You failed to read the rest of my post where I mentioned citizen vaccine requirements. There is a huge difference between soldiers and children, yet vaccine requirements still exist for both.You are comparing soldiers to citizens. Huge difference... Need I say more?
Yes, inoculation in the 1700s was through variolation, a process where people were directly exposed to small pox sores by scratching it into their arms or inhaling them. People would then develop small pox symptoms and it carried a risk of death, far higher than the risk of death with current vaccination processes. There is a vast difference, and it's that today's vaccinations are safer.I might just mention that there is a vast difference between the inoculations of the 1700's, and those that are being used (pedalled?) today.
So the French are more advanced in this respect than the USSo no, vaccination requirements are not unconstitutional in the U.S. and there is precedent that well establishes their legality.
Not sure why you're quoting me here @aura...Wow. I wish I could say the same thing.
I guess when you don't see it actually happening you think it's all rainbows and unicorns. Unfortunately it isn't.
Well then your friends have been very unlucky this last two years, because based on the numbers and the mortality rate of this virus, there's nothing exceptional about it.Some friends of mine, young, healthy, were hospitalized for weeks.
Others died. 50, 60-year-old people without serious health problems.
Three of my friends lost a parent because of COVID-19.
Thousands of people die of coronaviruses each year, therefore I'm surprised.I've never seen this happening before.
You say this like I'm the one who gave them the ultimatum of gambling with their health or losing their jobs.Well I guess you'll run out of doctors in a few years because almost all of us are vaccinated.![]()
1000 COVID Stories – Share Your StoryI know A LOT of vaccinated people and they are just fine.
Some of them had really nasty, flu like symptoms a few days after but that was all.
Me and my husband, my parents and his parents only had a sore arm.
I've had lots of vaccines done: DTaP, polio, MMR, influenza vaccine for the past 4 years, hepatitis b, pneumococcal vaccine, a RhoGAM shot... and I'm ok. Well... except for my tinnitus![]()
For me, as a doctor, it's simple.
I don't care about rules and masks and vaccine passports and who's making money.
I wash my hands, wear a mask when needed (always K95) and I got vaccinated. It's just common sense in my opinion.
I had my doubts about the vaccine.
But I've read a lot, I've asked my colleagues, people whose opinion I value and respect and I took the leap of faith.
We, doctors, should be the first to set a good example. And we did.
Although there were people saying that it was all an act, that we were injected with saline solution... the amount of fake news, it's just insane.
Of course bad things can happen, they have happened before but I choose to be optimistic. So far, so good.
LOL @Tinker BellActually it is legal in the U.S. in at-will states. Legal precedent is already being set that establishes this, too.
Plus, the "U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued guidance stating that employers generally can mandate COVID-19 vaccinations for employees who physically enter the workplace without running afoul of the federal anti-discrimination laws it enforces . . ."
Well, regardless what the government decides doesn't mean it's legal. They've over stepped their authority more times than I care to count...You failed to read the rest of my post where I mentioned citizen vaccine requirements. There is a huge difference between soldiers and children, yet vaccine requirements still exist for both.
In case you were unaware of citizen vaccine requirements, the U.S. also requires 14 different vaccinations for unvaccinated immigrants.
Unsure what more you can say because clearly the U.S. does vaccinate soldiers and citizens alike.
Don't worry joey, nothing to say you can't have both; chances are you could have taken the vaccine before you caught the virus, been f*cked up by that, and then f*cked up by COVID-19 as well.View attachment 46112
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This young man's horrible experience with COVID-19 jumps out at me because the "rewiring" that seems to be responsible for his ongoing sensory problems seems very f'ing similar to what happens with tinnitus in the DCN, it's just a different set of sensory pathways in a different brain region doing the same basic "fill in the blanks" exercise and ending up resulting in chronic misery.
Also of course a lot of people with long COVID-19 also have tinnitus since COVID-19 massively fucks your hearing in 10-15% of cases per latest data I've seen.
I'm ready for my booster but I'll wait for the state to come around on it. I know people playing games to get third shots; seems like a bad idea, though granted if I lived in a regressive and packed city I might feel differently, especially since we've got decent clinical data on 3rd doses from Israel now.
Was going to contradict you here, because I personally know several people over in the US who have never had any vaccinations, from when they were children, up to now.Vaccine requirements for private citizens are not prohibited by the constitution either. Healthy children are required to receive a wide range of vaccinations in order to attend public schools and universities
I didn't know this, but thank god, because seriously, who the f*ck would choose to live in any state where this was the norm?but this varies by states.
Yes, I'm sure they've all had their "jabs".In case you were unaware of citizen vaccine requirements, the U.S. also requires 14 different vaccinations for unvaccinated immigrants.
For the risk to be two percent, there would need to be more than 6.5 million reports of tinnitus. VAERS may not capture all reports, but millions of people with tinnitus and auditory changes would not go unnoticed.
You would have rejected it for a side effect risk that is less than zero percent (based on the total vaccinated versus the number of VAERS reports)? Do you avoid everything that has a rare chance of impacting tinnitus? That's everything from vitamins and pain medications to some foods.
That's a much higher number than is in VAERS data here. not everyone who has a spike or reaction bothers to report to VAERS, either.
If it's actually 60,000 or 90,000 then that's a big problem, but last I checked there were less than 30,000 incidents related to this period in VAERS, and also keep in mind VAERS data includes a lot of people (like me!) who reported tinnitus after the jab and then had it fade.
CDC Deletes 6,000 Deaths From VAERS | The Wellness WayThis is a high enough number that it makes anecdotal information fairly useless. The actual regulatory bodies tracking clinically reported adverse symptoms are not generating any significant blips that seem concerning to me; all this data is available from both VAERS and the UK equivalent.
LOL @ revolving around me.I see this thread is starting to revolve around one very strident anti-vaxxer (Damocles, a fitting username).
Oh okay, because you're the gatekeeper on the parameters of time "long term" effects span? Interesting.Here's the thing. Progress can be scary. mRNA was new but if the sky was gonna fall, it would have by now.
How so? Pretty sure the max damage is rolling the dice with an unproven drug, while remaining vulnerable to said virus and continuing to spread it.Those who are still holding out are succumbing to fearmongering and are causing much more damage than any odds of mRNA side-effects.
Um... I would happily take a vaccine if anyone could provide persuasive evidence that one would be beneficial to me or anyone else... especially teenagers and children with fantastic immune systems.I simply do not have the patience to play whack-a-mole with stubborn people whom I know will never change opinions.
Agreed, there is Novavax and others on their way.Heck, not even all vaccines are mRNA.
@Tinker Bell brought up immigration, and it's relevant: because while native European and U.S citizens are being asked to take a dangerous prototype vaccine, you literally have hundreds of thousands of unvaccinated African, Middle Eastern and South American illegal immigrants sauntering through the boarders and going wherever they please! All this while ordinary legal citizens are being told they're going to need vaccine passports to go to the next state over, or to work (that doesn't seem insane to you?)Strip away the antivaxx talking points and what you are really looking at is an extreme perversion of political tribalism, hence the veering into talking points on immigration, etc...
I believe in climate change. I think you'll find the ignorant are the people that try to pigeon-hole one political perspective to an entire political paradigm. You can believe in climate change and not believe experimental vaccines that were never properly tested are safe...This is the same form of willful ignorance you see with climate change and what is turning out to be a fatal flaw in human character as we race the planet through its mass extinction event.
Please do (say it). Because the fact you're vaccinated doesn't mean you're no longer spreading the virus (feel free to look into that). So what are you doing that I'm not to "save the world" @GlennS?If only this were limited to a personal choice I could say make your bed and lie in it but it's not. It impacts everyone else, especially young kids who are completely filling ICU wards in our beloved red-states.
Don't care about masks, even I wear one to the store; covers up the dry skin around my beard from the dermatitis.Most of the rest of the world has little to no access to vaccines but our fellow Americans who can just drive down to the local drug store and get it without an appointment are sitting it out--let alone not even masking.
Here, in Hungary, people at risk and elderly people can sign up legally for the third shot. Policy is in favor of heterologous vaccination (Hope I use the correct term, I mean the third vaccine should be a different method than the previous ones.). My parents will get a Pfizer jab, because Sinopharm resulted in low antibodies count in their case. I'm not sure about the correlation of the low antibodies and the immunity, I read so many contradictory info.I'm ready for my booster but I'll wait for the state to come around on it. I know people playing games to get third shots; seems like a bad idea, though granted if I lived in a regressive and packed city I might feel differently, especially since we've got decent clinical data on 3rd doses from Israel now.
...??Unvaccinated kids "filling ICU wards", are you serious? Give me a break, even the WHO didn't try to pull that one.
See my earlier post to @Tinker Bell on that. Legality =/= Morality.Tthe power of the US government to mandate vaccination is fully federal, it's based on Supreme Court precedent from 1861.
Crazy thing:"Unvaccinated kids "filling ICU wards", are you serious? Give me a break, even the WHO didn't try to pull that one."
Number of US children hospitalized with COVID-19 hits record; Dallas out of pediatric ICU beds
Pediatric ICU beds over 70 percent full in Tennessee, according to state report
'Your child will wait for another child to die': No pediatric ICU beds left in Dallas
I don't know, have you visited any of these ICUs to see for yourself?Is there a conspiracy to make these numbers up, and multiple news agencies in different states, including a Fox affiliate are all in on it?
It'll be nothing compared to what you're going to see when they start vaccinating them...Nonetheless, kids are dying in Dallas who might not otherwise because there's no ICU beds for them, AZ is not looking much better and I am not thrilled to know what things are going to look like locally in 6-9 weeks.
Yeah it doesn't make everyone's tinnitus worse. Established. Still, plenty of people whose it did. Feel free to read any of the several threads started by people that now have (worse) tinnitus as a result of it.I've had the two Pfizer shots with no change in my tinnitus.
You don't say...I'd strongly encourage everyone to get vaccinated.
Nope.Vaccinated people are less likely to catch
So we're told, and yet vaccinated people are being hospitalised and dying...and suffer severe health issues as a result of COVID-19.
Taking the vaccine and putting your own life at risk isn't doing anything for anyone else, except lowering the population a little maybe; free up some jobs and seats on the bus.If not for your own wellbeing then for others around you.
God help them all.Testing is still underway for the vaccination of children under 12.
Which is what? Increasing their chances of being orphaned? Injecting them with something that is potentially lethal? Carving a future for them in which they no longer have a choice regarding what happens with their own bodies?My 4 year old, for example, is unvaccinated and the protection of this group relies on us adults doing the responsible thing.
You won't have to imagine it for very long. Just keep doing what you're doing and it'll be real all too soon.I can only imagine the pain for children and their parents if a child gets put in ICU.
Lol, appreciate the link to a paywall. Maybe something we can read that backs up your position next time? Just an idea.'This is real': Fear and hope in an Arkansas pediatric ICU
Today, as delta infections mount, some front line doctors suggest children are being hospitalized at higher rates and with more serious illnesses because of the new variant — a still-unproven hypothesis. What is indisputable is that in a swath of low-vaccination states stretching from Florida, South Carolina and Texas, up to Indiana and Missouri, the first large wave of pediatric cases is hitting hard — overwhelming hospitals, dominating political debates over mask and vaccine mandates and throwing school reopening plans into disarray.
Linda Young, a respiratory therapist at the hospital for nearly 37 years, said these latest children with covid appear to be progressing to respiratory distress much faster and in less predictable patterns: "I have never seen anything like this." Even healthy children are being hospitalized, she said, something she had not seen in previous waves.
In the US as far as I know this is mostly offered by private labs and is generally sketchy in that the tests are expensive and the results are fairly unreliable. I don't know if this has changed since I looked into it a year ago, but if so it's probably just gotten more stupid and corrupt because that tends to be the things our healthcare system selects for.I wanted to ask you guys whether is it common in your countries to test one's antibodies level?
For the record the delta variant is killing children at a rate vastly above that of COVID-19 classic. If you follow the tragedy that has been unfolding in Indonesia the Government is reporting about 100 children per week dying from Delta starting about 7 weeks ago.Weird how just last year we were told the only risk concerning COVID-19 and children was that they themselves could become vectors and pose a threat to the "at risk". Now they're dropping like flies.
LOL. That's just stupid, sorry.Lots of people are suffering from the vaccines, and more than just tinnitus.
We still don't have comparable data to show the effects with and without a vaccine per person. If people are still dying and spreading with the vaccine, how can we do a comparison analysis?
I have read a couple of instances of people getting COVID-19 and being fine, then getting the vaccine and getting tinnitus.
It's a small risk but man it still sucks and it's ruining lives.
Appreciate the revised link @linearb. I have since read the incredibly emotive article.
Oh I see, so you're saying that off the back of this article from @Simon85, and articles like this: 'Your child will wait for another child to die': No pediatric ICU beds left in Dallas, from you...The claim that in fact we don't have a capacity crisis in pediatric ICUs in multiple geographic areas is quite extraordinary, given that in all cases this is what's being reported by local news organizations on the ground as well as mainstream sources including both the FOXs and NBCs/etc.
Even if that was true (which it's not (unless you'd like to prove it with some actual evidence)) it would be completely irrelevant which one killed more people, because getting ill or dying from one, does not mean you can't get ill and die from the other.LOL. That's just stupid, sorry.
If you get infected with COVID-19, the risk of acquiring hearing disorders including tinnitus and having to face death, is MUCH higher than that of the vaccine.
COVID-19 is a big risk, the vaccine is a tiny risk. Which do you choose?
All those people being buried in the mass graves in India and Indonesia must be really committed to the conspiracy to get kids in the UK and USA vaccinated. What a bunch of manipulative jerks.Frankly, I just find it amazing that none of you find it coincidental that at the exact same time questions regarding the ethics of mandating experimental vaccines for kids appeared on our TV screens, suddenly Delta Variant springs from nowhere! Oh and look it's extremely deadly to children. Well that's all we need to know, get those kids arms out and I'll get the needles!
I think people's risk analysis on this is broken for 4 reasons:COVID-19 is a big risk, the vaccine is a tiny risk. Which do you choose?
Love that you've misconstrued me debunking mass hysteria, with me denying people are actually dying of a virus at the moment.All those people being buried in the mass graves in India and Indonesia must be really committed to the conspiracy to get kids in the UK and USA vaccinated. What a bunch of manipulative jerks.
For most of July when the Delta variant really got going here I'd hear about 2 deaths a day from the families of my coworkers. As the country shut down coworkers asked for vacation time so that the could wait in line for O2 for sick family members. They would wait in line for up to 15 hours to get a tank refilled because they couldn't generate enough. Hospitals were turning people away and they had to die at home. My housekeeper's father died 10 days ago because the medical system had collapsed so he was turn away for his kidney dialysis.
Imagine killing yourself just to trick the sheeple in the UK that this was a deadly variant and that a widely used vaccine could keep you from dying. What a bunch of master puppeteers.
And you know this was the "Delta variant" how?For most of July when the Delta variant really got going here I'd hear about 2 deaths a day from the families of my coworkers.
Yes, agreed, people are dying of a virus. A variant? How could you possibly know? Did you get them tested?As the country shut down coworkers asked for vacation time so that the could wait in line for O2 for sick family members. They would wait in line for up to 15 hours to get a tank refilled because they couldn't generate enough. Hospitals were turning people away and they had to die at home. My housekeeper's father died 10 days ago because the medical system had collapsed so he was turn away for his kidney dialysis.
The vaccine won't keep you from dying and that is based on both sound Science and conclusive data.Imagine killing yourself just to trick the sheeple in the UK that this was a deadly variant and that a widely used vaccine could keep you from dying.
Well, I don't know about puppeteers, but I've certainly found some easily manipulated puppets today.What a bunch of master puppeteers.