War in Ukraine — Megathread

Zelenskyy knew that Ukraine would receive help from the U.S and NATO, so he refused to speak with Russia at a negotiating table. This war, so far, has cost tens of thousands of lives, and at least hundreds of billions of dollars, and it could very well have been for nothing.
It is looking like it will have been for nothing. No end in sight. America lost out in Afganistan and Vietnam - losing huge sums of money and men. I don't know on what basis they think Russia is going to lose this.

But the time for a deal was before the devastation - too late for that now.
Well, then I guess your argument doesn't make sense, as you're declining doing something that would take you half a minute rather than making me post thousands of messages here.
Not at all. It means I don't want to join channels that contain unverifiable testimonies about a topic such as this. A lot of Telegram channels are cesspools of scams and misinformation, and it would be the last place I'd go to be enlightened about anything.

I remember during the height of the last crypto bull run, Telegram was where people would form cell groups to scam thousands, if not millions, of people. The corruption was off the scale and I've still got screenshots that I shared with my investment group to show them what was going on. The XRP pump and dump was a notorious one, but people believed what they saw because they didn't know about the scam group which contained over 300,000 people (from memory). This is one small example. The exact same thing happens for political reasons.

All I'm asking is for you to say what you know. That's it. So far you've said nothing. Go back through this thread and show me a response where you go into detail as to why you believe Russia is not the enemy. When others write paragraphs, you dismiss them with a couple of sentences whilst providing nothing as a retort.

The single most important question that needs to be answered is this: Why is Russia occupying and attacking Ukraine? Give me a credible reason?
Not at all. It means I don't want to join channels that contain unverifiable testimonies about a topic such as this. A lot of Telegram channels are cesspools of scams and misinformation, and it would be the last place I'd go to be enlightened about anything.
This is exactly why I join both Ukrainian & Russian Telegram channels & compare the information provided in both. If the evidence is suspicious, or there is no unaltered photographic/Video evidence provided, I will not consider the information to be truthful.
The single most important question that needs to be answered is this: Why is Russia occupying and attacking Ukraine? Give me a credible reason?
Every country has their own reasons and ideology. Look up the reasons why the US invaded any country over the past few decades, and I'm sure the answer is very similar.

The only difference is "muh Russia bade nott do what 'Murica liek"
This is exactly why I join both Ukrainian & Russian Telegram channels & compare the information provided in both
It doesn't make any difference if you join multiple groups. You cannot validate what anyone is saying. It would be extremely easy for both Russia and Ukraine to push propaganda over Telegram.
Every country has their own reasons and ideology. Look up the reasons why the US invaded any country over the past few decades, and I'm sure the answer is very similar.

The only difference is "muh Russia bade nott do what 'Murica liek"
You still haven't answered my question and are now using a strawman argument to deflect from answering it. I've already stated that I was against the US when they invaded Iraq, but what has that got to do with this? We are talking about Russia invading Ukraine here.

So, your main argument is that every country has their own reasons and ideologies? Ok, so what is Russia's reason to invade and slaughter thousands of Ukrainian citizens? If you say it's because of their ideology, and you're here defending Russia, then what are you defending/supporting.

It seems to me that you have no idea yourself why you support Russia. It's more than likely that their propaganda has influenced you enough to take their side. You still haven't given a single critical reason as to why they should be in Ukraine.
It doesn't make any difference if you join multiple groups. You cannot validate what anyone is saying. It would be extremely easy for both Russia and Ukraine to push propaganda over Telegram.

You still haven't answered my question and are now using a strawman argument to deflect from answering it. I've already stated that I was against the US when they invaded Iraq, but what has that got to do with this? We are talking about Russia invading Ukraine here.

So, your main argument is that every country has their own reasons and ideologies? Ok, so what is Russia's reason to invade and slaughter thousands of Ukrainian citizens? If you say it's because of their ideology, and you're here defending Russia, then what are you defending/supporting.

It seems to me that you have no idea yourself why you support Russia. It's more than likely that their propaganda has influenced you enough to take their side. You still haven't given a single critical reason as to why they should be in Ukraine.
Where did I say that I support anybody? I'm neutral on the whole subject.

What I don't support is hypocrisy from the west (not to mention calling Russian soldiers "rapists & murderers" while only providing sketchy eyewitness accounts and interviews with no actual evidence), wasting tax dollars on a futile effort, and unnecessary extension of the war by Zelenskiy, sacrificing lives, avoiding peace negotiations, to satiate his overinflated ego. Russia isn't going to stop. The outcome is evident - Ukraine is never going to win this conflict, Russia has massive, practically unlimited resources, and Ukraine is hanging by a thread, with dwindling western support and an exhausted population.

P. S. About telegram - it seems you aren't getting me. I only trust visual evidence in the form of clear, unaltered videos and photographs. Everything else is nonsense. I don't just read something and believe it, or make assumptions. Not to mention, to avoid bias, I use both Russian and Ukrainian sources & compare the photographs and videos they provide as evidence to their claims.
Poland's Prime Minister has announced that his country will no longer send arms to Ukraine.

A government spokesman, Piotr Mueller, clarified Thursday that the country was now only providing supplies of ammunition and armaments that had previously been agreed to, noting that "a series of absolutely unacceptable statements and diplomatic gestures appeared on the Ukrainian side."
Where did I say that I support anybody? I'm neutral on the whole subject.
You are clearly in support of Russia based upon your posts in this thread.
on a futile effort, and unnecessary extension of the war by Zelenskiy, sacrificing lives, avoiding peace negotiations, to satiate his overinflated ego
So it's Zelenskiy's fault that there are Russian tanks and soldiers rampaging through his country? What about Putin? The prick shouldn't have ordered soldiers to attack them in the first place, and how can Russia be trusted to make a deal? Sometimes in warfare countries like Russia want the opposing side to lay down their weapons as a truce, but then instead of doing the same they attack with more force. They thought they would walk right through Ukraine in a matter of weeks, but they fucked up by exposing how weak their army is to the rest of the world. Russia is to blame.
P. S. About telegram - it seems you aren't getting me. I only trust visual evidence in the form of clear, unaltered videos and photographs. Everything else is nonsense.
Anything viewed through Telegram must be taken with a pinch of salt. We do not have intelligence to verify what's real and what isn't. There is also no context.
Poland's Prime Minister has announced that his country will no longer send arms to Ukraine.

A government spokesman, Piotr Mueller, clarified Thursday that the country was now only providing supplies of ammunition and armaments that had previously been agreed to, noting that "a series of absolutely unacceptable statements and diplomatic gestures appeared on the Ukrainian side."
You left off a paragraph of the article you quoted. I think this paragraph clarifies the true meaning of Poland's intent, as shown below:
Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said in a television interview late Wednesday that Poland is "no longer transferring any weapons to Ukraine because we are now arming ourselves with the most modern weapons" in a military modernization plan spurred by fears of Russian aggression in the region.
The article also mentioned his populist party faces pressure from the far right Confederation party in the upcoming national election.
You left off a paragraph of the article you quoted. I think this paragraph clarifies the true meaning of Poland's intent, as shown below:

The article also mentioned his populist party faces pressure from the far right Confederation party in the upcoming national election.
That's their business, not ours.

We're going to be paying for the reconstruction of Ukraine after this is over, and this is going to cost American taxpayers hundreds of billions if not trillions by that time.

Zelenskyy is already attending meetings with JP Morgan, billionaire Michael Bloomberg, Wall Street CEOs, and major business leaders in Manhattan, to work this out among them. They all will profit, and we will pay, just like always.
You are clearly in support of Russia based upon your posts in this thread.
Okay, where exactly did I state my profound support? That's a pretty bold assumption. Everything I said was against hypocrisy and assumptions based on no evidence.
So it's Zelenskiy's fault that there are Russian tanks and soldiers rampaging through his country?
No, it's not his fault, but it's his fault that he's drawing out this conflict and refusing peace negotiations while his citizens die in the thousands & US tax dollars being spent on a futile effort.

About Telegram - I think I have enough reasoning to understand when I see NATO equipment being blown up by Russian drones or Russian tanks, or to differentiate dead Russian soldiers from Ukrainian ones.
Okay, where exactly did I state my profound support? That's a pretty bold assumption. Everything I said was against hypocrisy and assumptions based on no evidence.
Profound is overegging it just a tad :LOL: Everything you say is on the side of Russia, and if you're not acknowledging that, then I can't help you. You blame and criticise everyone except for Putin, and it would be easy to believe that you work for the Kremlin.
About Telegram - I think I have enough reasoning to understand when I see NATO equipment being blown up by Russian drones or Russian tanks, or to differentiate dead Russian soldiers from Ukrainian ones.
I'll let the intelligence agencies know that they can remove their operatives and shut down the satellite systems. There's a guy online who can tell them what's going on by watching Telegram. Should save them a fortune.
Everything you say is on the side of Russia,
You didn't answer my question. You accuse me of supporting Russia, I asked you to provide evidence of me doing so, you refused. All of my messages were against the continuation of the conflict, stating the hypocrisy of the west & Zelenskiy. Never did I say "lol war good, Ukrainian bad, must die". If you are planning on accusing someone of something, provide sufficient evidence, otherwise your opinion is void. Russia has done plenty of mistakes, and yeah, I definitely would have preferred the conflict never started. Never did I state anywhere that I support the conflict.
I'll let the intelligence agencies know that they can remove their operatives and shut down the satellite systems
So intelligence agencies have technology that can detect rape & murder? Damn, what's the name of this amazing technology? I see NATO vehicles destroyed, dead Ukrainian troops on video. Or do you think this is all faked by Russia?
Claiming neutrality in this invasion is akin to appeasement. These same people would let Nazi Germany have it their way.
Profound is overegging it just a tad :LOL: Everything you say is on the side of Russia, and if you're not acknowledging that, then I can't help you. You blame and criticise everyone except for Putin, and it would be easy to believe that you work for the Kremlin.
Claims to be 'neutral', yet:

> still refers to the invasion as a 'special military operation'
> won't say this invasion was a unprovoked attack
> denies deliberate targeting of Ukrainian civilians and widespread atrocities being committed
> engages in false equivalency and whataboutism in order to deflect
> regurgitates the same ole Russian propaganda talking points

Ain't fooling no one. Probably recently hired by Russian troll farms or just delusional like his Russian counterparts.
The chap has to review Spanish history. And this is the "top" diplomat in the EU. If his opinions on the Ukraine war are as wrong as his take on Spanish history, the EU is in trouble, haha.

Migration could be 'dissolving force for EU', says bloc's top diplomat | European Union | The Guardian
He (Borrell) said other countries, such as Spain, have a long history of accepting migrants (????). "The paradox is that Europe needs migrants because we have so low demographic growth. If we want to survive from a labour point of view, we need migrants."
Spanish people had to LEAVE the country and go to work in Switzerland in the XXth century because Spain was such a mess, and such an economic disaster...

Oligarchs got away with it, and European taxpayers are footing the absurd bill for the Ukraine war. EU politicians are just stealing, as always, and we are paying the bill.

'You could fill a museum with it': the $963m Roman Abramovich art collection revealed | Roman Abramovich | The Guardian
No, it's not his fault, but it's his fault that he's drawing out this conflict and refusing peace negotiations while his citizens die in the thousands & US tax dollars being spent on a futile effort.
Agreed. The guy has no concept of "stop loss". In his mind, keeping on throwing men with AK-47s at heavily fortified Russian defence lines, without proper air support and dwindling artillery support, is just madness, pure madness with little regard to human life of his own men. What happens when there are no more men to throw? Russia could just walk through Ukraine and take candy from babies.
If I may ask two questions:

1) What would be considered a Ukraine 'win'?

2) What would be considered a Russian 'win'?
Here's my take:

1) What would be considered a Ukraine 'win'?

Russians removed from all of Ukraine.

2) What would be considered a Russian 'win'?

Ukraine becomes part of the Russian fatherland, with all Ukrainian politicians and soldiers dead.
still refers to the invasion as a 'special military operation'
> won't say this invasion was a unprovoked attack
> denies deliberate targeting of Ukrainian civilians and widespread atrocities being committed
> engages in false equivalency and whataboutism in order to deflect
> regurgitates the same ole Russian propaganda talking points

Ain't fooling no one. Probably recently hired by Russian troll farms or just delusional like his Russian counterparts.
> I'll call it whatever it's being called in the country I'm in.
> Not everyone is a saint. Even if there were, as you say, atrocities, there isn't any valid evidence. Pictures of casualties that happen after bombing aren't "rape & murder".
> So, we should just undeniably take the word of Ukrainian sources?
> What talking points exactly? Calling out the west on their hypocrisy?

The fact that you think anyone who has an opposite opinion of you to be part of a troll farm is pretty pathetic.

As I understand, you support the continuation of the conflict together with the death of citizens and soldiers alike? So you agree with Zelenskiy drawing everything out, denying peace negotiations?
Here's my take:

1) What would be considered a Ukraine 'win'?

Russians removed from all of Ukraine.

2) What would be considered a Russian 'win'?

Ukraine becomes part of the Russian fatherland, with all Ukrainian politicians and soldiers dead.
Russians are not leaving Crimea, there is no chance in hell that is happening any time soon. Nearly 80% of Crimea population are ethnic Russkis, and like 8% are Ukies.

Russian win is annexation of some/most of the eastern parts they are claiming (in addition to Crimea) and Ukraine staying out of NATO.

By the way, a little history lesson. Khmelnytsky brought eastern Ukraine (Cossack Hetmanate then, roughly the disputed territory now) under Russian rule in 1654 with Pereiaslav Agreement because he did not like to be under the rule of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (ironically enough the background of this was personal, he lost a woman and property to some cunning neighbor and could not get justice from Polish King's authorities, got pissed and started an uprising). This may seem far back and irrelevant, but is not so. This had lasting consequences, and maybe biggest in the history of Europe. It was one of the significant factors leading to the demise and eventual partition of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, then basically the largest European kingdom, which allowed Russia to grow in territory and power, eventually to become a superpower it is still till this day.
As I understand, you support the continuation of the conflict together with the death of citizens and soldiers alike? So you agree with Zelenskiy drawing everything out, denying peace negotiations?
I agree, peace negotiations. The U.S. taxpayers don't want to pay for this war. Ukraine was a corrupt country and still could be. Zelensky comes here in his army green clothing and begs for more money with no end game. Biden and the Democrats are keeping us from protecting our own sovereign border, which is ridiculous.
2) What would be considered a Russian 'win'?
This war has turned into a major geopolitical disaster for Russia. Whatever the outcome of the war, whatever disasters are inflicted on Ukraine, it has exposed Russian military weakness that no other event could, significantly eroding Russian soft power in the process. They've embarrassed themselves against an army that's much smaller in size and with no naval force. Prior to the war, Russia had a much higher reputation for its military might compared to now. You had publications like The Economist, in 2020, who were praising Russian military reforms as "impressive" and "dazzling" and even suggested that NATO nations would need to step their game up to match Russia lol. Does anyone anywhere still believe in this perception of Russian military strength today? No. Their military has been meme'd to death already.

In my opinion, this self-induced decline in their perceived strength is a significant setback for Russia. It's hard to see how they can come back from it without having a really long period of reform/reorganization, which is probably not even possible under their current existing political structure.

And that's their military we're just talking about. Then there's NATO. The war has unified NATO more than ever now, which almost definitely will lead to long-term higher investment in NATO military powers. NATO has also expanded to Russia's borders and right next to a key submarine and nuclear missile site as well. NATO's expansion with two major nations, Finland (and potentially Sweden soon), represents nothing short of a major geopolitical crisis for Russia - all entirely self-inflicted thanks to dumb Putin.

Europe is becoming more self-reliant when it comes to their natural resources as a result. No one will trade with Russia now or invest in their country and Russians will be looked with disdain wherever they go. Well, particularly in the West. They'll still have support from anti-West developing countries and authoritarian developed countries though. We can already see that with Putin's recent visit to North Korea. Assholes teaming up with assholes. Go figure. They have sabotaged their future economic growth.

Russia will remain much weaker strategically for the foreseeable future on a geopolitical scale.
> I'll call it whatever it's being called in the country I'm in.
Exactly, you're using Putin's words. You aren't 'neutral' then. So my point still stands.

Why should we trust anything Russia says when they:
  • Won't even call it a war.
  • Admit that their soldiers have committed war crimes.
  • Weren't truthful about what happened to Moskva and Saky - with stories that rapidly changed and contradicted themselves.
  • Were using a nuclear power plant as a shield.
  • Are indiscriminately attacking populated areas with no clear military targets, using weapons they know are inaccurate.
So, can you can see why the Russian point of view on this 'special military operation' is considered to be almost worthless and a way to hide what's really happening. How daft do Russians have to be to believe that the biggest military attack in European soil since WW2 is not a full scale war?
What talking points exactly? Calling out the west on their hypocrisy?
Pick your poison: 'NATO encroachment', 'Ukrainian Nazis', 'saving' Russian speaking people, 'what about Iraq'?

You and a few others keep bringing up the 2nd Iraq war as if both conflicts were identical. Only that the 2nd Iraq War wasn't anywhere near as black and white like with this current conflict. It's false equivalency, but also a sad attempt to deflect and excuse what's happening in Ukraine. 2 wrongs don't make a right anyway.

Iraq War:

1) Saddam Hussein was a ruthless dictator.
2) An international coalition had already had to drive Saddam back once before.
3) Saddam's regime used chemical weapons, gassing his own people and likely did want nuclear weapons (mainly because Iran were also working on them at the time).
4) The US and allies did not indiscriminately target civilian areas. There were numerous instances of mistakes happening, but they didn't flatten entire cities.
5) The Americans and Brits did not systematically commit war crimes. There were soldiers there, so unsurprisingly some isolated acts did occur, and the person(s) involve were taken into custody to face justice. Accountability doesn't exist in the Russian military.
6) There were and have been numerous attempts to get the Iraqis back to governing themselves. It wasn't an attempt to steal territory.

Compared to the Ukraine war:

1) Ukraine has a democratically elected government, with no major concerns as to the veracity of the election.
2) Recent Ukrainian governments had committed no atrocities. Isolated incidents in a civil war fueled by Russia, yes, but nothing systematic.
3) Problematic parts of Ukrainian society have either been cracked down or reformed (all prior to the current invasion). It still is an ongoing process as they begin to grow more westernized.
4) Russia has a history of meddling in Ukrainian domestic affairs. Invading Crimea and unofficially Donetsk and Luhansk.
5) Russia (and the separatists they back) have a record of atrocious war crimes. Ones that look systematic.
6) Russia have clearly targeted civilians.
7) Russia have leveled cities.
8) Russia is attempting to steal territory that doesn't belong to them.

There were a few reasons to invade Iraq on top of the bullshit weapons of mass destruction stuff. Saddam not only had chemical weapons, he'd actually USED them. Now, enough for an invasion? Likely not, and those who either falsely pushed the WMD stuff, or clung to it, were idiots (Bush administration in particular). There were obviously some oil interests too. But was it evil to depose a ruthless nasty dictator? The 2nd Iraq invasion may have not been right, but it was not evil.

The mentality behind it was certainly different from Putin's. The invasion of Iraq was born of an overwhelming desire to do something in the face of a new enemy (post 9/11 war on terror) that couldn't be fought on a battlefield. It wasn't evil that drove it, it was frustration, stupidity, anger and misplaced aggression.

But what Russia is doing is pure evil. Putin is straight up trying to grab land, to extend his power and fortune by whatever means necessary. The most 'base' of reasons. Russia have precisely zero good justifications. Even for their own gain this was an utterly stupid move (in hindsight, as they will have been the ones snuffing up their own propaganda about how great the Russian armed forces were more than anyone else. Talk about a major geopolitical fail...

And might I remind you that one of the largest protests ever, in the world, was against the start of the invasion of Iraq. Millions of people, across many countries protesting the war, openly. Meanwhile in Russia, Putin still holds a 80% approval rating. It's only gone up since the start of the invasion. Any attempt to protest the war inside Russia will have you in handcuffs and taken into custody. Autocracy at its finest.

I'm not sure why I've wasted my time outlining this, but here we are. Perhaps this will put someone else going off on some false and stupid points of comparison.
> So, we should just undeniably take the word of Ukrainian sources?
Okay, so the Ukrainian side is mostly being shared, but considering what the Russian side have been confirmed to have done, not to mention Russia's history, their constant lies, and the bare naked fact that their invasion is in the completely wrong, why should we take anything the Russians say seriously anymore? Besides, there's plenty of other sources besides Ukrainian sources. We went over this already.
As I understand, you support the continuation of the conflict together with the death of citizens and soldiers alike? So you agree with Zelenskiy drawing everything out, denying peace negotiations?
Do I want war? No, of course not. I hate war. There's often a diplomatic solution, but not when one nation is indiscriminately attacked by an imperialist aggressor. I support Ukrainian's right to self-determination and their sovereignty in the face against aggressive invaders. Russia is free to end the fighting at anytime, and the war will end. They chose to attack, and now they either have to decide to end it and leave, or they have to be forced to leave for however long it takes. The West should continue to supply and support the Ukrainians for as long as necessary because Putin is banking on seeing western support and aid being stopped, strategically speaking.

And that's not even touching upon how it's frankly morally right to support Ukraine against having their country invaded, snatched from them, destroyed, and their people brutalized all because of some stupid dumb nationalism and one crazy man's demented dreams of rebuilding the old Russian empire.

You apparently watch/read the news, yeah? Did you miss the part when Putin compared himself to Peter the fucking Great. You do know what that means if Russia gets to steal territory in Ukraine? How do you think the People's Republic of China would take that? They will see the West and Democracy as weak and will invade Taiwan at some point.
So you agree with Zelenskiy drawing everything out, denying peace negotiations?
Time and time again, negotiating with Putin's Russia serves only to buy time for Russia to prepare more attacks later on. Every negotiations with the Russians is just another opportunity for them to deceive you. Actually, if the Russians are calling for negotiations, it means that no negotiations are far worse for them. Anyone with a brain knows this. The Ukrainians are well aware of this, which is why they persist in their fight. They know they have to fight out of necessity because the alternative is a direct threat to their continued existence. It's only after Russia stops murdering Ukrainian civilians and withdraws from Ukrainian lands talks could happen. Putin needs to be removed from power beforehand though.

By the way, Sevastopol, Crimea was just hit hard a few days ago by Ukrainian missiles. Massive damage done to major Russian infrastructure at the heart of the Black Sea fleet (headquarters) along with dead Russians. It blatantly crosses the red lines Putin has laid down for starting a nuclear conflict.

Well... we're waiting.gif
agree, peace negotiations. The U.S. taxpayers don't want to pay for this war. Ukraine was a corrupt country and still could be. Zelensky comes here in his army green clothing and begs for more money with no end game.
If a violent gang who lived next door broke into your home and took over several rooms. You fight them back to just 3 rooms, most of your neighbors give you weapons to help fight, but some people think you should negotiate with the gang... Also, this gang has already signed treaties in the past agreeing never to invade your home, yet here they are, and you're being encouraged to give up part of your home and make the same agreement. Would you negotiate with them or keep fighting? Negotiating in this instance is what appeasers do.

P.S. It's always telling when some people suddenly become fiscal hawks during times like this. At least I give credit to those (Americans) who have spent their entire lives railing against the bloated US military budget (over $700 billion annually). You're decades late for that bandwagon, buddy. That train already left the station.
I got the impression that the foreign sponsors of the war (US the biggest) is more about stopping Russia than saving "the other" country?
Compared to the US annual military budget, the ROI for Ukraine aid is actually insane, and for a morally just cause. Withholding aid to force a peace deal will only enable Russia to continue hybrid warfare in the border regions while rebuilding its military in preparation for another attack.

For $60 billion, we have basically defeated half of Russia's military with no US casualties. Someone deserves a frigging medal. That's the best money spent on Russia since we bought Alaska from them.

The only real reason for an educated person to oppose Ukraine aid is support for Russia and a wish that they defeat Ukraine.
Compared to the US annual military budget, the ROI for Ukraine aid is actually insane, and for a morally just cause. Withholding aid to force a peace deal will only enable Russia to continue hybrid warfare in the border regions while rebuilding its military in preparation for another attack.

For $60 billion, we have basically defeated half of Russia's military with no US casualties. Someone deserves a frigging medal. That's the best money spent on Russia since we bought Alaska from them.

The only real reason for an educated person to oppose Ukraine aid is support for Russia and a wish that they defeat Ukraine.
Exactly, an opportunity finally presents itself to put Russia in its place. On top of that, this is money that fights for not just Ukraine's security, but also our own. Best of all, no non-volunteer US casualties as you pointed out. I don't want to act like Ukrainian soldiers are expendable, but since they have to fight anyway and want to (backed by their national polls and public sentiment), let's help them win, while keeping our troops safe. The return of the Soviet Union is something no one should want to see... Every former Soviet bloc country hates Russia with a passion for a reason. For good reason I might add.

This is the war to prevent the big war IMO. Stop Russia in Ukraine, and we have a chance to affect regime change and stability in the continent. That is worth an investment with great ROI. People complaining about sending military aid to Ukraine is double standards talk. Why weren't they expressing concerns about our military expenditures during times of peace?

Glad we're finally sending ATACMS. Took us long enough...
For $60 billion, we have basically defeated half of Russia's military with no US casualties. Someone deserves a frigging medal. That's the best money spent on Russia since we bought Alaska from them.
If that is true - then another $60 billion should take care of the other 50%


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