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  • Went to the State Fair recently. It was a beautiful day & I felt grateful to be there. I avoided loud rides, but rode the Ferris Wheel!
    Congratulations, you are doing so well!

    If may ask;

    How do you manage your Hyperacusis while teaching?
    My hyperacusis has improved, though i still have it. I wear musician's earplugs while I am outside the house, always. I think by managing hyperacusis daily, I am able to function somewhat normally. I do not immerse myself in loud environments, loud restaurants, movies or public sports events. I did recently go to the state fair and was fine. I avoided the midway with loud rides.
    Seems like a very sensible approach. And when you teach, do you use your musician's earplugs as well?
    @Jupiterman yes, I always wear my earplugs anytime I am outside the house. It has become second nature. I think I realize that for the most part, sounds are manageable. I just do the best I can to stay away from loud environments, but I don't panic if I accidently run into a loud situation.
    I spent the evening at dinner with family. The restaurant was very loud & I wore earplugs. Next time, I'll take breaks and leave the room.
    I am at 23 months since my acoustic event that caused loud tinnitus and hyperacusis. Most of my symptoms have gone away, except the T/H.
    Still having headaches though.
    I've been dizzier lately, difficult to pinpoint the cause. Maybe swimming more with the hotter weather. I did put my ears in the water.
    For real Steph, you are a lizard! I should have remembered your future move to Italy, eh.

    But yes, there is definitely a limit, even for those of us who enjoy the heat, and that sounds like it.

    Don't get the refrigerated chocolate thing though. Have family who are into that too. Only chocolate that should be coming out of a fridge/freezer is a Mars ice-cream, if you ask me.
    @Damocles , @Steph1710 we have had 100+ degrees F since the 1st of July. We are breaking records and Texas is in a drought. It drains all your energy. I've started drinking Vitamin water to replenish electrolytes. I feel dizzy every day. Swimming helps some. We are going into the dreaded allergy season combined with the 100+ degree heat. Ugh.
    @Damocles, I am also of Mediterranean descent and lived here most of my life, but this heat is terrible. We try to stay inside from 10-2, even swimming earlier or later.
    Right before I went to the university my T was much calmer, almost a soft buzz at times. I am at 20-21 months out from my acoustic event.
    Sometime I wish I had a particular event to blame.. just general oblivious living is the culprit for this guy. Glad the T is being mellow for ya
    @Wrfortiscue I've had some louder days lately. I think because I back to living with my two loud guys. I've also been going out and about, to dinners and parties. Swimming at the pool can be loud also. Its was nice staying the hotel by myself while taking classes.
    @BrOKeN_1 I know what you mean, it's hard to place my initial soft tinnitus. After my acoustic event, there was definitely a life-altering change. Thank you, hopefully it will continue to mellow.
    T has been louder since coming home from my trip to the university. A big difference is that I went to the hotel after class & was in quiet.
    It's been a year since I took summer classes on campus for a yearly residency (just a week). This year is much better with the hyperacusis!
    That's great and what's even greater is that you didn't allow your hyperacusis to stop you from reaching your goals!
    Hello @twa are you still wearing plugs…. Whilst out etc
    So glad your doing well
    In what ways have you improved with hyperacusis x
    @Eleanor yes I wear musician's earplugs when outside the house. This year in class, I took them out for brief amounts of time because we were in class from 8-5.
    So fireworks celebrations here in the US for the 4th of July! I drove to the end of my street and watched from inside my car with earplugs.
    @Damocles love it! You made me laugh. :-) Thank you! Hope you are doing well. Take care~
    Hello @twa
    How have you felt removing them in class and for how long ….
    Do you not wear them driving. Supermarkets etc x

    Thankyou x
    Hi @Eleanor89 I would remove them for 20-30 minutes at a time, just to give my ears a break. I do wear them in the car and at the grocery store. I have found grocery stores to be some of the loudest environments during my day, also family dinners with my extended family are very loud. I also have a rough day after having dinner with my extended family.
    When my acoustic event happened 18 months ago, I felt isolated from family & life in general. It's been 18 months & I'm doing most things.
    How's your T now? Faded since then?
    I have good days when I can focus on other things like work, school and family. Days with constant ringing tone are more difficult. I would not say it has faded, maybe 10-20%. Mainly, my hyperacusis is better. I am careful, but can tolerate much more.
    Has anyone gone to see a movie at the movie theater with tinnitus and hyperacusis, that is with ear protection?
    I haven't been to the movies but I was able to have conversations and watch TV. All changed from just a door slamming. I didn't think it could get worse
    Not yet, but i'd eventually like to work my way up to seeing one and seeing if it bothers me/my tinnitus. I did go to a drive in theater the other night and it was fun. Nice to be able to control the volume.
    Hi @twa, hope you're well! I'm struggling 3.5 mo after tinnitus & hyperacusis caused by baby screaming in my ear, possibly made worse by dental work. I saw that you had a similar incident. I'm having a tough time being around my son, worried about loud noise & it's making me depressed. I feel like a bad mom. Do you have any tips for how to feel better around my baby? Do you still struggle around your child?
    My child is older, but yes I do. I take time for me everyday to go to a quiet place. For me quiet helps. I wear earplugs outside the house, always. I walk when I get stressed with my T/H. Wear you earplugs around your child, if needed. I do sometimes. It will get better, it took about a year to 15 months. I still have moments, but it is much more tolerable.
    1 in 50,000 people have hyperacusis. It is a rare condition. Leave it to me to be the outlier.
    Same here.
    My cubicle-mate at my last job always used to check volume levels on his apple watch. He always said things sounded too loud to him, so I think I may have met someone with a very mild form of it. This was when my tinnitus was mild and I didn't pay much attention to it.
    I feel like it's underreported but more common than we least that's what I choose to believe so I don't feel so unlucky lol
    Missing being able to do normal things like going to the movie with my son, going to a baseball game or sitting in church during the music.
    @twa you're smart. It sucks but not worth it… maybe we get a happy medium soon. <3
    I've had T since June 2022 from covid and I found that hyperacusis would come and go but when it went away, my tolerance became better. I found wearing earplugs too much makes ears more sensitive. Have you tried reducing your use of ear plugs and slowly getting accustomed to louder noises? If you have an iPhone, the Niosh SLM (sound level meter) works pretty good at checking decibels. aim to be less than 80db.
    pc1 I am exposed to lots of sounds around my home. I have a very loud family and dog. I rarely wear earplugs at home. I will go outside or to the mailbox without earplugs. What I'm doing works for me. I am able to function somewhat normally, work, go to school, take care of my family with my system. It seems to be working relatively well. I am going into my 3rd year with T/H.
    Brief check-in. I am almost finished with my 1st year doctoral program & my 1st year teaching college after tinnitus & hyperacusis began.
    Hello @twa
    So glad your doing well x
    Happy achievement x
    Hey, so good to hear from you again and congratulations on all that you have achieved! It's great that you stuck with your plans and refused to let tinnitus and hyperacusis drag you down!
    @Damocles, thank you, that really is encouraging knowing I might be able to encourage others.
    Hello @twa
    I'm improving slowly, little steps
    Although I try to not wear my plugs now while I'm out,,,,
    And I try to immerse myself in sound everyday….
    I'm so pleased your getting there, and yes there is a huge fear factor associated with this. I'm also having Counselling and wear in ear sound generators off the NHS a few hours a day
    Sending healing prayers
    Thanks so much! Glad to hear you are improving! Praying for both our recovery and healing.
    Hello @twa
    Lovely to hear your doing well….
    How's your tinnitus
    It's about the same. Some days it buzzing and not bad. Today I've had ringing all day. Those days are harder. Overall, I'm much better. I try to stay very busy and that helps. Blessings to you~ hope you are doing well.
    @twa I also try to stay busy too especially when it's bothering me more. Glad you're doing better! Stay strong!
    Hi TWA I'm 2 mo in and struggling and u seem to have a positive story. If u don't mind me asking are u habituated and if so when did that start to occur? Has hyperacusis improved? I have reactivity I believe is tied to hyperacusis
    No worries so very happy to hear that! I am doing better at month 3 of T & H.
    Hello @twa
    Do you not get sensitivity at all now….or does it still go up and down….
    Glad your improving
    Hi @Eleanor89, I do still have sensitivity and wear earplugs, but my ability to tolerate most sounds is much better. I still do not saturate myself in loud sounds, but I do not walk in fear like I did before.
    Hello @twa hope your feeling better soon….
    Are you still wearing ear protection whilst out or have you stopped using it
    Sending prayers x
    Hi there! I still wear my musician's earplugs everywhere I go. I'm confident, but only take them out at home. I get plenty of time at home listening naturally.
    It's been 5 weeks and I have a bit of a cough, but mostly recovered except for the fatigue after having Covid.
    Well done @twa! You pulled through!

    Now welcome to the natural immunity club! ⧹(⦁ᴗ⦁)⧸
    My ears are still ringing so bad since covid =(
    @Robster I talked to my dr, who usually has no opinion and he agreed that I should not get the booster. I still have vertigo and dizziness from both shots. @kingsfan, so sorry, me too, more clicking. @Damocles thank you! Yay!
    Day 24 with Covid, starting breathing treatments and antibiotic today to help with cough. Feeling better overall though. :)
    Forever hopeful
    Oh no. Sorry to hear. Feel better.
    Thank you all! I feel much better, I have a slight cough still and the back of my head hurts. Weird, isn't it? @kingsfan I also have mild asthma. The dr prescribed Budesonide with a nebulizer. Drinking lots of liquids and Mucinex like clockwork with a humidifier helped too.
    I take Trelegy and singulair daily. Doctor has me on a short course of prednisone right now. Wanted me to take Levoflaxin in case I have pneumonia but I'm not risking my tinnitus with that nasty drug. Also got a chest x-ray which I'll get the results for tomorrow.
    Hello @twa
    Yes improvement is slow…. But I'm getting there I'm eight months in now…. There have been improvements but I don't think negativity helps especially on the forum with hyperacusis….
    I'm so pleased your improving,,,, I am still working from home…..
    And I am pleased your able to navigate through this…..
    How's has your hyperacusis improved….. """" I hope you get well soon,
    Sending prayers x
    Day 21 with Covid. Today T is a soft electric buzz, interesting.
    Day 21?? By day 14 I was almost back to normal. I wish you the best in your recovery.
    Hello @twa how's the hyperacusis any improvements
    Do you feel much improvement after all this time
    I'm nearly eight months in
    Hi Eleanor89. Sorry for the delay in responding. Still battling Covid. I'm about 15 months in, I'd say some improvement, especially in the area of hyperacusis. The first 10 months were difficult with a loud family and friends just couldn't understand. I think overall my ability to tolerate both T/H is better on most days. Prayers you are improving.
    Hello @twa
    Sorry to here about that…. A lot of my friends have had it….
    How has your t and h been…. I hope it's getting better for you
    Sending prayers
    Thank you for the prayers!
    I've had Covid for the last week. T/H have been up and down. Stay home, wear a mask, wash and distance. Take care!
    Hope you'll be feeling better and that your tinnitus and hyperacusis will be back to baseline soon!!!
    Thank you! My classes are starting and I'm still coughing, not fun. Thank you for the kind words.
    I'm good, recovering from 3 weeks of grading and finals. I finished my statistics class! After that holiday events were in full swing. Hope you are doing well!
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