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  • Try joining for a diversion. I've worked on my family tree for two days!
    I have the perfect invention for those with acoustic trauma in the winter. A knit hat with built in ear protection!
    is that a thing cause I'd buy it
    If someone was enterprising they could market it. I'll only take 10 %. :)
    I would totally buy one!
    Good night friends, wishing you a calm night and peaceful tomorrow with all my heart.
    I'm curious, if I had noise trauma in one ear why are both affected with T and H?
    @kingsfan it makes me wonder if I damaged the other ear when I was in a vulnerable state after the acoustic trauma???
    Both my ears are equally effected by noise (headphones) but my left ear is way more effected with tinnitus and also somewhat with H. Its weird.
    Bill Bauer
    My initial acoustic trauma involved only one ear. After 9 months T spread to the formerly good ear. Later I learned that it seldom Doesn't spread...
    It is my prayer that we will all experience healing and return to our normal way of life.
    My sweet boy went over and asked the leaf blowers next door to please stop because they are hurting my mom's ears.
    @LilSass aww thank you! <3 And yes, I've most definitely watched Victorian Farm - including the Christmas episode. :) where I'm from in England, we are nothing but fields and farmland. Aesthetically, things don't look too much different from that on the programme. Lots of history here, especially farming history. We still have loads of old Victorian machinery and farming products laying about. X
    @Steph1710 thanks so much! I love design and architecture, but went back for degrees in education. I was a school district administrator, now I consult. Mostly, I've been at home teaching my son until the acoustic trauma.
    @Steph1710 we've been to London and the Cotswolds a few times. We also have been to Scotland to see Edinburgh and the Highlands. We went to Ft. William, Loch Ness and Glen Coe.
    T is loud today. I keep reminding myself to focus on the positive, like less ear pain, fullness, headaches and dizziness.
    Busy day with two Zoom meetings in a row, first since T started 11 weeks ago. Reading positive stories from my bookmarked page!
    Going for a walk, stay positive and stay off the forum except for positive stories! I'm going to take my own advice and get moving!
    A friend told me that exercise is just as effective at raising serotonin levels as meds. My goal is to walk is to walk 3x's today.
    No, I am staying off meds except when I absolutely need it. Migraine meds is what caused my t. Luckily chiro has helped immensely!
    @LilSass my closest friend has just gotten T and she takes migraine meds also, I think Topamax. Have you taken St. John's Wort? I thought it might be safer than an SSRI.
    Ugh, sorry to hear that! Maybe hers will go away. I take almotriptan when needed, which thanks to the chiro, is maybe only once per week now. The med was Cambia (declofenac) which I only took a few doses over the space of a week. It also made me very sick for almost two months (loss of balance, nausea, etc.).The neurologist wanted to put me on an SSRI, but I refused.
    I went for a walk to the pond. Lawn guys start mowing so I can't go home. I detour down "dog alley", a yappy dog appears! Lesson learned!
    Get yourself a nice set of moulded, filtered earplugs; and put them on a keychain. I have a set of westones. Super comfortable, nearly invisitble, provides enough protection for most everyday concerns.
    How much do foam plugs protect?
    @Diesel I'm waiting for my molded ones to come back from the audiologist. Are they safer than the foam ones? The audiologist could not answer my questions. She said they are called musician's ear molds with interchangeable filters.
    If you want to listen to calm, quiet acoustic Christmas music, listen to Amy Grant's Christmas on Spotify.
    Thank you for your positive posts! Knowing you are going through such a challenging time & still finding things that bring you joy inspires me!
    Hi twa! Yes, in the past few months I have been consistently having 3-5 'quiet' days (only noticeable in quiet rooms) every week. Mine has been variable since the onset but now having 2-3 days in a row of quiet. I'm sure that yours will start improving soon!
    @LilSass, hi! That is good to hear! Thank you for the encouragement!
    Hi @Steph1710! Thank you, I try to redirect my thoughts. It can be a challenge. I appreciate the prayers so very much. I feel them when people are praying for me.
    Researching quiet appliances, first to go, the microwave!
    I want to change our washing machine. It's unbelievably loud. Tinnitus is expensive.
    Yes, it is. My washer and dryer are the ones I bought when we first got married. They have lasted forever, but every aspect of them is loud from the dials to the doors. The operation is loud too. I start them and run out of the room and close the door!
    I'm a mom, so I do mom things like spending time in the kitchen. Is there a way to turn off beeps on microwaves and ovens?
    Rough few days, I've been reading encouraging posts from JJflyman and others on my Bookmarked thread for encouragement.
    Covid test was negative. Thank you God!
    Bill Bauer
    For people under 80 ( and who aren't dying as a result of suffering from a serious health condition), this year's flu has a 99.97% survival rate. The mortality is higher than for an average year's flu, but it's significantly lower than the mortality of flu that we get once every decade or two.
    Did anyone else get pressure in the ears? If so, did yours get better with time?
    My son yelled in my ear, but strangely both ears are affected. I wonder if I had secondary trauma after.
    My ear still feels completely blocked after 1 year. Still get intense pain as well.
    Good morning! Today I'm going to wrap presents and organize paperwork. Hope you have a good day friends!
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