SarahMLFlemmer Jun 2, 2023 Had a good couple of days, and now my ears actually are clicking. Mentally stable though, so yay!
SarahMLFlemmer May 31, 2023 I thought my ears were clicking along with the constant ring. No, it's just my dog biting at her nails. One less thing to think about. =P
I thought my ears were clicking along with the constant ring. No, it's just my dog biting at her nails. One less thing to think about. =P
SarahMLFlemmer May 30, 2023 I feel absolutely worthless. Like the biggest POS in the world. Crying and utterly disabled by some stupid noise.
I feel absolutely worthless. Like the biggest POS in the world. Crying and utterly disabled by some stupid noise.
SarahMLFlemmer May 30, 2023 Well, at least I know there are still good days, even when I'm having a torturous one.
SarahMLFlemmer May 30, 2023 Listening to the T instead of being distracted causes me great ear pain. =( so much for naps anymore. Unless I'm distracted, I'm in pain.
Listening to the T instead of being distracted causes me great ear pain. =( so much for naps anymore. Unless I'm distracted, I'm in pain.
SarahMLFlemmer May 29, 2023 Well, I got hit with some kind of virus. T is stable but it's still hard to just relax.
SarahMLFlemmer May 26, 2023 Yesterday was a good day! Today seems to be going pretty okay so far too. =)
Mo8409 May 25, 2023 Hi Sarah Was your medication related? High dose? Mine was medication related I believe but I was on a very low dose. Do you have hearing loss?
Hi Sarah Was your medication related? High dose? Mine was medication related I believe but I was on a very low dose. Do you have hearing loss?
eagerUser May 24, 2023 Hi Sarah, Just wanted to send you positive vibes and I wish you start a new wonderful day.
SarahMLFlemmer May 23, 2023 Got a good half hour cry out WITH hyperventilation. I guess that means a new week with at least a few good days ahead. Soldier on, friends!
Got a good half hour cry out WITH hyperventilation. I guess that means a new week with at least a few good days ahead. Soldier on, friends!
SarahMLFlemmer May 23, 2023 Up, down, up, down, up, down. This thing is such an emotional roller coaster.
SarahMLFlemmer May 21, 2023 Poo night with T, migraine, face pain, etc. I guess it could be worse, I could still be on the streets addicted to meth. Perspective is key!
Poo night with T, migraine, face pain, etc. I guess it could be worse, I could still be on the streets addicted to meth. Perspective is key!
SarahMLFlemmer May 15, 2023 I have responsibilities as a wife and as a mother and I'm just so, so tired.
SarahMLFlemmer May 13, 2023 My left ear feels pain 24/7. Other people with T say I should not feel pain, only ringing. I don't understand.
My left ear feels pain 24/7. Other people with T say I should not feel pain, only ringing. I don't understand.
SarahMLFlemmer Apr 25, 2023 I don't have HL but it's been suggested to try aids. I currently have my FIL's aids on and I can still hear my T. Darn, it was worth a shot!
I don't have HL but it's been suggested to try aids. I currently have my FIL's aids on and I can still hear my T. Darn, it was worth a shot!