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  • Will it fall again? My T was fine for 1 year, now it's been 3 months since it got worse. I need hope, today is so hard
    I am sorry. For how long have you had T? Do you know what caused it?
    @Juliane I have had tinnitus for 14 months. Throat reflux damaged the eustachian tube and then everything started
    I know it feels that way but 3 months is not a long time. It can still improve
    I'm so tired of living like this god damn it.People are having fun like crazy, what is our fault????
    We are just... maybe genetically more fragile in our ear structure, I guess?
    When I was like 12-13 or so, a really loud bang was heard in the arcade I was in, right ear had minor Tinnitus for years.
    Then I lose hearing in that ear and develop a louder Tinnitus too. Was my right ear all of those years at Death's door until that ear simply had enough? Who knows...
    this is a method of torture
    Family doesn't understand I just stopped talking about it to them.
    I keep telling my family. They keep telling me there are much worse conditions. I agree however this one is up there. It has touched every single aspect of my life. All of it.
    Torture is the correct word. I am not the same person anymore. Before I was calm, good at concentrating, good at making other people feel relaxed. Now I am a nervous wreck, always crying and complaining and feeling hunted.
    I can't even sleep with sleeping pills anymore. Another sleepless night :( I can't do another 5-10 years like this, no I can't
    @4Grace What you describe is very familiar to my situation 3-4 yrs back in time. I couldn't tolerate anything. Hypervigilance, anxiety, little sleep, in constant flight or fight reinforce everything, and makes it difficult to cope. Once I go this under control, things got better over a long span of time. What the meds to you I can't tell though, because I opted out on those personally.
    Dylan Blake
    You can, stay the course, have You tried LipoFlavanoid Plus? it helps Me.
    Geraldine Watts
    I have just started o take magnesium an hour before bed… I think it has helped.
    Has anyone used mirtazapine for a long time?
    I did some things that I can't recommend to other people (like experimenting with psilocybin mushrooms, which is quite risky), but other things like exercise, organic diet, meditation & tailor-notched sound therapy, at least in my experience, helped to reduce the perception of T loudness and pain.
    There are also other stories on TT of people who went through many depths of despair like you, and some of them reported after quite some time that their tinnitus has been reduced. Time can also be a healer, in this context. So what I'm trying to say: don't give up. Your tinnitus may improve with time and it also doesn't hurt to try some new things and see if that does anything for your tinnitus.
    @RunningMan i have had dayvigo given to me by a doctor. I never tried. Still have it at home.
    It's been 17 months and I still can't believe this has happened to me baffled like it was the first day Omg it's your life now!!
    I tell my family and friends that I will never be the same again. they don't believe me and they mock me
    @4alien @Tryn2BHopeful thank you for sharing. For being open and honest. It's heart breaking to hear this from you guys. I know what it feels like. I am maxed out on this emotion today. So heartbreaking.
    I can't help but blame myself for letting them experience this. After my ringing started, all the air in the house changed and was replaced by dark clouds. @Tryn2BHopeful
    @alien2 - Same here. Sucked the air out of my entire family including my friends. I don't blame them at all. They tried to help me with all they had. Nobody can help us but ourselves.
    Well, Anyone have an ETD for more than 1 year? When I go outside, the pressure cannot equalize and my ears crack every time I swallow.
    yes i agree with all
    I think they're inflamed from acid reflux. I wonder if they'll get better with time @kingsfan
    tensor tympani also plays a role in the functioning of the Eustachian tubes. clicks look like muscle tension @RunningMan
    I don't see why they couldn't get better as long as you have the underlying cause under control
    (Help) Does anyone here have tinnitus from acid reflux GERD?
    @4alien2 i take omeprezole for reflux. I sometimes get fullness, i don't think it os as bad as just before the T but I'm more focused on my T being loud.
    I highly suspect my tinnitus is "GERD induced". All my ears issues appeared a while ago just before being diagnosed with hyatal hernia.
    Tinnitus, ears crackling, ears fullness, multiple fleeting tinnitus with pressure changes... You name it.
    How is your tinnitus? Is it high? What are the tones like? @Tatsopa
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