Drone Draper

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  • Two days in a row sleeping with plugs. Woke up with no T in my left ear, took about 1 hr to return. I think I'm in Team Pro Plug now.
    Drone Draper
    That is the plan. I've got a decent chunk set aside for a mortgage. Will probs dip into it for Neuromod.
    I've seen a few people mention this recently. I would find it torture having nothing to listen to but the cacophony in my ears all night - there's no way I would be able to sleep.
    Drone Draper
    I get that. I think this will vary greatly from person to person and tinnitus to tinnitus. I couldn't wear plugs initially for this reason. We need a cure for this damned thing already.
    Saw a sign yesterday for AA. "Don't sit in silence, pick up the phone!". If drinking out of control meant silence, I'd do it.
    The four audiologists I've met haven't heard of Neurmod or Susan Shore. In my industry, you have to at least be aware of cutting edge tech.
    Drone Draper
    I know. I think a lot of it was a sort of "tough love" situation. I didn't find her overall attitude very helpful, being perfectly honest.
    are you done visiting them, or are you going to try again to see if you can find one who will know about them
    Drone Draper
    Good question. I don't think much good will come from going to a fifth one locally, certainly not without asking about Neuromod first. Maybe I will do that to save time. Other than that, obviously I'm watching the Neuromod thread and am subbed to their newsletter. Hopefully they will name someone I can physically get to with ease.
    Doing grunt work today. Times like this is when I really miss being able to listen to music. To think I used to get annoyed by silence :(
    My only hope are an actual treatment. At this point, It is about 99,99999% sure my T won't ever fade.......I need a miracle.
    Drone Draper
    There will be a treatment in the near future, and eventually a cure that will fix hearing loss. I'm probably not going to be around to see the latter, but I have hopes for the former.
    the cure for hearing loss is the pinnacle for all of us... and when that day comes... we can hit some weed and listen to rock without fear
    Tinnitus is fading slowly. So slowly. Had a spike mid sleep, but woke up to v mild T. 3/10ish. I think spring weather will make it easier.
    #jealous but pleased for you
    New Guy
    Give it time and don't get overconfident with your ears. Keep protecting them from loud noises.
    Drone Draper
    Thanks for the well wishes. @New Guy - I've got some musician plugs fitted, they'll be here in a few weeks. Until then I'm using silicone disposable ones for loud environments like the gym.
    "[Tinnitus] is not usually a sign of any serious conditions ". Cool. So just neverending audio torture that drives people to suicide. Gotcha
    Been using a steamer for 3 days to help my ETD. My good ear is nearly T free, the bad one is ... strange. Electric hiss between 3.5-4kz.
    Drone Draper
    I've never used the EarPopper. I see it's got some good reviews, I'll try it. Apparently it's only in one ear, which makes sense because that's the bad ear and they both have the same level of hearing loss.
    Yeah EarPopper works good but you need to swallow water while using it. Then it blows out both of your e-tubes. Both of my ears crack now when I swallow which is normal for me.
    Drone Draper
    Thanks for the head's up. I'm on my way to buy it based on the good reviews I've seen. If this can fix the ETD in my bad ear, I've got a sneaking suspicion I could have mild T that I can easily acclimate to like a bluepill normie.
    "Tinnitus is like when you wear shoes. After a while you stop paying attention to them". Yeah, well, I can take my shoes *off* at night.
    Tinnitus is lower today, wooshier tones. Yesterday was awful, sounded like an alarm. Still trying my best. Psychologist and TT is helping!
    Drone Draper
    Thanks ladies! I'm hoping we can all get better.
    Yesterday mine was super quiet, today it's like eeeeeeee. Wish I could figure out why! But I do think stress and distraction play a big role and that anyone who is under 18 months still has a good shot at it going away
    Drone Draper
    I just wish it was a bit more logical. I've had spikes at times where I've done nothing wrong in terms of noise/diet/sleep and it's quite frustrating.
    Depressed I never got prednisone.
    Drone Draper
    Betaserc? Fuark. I've heard it's better for the vertigo and dizziness.
    Drone Draper
    Thanks for the tip @Jiri . I used to think socialised medicine was awesome, but the more I learn, the more I think I'd like to live somewhere with private healthcare for now.
    Mister Muso
    Same here. I've asked a GP and an ENT consultant here in the UK about it, and they don't believe in it and turned down my requests for it. Still, we don't know if it would have helped or not. Got to try and keep moving on.
    Emotional rollercoaster. One, two, three, four, five, hunt the Neuromod down the rocky road all the way to Dublin, Whack follol de rah!
    Drone Draper
    I have to give you props, man. I'm three months in and going stir crazy dealing with this. I want this noise to go. Respect to the people who have had this for a long time and stayed sane.
    I wouldn't say stayed sane I've been in a mental hospital twice. Thank fuck something is coming to help
    Drone Draper
    Oh fuuuu. Hurry up, NM.
    We need new reactions/emojis for status updates. When someone is having a horrible time, I have no choice but to 'Like' :/
    We should be encouraged to see an audiologist regularly, just like the dentist or optometrist. We somehow only see the first after an issue.
    Yeah, totally. It's annoying yet sad. Also dangerous for us to be able to exist in this world with so many morons around.
    what can audiologists do for us? audiometry is ancient technology and what else is there?
    Drone Draper
    True. I know it's dated tech, but I think for people like myself, who progressively have developed NIHL, it would be a good way to alert people before it got out of hand. I know it wouldn't be perfect, but it's better than the standing is now. We see the dentist every 6 months even if we don't have any issues, so why not the audiologist?
    Bedroom ceiling has been dripping for 3 days. Neighbour isn't home. Landlord won't do anything. No need for rain sounds, I'll sleep to rain!
    Wore earmuffs to the gym. Friend: "Are those like for construction sites? I'm training to be a teacher, all the autistic kids wear them". K.
    I wonder if the term "free as a bird" comes from the fact that they can regrow cochlea. Those impudent winged douchebags.
    My mom just told me about TRT. Goddamn it, my own mother is a Jastreboff TRT bluepill normie shill.
    Google " Defoo " and do it.
    Drone Draper
    Thanks @OnceUponaTime , I try to be positive or at least sarcastic. There's a lot of negativity on this board, which is fine in the sense that people should have a place to voice their anger and frustration. I try not to do so myself, but this disease is so bad I can't say I always can.
    Drone Draper
    She's in a better place now. I truly will miss her. We had good times, like the time I was born, but it's over now.
    My psychologist told me she now has mild T cause her daughter screamed into one ear. To me, that's a good way of ending up on a milk carton.
    The sad reality... truly unfair!
    My nephew caused t in my other ear after screaming in it cos he could see it was winding me up. Still love the little monkey and it went after a few months
    Drone Draper
    I think the scream of a child will be fine in a healthy ear, eventually.
    Horrendous spike that I didn't do anything to cause. I'm starting to question a lot of things right now.
    It does happen. Hope it settles soon.
    Give it some time. My spikes are completely random it seems, but mine always fluctuate wildly

    How loud is your T in general? What do you hear it over?
    Drone Draper
    It settled a little bit, it's still it's regular loudness.

    My T is about 40db, I would say. I can hear it in quiet and busy rooms, but not a crowded large room (e.g. train station) or traffic.
    Neuromod, o Neuromod. Please launch your product, Neuromod. I can't sit still, I can't get sleep, I want to hear your cheery bleeps.
    Habituating a smidge. Woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare (planecrash) and heard my T. Did not freak out and slept again.
    Drone Draper
    Unfortunately I was sent back to my nightmare, but earlier on as people boarded the plane that crashed. FML, brain, y u do this? I have a fear of flying and a fear of tinnitus, why do you keep doing this to me?
    Sometimes ringing, sometimes hissing. Still high pitched though. Please more hiss.
    Drone Draper
    I understand, too. I know some are trying to get on disability. To be honest, the disability money isn't enough for me, I need a stable salary.
    I live in Australia where disability is quite a substantial weekly amount however unless you are ex military I think your chances of getting it for tinnitus are slim.
    Drone Draper
    Yeah, I think it's very tough here. I would rather have a menial security or night porter job than have to deal with all the paperwork.
    The closest I've come to silence post-T is wearing hearing aids with earmuffs over, like a sperglord. If I could sleep like this I would.
    Drone Draper
    Yeah, they have to stay in. And I don't think you can do things like change volume. I do like how fuss-free they are otherwise.
    What brand and type of hearing aids are you using at present? Are you happy with them?
    Drone Draper
    Using some Widex ones. They are behind the ear. I don't mind them.
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