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  • Felling ok for now setback was dishes clanking together and family member coughing loudly by my ear. Hiss turned into a screech temporarily
    @SamRosemary i definitely know how your feeling! Ugh just a year ago o had no idea what tinnitus was lol it definitely will settle and I hope you feel better!!! Oh saw you took your exams congratulations!! :D
    Oddly enough, I learned about it in one of my classes like a month before it happened. Never heard of it before that tho. Ahh what a time lol. Thank you! All done exams- just waiting on final grades tho.
    @SamRosemary oh wow!! You're going to school for RN?? And I never heard of this sadly I've always been in a bubble only concerts I've been too was Metallica godsmack and chevelle but I was no where near the stage :0

    I'm sure you did great (;
    Does TTTS ever go away? Only my left ear spasms to crisp sounds like chip bags and door knobs closing shut. Been 3 months of spasms :3
    @Nadia231 ah I'm so sorry your are going through this if you don't mind me asking how did you develop H?
    Hi Sammy, I suffered from constant fluttering for over a year. It resolved suddenly. It's a vicious cycle, the more you focus and worry about it, the worse it becomes. I slept on the less effected ear for a year and thank god it chilled. Distraction is key, get busy on a project etc. easier said than done I know. x
    @Sammy0225 my H started a few weeks after my big T spike, which went from a mild T that caused me no issues for 3 years to debilitating T and noise sensitivity. It gradually became worse to the point I wear ear defenders at home for most things. I don't work at the moment ( I'm a teacher so...) and can't go anywhere except a quiet park.
    anyone have zinging hissing -almost electric sensation sometimes travels behind my neck to the other a sizzling zing..or hiss
    When it's calm it sounds like a hourglass sand pouring but when it's spiked it's like electric zinging traveling from my left ear behind my neck it's so damn irritating @ZFire or @Joe Cuber maybe y'all know what this is?
    Hi @Sammy0225 when I spike I do get something similar like your electric zinging, but i can't say that I've experienced it traveling behind my neck
    having better days same as last week reactiveness has been calm i watched a few movies
    That's awesome I'm glad he looks after you! They keep us going I gotta always tell myself I gotta be strong for my little man
    That's exactly it. In the beginning, I might not still be here if it wasn't for him. How olds your son?
    I'm glad you have him :) and he's 3 he's everything to me he also will hand me my ear muffs when a loud sound is around lol when all this first started I was really agitated for any little noise he made I would just sit and cry cause how I was being with him .. I've gotten better at handling everything since then thankfully
    Woke up to tinnitus currently not present reactiveness around a 1 and hissing about a 1.2 ditched the muffs day 4 of sound therapy
    @tniuf for sound therapy I'm gradually exposing my ears to noise that would usually cause a spike. Tv, sound of water from The tap, fans.. stuff like that. Not using any devices just gradually exposing my ears to more sound every week and pushing a little more each time. No audiologist
    Also I feel using ear muffs 24/7 was holding me back from recovering I started having anxiety about every little noise and dwell on it for days like building a muscle I feel my sound tolerance is building back up slowly
    Hello. Does your low pitched tinnitus go away or can you really get used to this?
    this sounds terrible. My low hum is like an car in idle and gets REALLY loud in siolence. It fills my head fully at night. The other sounds are the typcial EEEE sound and refridgerator.
    Thank you for your fast reply. It means the world to me. I was never such low. And i have it for five years.
    Oh the hum one is the one bothering you? Yes I've had that one it sounded like a car idling outside I know exactly what your talking about yes I got use to that one and the fridge hum it was weird but eventually I just learned to block it out mentally
    High pitch turned into sizzling hiss hoping this is some kind of healing process
    Ahh yes, the fabled hiss I always hear about. Looks like you're headed in the right direction. :)
    @ZFire thanks for responding it sounds weird almost like a sizzling piece of bacon hmm the reactiveness seems to be chilling out I was playing Nintendo switch earlier and wasn't reacting I'll keep updates posted on the progress
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