L along the way

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  • (3) but it has given me more solidarity with animals.. they have nervous sytem/emotions too.. and the way the "meat industry" is nowadays
    (2) however sadly.. it hasn't solved all my issues..life isn't that easy, just eat healthy and everything is fine. But food is a cornerstone
    (1) The only thing that really improved my overall wellbeing & health has been the upgrade to a plant based diet lifestyle
    Is healing too late? Is it possible? Discomfort t.. searching for answers.. biology and psychology.. i mean fk this has been harsh..
    The holiday was nice, but life is just hard.. natural wellbeing feels to be the most valuable thing, why did i learn after acoustic trauma
    I'm on holiday with my dear mom for a week, i won't be around on the forum. Trying to go easy, going moment to moment, much love to you guys
    Today just breathe and trying to go with flow, as much as possible.. go slow.. naturalness is wealth, i hope we can all find back our health
    Quietude once was natural.. now it's a long lost friend. I hope that friend somehow returns, in the end
    This am first time ever I woke up and T was a strong wind. The harshness of the ring was down for 20 min. It felt like heaven. Then the strong T returned. I just wish it was a little less loud that's all. I was able to meditate and relax prior to my latest worsening. Stay on your path.
    @4Grace I feel your words.. every second a mountain.. man.. i don't know what to say.. the doubt of it not healing with time is also harsh
    @L along the way - you are so very kind my friend. Stay strong. I am living in a world of no understanding from anyone in my family.
    L along the way
    @4Grace thank you.. well day by day friend.. im not always kind, i'm grumpy and agitated most of the time sadly enough.. painful t.. suffering/confusion/damaged nerves however we want to describe it.. with family and friends, i believe nobody can really understand this kind of things without having it experienced themselves.. i don't even understand it myself..
    L along the way
    i have no solid advice, and i don't believe anybody can really say anything about these things.. just a new day and praying for improvement.. naturally living would be best dream
    I feel silly repeating so much.. but without hope of it getting better.. this is no life.. it's suffering in it's purest form @4Grace
    I keep repeating negative things, it is so much better to keep repeating positive things. I feel silly repeating the same complaints. Please don't feel silly we need a daily reminder of your hopeful quotes. I beg of you to keep repeating. Every time I read your quote it helps me. Rest time and hope. Everyday is a new day, just breath and go with the flow.
    L along the way
    Love brother.. really.. i appreciate you a lot man!! Well.. i got a new quote yesterday evening.. maybe the new mantra is just "tomorrow".. lool.. i was in harsh t pain.. and that same feeling about how am i going to bare bla bla. That's also a thing.. i hope somehow even with the t.. my mind can somehow stop the mental activity around it..
    L along the way
    But yeah.. then i said to myself.. okay.. just maybe.. tomorrow it's magically gone. Well.. today is tomorrow, and it's not gone.. but even if it be a lie.. maybe it helps to just keep saying that every evening.. maybe tomorrow it will all be gone.. it sounds almost childish.. but maybe it helps.. and who knows.. there have been people with all kinds of things who gotten mysteriously healed agains all odds
    But there's just this longing for quietude.. every evening.. so much hurt, painful t.. harsh harsh.. pff i wish somehow.. quietude...
    During the day, i try to live healthy lifestyle, foods, nature walks, calming activities, and also just distracting myself with gaming
    Not proud of it, but i take booze now every evening.. it just numbs/calms my nervous system down so i can sleep, no recommendation though
    L along the way
    @4Grace ;) i've been on the drinking tour last weeks.. every night. Day before yesterday, at night, i wanted to get an extra pair of blankets, and just fell straight on the ground while walking, cuz i was drunk. Next day hangover.. i mean.. what kind of a lifestyle is that.. especially in the long run..
    L along the way
    Yesterday i switched it up.. no alcohol, and took 2 sleep meds, which did the trick. I guess, i kinda conclude now.. sleep meds are a better choice than alcohol..
    I love you brother. I feel this. You are not alone in your suffering. You are not alone. My heart breaks for us. I am there on the floor with you. Hope for a better day.
    Yesterday evening was very negative again. Painful t.. and negative thought loops.. i hope the psychology of this will somehow ease down
    ❤️ I wish I had words for you. I wish I could help you. I'm sorry for being so negative. It's my reality it does not have to be yours. We are all different. Please stay positive. Day at a time.
    L along the way
    @4Grace thank you, thank you. I can feel your struggle, but to me, what you share is not negative, it's sharing about your struggle.
    I'm trying to learn to not be ashamed about feeling down or low. I mean.. of course i don't wish to feel down.. but if that's what it is.. well.. then that's just the sad reality for now. I keep hoping for change, indeed day by day friend
    Just trying to rest as much as i feel is helpful.. trying to slow down.. going day to day
    @L along the way you are loved and understood. We understand. I understand. If you do not worsen easily you will be okay my friend. In time you have a very good chance of being okay.
    L along the way
    @4Grace Thank you, it's heartfelt dear friend. I don't want to complain or try to contest in any way.. but when i read your words.. that this is pure suffering.. i had similar things going through my mind.. this is suffering beyond suffering. Oh man.. i dunno i'm exhausted.
    L along the way
    I think the only sensible thing to do.. is trying to not hold on to psychological stuff.. finding some ways to relief the psychology of it all.. and indeed.. i feel like i'm living on hope. Day to day.. wishing it may be a good day dear friend
    I love my family, but they can't understand what i'm going through. I find some comfort that this forum exists. May things please get better
    Today i visited my family, which was nice. When i said something about my struggle with t.. they can't understand how heavy this is..
    (2) i actually came across a song about t.. although it doesn't encompass the severity of my painful t.. i feel free to share that song
    (1) I've been listening to some early old school reggae songs, and i found it has a lot of soul in it, more than most modern music
    You have the correct mind set. Hope with time. Maybe in time. No bull. I know so many with blasting T that could not care less. No idea how.
    L along the way
    But in the end.. that kind of a lifestyle is not wellbeing promoting. But for now.. it helps me to fall asleep, but indeed.. i hope for a better tomorrow, where i can just sleep easefully again
    L along the way
    About the mindset.. so well.. it fluctuates.. sometimes i just feel overwhelmed, and there is just the t pain and suffering, and i just want to be out of it. But it's also true that i keep inspiring myself every day with positive messages. I don't know.. it's contradiction, but there is both sides
    L along the way
    But it's true.. that without hope of it getting better.. this is no life. My only interest in life now is: wellbeing, to be able to feel comfortable in my own skin. All other things don't matter so much anymore. So yeah, i do keep telling myself.. plenty of rest, nature, distractions, day by day.. it can get better
    I'm not sure if I asked you this before. If you don't want to answer I understand. How old are you?
    L along the way
    The knot for me though is.. i mean i can copy all kind of wise words.. but to keep it real.. we/i just want to live a life which is.. easeful.. pleasant.. sense of wellbeing.. so well.. words of inspiring teachings.. if it's not my own real experience.. what is it really worth (for me). And that's also the difficulty with painful t..
    L along the way
    I've always been interested in philosophy and nature.. but the difficulty is.. how can we find a way of wellbeing, when there is painful t.. damaged nerves.. i haven't found an answer yet. Other than, repeating.. hope with time & healthy lifestyle, positive inspiration. But i don't know, it has been very harsh.
    L along the way
    May Good God the mystery help us... finding strength & calmth & wellbeing.. some day.. some day.. going day by day... pffft.. for now it's just bad.. i appreciate you and all your sharings, it truly means a lot to me. Please wellbeing & calm with time dear life
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