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  1. L

    9 Years of Tinnitus Caused by Earplug Pushing Earwax Against Eardrum — I'm Ready for Hearing Aids

    The A/C did not trigger it. Many people experience a worsening of symptoms, and nobody really knows why. The noise level of A/C in a car with the windows rolled up isn’t high enough in decibels to damage hearing.
  2. L

    Hello, Tinnitus Tribe — As a Lyricist and Singer, My Tinnitus Was Probably Caused by Loud Music

    The majority of people who have been in the music industry for a while do have tinnitus.
  3. L

    People with Tinnitus should stay away from alcohol if they take regular medications cause the...

    People with Tinnitus should stay away from alcohol if they take regular medications cause the risk of ototoxicity doubles and there can be permanent worsening /damage . Alot of people say alcohol helps but that is only short term while your drinking
  4. L

    How to Habituate to Tinnitus

    People with severe tinnitus should continue working because the more they keep their mind occupied, the less they focus on the tinnitus. Obviously, this applies to tinnitus alone; I'm not referring to tinnitus combined with pain or loudness hyperacusis. The last thing someone with severe...
  5. L

    Salt , Alcohol make it worse but a couple good Dingleberries make it better .

    Salt , Alcohol make it worse but a couple good Dingleberries make it better .
  6. L

    Tinnitus, As I See It

    Yes, that is true, but it relates to another health issue or a more serious ear condition. It doesn't have to do with how well you handle sounds. Obviously, loud tinnitus in only one ear means you'd have to deal with only half the sound compared to having it in both ears.
  7. L

    Tinnitus, As I See It

    If your tinnitus went from bilateral to unilateral, it should be easier to manage, as dealing with it in only one ear is better than both. I also know someone who has loud tinnitus in one ear, and it comes and goes in the other, especially when stress levels are high. He says it's much easier to...
  8. L

    Tinnitus, As I See It

    @Michael Leigh, are you habituated, or are you severely distressed?
  9. L

    What’s The Longest Time Habituation Can Take?

    Habituation to tinnitus can occur at varying levels, but its severity is determined by how the individual perceives it, not by the actual sound itself. Some people may experience mid-level volume sounds and perceive them as severe, while others may perceive similar sounds as mild. The severity...
  10. L

    What’s The Longest Time Habituation Can Take?

    Saying 51% is considered full habituation is ridiculous. If 75% of tinnitus isn’t bothersome, why would full habituation be defined at a lower number? Tinnitus statistics are about as meaningful as a wet fart—everything is just a guesstimate.
  11. L

    My opinion is that Masking when Tinnitus is very loud only worsens it , using sound therapy to...

    My opinion is that Masking when Tinnitus is very loud only worsens it , using sound therapy to mask over very loud T isn't something I would do . I'm nobody to give anybody advice but using loud sounds to mask loud Tinnitus dont make sense to me that can damage hearing further .
  12. L

    You said when I wake up ! So the question is how do you even fall asleep

    You said when I wake up ! So the question is how do you even fall asleep
  13. L

    I know approximately 30 people that I've interacted in person that have tinnitus and none of...

    I know approximately 30 people that I've interacted in person that have tinnitus and none of them are very bothered by it not even one , everybody just lives their life and ignores it the best they can
  14. L

    They say there is no understanding why there is such a small , small , subgroup of people that...

    They say there is no understanding why there is such a small , small , subgroup of people that just can't accept it and come to terms with it and why they are so sensitive to the sound and so bothered by it and can't make any progress to habituation .
  15. L

    Learn to stop perceiving it as a ugly head and learn to perceive it as just a sound . You don't...

    Learn to stop perceiving it as a ugly head and learn to perceive it as just a sound . You don't need to have negative feelings about it
  16. L

    Sorry to hear that , just try to change your mindset about it , being depressed n stressed about...

    Sorry to hear that , just try to change your mindset about it , being depressed n stressed about family member could be contributing to it increasing
  17. L

    How are you doing

    How are you doing
  18. L

    He knows everything there is to know about his T , he don't know everything about others T cause...

    He knows everything there is to know about his T , he don't know everything about others T cause it's different for everybody. Don't believe everything you hear about doctors n audiologists etc. The medical field is a business before anything and they will tell people they have T as a business...
  19. L

    Yes I'm doing ok how bout you .

    Yes I'm doing ok how bout you .
  20. L

    Mine has been pissing me off sometimes but it seems like it always goes back down to barely...

    Mine has been pissing me off sometimes but it seems like it always goes back down to barely hearing it . I talk to people that have had it for 20 plus years and they are able to live normally with only some irritating times so I just hope that it will be like that for me cause I guarantee I...
  21. L

    How long have you had it ? Just keep telling yourself that everybody gets health issues and...

    How long have you had it ? Just keep telling yourself that everybody gets health issues and this is the disorder that God has chosen for you , I'm sure it's rough but there isn't anything you can do except pray it quiets down or goes away.
  22. L

    Accept it as a health disorder and tell yourself that it's normal to have health issues...

    Accept it as a health disorder and tell yourself that it's normal to have health issues especially once we hit 50 , I can't speak on loud Tinnitus cause mine is mild but I can speak on two shoulder issues and also back problem so health issues are normal .
  23. L

    I wouldn't know your situation and how you deal with it but staying busy is probably your best...

    I wouldn't know your situation and how you deal with it but staying busy is probably your best bet if your T is moderate to severe cause I don't know anybody deals with that just sitting around listening to it all day n night .
  24. L

    Doing ok I work alot

    Doing ok I work alot
  25. L

    Nobody is lucky to have any health issue , just because it don't bother me doesn't mean I'm...

    Nobody is lucky to have any health issue , just because it don't bother me doesn't mean I'm lucky . Anybody who has T is at a disadvantage in life and is at a extreme risk for it to get worse . There are people who are very bothered by 2/10 loudness Tinnitus is all how you perceive it . Nobody...
  26. L

    In the future if things get worse I'm sure it will be more difficult to deal with , I just pray...

    In the future if things get worse I'm sure it will be more difficult to deal with , I just pray it don't ever get to the point where i can't sleep properly cause then the real problems start
  27. L

    Now on the other hand the loudness has never been above 2/10 . I have a precursor to hearing...

    Now on the other hand the loudness has never been above 2/10 . I have a precursor to hearing loss but technically I don't have hearing loss . My audiologist says to protect my ears as much as possible with louder than normal sounds .
  28. L

    I didn't have to habituate to it cause it doesn't bother me and I'm going on month 8 . I just...

    I didn't have to habituate to it cause it doesn't bother me and I'm going on month 8 . I just hear it and I accept it cause it is a health issue and everybody is gonna get health issues .
  29. L

    I know people with some bad T and they've learned coping mechanisms to help them get along and...

    I know people with some bad T and they've learned coping mechanisms to help them get along and live their lives but just like every health issue there are difficult times .
  30. L

    Try to accept it and move on no matter how difficult it is cause as we age there will be health...

    Try to accept it and move on no matter how difficult it is cause as we age there will be health problems for everybody and Tinnitus compared to some other issues isn't that bad but that comes with some level of habituation. Accepting it helps the habituation process.
  31. L

    Your right depending how bad somebody's ringing is will dictate what kind of job they are able...

    Your right depending how bad somebody's ringing is will dictate what kind of job they are able to do.
  32. L

    I'm doing ok my Tinnitus doesn't effect my life at all so I don't ever complain about it , in my...

    I'm doing ok my Tinnitus doesn't effect my life at all so I don't ever complain about it , in my opinion there are two types of T the kind that effects your ability to sleep and the kind that doesn't . If people are still able to get 6,7,8 hours of sleep consistently than T shouldn't effect...
  33. L

    Now I just do a local sprinter van driving job where I wear ear plugs for some of time behind...

    Now I just do a local sprinter van driving job where I wear ear plugs for some of time behind the wheel but the decibel levels are not quite as loud as a semi but I'm being cautious anyway . And no I didn't know you were married I don't know much about anybody on here except they complain about...
  34. L

    I'm 50 have a 23 year old son , was a truck driver for 18 years and that's where I believe I got...

    I'm 50 have a 23 year old son , was a truck driver for 18 years and that's where I believe I got my Tinnitus cause the decibel levels is a consistent 85 to 90 for many hours a day but we're not educated on this until it's too late .
  35. L

    I don't spend all my time on talk forums like alot of you people do . I'm not criticizing what...

    I don't spend all my time on talk forums like alot of you people do . I'm not criticizing what others do it's just not a smart option to give Tinnitus that much attention discussing it for as many hours a day as alot of you do .
  36. L

    Ok sorry if your married

    Ok sorry if your married
  37. L

    How bout you come to Chicago and I take you on a date

    How bout you come to Chicago and I take you on a date
  38. L

    Doctors aren't the ones manufacturing medications , chemists n scientists are the manufacturers...

    Doctors aren't the ones manufacturing medications , chemists n scientists are the manufacturers of medications doctors are just using data on how the medications work and what they treat.
  39. L

    It isn't the actual alcohol that spikes T , what spikes the T is the higher blood pressure that...

    It isn't the actual alcohol that spikes T , what spikes the T is the higher blood pressure that is caused by drinking . People who frequently drink will have higher blood pressure than people who seldomly drink or don't drink at all
  40. L

    That's the right mindset staying busy . Good job

    That's the right mindset staying busy . Good job
  41. L

    Full Habituation is a cure , if Tinnitus no longer bothers somebody at all then that is a cure ...

    Full Habituation is a cure , if Tinnitus no longer bothers somebody at all then that is a cure . Anything less than 100% full Habituation isn't a cure it is just living with it and dealing with it .
  42. L

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    There has been a study that showed eating dingleberries 3 days a week reduced tinnitus loudness significantly.
  43. L

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    If there was a lot of confidence in Dr. Shore's device being able to help a lot of people, why isn't it available yet? Anything that had a very good chance of helping the majority of people to some degree, wouldn't be delayed for as long as her device has been. Maybe Dr. Shore doesn't want to...
  44. L

    I've seen comments on here about me attacking people , I didn't attack anybody people on here...

    I've seen comments on here about me attacking people , I didn't attack anybody people on here are so sensitive and look for any reason to feel like the world is out to get them cause you have a health condition , get used to it cause as we age there will be more health problems also it's part of...
  45. L

    I'm not a expert on T , but I can tell you one sitting and feeling sorry for yourself and making...

    I'm not a expert on T , but I can tell you one sitting and feeling sorry for yourself and making excuses and looking for sympathy from strangers isn't going to help your cause it will only make it worse focusing on it
  46. L

    There are millions that work with Tinnitus and work with earplugs or filter plugs , no need to...

    There are millions that work with Tinnitus and work with earplugs or filter plugs , no need to quit a job , I drive Semis with earplugs in for 4 hours of my 8 hours driving , construction, musicians , carpenters , landscapers etc. All work with earplugs , quitting a job because of T is a sorry...
  47. L

    Chronic T isn't a competition the point of the comment was to show that there are plenty of...

    Chronic T isn't a competition the point of the comment was to show that there are plenty of people suffering badly but they move on and they don't sit around pouting and crying looking for sympathy from strangers , but maybe some people aren't smart enough to realize the point behind some comments
  48. L

    You are contradicting yourself , you told me I don't have the right to tell you how you feel ...

    You are contradicting yourself , you told me I don't have the right to tell you how you feel , but yet your telling me you were once like me . You know nothing about me , I guarantee my T is worse than yours but the thoughts I have about it aren't like yours . When I have two stiff cocktails my...
  49. L

    There are millions of people who have Tinnitus that is very bad and they live happy lives to a...

    There are millions of people who have Tinnitus that is very bad and they live happy lives to a extent where they don't let their Tinnitus control them . The key to adapting to the sound is to except it and change your thoughts about it . If you keep listening to it with negative feelings towards...
  50. L

    Try getting a job and keeping busy that is the best solution for people who are struggling ...

    Try getting a job and keeping busy that is the best solution for people who are struggling . Staying distracted for 8 to 10 hours a day reduces Tinnitus distress by a lot .
  51. L

    Nobody is trying to say anything hurtful to you , this is a common problem for people who have...

    Nobody is trying to say anything hurtful to you , this is a common problem for people who have Tinnitus that don't work jobs , they don't keep busy, and all they do is sit around all day focusing on T on talk forums and the problem just keeps getting worse cause their anxiety and depression...
  52. L

    Sharon Bell you left 25 messages in a row . Find something to do to distract yourself , sending...

    Sharon Bell you left 25 messages in a row . Find something to do to distract yourself , sending 25 messages in a row ain't helping your problem
  53. L

    Why Is There No Cure for Tinnitus?

    There isn't enough people that suffer severely from tinnitus to be dumping millions into research to find a cure. A single cure might only help 40% of people; there probably need to be multiple cures for tinnitus to help everybody who is suffering severely. 1% of the society suffers from...