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  • Tinnitus was really low in volume today. Best day yet since my last trauma in August! Gave me hope that I can get to a manageable place!
    That's great news! There's definetly more improvement coming, stay tuned ^^
    In my next life, I want to be get to stay rent free in a nice place and be able to make as much noise as you want 24/7!
    Lol.. thats why I'm trashing the place! Maybe the asshole will move out!
    Having tinnitus is like surviving a shipwreck...if you flail in the water you will drown. The only way to survive is to relax and float.
    Seriously questioning the idea of a loving God...hmm, is there a lesson to be learned here that I am missing?
    I used to be more open-minded and accepting of the possibility. Agnostic, you could say. Tinnitus has put the final nail in that coffin. There is no God, because if he did exist, he would either be incompetent instead of omnipotent, lazy or just pure evil. And neither of those makes any sense, as a deity or higher power would not have or even care about human morals. Conclusion is, there is no God. We're on our own.
    So...I've never been waterboarded before but, if I had to choose between that vs. another day with Mr.T...well, it wouldn't be a hard choice
    Guess he missed me yesterday…because Mr.T is back loud and proud today… and that fool has no pity!
    Had another pretty quiet day. My tinnitus was uncharacteristically masked by a noisy restaurant. These are the moments that keep me going
    Yesterday my tinnitus didn't like the rain so it stayed inside. Today it tried to make up for missing a day.
    Hard to enjoy watching movies without an instrument in my hands to distract me...I miss the days of losing myself in the experience...
    Waking up to another day with my noisy neighbor…
    I know that feeling, buddy. Though usually mine is loud during the evening. And he tends to be quieter in autumn/winter.
    Waking up with tinnitus each morning feels like preparing to go into a street fight with both hands tied behind my back.
    5 years ago I couldn't handle being in a particular classroom at school because the fan aggravated my tinnitus, now that same fan masks it.
    Here here.. I used to hate the sound of crickets. Now they are little angels. Lol
    Keep this in mind if you want to conquer tinnitus...You can't ignore something that you love or something that you hate...
    If you don't feed it, it will starve and lose its power over you...This takes time, patience and a perspective shift.
    New Guy
    I hope to get to the point where I can give it less attention. It's going to take time....
    You'll get there. The best advice I can give you is to put one foot in front of the next. Tinnitus was the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with, now it has no power over me. It just takes time...hang in there
    If you can hang in there for 6 months (granted that feels like an eternity when your brain is buzzing) will find peace once again.
    For some it takes much longer then 6 months to find peace (habituate) I am nearing 12 months in, and I am not habituated yet.....just saying, I would swap 6 months with 1-2 years.
    New Guy
    Getting through the first month was so hard and people new to t should know that's normal. In time you'll get better at dealing with it.
    I'm hitting 18 months and I'm not habituated. Though I am better than I've been and I might be starting the process now.
    If you allow it, your brain will figure out how to subjugate the noise. Seems like the end the world when you get it but...
    Sunrises, season changes and this very loud sound in my head which becomes unnoticeable when I don't feed it any negative energy
    A year ago I would have sold my soul for some relief from this miserable condition. Suddenly, I am starting to find it sort of relaxing...
    Tinnitus happened...I survived I draw upon the strength I gained in order to deal with challenging people... "Human Tinnitus"
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