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  • Sometimes I feel like an ant that had its antennas ripped off. Except an ant wouldn't have to live with it for the next 30-50 years…
    Well, I suppose to level out that injustice, time was made relative; so to that ant, it's 5 years on earth without those antennae, probably feel the same as your 30-50 with tinnitus.
    Maybe we should try feeling more like a headless coackroach instead.Living for a couple of weeks after decapitation and not giving a single f*ck about it.
    Covid booster has really wiped me out...feels like having Covid all over again. Ears have been back to screaming level since Sunday evening
    @aura Old ones screaming, my "angle grinder" acting up, makes me sick, almost makes my legs numb in fear when its at its peak. Today has been a much more tolerable day, thankfully.

    It was a long time since I developed a new tone. I used to get new tones constantly a year ago.
    So to hear about the spike @Stacken77. I'm just now recovering from the COVID booster spike that I had since last Sunday. My T was out of control this past week. @DocTors_94 is right…this condition is inhumane. I'm sending you both and @aura hugs right now and hoping things settle down.
    Tried explaining the concept of the limbic response to a friend who has very loud T but doesn't find it distressing…he didn't really get it…
    Damn, @Barry098 I'm so sorry to hear that. I relate to all your struggles man. I hope you get some peace from this disease.
    I remember I played a show back in my early 20's that left me nearly deaf for about 5 days and I didn't really care too much.
    @kingsfan I never had any issues with anxiety in my twenties either…the naïveté of youth was a beautiful thing…wish I could re-channel its power!
    Getting the COVID booster this afternoon because my job requires it…wish me luck!
    good luck! if it makes you feel any better i had all 3 and didn't make my t change. <3
    Well, my ears were screaming today…very similar to when I actually had COVID but I just tried to ignore them as much as possible and went about my day business as usual. I feel really beat tonight though. Hope they calm down a bit tomorrow.
    Had another really low T day…it was about a 2-3 out of 10 throughout the day…a bit louder this evening but still not too bad…good signs!
    My general anxiety level has come down over the last few days…there were times today that I almost felt relaxed…what a foreign feeling!
    I don't know if habituation is starting to happen again but I realized several times today that I wasn't listening to my ears ringing.
    Stayed calm pretty much the whole day. Felt a little like walking a tightrope misstep and I might coming crashing down.
    @Barry098 I know it doesn't mean much, but here's a hug. I sincerely wish you well buddy.
    @Stacken77 Thank you…I appreciate your sincere and thoughtful posts. I hope that one day we will both put this period behind us and move on to a normal quiet life without T and H.
    Dreamt that I had a pet grizzly bear last night…I was a little afraid of him at first but then he licked my face and we were instant buddies
    Aww. What a sweet dream. Shame that as he would grow to older, he would probably rip your face off haha.
    I think your brain is trying to tell you something. The grizzly bear is your tinnitus. Just make peace with it. :))
    Had the same thought @aura
    I need a break from T…oh right, that's not possible!
    @Stacken77 Tinnitus brought me to my knees today...Some days I just don't have the strength to handle it well.
    Sorry to hear that @Barry098 . How is your hyperacusis?

    By the way how does your tinnitus sound like? Do you still have the COVID spike?
    @Freerunner Thanks Freerunner, I haven't had serious issues with hyperacusis this time around, just T. Can't tell if the COVID spike is still there or if this is just my baseline. Either way, T is really loud and hissing sounding. Kind of opaque sounding, like a wall of sound. Yesterday really got me down but what can you do other than keep on keeping on…
    Ah waking up…I used to love the feeling of slowly starting the day. Now the T makes me instantly tense as soon as conscious sets in.
    5.5% of people get cancer, 20% get tinnitus. American cancer society invested almost $150 million in research since 2019. T $ research = ?
    • B


    @Stacken77 well said. I think the image-problem lies in the fact that some people are able to easily habituate. This compartmentalized "success" is then used as a blanket expectation for anyone with T. The real truth though is that many of struggle with or possibly even find habituation impossible. That leaves us…well…I suppose where we are right now…
    Hi Barry, sorry to bother you, I saw a reply about your case of T years ago, were you worsening each day? Since I am and It is really impossible to habituate to daily worsenings... How did you manage It? I am really really desperate...
    @Barry098 thank you for your support, people tend to need 6 months or so to habituate to a spike... I am worsening through the days so you can imagine how hard It is and how hopeless and desperate I feel... I am 3 months in... If at least I had some good days ( the only thing is that mornings when I wake up the ugly tones aren't there...)
    Less tones in the morning is a positive sign. That means it can change! You probably won't have good days for a few more months…unfortunately that is normal with tinnitus :(
    Just give it time…and you'll get to a better place.
    @Barry098 I am not sure if Its less tones or they are covered by others :( . I really pray each day to stop the worsening. I can live with this, even though It would be hard... But can't if It goes to crazy points... I am so disperate, crying and agitated... Thank you again for your support.
    And the COVID spike continues…contemplating doing a short course of prednisone since this increase in sound is likely due to inflammation.
    Are you better?
    Have anyone really tried treating COVID with cortisone..?
    I saw a show once where blood poisoning as a last resort was treated with cortisone and vitamin C intravenous.
    It will be a new standard protocol in 10 years!
    Doctor didn't think the patient would live the night.
    2 days later he was sent home with all limbs., and a pulse.
    @DocTors_94 I'm just about through COVID. My ears calmed down a little. They are back in the category of this sucks but I can live with it.
    Waking up is always hard. Once I get up and get going things typically improve but the initial jolt awake is really unpleasant. Suggestions?
    Does anyone else find their T to bed more tolerable with ear plugs in? Its like instant relief for me, I don't do it often because of H.
    I need some encouragement…today was F***ing brutal. Sounds like a downed power line in my head…new electrical zaps and a new pure tone.
    I keep getting random tones coming and going. The inside of my head sounds like a complicated computer now, it's the matrix
    Hopefully u find some relief soon!
    Thank you all for your support! Knowing that I am not alone in this sonic Hell is sometimes the only thing that gets me through the day. I appreciate you all!
    Just got sick last night…probably COVID. Had crazy chills and fever…ears are ringing louder than ever. I seriously hope this is temporary…
    It was temporary for me. T spike lasted about 1 and half week for me. I was COVID positive .
    @ZFire thanks for the hope…this is truly ridiculous right now. Not sure I could habituate to this level. I will ride it out and hope for the best
    @Barry098 I had a really bad spike after a cold. It was most likely not covid though. The spike lasted roughly 2 weeks after the cold and sinuses had cleared. It was a scary time. Don't lose hope!
    Alcohol is a double edged sword…it sure helps ease the moment…but you pay the price dearly for it the next day!
    For sure.. last time I had more than a few beers my hyperacusis got horrible. Kind of glad it isn't the opposite acutally.
    Pretty mellow ear day until I played a VR zombie apocalypse game…ears have been screaming ever since, from the sheer terror of the zombies!
    Living with severe tinnitus demonstrates that you that you are the kind of person that keeps getting up everyday and does not give up...
    Still getting jolted awake in the morning by the loud squeal…Once I can retrain myself to wake up peacefully, I will be in a very good place
    Wow, feels kind of like a switch got flipped after I told Tinnitus to fuck off and die. No change in volume, but suddenly no distress :)
    Please send mine a memo :)
    It's a mystery to me how the brain learns to adapt. I would still rather have it gone though…If I win the lotto, all of the money will go towards a tinnitus cure.
    Anyone else have their T get louder throughout the day? After a cup of coffee in the morning mine is typically super quiet.
    I second what @Damocles said. Mine is louder in the morning and becomes quieter throughout the day. However, caffeine has no effect on my T whatsoever.
    On my normal ( good) days the T is quieter in the morning and becomes louder through the day. On my bad days,it wakes me up in the middle of the night and then gets louder and louder in a chaotic way to the point that i need a sleeping pill/anti anxiety drug combo to keep it together.
    Mine is quieter in the mornings. Use to be just a soft hiss that would gradually turn into a ring around noon, then a fog horn by 3pm. I no longer get the soft hiss in the morning, I just wake up with ringing.
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