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  1. rainman

    A Friend of Mine Just Got Tinnitus Too...

    Good stuff, ENT subscribed the steroids. 5 day regime.
  2. rainman

    A Friend of Mine Just Got Tinnitus Too...

    "Ears looking good, do you have stuffy nose? No, well i'm still going to prescribe stuffy nose and ear "opening" medication, off you go"....some old fart it was. Does not give a shit, tomorrow we will have ENT, are they tinnitus specialist or someone else?
  3. rainman

    A Friend of Mine Just Got Tinnitus Too...

    You are right, my H saved my life if you look at it this way lol. Anyways my brother got T, how can i get the first treatment of the protocol? I gave him the other molecules but HBO? And steroids, the stupid doctor wont give him, noise induced....:mad:
  4. rainman

    Emergency in Finland! What to Do?

    Hi! My younger brother got tinnitus from work place, loud tools and many rock concerts behind him. It's been 4 days now and the steady/both ear mild peep has remained. The doctor (assigned from work place) today gave him just the cleaning medication for ear and nose..... worst case it is in...
  5. rainman

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    Oh forgot to mention..the pen was bought from DrWilden, so it is designed for inner ear complications.
  6. rainman

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    i have written on it on this thread i think. Earphones and lots of loud music and producing/mixing long hours took me there. 4-5 months later the start of my sensitivity pain i got to the clinic, just for the heck of it and cause some good reviews here(maybe this thread). After the clinic it was...
  7. rainman

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    Alrighty it's been 2 years now since my hyperacusis was treated at Dr.Wildens hospital in Regensburg. After that the home treatment with laserpen. I have taken good care of my ears with minerals amino acids, protection etc. And my child is 3 now so it's not that bad at home anymore. I have...
  8. rainman

    Levetiracetam (Keppra) Worked for My Hyperacusis

    Can you be more specific in your posts, i'm totally lost. Did imroving for hyperacusis still lasting? Or it came back?
  9. rainman

    Interstellar The Movie

    Dune....whoa, you really have to be major space nerd to love that movie :blackalien: (y)I liked it of course, not because of the "major space nerd" part, i'm maybe a little, but for being a huge Lynch fan. Just surprised that someone loved it. Interstellar, in my book goes to the same category...
  10. rainman

    Interstellar The Movie

    Was Ok, not going to watch it again in my life time tho. And I love cosmic stuff; nothing beats Kubric's and Scott's epic movies. Imho. I did not get why they sent the main character to save the human race. It was obvious that he can jeopardy the mission with his ignorant mindset. Visually the...
  11. rainman

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Efficacy Debate Lucky i had this treatment, H has not returned after i went to clinic. This combined with keppra could demolish my misophonia but keppra is also not tested properly, should i not try to take it? Hell no, same with LLLT, all possible treatments are...
  12. rainman

    Levetiracetam (Keppra) Worked for My Hyperacusis

    You guys are beutiful! Ive beek lurking around this site for 1,5 years, just to find something like his! I only have H, but not severe enough to ask my doc the keppra, i found my remedy in LLLT but ears still feel sore. I feel like im one set back away from quitting work again and isolate from...
  13. rainman

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    To Jorge E The answers to your questions are in this thread you are writing and that one—-efficacy-debate.7650/page-2#post-35226
  14. rainman

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    Indeed, like ATEOS stem cell experiment thread. Was very joyable to read without all the offtopic conversations and other time consuming "tweets". And other, bigger thread was Q and A. Ingenious!
  15. rainman

    Piracetam and Choline + Phospholipids

    Also you might try coluracetam, in the future. No headaches for me so far, but im taking it once/twice per week. Per ammount is 5 mg sublingually. I prefer this to noopept(1000-5000 times stronger piracetam). They both give me motivation and cognitive enhancement, but coluracetam gives this...
  16. rainman

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    After being in Regensburg Dr.Wildens old clinic, last autumn, hyperacusis has not returned. And i have 1,5 year old "electric" daughter at home+ dog. I dont wear ear protection at home but always when im driving or generally going outside of my home. Quite paranoid about that. But i don't feel...
  17. rainman

    What Were the Advances in Research for 2014? latest advancement
  18. rainman

    Antidepressants and Hyperacusis

    Depression. Yes i know about hippocampal growth. AD only grows about 2% of it, luckily we NSI-189 novel molecule in human trials going, to have the opportunity to expand that growth about 10 times. My hippo is hungry!;)
  19. rainman

    Antidepressants and Hyperacusis

    my 2 cents- i have years of experience with Cymbalta. In fact, it helped me the first time so i haven't tried anything else. I tapered it off also quite easily, after 2,5 years of 30mg of use. Can't quit cold turkey though. At the time i did not develope H, after i quit C and had some acoustic...
  20. rainman

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    Depression is not curable. Antidepressants only relieve the symptoms. Usually you have to go back to them within two years. I lasted one at most. Novel antidepressants are coming like neural stem NSI-189, they are in human trials like many novel hearing treatments. They may not be the cure but...
  21. rainman

    Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Restored in Mice Through Increased NT3 Production

    anyone tried it for hyperacusis or hearing loss?
  22. rainman

    Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Restored in Mice Through Increased NT3 Production

    But rats only got it for two weeks, no? Anyway, halleluja, this really came out of the blue!
  23. rainman

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    So the price have dropped a little bit? IIRC it was 20+ thousand with your treatment, ateos? Does the quality also rises, like with everything else e.g. computer prices drop and components gets smaller.
  24. rainman

    AM-101 TACTT1 Results Released

    Most interesting indeed. I already invested in stem cell company which has grown 164% in the last 12 months. Novel medicine seems the place to be in nowadays. If there were at least one real patient we knew about, that has gotten excellent results with AM101, this would have it's own topic. Many...
  25. rainman

    Ear Pain Triggered by Sound, Need Help!

    This is most interesting information indeed. It seems that i can't tolerate longer periods i.e. 30 min of music listening, even at the normal volumes. But everyday sounds are ok, by now and very short louder sounds don't hurt. I guess i really have to find a good audiogist and get myself diagnosed.
  26. rainman

    World Cup Watching!

    Not agreeing :p Messi isn't a world cup guy, never got it really going. Even now, nothing spectacular. The goals were beautiful, but only two?? This really is the world cup where we will witness even brighter star to arise- 22y old Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior. If he can get 3 more goals in...
  27. rainman

    World Cup Watching!

    It was a great game, didn't know US was so good. It ended 3am in my country :dohanimation: still glad i watched the last minute- was forth it. I'm quite objective, usually like that weaker(underdog) wins. The first round is always the best, many surprises and new countries or underdogs are...
  28. rainman

    Go Spurs!

    Was great playoffs. The first rounds were one of the best ever, iirc most overtimes in playoffs history. As European i'm passionately Tony Parker and Boris Diaw fan. Prior to 2013/2014 season i.e. last summer, this duo lead to the victory of European Chamiponships in their French National team...
  29. rainman

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    I'm talking about only H here- if theres no better treatment in 2 years, i will go ahead and take another week of more powerful LLLT treatment in clinic. Did very much help with my sensitivity and still does at home. with my work i wear 8h a day musician earprotection and if im getting...
  30. rainman

    Tram Noise Squealing Loudly in Few Frequencies

    Amino acids compete with one and another, iirc. Should be taken separetely, yes. Take care!
  31. rainman

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    I wonder why there is no feedback.iirc someone asked them that hundreds of patients have gotten hearing treatment at HOPE. At least Dr.Wilden with his LLLT therapy measures the hearing before and after, do the HOPE have any improvement to show the patients? It costs ten time more.
  32. rainman

    Tram Noise Squealing Loudly in Few Frequencies

    N Acetyl Cystein Alpha lipoic acid acetyl L carnitine NAC helps me a lot to tolarate my 10 month old daughter screams. Swanson is my brand and im taking half the recommended dosage- that reads on the bottle. I split the capsule to half. Days when sound toxication is heavier i will take the...
  33. rainman

    Tram Noise Squealing Loudly in Few Frequencies

    After this kind of incident i would take NAC, ALCAR, ALA, mg, zinc, niacin- asap! Better full up your medkit, for future incidents.
  34. rainman

    Trihexyphenidyl? Anyone happen to had a chance to try this? Eg. for tremor and did it help with hyperacusis. Feel free to answer anytime you pop inside this thread, this topic is timeless. If theres more happy "accidents" with this drug, it just might be...
  35. rainman

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Efficacy Debate

    I get error when going to this link. Moderator said: ATEOS has decided not to allow incoming private conversations. Instead, you should leave a message on his profile page. Go here.
  36. rainman

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Efficacy Debate

    As you see dear Helmut, from Dr.Nagler posting, you have been to naive. This site isnt better, people will get their blood pressure in out of control when you come here with some positive story. Silly world, isn't it?
  37. rainman

    A Sound Incident While in Setback Has Me in Tears with Pain :(

    How did biking and walking set you back? I totally agree about anxiety, i remember my last pain lasted many months and i overprotected and basicly stretched the pain into one year. I try to listen to music now and then but i get fullness or little sensation so i stop for a few days. Its been 1,5...
  38. rainman

    My Introduction... this will hold the pen nicely but you have to sit stationary, its a big minus and actually might bring big plus to the plugs. I mean if one uses the plugs more, due the convience, then they could be more effective? Smt to think about, good mind fuel.
  39. rainman

    My Introduction...

    No T, yes hyperacusis ear pain. Stronger ie. not hurting when bird sing, same pen. Its more effective than those ear plug ones and cheaper too at least from Dr. Wilden. Real time clinical trials, well for example read up on the AM101 topic, there is people who give out info in real time, that...
  40. rainman

    My Introduction...

    I almost completely agree with previous post, but is it 100% sure that there is no side effects? I mean that laser does not work in isolation, it will be covering a lot of areas, some brain and etc. Surely we dont know if its perfectly fine for all the cells in our body to be "radiated" daily...
  41. rainman

    Dental Work (Including Drilling) & Tinnitus — Questions and Experiences

    Had a wisdom tooth pulled out, it was deeply stuck inside the jaw bone, so lots of thrilling to cut the tooth in many pieces. At first i had musician plugs with strongest filters and then after a minute i tried without and it was better without. Also i told dentist about my H and she did some...
  42. rainman

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.) Dr.Wilden theories, now in english.
  43. rainman


    @ Stina. Let alone on night, even on daytime, some entertaining/restaurants are thinkin that when their awful taste of music is high volume enough, it will bring more customers. Worst places are tourism magnets, i remember in Turkey- tourism citys with great beaches- the balkan cheese disco...
  44. rainman


    Great comparisons by attheedge.....i'm the pioneer of iPod generation, i'm old school, the cd/cassette walkman generation:):cry: (I don't know whether i should laugh or cry). The awareness isn't much improved in 16 y btw, it's quite hard to explain my 7 year younger brother (23) to wear ear...
  45. rainman

    There's a Link Between Serotonin and Tinnitus

    I know that "depression creeping" back situation. I was ssri free for 1,5 years and life was fine, but it just creeped back. No obvious reason. One thing i wanted to mention here, that will potentially stop it from creeping back or at least is much more better than ssri are and thats Neuralstem...
  46. rainman

    Sensory Hair Cells Regenerated in Mammal Ear

    If there is going to be a group buy in some time in the future, then i'll be totally in!:D
  47. rainman

    Hyperacusis Everyday Do's and Dont's

    to kevin. Nac being tested for hearing health, it might have strong benefits and im feeling them too on my H, that being funny- how?
  48. rainman

    Hyperacusis Everyday Do's and Dont's

    Does anyone have longer experience with taking NAC (Nacetylcystein)? I feel like its helping me for not setting me back when my 8 month old daughter screams, maybe its placebo. I only have few weeks of experience so i can't be for sure, maybe its other things i'm swallowing(eg. ALCAR). My...
  49. rainman

    N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)

    For your own safety, the higher amounts are probably best taken like Johno uses it- as preventable measure. I'm also taking it when the viruses are on the move, at colder period, boosts immune system. Cycle it. I feel that theres not enough research done on NAC, that its safe to take a round the...
  50. rainman

    5 Things You Did Before Tinnitus — Research Help

    I would add taurine to that stack of nutrients. Look it up. Long time intake on mice has shown lowering blood pressure very effectively, equivalent ammount is 2g per day for 80kg person. If some days you take NAC, you should concider maybe not to take taurine on these days, cause it helps to...
  51. rainman

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    Amazing how well it worked on higher frequency restoration(where the usual damage is more profound). Surely in the best case scenario, they will be on the market much earlier than stem cells, im guessing. I wonder, are genetherapy in generally cheaper as well? ...such a happy read, ill give my...
  52. rainman

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    Theyll be so smart that its going to be Planet of the Phones, we are their slaves by then.
  53. rainman

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More In the final quarter of the page "Deafness is fully curable" by 2022. I think it's a pretty reasonable prediction. I hope by then it's going to be widely available and some of it covered by health care - very optimistic, i know.
  54. rainman

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Efficacy Debate

    Further studies are needed indeed, with using the exact method the Wilden is doing it, not directing laser on top of the ones head or ridiculous things the other studies include. The answer will never come out here, theres nothing to scienifically discuss really, until proper study is done...
  55. rainman


    just two words-Phil Collins. Wish hed still make music, would be epic
  56. rainman

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    i had suffered H for one constant year after ac.trauma.It did gradually became better, but some ear pain was almost always preset, never both ear at the same time. I couldnt sleep on my ear on pillow. After 5 day treatment it was much better, right away, heard new sounds at higher frequency and...
  57. rainman

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Efficacy Debate

    I have no glue, what i know is that it helps with hyperacusis, somewhat. to Owch... i loved the old city, many parallels with my little home oldtown in Tallinn. Well preserved and i can walk easily from one edge of the old town to other, i walk a lot, usually with my dog. Nice market, it was...