So with you there.government (and most) has mismanaged information and misled people, creating reasonable distrust
Dude... THIS is your biggest concern!? Not people effectively being given the ultimatum of take thing you don't want in your body or no means of feeding, clothing, housing, educating, yourself or your children ever again!? And that's just for now, who knows how far into something out of a dystopian horror this goes. Are you aware of China's one child policy? Do you support it? Have you seen the footage of women pregnant with their second child, being dragged out of their homes in China, to have their babies forcefully aborted?I believe that the fact that major, basically corporate pro-Republican employers like WalMart are saying "hey, you gotta be vaxxed" will ultimately be the thing that drives the numbers to where they need to be, if we get there at all. I'm not particularly comfortable with that concept because it means we're relying on corporate control to implement health programs, and I can see a future where, you know, WalMart workers go to the WalMart hospital when they get sick and take WalMart drugs and see WalMart doctors. Sort of a return to the way mining towns were run.
You don't think this is where we're going? Jesus Christ... you all must be a bunch of sociopaths...
I was hoping @Tinker Bell would show today, because she was pretty vocal at a time when her and @linearb were practically writing monologues in this thread (notice @GlennS didn't pop up then, to tell us who the thread had "started revolving around"...)
Anyway she seems to have ducked out. But I'll post this as a moral dilemma for both her and @linearb who both seem to believe that if something is legal then it can't be morally objectionable.
Imagine your employer calls you into their office one day and tells you: I'm going to fire you, unless you provide me with sexual gratification. Also, the sexual gratification has to be unprotected, because that's how I want it. I can't provide you with anything that proves I don't have HIV, but you have my word for it, I don't!
Do you:
a) Just DO it, feel violated and worry about a potentially life changing STD later down the line.
b) Leave your job. Receive a bad reference from your employer and struggle to ever find work again.
c) Take the motherf*cker to court for trying to violate your human rights and put something inside you, you don't want inside you.
Please answer honestly.
inb4 "that's a ridiculous question and I'm not dignifying it with an answer" (let's see guys).
Because at the end of the day, the vaccine mandates are no different. They are no different than coercive rape. And may soon just be PLAIN rape.
Hate to break it to you, but just the general human population itself, provides the perfect breeding ground; vaccinated and unvaccinated it makes no difference. (I'll explain in my next point).However, if the alternative to that is "US continues to just have huge unvaxxed population, creating perfect breeding ground for escape variants as vaxxed and nonvaxxed populations interact", that also sounds pretty shitty![]()
This will NEVER happen. NEVER. Even the CDC has acknowledged that COVID-19 is here for good.IMO, I think the "total elimination" model we pursued with smallpox is much better, and unlike the flu, the insane efficiency of the mRNA vaccines would actually make this possible if social pressures could be overcome, and if we could produce a global vaccine supply within 3-4 viral replication cycles.
The Situation Room on Twitter: ""Our vaccines are working exceptionally well," CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky tells @wolfblitzer. "They continue to work well for Delta, with regard to severe illness and death – they prevent it. But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission."
COVID-19 will likely be with us forever. Here's how we'll live with it. | National Geographic
The vaccines cannot stop the spread. I don't know how many more times I'll have to reiterate this.
No matter how many people get vaccinated > they will still carry the virus > they will still spread virus > the virus will keep transmitting between people. It's a permanent resident on our planet now, the only question is how it will evolve.