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  • Check out Dr. Robert Hascom and the work he's done with back pain. Patients recovered who had years of pain. I think this can apply to T/H.
    Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.
    I think the most difficult part of hyperacusis is the separation from my family.
    I joined an online Bible study through It helps to distract my mind from T and H. It helps me to grow in my faith & have hope.
    I have noticed increased hyperacusis the day after holidays with family, also increased emotions. Praying for all of us to recover.
    I'm praying for all of us dear friends. May God's peace and grace be with you today.
    Went grocery shopping at Whole Foods for the first time in 10 months. It was pretty loud, but nice to have a variety to choose from.
    Went and looked at Christmas lights. It's nice to get out, enjoy the lights and be with the family.
    Would anyone like a barky dog? I'll send him to you with a year's worth of food!
    Three month's in: tooth sensitivity, ear fullness, temple pain and hyperacusis are slightly better. More good days each week.
    Watched Hallmark movies today and took a walk. I do miss being out in the midst of sound.
    Has anyone been able to return to church? I miss the singing and the fellowship.
    What is a good nasal spray to help with Eustachian tube pressure? Has anyone tried Astelin?
    Praying for each of us that tonight will be restful and tomorrow will be a better day. Sending much love friends.
    I went out today and wore my new musician's earmolds. The foam ones are easier to use, but the sound is better with the custom earmolds.
    Advice needed on musician's earplugs. I just received mine, but unsure if they are fitting correctly.
    Another beautiful sunny day! 27 degrees and the kiddo finally agreed to wear a coat!
    It was a good day, I got out and did some Christmas shopping for 4 hours. The longest I've been out of the house in almost 3 months!
    I really need some suggestions to help with headaches, I've been getting them daily since the T started 11 weeks ago.
    Does anyone get pressure in the jaw joint right next to the ear? What helps? I also get a headache in the temples.
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