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  • Ringing and hiss have been gone the last 2 days finished reading a few books I got for Christmas. Today marks 8 months
    @ErikaS @Jackson Brady I hope all this info helps! I truly believe most will heal. Remember a big part of healing is emotional response the more you feed it the more it will control you. Using natural white noise for therapy right now the reactivity no longer fights the AC humming and most of the time I can mask it now. God bless
    @Sammy0225 - it's amazing you've been able to get to the point of almost quiet. Just read a post of yours from mid Nov in a much different place to now. Amazing progress!
    @DeanD thanks Dean you will overcome this man this shit won't defeat you in the end you will survive and be stronger from it
    Learned so much from this forum. seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, gonna keep reaching for it. Be kind to yourself always {:
    @Jackson Brady My bad I haven't been on much lately right now things have pretty much been back to normal I still do sound therapy but it seems my ears are adjusting back to everyday sound like my kids laughing or my partner cooking dinner not getting Much of a spike so I'm counting my blessings
    @Sammy0225 i was actually asking what kind of sound therapy do you do?
    I'm still using the AC ( natural white noise) and running the tap a good majority of the day and magnisium Is definitely helping @Jackson Brady hope all is well
    @Sammy0225 Does your tinnitus shifts ears? One day my squeal is in my right side, the next day i wake up it is in the left, what sorcery is this.
    Word of advise for ppl who have H, keep away from ppl who don't take your condition seriously. They don't understand and never will.
    I told myself that as soon as I feel better, I'm taking myself on vacation. Rent a beautiful AirBnB somewhere peaceful and calming and just allow myself to feel alive, not this constant struggle for survival that I feel everyday.
    @ErikaS @Jackson Brady @Moni97 when y'all have a chance give @Coffeebean last few post a look. He had a very similar case of tinnitus like us. Unfortunately he no longer visits the forum but he made it out with little to no help from any audiologist I've been following his past comments as guidance. Click "find all post" his last two post have so much info
    @Moni97 yes your body will thank you for it!!! (: it was shortly after the beach house that my ears relaxed and I said okay this is my sign, to start sound therapy! Don't worry moni a year from now I'm
    Sure all of us will be in a much better place then we can all go half on a Air BnB ;p
    Having more moments of catching myself laughing again. I've missed my old self. T, is running out of tricks
    That's really nice to hear - I hope the new year will hold many experiences that will make you laugh and smile for you!
    @Leila thank you that's very kind of you to say Liela I hope the same for you as well. {:
    Slowly upping my sound therapy from 55Db to 62DB (Stopped using the faucet now using the AC unit constant 62DB for 15 min)
    @Jackson Brady since we become hyper aware of everything with this condition unfortunately phonophobia eventually comes along. I can say it will go away slowly as you start feeling comfortable around loud sound again. It's gonna take a few months but your startle reflex needs time to get out the fright response mode. You'll notice a big difference once you start sound therapy
    @Sammy0225 so should i listen to car horns on youtube?
    Oh no definitely not!! The phonophobia will pass eventually but from what I've been noticing is has been calming down with my anxiety and fear of sound. Target anxiety to help with phonophobia cause that's mainly what it stems from
    if u have convinced your brain that sound is a threat, the brain will ensure your body reacts to sound in a negative way Sound is inevitable
    You'll have more good days soon enough. These things go at such a snails pace it feels like you will never get there :)
    Yeah, the brain is the Equalizer of T. If i get obsessed with my T, the loudness gets up. If i dont give a damn, it goes quieter over a period of time to a point that i dont realise that i have T.
    @seppl same here! If we could some how wire our brains to not care so much about our T, I feel we could live a more sustainable life.
    Low frequency humming lasted 8 days I've been clearing my sinuses and it's slowly leaving again, Thankfully
    @Jackson Brady Yes spicy food can be anti inflammatory. Jalapeños are especially considered to have anti inflammatory and antioxidant properties. They can treat inflammation throughout the body and aid in cell health/repair.
    @Moni97 plus really yummy to eat haha I'm such a food lover ^•^!!
    Haha me too! ^-^ Pretty sure food is my love language. To feed/be fed that the Italian way. xD
    I know tinnitus is horrible, but phonophobia sucks almost just as bad. makes you hyper aware of everything even harmless sounds
    Regarding sound therapy, for how long did you expose yourself to faucet and lawn everyday, and how did you increase it, at what ratio, after how many days did you increment the time?
    @Jackson Brady that is exactly what I did and still do don't stop doing that. You on the right track and yea 0ct I started being dedicated to magnisium daily
    @Sammy0225. During your 'Silent protocol' Sammy. Did you still talk to people?
    Is there any sounds you allowed yourself to hear?
    @Jupiterman yea I still socialized with family in the house just told them to talk low around me, I allowed sound just nothing loud like music or tv I kept everything as low as possible I watched TV with no sound just subtitles and read alot. I knew when I had setbacks cause my hiss turned into a crystaly sound
    Drone humming And the gang came back I'll try beating it like I did last time. Flu almost gone
    Also for how many months did you take magnesium? I'll willing to try it for atleast 3months before commenting on its effectiveness.
    @Sammy0225 so ridiculous that getting sick can back track, but I have a feeling due to being inflammation and once that settles it will improve so much faster than first time around. Sending you love and support as always!
    @ErikaS ugh I know this shit is something else tell you. Thanks for the kind words {:
    Hey @Sammy0225 zfigured I'd reply here! Good to know it is helping you! I don't have pain, I have loudness H. What are you dealing with? I wish I could fast forward a year or two lol… I hate the waiting game
    My main thing is the ttts it's so annoying I also have a bit of loudness H lingering around it's a hiss that I've been trying to get under control
    Yes same here!! The ttts is super annoying!!! It drives me insane
    Yup some days it's completely gone then next day it's back like, make up your mind lol
    I just met with highly recommended functional med doc tonight, been waiting to see him for 3 weeks. He told me I'm his 3rd patient with what Im describing. One girl, her T was so loud she could barely hear. Anyway, he determined high viral load, said my body isnt clearing viruses that caused/worsened this & it's just cont. the inflammatory process…
    So we are detoxing the viral crap & doing cranial nerve work. He said the 2 others notably improved within 2 mos. treatment. Not expecting miracles, but would welcome any improvement. Just very on point to how you and I have discussed an inflammatory viral component and that's what I tested as.
    Oh God this is amazing news!! I'm so damn happy you found a doctor who actually knows what to target! Please keep me updated on what kinda treatments work? Targeting inflammation sounds right on track and I feel hopeful this is going to bring the relief you been needing :)
    Sorry guys if I'm not responsive to questions I came down With a viral flu and of coarse the ringing came back with vengeance ugh
    @Jackson Brady 450mg glycinate I noticed it helps with sensitivity and my ttts

    Definitely man I did the same dont beat yourself up I went to grocery stores and work using protection and I guess it just wasn't cutting it my t was spiking right through the ear protection. Doctors make shit worse by suggesting sound therapy right away when the ears aren't ready for it yet
    @ErikaS your welcome I'm glad to help when I can I wish I knew more about this condition, it's been a learning experience and I'm thinking of becoming a ENT after going through all this shit lol
    If I was a Ear doctor and someone came in with these conditions I would explain the ears need to settle first before starting sound enrichment. Instead they slap hearing aids on you and start pushing more sound into a already overstimulated ear. And if that doesn't work they push you on meds and say you are paranoid and have anxiety issues which can turn already severe cases into hell. @travishenry
    doctor thinks I have Occipital Neuralgia wants to target C1/C2 nerves. Since onset I've been having pain around the base of my skull

    These are two of the first people I talked to about decompression surgery, Dr. Blake is extremely knowledgeable and empathetic to your situation.

    She is a bit like the Susan Shore of Occipital and Trigeminal neuralgia. They are also located in Texas so this should make things a bit easier for you than some of the other surgeons.
    If you find them too expensive, I have alternatives. The surgery is $15,000 dollars out of pocket. There is another surgeon in Maryland who does it with insurance coverage or for $12,000 out of pocket.
    @CarlosEstan thanks so much!! I'll definitely be looking into Dr. Blake I'm glad we have this forum to keep stuff like this circling. Your resources are very much appreciated brother
    That drone thing. Great news, that it went away for you. Mine seems to stop with other sound. And it changes in loudness with the position of my head. Had normal T since 2014, but this low drone is more annoying. It has a vibrating thing to it. I am 18 Days in with this low drone (maybe 100hz).
    Hiss update: having moments now where hiss is completely gone. TSS….TSS…. Every few moments now. Dead hair cell finally dying completely?
    @Sammy0225 just had the 2nd one yesterday and I think that will be my last. Tones sound sharper and louder, hoping it fades in the next day or two. Also getting increased random fleeting T moments? Whooo knowws :)
    You got this under control! I am so happy for you.
    The TSSSSSSSSSSS sounds i have since 2017. I barely notice them anymore.
    Update: I'm doing okay, Just wanted to give a FYI remember New Years and fire crackers I'm going into hibernation mode b safe!
    I'll be bk with good news I hope!! It's Time to leave the nest for a bit take care! 'I'm a peacock Captain! You gotta let me fly!' lol 12/26
    Sammy, if you don't mind me asking how long have you had your tinnitus? How often do you see improvements in the severity of it? Daily, weekly, monthly?
    Screeching turned into constant hiss awhile back and now hiss is periodically turning into spritzer hiss.. tsss……tsss… Every few seconds
    Super proud of myself did dishes without protection had a few pots bang together had zero reaction or spikes. Sound therapy is working
    I'm using natural environmental sounds my main one is running the tap from the sink on low to counter react the hissing I also been going to the park and listening to birds and passing cars about a football length away
    @Joe Cuber thats awesome! I'm assuming all this mess will take 12-24 months to fully clear out
    Can you recommend me any sound therapy? You can look for my sounds i posted on my profile.
    leaving a detail thread in case one day I don't return the spikes are losing there energy they are trying to blast high but just can't
    Same here this place is packed with knowledge. Learning to deal with my anxiety is something I need to keep practicing. Having more and more moments of silence. The last step would be leaving TT I'm almost to that point
    I hope the days only keep going up for you and the moments of silence last longer with minimal to no spikes. So happy to have gotten your knowledge, especially about staying home and in the quiet for a period of time to let things settle. Your improvement is hope for me and others!
    @ErikaS thank you so much for the kind words! And your definitely welcome i have hope that your tones will eventually fade away! Let your home be your safe zone hardly use protection unless your vacuuming if you venture into the world just watch out for set backs. You will Over come this (:
    Woke up to complete silence just now (,: No hissing, no ringing, no anxiety.. going to enjoy these few moments ..
    I pray for a moment like that. Enjoy the moment of silence, I head when people start having silence moment you will have full silence in the future.
    @NYCGuy the only thing I changed in the past 24hrs was taking 250mg of magnesium along with drinking 8 cups of water within 24hrs not sure if it's a placebo effect I'm
    Hoping this is what caused the hiss to settle down
    Hey friend :) so I have been messing around on AudioNotch and seeing if I can get some relief if I match my 2 most annoying tinnitus sounds. Delighted to say I matched my high electric hiss and after playing it, it does retreat for a little! Have you ever tried this?
    The hissing is definitely awful when its out of control. My family just can't grasp how this feels. I'm glad you are seeing the doc on the 5th and I'm hopeful the steroid shot will help the inflammation! I took a glance at Marin's story and she definitely had it bad! Glad she's in a much better place :)
    The ringing did drop substantially low around the 5th month…around that time I also noticed the reactiveness fading away with the multiple tones. Some ppl argue that reactive t isn't hyperacusis but I think they are one in the same. Please keep me updated on any progress from the doc visits? And I never lost taste but I definitely had family who did with covid ugh
    You seem to be on the right track with targeting inflammation as the main thing :) just don't do what I did.. I made my reactiveness worse by over protecting when it wasn't necessary. Like being home I feel like this made my ears way too sensitive to everyday harmless noise
    my ear can't tolerate syllables that start with "sh" or "s" sound. Also eating crunchy food is causing irritation. Nails on a chalkboard
    Update: spike subsided the ringing screech turned back into a low hiss. (Air Leak sound)
    @Sammy0225 omg that is AMAZING to hear. Was literally just on a walk with my dog, mine spikes with just my heart rate increasing on a walk and ambient quiet outside noise. I was thinking to myself "is this ever going to not react?" Because it doesn't feel like it would ever just by the sound and what it does, but you saying thus gives me hope.
    So you maybe got this from Covid? Did you have ear pressure or pain with it? Wondering if we both are experiencing inner ear inflammation/damage (mine from ear infection and colds) and it's just going to take time to resolve.
    @ErikaS i did actually have covid around the time my ears started ringing and as for the pain I was having like achy ears. Almost like earaches. I feel I over protected my ears too much causing hypersensitivity to my ears I'm working on trying to desensitize them
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