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  • Damn this lizard brain and its automatic fear reflex! Once I'm awake I can control my reaction but waking up in terror each morning sucks!
    I think mornings are also the worst for me!
    Same here. Anxiety is worst in the morning a while after waking while still in bed. Sometimes it gets better quickly after getting up, and sometimes it's a slow improvement through the day. Late evening is almost always best.
    @RunningMan sounds like where I was prior to this recent injury. Mornings could be a little rough but calmed down throughout the day. Now it is rough in the morning and progressively worse throughout the day. By this time at night T is absolutely screaming!
    Looks like I am going to have to buckle in for a bumpy ride. Good news is I needed to lose some weight anyway so back to the distress diet.
    40 minute Epsom Salt bath sure helped relax the nervous system and bring down my blood pressure. T lowered to bearable for little while.
    Barry098 When I found out I had Tinnitus I was devastated, the noise was so debilitating, my anxiety was so bad I lost 30 some pounds in less than 3 weeks. I have gained 5 pounds back , maybe a little more now need to weigh myself.
    Choppy sleep last night, and intense distress upon waking this morning…back in tinnitus hell!
    Barry you made me really happy with this comment <3
    @MatthewR I'm glad I could cheer you up. I've been on this forum for a long time because I am constantly pushing my ears to their breaking point. But I've noticed that most people come in super panicky but eventually they lose interest because their tinnitus drifts into the background and they move on with their lives.
    @MatthewR not saying it is an easy road to recovery but for me it is unfortunately a very familiar one!
    Tinnitus is louder than ever tonight…and so the rollercoaster begins again!
    @MatthewR Sometimes it is and sometimes not. People can have it for years and it goes away. It's really just luck.
    But how can I ever hope on better days if I have permanent hearing loss?? I don't want to be living like this anymore I'm depressed
    @BellaMia sorry to hear about that accident. Mine was once again my own fault. Music rehearsal that was apparently too loud for my glass ears (even though it never registered more than 74db). It's rough because music is my livelihood so other than going on disability, or changing careers, this will always be a danger for me :(
    Deep down inside, I must truly love my tinnitus. Otherwise, why would I continue placing myself in situations that make it worse!
    T was pretty much non existent for the last 2 months and then some very low volume electric guitar playing (65db) brought it screaming back…
    Fingers crossed it fades away agian for you.
    You have some a rare ability to erase your T, but seems your sound tolerance is gone.
    @gameover yeah…it is weird, but it seems to fade with time but any little sound exposure and I am right back in hot water. Kind of hard for me to avoid sound though as I am a music teacher!
    Yesterday T=8/10, today woke up after a loud party and excessive drinking to almost non-existent T which stayed throughout the entire day!
    Anybody else feel electrical current in your body which vibrates at the same frequency as your Tinnitus?
    Strange how I can go weeks or even months without giving T too much thought then wham it is front and center in my life again.
    @Barry098. Your case still fascinates me. To total remission, then the return and the swings. When it comes to the center again, is the loudness any different? I.e. what is changing? Attention or loudness? Or both, or hard to say?
    @gameover It is definitely a volume change when it gets overwhelming. Kind of feels like being in a field full of cicadas during mating season. It just gets really loud and pretty much drowns everything else out. Then after some time it tones down and I can resume life…
    Btw…when I say it tones down, it is still quite loud and ever present…just not utterly debilitating.
    @Barry098, how was your H originally? And now? I asked in your success story thread, maybe you can respond there, not sure you saw it. Thanks.
    H was out of control and utterly debilitating in the beginning. Now it is quite manageable. Fortunately H is sort of treatable…unlike T
    Barry - that sounds like a dream. Do you hear your T loud when you cover them like that? When you talk with them on is your voice too loud? Do you eat with them on?
    Thank -you
    I'm not sure what you are referring to. The post about noise canceling headphones?
    When you use double protection. Is your T not much louder in that silence or are you listening to soft
    They do get a bit louder, but for some reason it doesn't bother me. Maybe because it changes the quality of the outside sound I'm hearing and removes all the bass frequencies so by contrast the tinnitus doesn't feel heavy? Not really sure actually but I do love this setup!
    4 days sitting at the beach and like magic my ears were whisper quiet today. Wish I could live on the sand!
    @gameover rainforests are healing places. My ears stopped ringing back in 2019 after a few days in Corcovado.
    Well, T did not stop for me. But rainforest was the only place besides the shower that could mask it (not all the time, but for a good chunk fo time).
    Great to hear that @gameover
    We all need breaks from this from time to time…even if just a brief respite.
    15 hour flight, still jet lagged but wearing Bose noise canceling ear buds underneath Bose noise canceling headphones really works wonders!
    Not sure about the physics but surprisingly it does work. But even just one set makes a huge difference.
    Well, saved a baby bird tonight from my cat. I hope it will survive the night so I can take it to a rescue center tomorrow.
    @Mo8409 Glad to know there are other people out there taking care of the little creatures! My T was pretty well behaved until a few hours ago when it started just screaming like a banshee. Tinnitus is a total mystery isn't it?
    @Barry098 This whole condition doesn't make any sense. It changes for no reason. I don't even know why it exists. It's a horrible thing to have but life must go on and we must adjust. I hope your T gives you a break soon. My is loud at the moment because I'm home from work.
    @Mo8409 I got a few days rest from my T and now it is back with a vengeance. I agree with you about the pointlessness of this condition. It is a serious design flaw. I have no problem dealing with the low level T but no matter how long I have it, I can't seem to habituate to the peak levels…I hope yours recedes and gives you a break soon.
    I would say that tinnitus gave me severe PTSD but since my trauma is regularly occurring every waking moment, I may need to change it to TSD
    It's funny how tinnitus is one of those problems that only exists for people who have a problem with it.
    My brother also has screaming T. My dad just went deaf. Not great aural genetics in my family!
    I got it from my many years of working as a professional musician. Its funny that contractors would never enter a job site without a hard hat but hardly any musicians think to protect their ears. Crazy how low the public awareness is for tinnitus.
    Got stung on the ear by a bee last weekend and T went whisper quiet all week…it's back now though
    Was it on the earlobe or upper part of the ear? Behind the ear or on the flappy thing that's in front of the ear? Just wondering if the placement of the venom had anything to do with your symptom relief.
    Those little guys stung me all over my head, my ears, my arms and my leg. It was ridiculous! Last time (30+ years ago) I was stung once I ended up in the ER. This time I was pretty sure I was going to die. But no… Tinnitus will not so easily be cured!
    Existentially exhausted...
    Developed pulsatile T recently…overall not giving too much energy to my ear problems these days though. They are what they are…
    Went on a trip out of town. Nervous system relaxed…ears quieted down to a non bothersome level. Back in town and they are ramping up now.
    Same here, i was out of town for 7 days and relaxed and played some golf and T and head felt great- now in a big spike. Must need to do something to relax.
    Know this shit
    Tinnitus is a physical manifestation of anxiety for me.
    On two recent occasions I had huge spikes right after eating a bunch of sugar. Body felt tremulous too like the T was vibrating throughout
    Is my anxiety a result of my tinnitus or is the opposite true? I used to be so convinced the former was the case, now I'm not so sure…
    Thanks for all of your thoughts and input on this thread @Strawberryblonde , @Lurius , @Ryan Scott , @DimLeb this was a really interesting conversation. Makes total sense why there is no cure. We are all over spectrum with our preexisting conditions.
    I feel like I was misunderstood. Of course not everyone with anxiety have tinnitus. What I'm saying is that anxiety can be a trigger in a perfect storm, the straw that breaks the camels back. If you already have hearing loss, you're overwhelmed, maybe in the middle of a divorce, your house burned down, you got fired etc and you have an incident after a long period of prolonged stress/anxiety, it can trigger tinnitus.
    @Lurius I got you and I agree with what you said.
    Do you often find yourself saying, "it's fine, it really's just a really loud distressing sound in my head that never turns off..."?
    Started eating processed food and sugar and T is loud again…coincidence? I may need to run another sugar detox to test this correlation out
    Processed foods wreak havoc on the body over time so there is no wonder the T gets worse but could be a coincidence . Im gonna try a diet packed with greens and anti inflammatory foods if not for the T but the health benefits. @Barry098
    I just like my Sugar and sweets to much, there is nothing quite like a big bar of choccy.
    Yep @Strawberryblonde choccy is the best! But I'm learning to live with less sugar. Ears are screaming today though so you are probably right about the coincidence. @Damocles is right. Living with this level of T is a nightmare most people will never experience…
    Any vegans on this forum? I just watched Forks over Knives and I am ready to give the plant based diet a go.
    No harm I guess. You can see how you feel after a few weeks.
    I'm trying gluten free, just can't stand gluten free bread lol
    Going to get some blood work done pretty soon… I am beginning to think I might actually have diabetes… regardless, a diet change is in order!
    No diabetes so that is good news…and the switch to low glycemic index foods has brought the level of my T way down!
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