Gareth Davies

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  • Sorry for the absence. A quick update, really - I still have tinnitus; but for the most part, it is better now :)
    Gareth Davies
    Not like how it was in the beginning. Inflammation is still meh. I'll try to pop in more often. Just took a break from the site; you know?
    Pleased to hear your tinnitus has subsided(?) and that you're coping better with it now, @Gareth Davies.

    Also, thanks for answering my question about the Ibuprofen back in 2021. Was much appreciated.
    @Gareth Davies Did your ETD ever resolve. My tubes do not open or close correctly at the right time.
    Maybe a development or not. Finding it harder to freely move the tissue inside of my ear; to make the ear crackle at will. Will it stick...
    This is a question for the guys at Will It Blend
    Heard they might be branching out into Will It Stick in the near future.
    • G


    How was your ETD surgery. Have you had positive results? Did it affect your tinnitus?
    The pain in my right ear has been much better these past few months. Not having to constantly take pain killers is nice..
    Which painkillers were you taking @Gareth Davies? (if you don't mind me asking).
    Gareth Davies
    Nothing serious. Just good old ibuprofen. I toyed with the idea of taking stronger items, but the possible side-effects worried me :S
    Cheers @Gareth Davies. Currently suffering from back pain and might need to take some kind of pain remedy myself.

    If the paracetamol doesn't do anything, then ibuprofen it is.
    One year down, hopefully not too many more to go :S
    if you dont mind me asking how much did you pay for it i dont want to pay for it and them just waste my time and not do the relevant test
    Gareth Davies
    My eardrums were healthy. You can have ETD with healthy eardrums - mine are fine for example. The test was offered first thing with my private ETD - didn't have to ask. Definitely look for a different private hospital in that case! It was around £100-200 I believe for the test and initial appointment.
    thats acc not to bad might consider it
    I will say one positive about T. Just ONE. It gives you an excellent gauge to measure against other bad things that may happen in life.
    But T always comes out as the worst possible thing to me :(
    Gareth Davies
    Tinnitus is one of the worst. But it makes other bad things seem...less bad by comparison. Not as important to worry about or get scared over. It's difficult (not impossible, but difficult) to 'up the ante'.
    Resisting the temptation to take ibuprofen daily at this point...but worried about long term side-effects :S
    @Gareth Davies I may be completely wrong, but I believe I've read that acetaminophen(Tylenol) are a safer alternative than ibuprofen with regards to hearing damage, but I may be wrong. If I REALLY have to take a painkiller at some point in the future, I'll use acetaminophen, but of course, it's best if we can avoid it all together.
    Gareth Davies
    Thanks for the advice :)
    Is there any consensus on which is the safest vaccine for T sufferers? I'm hearing bad things about Pfizer.
    No problems with 1st dose of Pfizer
    Going to ask my ENT if they can arrange a micro camera into my E-tube, and record the results - maybe get some answers on the tissue lining.
    I did this but without a camera, you have a good idea. Just make sure the doctor is all in and understands what you want. Mine half assed it, I was in a lot of pain which he decided was reason to abort the procedure and he just went half way down for a second, came back out and said he didn't see anything which I don't think was very accurate.
    Gareth Davies
    Thanks for the advice!
    Had my MRI - I think the machine was a later model, so it wasn't as loud as I dreaded. (No spike from the procedure. Wore ear defenders.)
    Forever hopeful
    I'm having mine in an open bore MRI machine which means I won't be in the tube. Looks more like a doughnut. It's supposed to be a lot quieter. Do you mind if I ask was yours of your head?
    Gareth Davies
    Interesting; never heard of that type of MRI machine before. Yep - just my head.
    Forever hopeful
    That is awesome and it only took a few minutes. I've only had them of my lower extremities and they've always taken so much longer.
    Ah, Alister, why must you wiggle and hurt me so :( I thought we were coming around. Becoming friends even. Well, more cider for me, I guess.
    I've invested in a re-useable gel pack and am going to be doing a bit of heat / ice therapy from now on. Strapping it on is a bit fiddly :S
    Did the balloon solve the low frequency vibrating hum/ spasm you talked about? I think I have something similar.
    Gareth Davies
    There's still movement in my E tube - i.e. tissue randomly sliding around, spasms, etc - BUT it's a lot less aggressive than before the operation. It kind of feels like my head is full of marshmallows. (Now I hope natural healing will solve the rest of the problem.)
    Every day I am grateful that lofi music exists. It's not silence, but combined with masking, it's the bronze medal to it. It's something.
    Inside of my head feels wet. That's new.
    Ah that's so annoying. :-/ I've had this awful hair on back of tongue sensation for over two weeks. It has driven me to tears. I can't get rid of it. :( Hope apart from the 'wet feeling' that everything else is okay?
    Gareth Davies
    It's not terrible; it seems to come and go :eek:
    That's horrible Steph - I'm sorry :( I really hope it's a just passing thing and it will go away soon ;)
    Yes, thanks - the T does seem less "relentlessly" aggressive compared to before the operation. Sleep is easier. Just gotta keep watching and waiting.
    Insides of the post-surgery ear feel weirdly, erm... cold? Not freezing but pretty darn chilly. Like someone left a fridge door open. Odd.
    Gareth Davies
    Maybe I'm reading into nothing. It ~could~ be air travelling through the E tube for the first time in months..hmmm. Noooo idea :)
    Back from surgery. No immediate improvement but have been advised by my doctor that the majority take 1-3 months to notice the benefit.
    Gareth Davies
    Thanks Pray. Yes, just got to wait, wonder and hope :)
    They don't hurt, no.
    Did this help? My right ear is constantly blocked and I'm considering this procedure. I'm still convinced my low roaring is from this, not menieres
    Gareth Davies
    It moderately helped - my tinnitus is quieter. However, I still have ETD symptoms at this point in time. Doctor said to wait 1-3 months.
    If tinnitus has taught me anything, it's how to be patient (among a few other things). Or perhaps just endurance. Sheer bloody endurance.
    Crazy levels of movement and vibration in my head. Tinnitus is currently piercing - like ultra oscillating glass. Can't sleep.
    Gareth Davies
    It also hurts like heck. Popping my ear helps for a second. Sod this I'm watching Netflix! >:/
    I know this question has been asked a billion times, but is hearing your ear crackle (regardless of infections) when you swallow normal?
    I'm almost certain it is because this has always been something I've experienced. If I'm not mistaken, this is just normal behavior of your eustachian tube. It's very likely something that you just never noticed before now because you had no need to concern yourself over your ears.
    Then again, I might be misunderstanding what you mean by "crackle". It's hard to really relay what exactly entails a sound with words.
    Gareth Davies
    It's like someone briefly rolling up bubble wrap or squashing Rice-Krispies. I've done some more reading, and it does seem to be a normal thing.
    Operation was tomorrow - less than 24 hours. Now it's been delayed by another three weeks...great.
    Gareth Davies
    Perspective is always a useful commodity. Thank you Steph. That is terrible news regarding your delay; I'm sorry :(
    Thanks Gareth. I just hate the way covid has slowed everything down. I'm hoping it's done this year.
    sorry to hear that. I was just coming on here to ask u how it is going!
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