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  • Going to see my therapist today although my problem is physical and not psychological. But real doctors can't help with anything.The irony!
    Isn't it though. Our only option is to try to convince ourselves its not a problem or less of one. Its worth trying though! I hope your appointment goes well.
    @Tryn2BHopeful Thanks a lot! Well, look at it this way: someone's gotta pay the therapists' salary. I guess we are some of them :-)
    It went OK apart from the fact that he is trying to convince me that overprotecting is bad and that I should stop doing it. NOT falling for that one.
    I want sunshine, peace of mind and waking up with a smile on my face because the day ahead seems so full of promise. THAT'S what I want
    That's what I miss most too. It seems like it's turned into a survival from sunrise to sundown. I'm trying to bring this back though.
    @Mo8409 Hopefully this will be reality for both of us soon!
    I need to know life can get better. I wear my Peltors outside, avoid noise like the plague and eat healthy. What else can I do?
    For me, it was just rediscovering a hobby to help take my mind of tinnitus which was at the forefront of my mind.

    I just picked up a camera and started taking photos to distract myself. I don't know if you do any art (I assume you do from your Frieda picture) but it can help.
    @Stayinghopeful Would love to see some of your pictures. Very inspiring that you were able to do that!

    As for art / creative outlets, I was working on a novel which I was close to finalizing before my tinnitus worsened (Jan 2023). I haven't written a word since and don't feel like it. Writing is a discipline that (for me) requires silence and concentration, and with T this just does not seem possible anymore...
    Sorry for the negativity but I am despairing quite badly at the moment.
    I honestly don't think a life with so many limitations is worth it for me... I am sorry to give off a negative vibe but I just can't
    It's hard to see the rainbow when you're in the middle of the storm. You got this, always have and always will. Negative vibe is okay but don't stay there for long. Brain will adjust again eventually.
    I think the same.
    @Mo8409 I really want to believe that but I think we each have a limit for how much torture we can take 24/7 - and still see a value in life. I feel I am reaching my limit fast. I have nothing to look forward to anymore.
    Haven't slept at all due to insane ringing. And now the working day begins. Awesome life
    Masking spikes mine after a while but can't survive without it. It's getting real crazy.
    @Juliane Same, masking is impossible. Though I do find some sounds soothing despite the additional reactivity. Nature sounds mostly. If I am having a bad night I will use my "sleep headband" Though I find I wake up around 3-4am and start having racing thoughts, some ok and some bad. Seems I have depression according to my visit with a therapist today... imagine that...
    @Cmspgran I have used l-theanine with some success to get to sleep, but nothing keeps me asleep the way I used to sleep even Mirtazapine... Its enough sleep to get by. A note on the l-theanine for me after a few days it starts to spike my T, it stops once I discontinue it.
    To the people who did this to me and ruined my life - I hope the split second loud bang was worth it. You sure made an impact.
    Anyone who has experience with taking thiamine (b1 vitamin) supplement?
    Yeah, I took it for about 3 weeks. It had no impact on my tinnitus.
    TBH no vitamin or supplement has helped me in with tinnitus volume, maybe made it worse until I stopped taking it. I wish there was a magic pill, but unless you are particularly deficient it may do nothing for you. Who knows though maybe it works for you.
    @Juliane Vitamin B6 can be neurotoxic in very high doses. There are some reports even on this forum.
    I will not give up coffee. Tried it and became extremely depressed. Also does nothing for my T to avoid it. Must be an anti depressant
    I'm way to reliant on caffine to get me through the day. I imagine a world where if I quit drinking coffee the tinnitus would go away. But that's not logical. I quit for a while and it didn't seem to effect anything besides my energy level.
    I went from 3 cups regular coffee 5 mornings per week to drinking it rarely. No change in tinnitus or sleep, not sure about depression or anxiety.
    2/2 to get some exercise will still be a good idea. Not feeling the least motivated right now...
    If I exercise for an hour, like biking or jogging, it lowers anxiety and depression afterwards. But low intensity like walking is less effective for me. And it never carries over to the next morning.
    1/2 Trying to convince myself that although it will change nothing and T will still be there afterwards and probably forever and ever, going
    So happy that this forum exists. To the TT founders: you literally are life savers! Scared to think where I would be without
    Still as shocked that this is my new reality as I was 5 months ago.
    @Juliane yes by far the worst for me as well.
    > I feel like I am stuck in some nightmare I cant get out of.
    Spot on. My feeling of time is blurred now, every day is the same nightmare that won't end.
    What everyone said above. 10 months in and I am exhausted. T much louder then when I began. Eyyyooouuucchhh
    4/4 performance. I wonder if all this in combination ramps up T... T, my old companion - please go away. You outstayed your welcome
    3/4 mental task on Thursday that exhausted me. Plus have not had energy to eat well / cook. Mostly takeaway. General worry about work
    Easy meal when I can't be bothered to cook: Walmart has packaged chopped rotisserie chicken. That with baby spinach, chopped up pink lady apple, goat cheese, pistachios, and balsamic vinaigrette. You can add bacon too (but I'm not a fan) The perfect salad.
    2/4 emotional shocks in a very physical way. Poor sleep the following night. Feeling sad and vulnerable Wednesday. Tough physical and
    1/2 A lot has been happening this week and my T feels worse / more bothersome. On Tuesday a piece of information shocked me. I always feel
    Why even bother to try and cope when at any time it could all go haywire again. I can't do this nonsense.
    I no longer believe that everything happens for a reason. It all just random BS and I am just unfortunate. Makes this ordeal pointless
    2/2 from anyone. No hope. Thank you all for being there!! One day we will all find relief. We have to.
    1/2 On tough days like these I am so thankful for this amazing community. Without you guys there would be no compassion, no understanding
    Can relate to this so much right now.
    If this site didn't exist I would be even more angry that I'm the only one with this crazy affliction.
    Have any of you tried getting fired? How did you cope? I am obsessing extremely over this fear :-(
    When I got T I began to break down at work. I had no choice but to take a leave. If I didn't I probably would have got fired at some point I think it's much better to keep working if you can so that your mind stays busy. I could not cope. I tried but failed. I feel your pain. Obviously don't try to get fired. Do your best to stay. If you can't I would take a sick leave if they will allow.
    @4Grace I am sorry but good that you went on sick leave. Necessary! I hope you were able to keep your job
    I was a highly functional person just months ago. Now I constantly worry about getting fired or worse. All because of the worsening of my T
    2/2 you're being overly pessimistic and others have it worse. Awesome support!!!
    They really don't. Not only are we struggling with these horrors, we are being seen as hypochondriacs. So unfair and I just can't accept it. I won't.
    It would be nice if people could just listen to you and try to be understanding without the others have it worse comment.
    Yeah, easily said by someone that isn't experiencing it or only has a mild typical case.
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