SarahMLFlemmer Apr 23, 2023 Still, ever so grateful to have this wonderful supporting and encouraging community!
SarahMLFlemmer Apr 22, 2023 I think I'm getting sick, plus I'm tired & sore from yesterday- having our very 1st garage sale so I purged! I hope to have a peaceful nap.
I think I'm getting sick, plus I'm tired & sore from yesterday- having our very 1st garage sale so I purged! I hope to have a peaceful nap.
SarahMLFlemmer Apr 20, 2023 My ears are screaming! It hurts and I hate this. I'm struggling at the moment...
SarahMLFlemmer Apr 19, 2023 I'm almost 5 months in since onset, and (per ENT) in one more month my T is considered "chronic/permanent." Yay. =(
I'm almost 5 months in since onset, and (per ENT) in one more month my T is considered "chronic/permanent." Yay. =(
SarahMLFlemmer Apr 18, 2023 I didn't think I had "spikes" but maybe I do, OR maybe I'm just oversensitive to the noise right now because it gets emotionally wearing.
I didn't think I had "spikes" but maybe I do, OR maybe I'm just oversensitive to the noise right now because it gets emotionally wearing.
SarahMLFlemmer Apr 18, 2023 This is hard. I can do hard things. This is hard... I CAN DO HARD THINGS. This. Is. Hard... I. Can. Do. Hard. Things. One. Day. At. A. Time.
This is hard. I can do hard things. This is hard... I CAN DO HARD THINGS. This. Is. Hard... I. Can. Do. Hard. Things. One. Day. At. A. Time.
SarahMLFlemmer Apr 15, 2023 Tinnitus is one of the dumbest ailments I've ever heard of. No pun intended.
SarahMLFlemmer Apr 12, 2023 I know the answer can't be definitive, but what might be the chances of Shore's Device working for someone w/ MEDICATION INDUCED TINNITUS?
I know the answer can't be definitive, but what might be the chances of Shore's Device working for someone w/ MEDICATION INDUCED TINNITUS?
SarahMLFlemmer Apr 10, 2023 ...might totally push through today... might totally have a cry fest later.
RingerHisser Apr 8, 2023 Hi there. I'm new to Tinnutus. 38 year old dad of an awesome little 3 year old and kickass wife that I'm trying to spare. I've had symptoms now for a week. It's been the hardest thing ever. Just wanted to say hello.
Hi there. I'm new to Tinnutus. 38 year old dad of an awesome little 3 year old and kickass wife that I'm trying to spare. I've had symptoms now for a week. It's been the hardest thing ever. Just wanted to say hello.
SarahMLFlemmer Apr 6, 2023 My friend said she saw a commercial on TV looking for candidates to try out SOMETHING for T but didn't get the #, USA. Could it be Lenire?
My friend said she saw a commercial on TV looking for candidates to try out SOMETHING for T but didn't get the #, USA. Could it be Lenire?
SarahMLFlemmer Mar 31, 2023 Cyclobenzaprine (muscle relaxer) got rid of the pressure & vibration in my R ear. Now I'm just left with the flashbang sound.
Cyclobenzaprine (muscle relaxer) got rid of the pressure & vibration in my R ear. Now I'm just left with the flashbang sound.
SarahMLFlemmer Mar 30, 2023 Aaand, the pressure/vibration/muffled R ear is back along with the flashbang (constant high frequency) sound. =[
Aaand, the pressure/vibration/muffled R ear is back along with the flashbang (constant high frequency) sound. =[
SarahMLFlemmer Mar 29, 2023 My R ear finally settled down! Also, I think I might have finally reached "my baseline!" I think!
SarahMLFlemmer Mar 28, 2023 R ear may be pressure, not fluid? Muffled- prob. a small dip in HL (if any)? It's making the R side of my face shaky & my jaw clench harder.
R ear may be pressure, not fluid? Muffled- prob. a small dip in HL (if any)? It's making the R side of my face shaky & my jaw clench harder.
SarahMLFlemmer Mar 27, 2023 It feels like there's water in my R ear, but whatever it is WILL NOT come out! It's making my head shake! What is this?!! ;[
It feels like there's water in my R ear, but whatever it is WILL NOT come out! It's making my head shake! What is this?!! ;[
SarahMLFlemmer Mar 26, 2023 HELP! My R ear feels clogged, it's now ringing loud & feels full. I am nervous I may be experiencing hearing loss. What should I do?
HELP! My R ear feels clogged, it's now ringing loud & feels full. I am nervous I may be experiencing hearing loss. What should I do?
SarahMLFlemmer Mar 25, 2023 T is loudest on my left & quiet on the right. My T has moved. It is now quiet on my left & heavy & loud on my right. My head feels so weird.
T is loudest on my left & quiet on the right. My T has moved. It is now quiet on my left & heavy & loud on my right. My head feels so weird.
SarahMLFlemmer Mar 22, 2023 Is anyone else in central California here? I'm about 45 minutes south of Sacramento.
SarahMLFlemmer Mar 22, 2023 I keep myself busy weekdays; homeschooling, deep cleaning & going to my studies, but weekends & nights while I'm trying to rest are hard.
I keep myself busy weekdays; homeschooling, deep cleaning & going to my studies, but weekends & nights while I'm trying to rest are hard.
I notice you're in Cali too. North, south, or central?