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  • Dreamed I was using headphones last night, woke up in the morning panicking thinking I really had.
    I used to dream I was trapped in house parties/clubs all the time. Was terrifying lol
    I shared about this a year or two ago on someone's profile page, but it looks like that thread of conversation has been deleted since then. Anyway, re-sharing:
    had a recurring nightmare throughout my first year, where I'd get caught up in some street parade before this guy rushed up to me and blasted me with one of those air horn things (like the kind you get at football games).

    Every time it happened, I would realise my life was over, and that the only thing left to do, before departing, was take the guy with me, wherever I was going.
    My brain is simultaneously making me anxious with the noise it's producing while also making the damn noise that's causing the anxiety >:-(
    Loud head buzzing and hissing tonight. I was anxiety free now it's hit me like a ton of bricks again.
    One year anniversary of my T increase and I am doing so much better mentally :)
    my hearing test is posted in the audiogram page. i have some 10db dips in both ears and frequencies at 3khz and 8khz. i assume its some type of hearing loss, audiologist didnt say much when i mentioned it too him. could also be high frequency loss and hidden hearing loss, nobody truly knows, its just annoying as it just enforces that ive got something wrong with my ears. @Benjaminbb
    @Benjaminbb I'm pretty sure at this point it's from a high frequency hearing loss, and the sound that I hear in its place is caused by recruitment, hair cells trying to make up for the one that died. That's at least the conclusion I came to on my own after spending time here, my ENT and audiologist were both far from useful.
    One sided sinusitis and a row of throbbing teeth :( one way to start the weekend lol
    @Strawberryblonde - Im really glad they have managed to fix the problem for you. The antibiotics will help resolve the last of it and you'll feel better. I've been on that side of 111 recently too - shockingly bad and everything just script run throughs. May as well be a robot answering the phone!
    I @Moni97 :) Antibiotics I think are helping slowly to take swelling away and sensitivity and I've not been using to many painkillers :) I think it's sinus related as well as a tooth problem. Gotta schedule to get my impacted wisdom tooth out yet, not looking forward to that :(
    Panic attack woke me up in the middle of the night with a lovely hot sweat and fleeting T that stayed for a while. Just give me a break!
    @Gabriel T does its own thing but its scary as hell when it's a new tone.
    Yes, woke up with two new tones super loud + high pitch, I was almost sweating. And yesterday night I had a very nice night ?? Today was one of the best day in these two last month
    I've had it today, random high pitch static in head from I don't know where, I suspect my eustachian tubes or tight neck muscles this time. :( hopefully you get more good days once more @Gabriel
    Feeling like I am starting to slip under with this.
    @Guywithapug thanks! gonna get myself out and about today and enjoy my Sunday :) lost an hour sleep cause clocks went forward so I feel pretty tired.
    Isaac Ramsay
    Very relatable how the static buzzing is what gets you down. I would literally be doing fine now if it wasn't for the horrific high pitched hiss that is much harder to mask
    When it's head based as opposed to ears it can be harder to tune out. I can do it mostly, I just struggle when my anxiety is on the up which makes me hyper focused on the buzzing :( @Isaac Ramsay
    Managed to come down with another sore throat and sinus issues again, two weeks reprieve and it's back again. Come on ENT appointment!!
    Aww honey I'm so sorry @Strawberryblonde :( I have some home remedies if you're interested. And I'm doing ok, my ear are still alittle more sensitive but not so achy anymore which I hope is a sign im improving :)
    So great to hear you on the up with things :) how was your grandma's birthday party? @Moni97 ?

    I have been inhaling steam having honey drinks and gargling salt water to ease it. Had it a month ago and it came back so wondering do I have some sinus issue? That have slowly gotten worse over the years. :-/
    Spent the morning gardening and being outside in nature. Very relaxing even when the heavens decided to open and pour it down.
    I commend you on this, @Strawberryblonde ! It seems like T has been giving you a hard run lately, could let it bring you down and keep you inside but you decided to go outside and do something to help distract and bring you some happiness. It sounds easy to do this, but it is not, so kudos to you chick! :)
    It's gonna be there even if I sit in and mope about it so may as well keep occupied :) I love being out amongst the trees birds, I find it calming to bird watch, they are just going about there little lives :) thank you for the support @ErikaS it's always nice to know we are not alone in this on those dark days:)
    I'm ready for all this snow to go away. Can't wait for the lakes to thaw and the crickets to come back to life.
    Hmm do I carry on or stop? Having a permanently tight jaw is awful no matter what I do. 2/
    @Strawberryblonde I would recommend you to see an Osteopath (or similar) that is specialized in jaw and tmj issues. The allignment of the bite, and jaw issues in general, has a lot to do with incorrect tongue posture as well. This has helped me a lot with my TMJ issues. This, combined with custom made bite guard during the night + keeping stress levels at a minimum are all key factors. And enough sleep...
    @Guywithapug it's awful isn't it and plus having no control over it when asleep.
    @Jsm_Joestar I really hope it's the reason I have my T, that way there is hope it'll go away.
    @MindOverMatter I am currently waiting on a TMJ specialist appointment to have a more thorough investigation as my jaw is misaligned and have had issues for 14yrs but just gotten used to it after this long.
    @Strawberryblonde it might not go away but i hope it atleast lowers your T or makes it less reactive that would be a huge win.
    Been massaging my jaw as its so tight/painful in the morning. Tinnitus has become higher pitched on the side with the pain. 1/
    Make sure you use a mouth guard so you don't damage your teeth from the clenching. Also sleep in a position that it's more difficult to clench.
    I have a mouthgaurd to save my teeth from further damage but it doesn't help with the pain or jaw tightness unfortunately :(
    Thinking back to the old T days where I lived a completely normal life with noises/stress and the fucker still faded away! Oh memories!!
    I am acutely more afraid of things now than in the past with my old T. I would not even batted an eyelid with. I've taken different medication, caught in loud situations and pretty much carried on with life and it still got better over time to the point of not even hearing it.
    Being on this website has turned my fear level up as I assume I'm gonna get worse end up with nox ect.
    Maybe living in ignorance is somewhat better for certain people. Or did it not help me in the long run? Would I be here now with a worse T if I came on this site in 2015 and gained knowledge or would I have been scared out of my wits to live a life. These things go around in my mind at times. @ErikaS
    @Strawberryblonde - I totally get this and wished I'd lived in ignorance from the start!
    There needs to be a disagree or dislike option on here, just to even things out. Good or bad idea?
    We used to have dislike option in the beginning 12 years ago, but got many complaints about it not feeling nice to receive dislikes on a support forum. So we removed it. And over the past 10 years we have probably got less than 5 people asking for dislike/disagree option, so it's probably not making a return. Although, disagree is more likely to be added of the two.
    Thanks for getting back so quickly @Markku didnt realise it was an option at the beginning of the site. Disagree will be a lot easier rather than always writing out reasons for, personally anyway.
    Listening to my music on low volume is just not hitting it in the way it should :-P
    I miss the feeling and relief loud music used to bring and being able to rock out in your own world @SamRosemary

    Kerranng mag free CD introduced me to that song @tpj I loved to have that one on on loudish. I certainly enjoy what I can atm and ill take it too at this point :)
    I miss driving in the car listening loud music and singing with it
    Jack S.
    I have found only one way that I can enjoy loud music, and that is by getting myself fairly inebriated. After about 4 drinks I can crank it up, but it has to be a very clean mix and high fidelity. It sounds awesome, but I can only drink like that about once a week......
    Hey Strawberry you had/have no hyperacusis right? Never experienced any noise sensitivity after getting T a few years ago?
    When I got T in 2015 I had what I now know to be H, everything was so loud and scary. I didn't no it was H at the time, just assumed I was suffering hypersensitivity to sounds after a bad anxiety attack (Google said it was a symptom). I never protected and carried on with life and it went.
    It came back in May 2022 but has lessened once again.
    Radiating shooting pain on and off down my left ear canal today. If its not one thing its another. Hope it passes :(
    Hope it's jaw related or something or that I've irritated a nerve ever so slightly. Been in the hospital screaming in pain with neuralgia it's horrendous. @just1morething
    Has the pain gotten any better? How are you feeling now?
    It has eased off to the point I had no pain yesterday. I think my ear plugs where the cause as after not using them for coming up to 3 days now the pain has diminished. Just a shame that they are the ones that stay in my ear canal and not fall out like foam ones do. @BeMagnified
    Someone playing steel drums on speed with a dial tone thrown in = sleep deprived!!
    Waking up with static lately on and off. God I hope that's a good sign in the long run!! Won't get hopes up though :)
    My nose sounds like a squeaking floorboard when I breath through it :( big thanks to my sinuses >:-(
    No idea what to even take. So many options out there
    @Strawberryblonde Many alternative approaches @Lane provided on TT may be helpful. Hot washcloth compress on face while soaking in tub w/ eucalyptus oil, hot lemon/honey tea... @ZFire recommends face steaming w/ olbas oil.
    I do the olbas oil/eucalyptus steam and that helps it but only while I do it, as soon as I stop it fills up again :-/ it's getting better very slowly though, my sinuses don't feel as clogged today :) @sakrt . @Lane always has good ideas and methods for when things need treating:)
    i have to have a filling in the morning for a cracked tooth and i aint looking forward to it one bit :(
    Also yes, I understand what you mean about 'not batting an eyelid' in the past. I came off Tinnitus in easy mode 13 years ago.

    Once you're at this stage, something as simple as a cold becomes a matter of life and death every time you catch one.

    It's an insane nightmare world that most people will only ever come to know towards the ends of their lives.
    @Damocles I'll have a good read on it and way up my options. Deffo live my life more safely now. Nowhere loud and fun, checking to see if some drugs will spike me, worrying about the dentist and a pissing cold!! :( May as well live like a nun at this point lol
    Static head and ears today. I hate it when it's like this!!
    Sorry to hear it came back @just1morething :( do you mask your tinnitus?
    And I think it's gotten better as I assume its too do with a sore throat I've got, a knock on effect from it.
    It feels like air escaping from a pipe and it's coming out my head/ears in every direction :( The fact that it went away hopefully is a good sign @ErikaS even if it was for a short while.
    This is so sad to see all over. Good days, bad days, up and down. Whenever it looks like someone is starting to do better- bam. It sucks.
    Forever hopeful
    I rarely get static. Mostly high pitched squeal. It's all bad. Went to dinner with a friend and sat in a very quiet section. I was so happy I didn't have to wear my earplugs. She has poor hearing but no tinnitus (go figure) but I explained that this is definitely life altering.
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