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  • Went to a Renaissance festival today. There were some loud sounds, but not too bad. It was nice to see people out and about after 3 years.
    Sounds like you've had a lovely outing. I love that you don't let your tinnitus hold you back!
    I'm thinking about you all today. One of the things that has helped me the most is to keep going. Think about your goals & focus on them.
    I hear young people with very loud music or loud cars and I want to warn them about damaging their auditory systems.
    I agree with both of you, @twa and @Damocles.
    The first rays of sunshine and everybody seems to be going for fun rides with their stereos blasting, fingers crossed their ears will prove more resilient than ours!
    They will probably just lol at you and think you're delusional or something. Waste of time. It's a real shame people have to find out the hard way.
    True, I worked briefly at a company the year before my hearing issue/event. They used loud saws in the factory area and I translated for guest employees. I had one person offer me earplugs and I said no thanks. He was the only person in the entire company who wore earplugs.
    Lots of ringing lately, maybe stress, maybe lack of sleep. The end of the semester is always rough.
    @Leila, thanks so much, doing better!
    @Merlin, hyperacusis is much better, but loud noises can bother me. Previously, I used to live in fear of loud sounds. I no longer fear them, but I do wear protection outside of the house. Best to you!
    @ErikaS thank you! I did not take any medications. I worked very hard to get off of all medications a few years before. I took supplements, ate an AIP-Paleo diet, walked a lot, prayed, cried and worked on developing health strategies to feel better. I applied for a doctoral program and applied to teach college.
    @ECP education can be quite stressful and loud! The last 6 weeks are tough. I get one week off and then I start my last semester of coursework in my doc program. Yay!
    Weird moment, I was cooking dinner and all of sudden the T was very quiet. I put in earplugs to see if I could hear anything.
    @BrOKeN_1 it's happened to me twice in the last few months. It's so strange to me that I didn't believe it was not there. I thought it would be eventful, but it was strangely quiet. I thought, oh yeah, that's what quiet sounds like. It makes me want to cry remembering that life. I haven't cried in over a year about tinnitus.
    Same here. Just some short lived whimpering. It's like it's too exhausting to even cry at a point. I'm really really glad you have had some quiet moments. I hope you get so so many more. And eventually.. well. Fingers crossed.
    @BrOKeN_1 thanks so much, praying it is possible. There are times I think this is as good as it's going to get. We have hope, for both of us!
    Went to the Ft. Worth Stockyards today on St. Patrick's Day! Lots of fun & very loud! My family was more worried about the noise than I was!
    It's good your family is concerned. It means they are listening and learning to take hearing impairment/tinnitus seriously.
    @BrOKeN_1 I hope so. They surprise me sometimes.
    I'm on Spring Break & staying in a cabin with my family. About 2.5 years ago I didn't think this was possible. Keep the faith ! Phil 4:13
    It 100% gets worse before it gets better. And I had that same mindset. Now I'm doing stuff I never thought I would with 0 anxiety
    It is my prayer that I can watch a movie in a movie theater, this used to be my favorite activity!
    If only they didn't play the movies so damn loud! Should have an option not to hear it in deafening surround sound :)
    @Strawberryblonde I agree! There needs to be a class action lawsuit for playing 2 hour movies at dangerous decibels!
    Uneventful weekend, worked on writing papers for school and took two naps. I miss out on sleep during the week, about 5-6 hours a night.
    Not sure if it was the activities with school & Valentines Day that caused my T to increase or the loud restaurant.
    Had lunch with a friend today, she said she has cookie bite hearing and needs a hearing aid. No tinnitus though. ‍
    I also have a "cookie bite" hearing loss @twa . Which is btw one of the most tricky ones to "treat" with aids according to audiologists. Due to hearing often being so good over many frequencies.
    @MindOverMatter I did not know that, it makes sense that it would be difficult to treat.
    Day 3 of ice storm, husband returned, now kiddo is threatening to leave. I just want to watch movies and grade papers. #everybodycalmdown
    Day 2 of being at home during an ice storm, husband left in his 4 x 4 & said he wasn't coming back, for the 100th time. ;-) Bring on Day 3!
    Day 1 of being home during an ice storm with kiddo & husband. It's always a challenge because they are loud, oddly enough the dog is quiet.
    @Ken219 it's very dry and a bit sarcastic. :-D
    @twa are you able to enjoy activities in the home with them, such as puzzles and watch TV/movies without it spiking your T?
    @ErikaS yes, we've baked cookies, walked on the treadmill, taken pics, played games and my T is fine. It's the stress of being inside mainly. I'm ok with it, but my guys both have ADD and it's difficult for them.
    So my husband tested his musket within earshot in the garage. Really?!!
    Has anyone else noticed they are a human barometer of changing weather with their tinnitus? Mine changes to a ringing tone before rain.
    I've had that. I've felt like it's too random sometimes, but it can also be quite on point. I'm not sure what to think of it, but cloudy skies with a hint of rain often brings out the beast. But not always. So it's not accurate, exactly.
    Isn't it ironic of all things to malfunction in my car's system, it was the volume stuck on high from when my husband drove it???
    Did it spike your T??
    Should have been stuck on low :)
    @Sammy0225 I don't think it did. Mine is usually a tonal change. I will get more ringing, instead of a buzz. @Guywithapug it should have been low, you're right. It was almost like it was on purpose, such a weird week.
    The radio in my car was stuck on a loud volume. We drove half-way to school & had to turn back. This is why I don't trust computers in cars!
    Made it through teaching my first 3 hour class today. I didn't notice my T except once & it was a buzz. I think finding another focus helps!
    How does your hyperacusis feel while teaching? I'm supposed to teach a seminar in a few weeks but considering pulling out. Im worried projecting my voice to a large audience will somehow hurt my ears.
    @ashcash in a classroom setting for the last year and a half it has not bothered me. My classes are college freshman who are very reserved, initially. I have given presentations with T & H and they did not bother me while presenting. It may be later that I had more ringing, but it usually subsides and changes to a buzz in a day or two.
    Constant ringing tone all day long. The only thing that is different is that the wind has really blown in this weekend.
    For those who have experienced silence since onset, did you find the quiet strangely uneventful? Did you question if it was true?
    I had something like this in the summer of 21. Ironically, my reaction was to celebrate by playing a wicked air guitar solo to a song I like.
    @Lurius, that's great! I was so stunned, I wasn't sure if was actually happening.
    I forget I have it every time I have a quiet day. So freaking peaceful.
    I accidently left the house without earplugs. I spent a noisy lunch & afternoon without protection. It was a challenge with hyperacusis.
    I had about a minute of silence last night for the first time in over two years.
    @JPGL thank you! I have been teaching for the last year and a half. I take breaks in the summers. I wear earplugs outside the house, except for yesterday. Big mistake, but I'll try to be in a quiet environment today.
    That is astounding news!

    I wonder if you teaching is helping your brain to ignore the tinnitus quicker?

    Hopefully it should keep happening and for longer periods of time.
    @Jupiterman I have been on break from school for the last month. I have been trying to sleep more, rest and take better care of myself. Thank you, I pray that it does happen again and more often. :-)
    I am half way through my doctoral program, by the grace of God. I started the program the same year T/H began, all things are possible...
    @ErikaS thank you, it is amazing and challenging at the same time. I hope to work on finding peace and joy in the moment this year. I'm not sure if mine is reactive, but yesterday I forgot my earplugs and I spent the day out without protection. I had ringing all last night and today. The days prior to that I was having more of a buzz.
    @CRGC Thank you! What is your PhD in? I have been teaching at the same time for a year and a half. I do not recommend the level of high stress for someone with tinnitus/hyperacusis, but I tend to seek out the most difficult path! Best to you on teaching this semester!
    Yes, teaching and completing PhD studies at the same time sounds quite stressful and demanding! Sounds like you are handling it just fine though :) my PhD is in international environmental law. I will be teaching the masters level class this semester, which means a smaller group. I'm happy about that. Thanks and good luck to you too!
    Just returned from a vacation cabin with my family. The guys had their own space & bunk room. I relaxed in my own quieter area. Perfect!
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