was a little saddened to be out out of that life support. In the weeks that have followed my last trial appointment, I started mentally not caring about tinnitus.
@Bill Bauer may call me reckless with my hearing

I do/did actually use protection fairly often. For example, when vacuuming or running the coffee grinder. I first noticed that when I had my Peltors on, I wasn't super annoyed.
I could hear my tinnitus a bit, but it didn't expand in the void of silence. That was an interesting change. Previously, my tinnitus would increase in volume in silence and become deafeningly loud. Painfully loud. In my journal, I quit writing about my fear of going to bed and dealing with the tinnitus. (This isn't about the habituation, just noticing its lessening impact.)
I have stopped getting fleeting tinnitus over the last month. Previously, about 3-4 times per week, I would get fleeting tinnitus. My hearing would cut out completely, I'd go deaf in an ear for a few minutes and then it would pass. This has stopped.
Loud noise distortion has stopped. I had kind of thought this was normal, and I still don't understand what was causing this? My dog has an unfortunately loud bark. It's piercing, and measures well over 100 dB. Unfortunately, I can't do anything about this at the moment. (I am paying for classes for her to stop barking). Same with kid crying. No more distortion.
While I can't hear my tinnitus at work currently,
I have a small bit of residual tinnitus. When I got to bed and lay my head against the pillow it sounds like water running through pipes. I don't even know if that is considered tinnitus? It's not even in the same league as a car horn or dental drill going off in your head.
My hyperacusis slowly diminished. I had H for a while. Not anywhere close to many of the people on this forum. But there were weeks were I couldn't be in my office environment because it was too loud. Once I went back to work I slowly got used to that. Then I couldn't handle my child yelling. I slowly got used to that. Now, I protect out of instinct, but the pain doesn't happen.
A couple of caveats:
- I have TMJ and have been seeking treatment for TMJ. WAIT HOLD YOUR HORSES. My treatment has been CBT based, so y'all can calm down.
- I gave up caffeine. I really didn't notice this affect my tinnitus.
- And then one tiny, weency, little other possibility, that I did make the researchers aware of. Benzo withdrawal. I tapered off benzos this year. I was upfront and gave the researchers my doses and how I was tapering. I was pretty much done by the time the real trial started however. I had tinnitus before Benzo's so I don't really think this played a part in it. The plus side is, I was prescribed an very large dose for a very long time. If my tinnitus reduced after this, then most of us have hope!
Anyways, sorry for the delays.