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  • This noise makes my head hurt. Hope y'all are doing well today. Remember; one day at a time and even one moment at a time. ❤️
    My T is usually the same every day 24/7 unless I'm around noise or eat something I shouldn't. Do y'all have to watch what you eat and drink and have a set bedtime and listen to sound machines at night.I can't be around anything real loud because of my hair cell damage. I couldn't even go to the haunted forest this year with my husband and daughter because of the chainsaw.
    My noise can get louder if I don't use protection and am around loud noise for a long period of time. I don't watch what I eat and drink, no. T sucks no matter what I do, so I don't monitor it in that way. I do have to use sound throughout the day or my head starts to hurt. I have to use low sound though or my T competes.
    When I lay down it comes from both ears and my head buzzing-static. When It's coming from my brain. Ok you were taking about finding your sound.
    Sarah that is very loud.
    4Grace do you feel it in your head or just your ears?
    @SharonBell - the physical vibration is only on the right side of my head. Sound is so strong I feel it in my ears too. Like much tighter vibrations in ears but more burning. Sometimes, not always, my entire head is full of sound. Full. With both ears and all of this. I cannot at take listening to that YouTube video not even at lowest level. I would say I have 4, 7 and 9. If I remember correctly. Can't listen again.
    Zero sleep last night. This should be a great day. =[
    Bed time for 5 months was hell. No more then an hour if that for 5 months. No meds worked for me. Sleep came back to me with a few weeks mirt then came off. Sleep stayed. It's the only thing I got going. Only problem is when I wake up can't wait to go back into bed. Even if I stay on my phone. So sad. :(
    @4Grace I still can't get off medication for sleep and I want to so bad. Sometimes I even have to pop 2 pills. I'm glad you're able to at least fall asleep! I wake up often too. Sorry.
    @SarahMLFlemmer - I understand. I actually wish I could take a Med. I need one for the pain and sound. Also to deal with the impact on my life. I know I think about taking something everyday. I know everyone hates takings meds. So sorry too. So sorry.
    So happy to hear the volume has gotten lower for you ❤️
    Small steps ❤️ better than standing still
    Hello. Read your posts. So happy you have a lowered volume/or perception. I habituated to all my crazy high ring tones at about 6 months. Unfortunately, I worsened after. Best I can say is sleep!, mental health, support - and protecting as needed- will save you from getting worse.
    @MaxRabbit I guess it's still pretty loud and gives me a headache a lot of days, I still want it gone, but am coping better each week. Some days, not so much, but a lot better than I once was!
    I am gonna say my T is a perceived 7/10 but that I am coping a lot better & forgetting about it a little more throughout the day SOME days.
    At the end of the day, it's def. a hard 7. But my brain might be starting to ignore it a little more. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
    11 months in, T has calmed down in volume a notch or two. First perceived as 9/10, then 7/10, and now 6/10.
    ...Serc? Any good for tinnitus?
    Don't know about Serc, but I started with LDN a few days back & I feel as though it may be making my T a little quieter, at least for some time. So may be worth a shot, esp since it's pretty low risk from what I've read.
    It can also help with mood. I just don't know how it'd interact with the Ami... I have a feeling it's not advised.
    I'm DONE. Can I be done? Can I just go now?
    @SarahMLFlemmer - your faith in God will sustain you. It is real and it is truly beautiful to see. You can tell that everyone on TT can see it. You are active with your kids even though you suffer at times. Thats is truly inspirational. That is not easy. Wow! I wish I had just a bit of that in me. No need to respond to this. Had to say it. Keep going, keep being you.
    Marina Moon
    i understand the feeling and have been there too...but don't give up! Things will get better!
    You have to stay because you're my T bestie. ❤️
    The tears can't fall until after my son's karate class. I am MISERABLE. In so much pain. Suicidal thoughts. LORD, come quickly. ;(
    Are you still taking accutane? @SarahMFlemmer I don't know how long it takes for body to remove this drug? If it's been a while, the migraines may be from something else? (with T makes it altogether worse). : ( *hugs*
    @sakrt I stopped Accutane on 10/24/2022, I started having migraines 3 weeks after my last dose and then T started 11/20/2022. I've had migraines and T ever since.
    @SarahMLFlemmer Gosh that's just awful. Have you had any easing of symptoms at all since then? Are the changes of recovering from T caused by meds versus sound trauma the same?
    No I can't it's in extended high frequency, it's not regular frequency hearing loss, but the buzzing 24/7 about drives me crazy.
    It drives me crazy too. I'm learning how to deal with it. It isn't easy, but it's getting a little easier at 11 months in.
    They think my T is noise induced because of the big hearing loss difference in both ears, they didn't think it was my medicine, they said, if it was medicine it would be more even on both sides.
    How interesting. I have T from medicine and it's louder on my left.
    mine is med induced and louder in one ear. they don't know what they're talking about as usual hahah
    I know my ear hair cells are damaged. I have cochlear Sensorineural Tinnitus with hearing loss. Rt ear profound extended high frequency and left ear mild. I had a regular frequency test and also had a high frequency test and that when they found out.
    I had a regular audiogram but plan to have an extended soon. Audiogram showed normal. Maybe having an extended one will tell me more. Can you tell that you lost hearing?
    Fleeting T, fun!
    Gosh, my baseline tinnitus is always quite consistent. Maybe fleeting is a good sign that it's on it's way out?.... I'm not doctor though, not that they have much of a clue either sometimes haha
    @GG_Ear I keep hoping it'll fleet away then when it comes back down, switch it all off. But it doesn't. =(
    In a wedding this weekend, just got home. Ears a tad bit louder than usual. Back to reality. Woke with anxiety, now crying.
    I understand your pain. I authentically care for your well being. I want to communicate all words of encouragement. Please stay strong. It's heart breaking to hear this. It really is.. you are an incredible human being.
    @4Grace took a nice long bath with lavender and epsom salt. It's the only thing that helps calm me besides Xanax, and I really don't want to depend on meds, especially now since my T was med induced.
    @4Grace thank you for your kind words.
    2.) to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself. Philippians 3:20-21 BE ENCOURAGED!
    1.) But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body...
    @cjbhab I lost 18 at onset, so I kinda thought too that if that didn't correct it when I fasted not on purpose, IDK that doing it on purpose will. I need to lose weight again anyway. Emotional eating has me pretty chubby.
    You can't be pretty chubby. If you are chubby - you can't be pretty. Fast then - and be pretty once more ;-)
    @Stuart-T ha ha. It's crazy how I could not eat when I first got T, and I'm a "foody!" I've always been fairly thin, until I had kids. I go up and down in weight, but never 170. I think Amitriptyline that I have take for sleep now has something to do with it.
    "Habituation" feels so close somedays, only to be destroyed later. T really is a roller coaster. Cried all day Thur-Sat, okay Sun and today.
    Same, up and down alllll the time. New noises, high squeals that randomly come, spikes. Hopefully as time goes on those will go away.
    Took 2 caps of the "natural sleep aid" last night instead of 1, + sleepy time tea. It didn't work. I had to take Amitriptyline at 2:30am. =|
    @SarahMLFlemmer as you may already know. If you are feeling a bit unwell as you try to come off I always found it helpful to remind myself that it was just because of the Med. Coming off anything should be slow and it can produce a low mood. Just temporary.
    @Tryn2BHopeful I started at 50mg, but I've been on 25mg for a few months now. Maybe I should try cutting it in half to make it 12.5mg.
    @4Grace I appreciate your faithfulness in prayer. =)
    Attempting to get off Amitriptyline again (I take it for sleep). Bought some "all natural" stuff from Costco. We'll see how it goes!
    Can we please, please, please have a cure now? ;(
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