2020 US Presidential Election

Her whole career was started by being the mistress to a married man twice her age. She didn't even try to do it by work or perhaps even take some risks with dirty politics - she simply traded sex for political appointments.

I was not a "Trump Voter" in 2016. I intend to vote for him because I feel that he has done a very good job running the country.

You can say what you want about him, but Kamala Harris' becoming the mistress of a married, though separated, Democratic power broker, twice her age, in order to enter the political arena, is not acceptable. Trump was very popular before he went into politics. I was never a fan, but he has proven over the past three and a half years that he is worthy of the job. Joe Biden cannot even come close, and Harris is a piece of garbage, regardless of her method of entering politics through sexual favors.
So you'd rather she did dirty politics? Is that any better? I don't see how. Neither are ethical. Sure she shouldn't have taken his cock for an appointment but the way others get appointments often isn't any better. It's thru selling you soul, being a shill for big money and selling out you constituents. Most politicians are whores and America would be better off if politicians stopped selling their votes and started selling their bodies instead.
I don't think you get it.

Infidelity and prostitution is not "an issue" for me, as far as politics, but it normally is for many. My problem is: If the person you hired to fix your car obtained that position due to sleeping with somebody, would you feel comfortable about it? How about your doctor, the local police chief, etc.? This is the top job in the country, if not the world. Given Biden's age, if he wins in Nov., Harris could very well be in the presidential office before his term is up.

If she'd actually been a prostitute for a while, to make ends meet, this would not bother me that much. The fact that she whored herself out to a powerful, older, Democrat, as the first move in her political career, reveals more about her character than her words on TV or her political career in California. It completely dismantles any supposition of ethics that I'd normally give a candidate.
How do you know she didn't genuinely care for him and vice versa and he used his connections to help her out?

Also with your doctor example, if someone wasn't qualified to be a doctor and had disciplinary action by the board but got a prestigious job anyway only based on connections, yes that would be upsetting but that's not what's going on here.

Favoritism in hiring happens in every industry, whether it's entertainment, Wall Street, politics etc.
Whatever Trump does, in some people's mind, is wrong. If he'd overstepped his boundaries and sent in the army and national guard to stop the riots, he would have been called a dictator. If he does as he's constitutionally required which is to let the states decide how they want to handle it, he's wrong about that. If he forced everybody to wear a mask for Covid, he'd be called out, but since he hasn't they blame all 224,000 deaths on him. It's Trump Derangement Syndrome.

If Biden and his VP get in, that will be a hoot. Let's find out once and for all if the Democrats can do better. I think they'll screw everything up so bad, Trump will be nominated and win the election, again in 2024, lol.

I almost laughed myself silly when Biden mentioned a tiny group of mostly high-schoolers, the "Proud Boys", which was originally a joke but there's a few hundred of them. I only know who they are, because the Democratic Presidential candidate sees this as important.

Which is more likely to happen after the election: Trump wins and there's riots or, Biden wins, and there's riots? Do we even have to think about this for more than one second to know the answer?

It's really not fitting to put that man, and his fetish with "Proud Boys", in the White House. Nor is it appropriate for this country to have a woman who sold her body to a man four years older than her father, for political appointments. This simply isn't what this country is about.
Whatever Trump does, in some people's mind, is wrong. If he'd overstepped his boundaries and sent in the army and national guard to stop the riots, he would have been called a dictator. If he does as he's constitutionally required which is to let the states decide how they want to handle it, he's wrong about that. If he forced everybody to wear a mask for Covid, he'd be called out, but since he hasn't they blame all 224,000 deaths on him. It's Trump Derangement Syndrome.

If Biden and his VP get in, that will be a hoot. Let's find out once and for all if the Democrats can do better. I think they'll screw everything up so bad, Trump will be nominated and win the election, again in 2024, lol.

I almost laughed myself silly when Biden mentioned a tiny group of mostly high-schoolers, the "Proud Boys", which was originally a joke but there's a few hundred of them. I only know who they are, because the Democratic Presidential candidate sees this as important.

Which is more likely to happen after the election: Trump wins and there's riots or, Biden wins, and there's riots? Do we even have to think about this for more than one second to know the answer?

It's really not fitting to put that man, and his fetish with "Proud Boys", in the White House. Nor is it appropriate for this country to have a woman who sold her body to a man four years older than her father, for political appointments. This simply isn't what this country is about.
Have any Democrats this cycle been arrested for plotting to kill Republican officials? Multiple Republicans have been.

And if Trump made everyone wear a mask for COVID-19, his approval would be substantially higher then it is today.

We all know this thread can get kind of heated. So how about something lighten the mood, maybe make us laugh a little?

(Video is subtitled by default via the creators.)
Which is more likely to happen after the election: Trump wins and there's riots or, Biden wins, and there's riots? Do we even have to think about this for more than one second to know the answer?
It seems as though you completely ignore Trump's role in the divide. Say Republicans won with someone like Romney or Kasich. Do you think Democrats would be nearly as livid?

Your hypothetical is making the assumption that both figures are equally polarizing and divisive, but the difference is the Trump voter base is more respectful and mature. I promise you, if Biden wins and starts acting even a little like Donald Trump, yes, conservatives will be holding protests -- and armed.
It's really not fitting to put that man, and his fetish with "Proud Boys", in the White House.
I have never seen more projection. Trump is the one who brought them up. Biden then answers a question about this and you found a way to pin it on him. Biden Derangement Syndrome.
And if Trump made everyone wear a mask for COVID-19, his approval would be substantially higher then it is today.
I think the constitution says that is up to the individual states. Everyone should know by now to do social distancing and wear masks in public. Some of the Democratic states have high COVID-19 infection rates. What are they doing wrong? You can't blame everything on the federal government and the Trump administration.

Overall, states that voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 have experienced nearly 105,000 deaths from coronavirus so far, according to a USA TODAY analysis of the Hopkins data – about 74 deaths per 100,000 people. States that voted for Trump have experienced more than 91,000 deaths, roughly 50 per 100,000.
The COVID-19 death toll in the US has already surpassed the 220,000 mark. This is mainly due to Trump's inaction to tackle the pandemic. What did he do? Nothing.
Yeah, right. Biden lied about his corruption and his son's corrupt dealings. He also cut off access. Doesn't sound healthy to me.

But, liberals and Democrats can't help but evade and make excuses.

@PeteJ, your missing my point. I'm referring to Harris. Sacramento is the capital of California, and she had lived so ever close to me - real close. She was not known nationally when she was the AG of California. Place wrongdoings next to her name in an internet search, but that will surface few decisions that she made as AG of California. I'm not going to insult her character or any politician's character, honesty, or unfair motivation with detailed description thoughts on the internet, but I'm not happy with most, regardless of party and that includes Presidents and the two US senators from California who are both rich from stock investments and real estate.
If my mechanic had no experience then I'd be a little concerned about it. Luckily, Kamala Harris was the Attorney General and Senator from California. So even if her career started with sucking a dick, her resume is now just as or more extensive then many actual Presidents. Trump had no experience, Obama was Senator for four years, Bush was Governor for six years. I could go on.
I would consider this to be an extreme example of opportunism which provided her with political appointments that she not only didn't deserve, but obtained through sex. There were of course better candidates than she, but they were not hired because womanizer Willie Brown selfishly appointed his mistress, with a salary that the citizens pay for. If she becomes VP and then the first female president, she will be the role model to minority girls which Biden himself lauded her as. He's the expert, right? Suburban Joe, who likes to say, "C'mon, man!" His, "'If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black" sums it up very nicely. He's busy thinking of ways to promote the argument that there is a major problem with white supremacy, while supporting the unions that allow police brutality, especially against minorities. Good choice, Joe, you have chosen the whore of a Democratic womanizer to be your VP, and possibly the president, if you kick the bucket or succumb to an illness.

I wish Malcolm X was alive today, I would love to hear his take on this.
I think the constitution says that is up to the individual states. Everyone should know by now to do social distancing and wear masks in public. Some of the Democratic states have high COVID-19 infection rates. What are they doing wrong? You can't blame everything on the federal government and the Trump administration.

Overall, states that voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 have experienced nearly 105,000 deaths from coronavirus so far, according to a USA TODAY analysis of the Hopkins data – about 74 deaths per 100,000 people. States that voted for Trump have experienced more than 91,000 deaths, roughly 50 per 100,000.
Sure but how are they doing now tho? Where are the spikes now?
I would consider this to be an extreme example of opportunism which provided her with political appointments that she not only didn't deserve, but obtained through sex. There were of course better candidates than she, but they were not hired because womanizer Willie Brown selfishly appointed his mistress, with a salary that the citizens pay for. If she becomes VP and then the first female president, she will be the role model to minority girls which Biden himself lauded her as. He's the expert, right? Suburban Joe, who likes to say, "C'mon, man!" His, "'If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black" sums it up very nicely. He's busy thinking of ways to promote the argument that there is a major problem with white supremacy, while supporting the unions that allow police brutality, especially against minorities. Good choice, Joe, you have chosen the whore of a Democratic womanizer to be your VP, and possibly the president, if you kick the bucket or succumb to an illness.

I wish Malcolm X was alive today, I would love to hear his take on this.
Look as much as it'd be nice if the president and VP were good role models, that just isn't the case. Donald Trump is the worst role model in modern political history. He's a shallow asshole whose made comments about women that make me sick. He's had multiple affairs and curses in public as President. He's the definition of someone the kids shouldn't look up to. So if I'm voting based on role models, I'm voting Biden.
Look as much as it'd be nice if the president and VP were good role models, that just isn't the case. Donald Trump is the worst role model in modern political history. He's a shallow asshole whose made comments about women that make me sick. He's had multiple affairs and curses in public as President. He's the definition of someone the kids shouldn't look up to. So if I'm voting based on role models, I'm voting Biden.
'Most Pro-Abortion Presidential Ticket in American History': Pro-Life Groups Condemn Biden VP Kamala Harris
Look as much as it'd be nice if the president and VP were good role models, that just isn't the case. Donald Trump is the worst role model in modern political history. He's a shallow asshole whose made comments about women that make me sick. He's had multiple affairs and curses in public as President. He's the definition of someone the kids shouldn't look up to. So if I'm voting based on role models, I'm voting Biden.
I'm 100% in favor of legalized prostitution. I would much prefer a female VP who had been a high class call girl for a year, than one who got her start in politics by being Willie Brown's mistress in order to obtain political civil service jobs through him. Perhaps if this profession was legal, and Brown had employed a pro, he would not turned to Harris to satisfy his sexual appetites. We might have even had a female Democratic VP candidate that got her start in politics, outside of the bedroom.
What's your point? Vote for whomever you want then, it doesn't matter to me. This thread doesn't really matter either, just a bunch of arguing.
Maybe but these idiots support politicians that will enact legislation making it more difficult to live and taking away your rights. It's so unbelievable that there's so many gullible stupid people out there.
Trump's thoughts and policy has been for what is $ good for Trump as well as for all rich. Under a Biden administration greed - rich democrats and republicans will continue. Democrat high tech and many companies will move more corporate assets overseas to avoid taxes.

I visit a stock investment site where democrat posters say that they will sell long term holdings of over a year and trade with ownership under a year. Real estate owners will physically upgrade their real estate, so that they are not taxed on income, but their holdings will be become more valuable from improvements. This will place the middle class out of being able to afford to live in big cities and beautiful rural communities. If Biden makes social security more fair in monthly payments, that will make social security disability harder to get. Medical care will not get more friendly for those with tinnitus as private insurance will be under strain and that will lower the quality of care for all. Nursing homes will not improve care or conditions.

I wrote a letter to Netflix asking that Obama programming for children include the risks of getting hearing loss and tinnitus and asked for a response. I never received a response. I doubt that Obama will donate half of his 50 million $ deal with Netflix to children causes.

Obama and Bush have caused a lot of Americans - our military being killed overseas. War is good for business.
Trump would have not won, if Hilary and then her campaign team wasn't so dishonest.
Whatever happens in the election, the consequences of the COVID-19 economic crisis in the US will be clear in 10 days, when no candidate has to campaign anymore and they can tell the truth to the American people.
Whatever happens in the election, the consequences of the COVID-19 economic crisis in the US will be clear in 10 days, when no candidate has to campaign anymore and they can tell the truth to the American people.
Yeah, no one will admit they locked down the economy based on a scam and hoax.
Safety - suffering - well being - being treated with respect and cared for - special needs - disability, elderly and children - are issues that are important to me. There should not be any insurance paper work and insurance premiums for this - for the poor, middle class or home owners. Nursing home care and home care should be free for all and nursing home and medical care should have higher standards. Children and elderly parents of the rich and powerful are protected - they have private and special everything.

The system - society can be mean. The two party political system separates - and causes more anger - greed - little good. People should have open minds as no one political party has all the right and fair answers. I vote on issues, but I don't care about voting for candidates.

I really like doctor Anthony Stephan Fauci who I believe cares. He is not getting paid for speeches, sitting on corporate boards and signing contracts for profit like past Presidents. I like people that care and posters on this site do care. I don't like greed and our medical care system, our corporations and even Hollywood - much of everything is controlled with greed. Misbehavior rewards with greed in our society.

Raising blood pressure - issues can be caused from that or increased from - so we need to be kind to one another.
Safety - suffering - well being - being treated with respect and cared for - special needs - disability, elderly and children - are issues that are important to me. There should not be any insurance paper work and insurance premiums for this - for the poor, middle class or home owners. Nursing home care and home care should be free for all and nursing home and medical care should have higher standards. Children and elderly parents of the rich and powerful are protected - they have private and special everything.

The system - society can be mean. The two party political system separates - and causes more anger - greed - little good. People should have open minds as no one political party has all the right and fair answers. I vote on issues, but I don't care about voting for candidates.

I really like doctor Anthony Stephan Fauci who I believe cares. He is not getting paid for speeches, sitting on corporate boards and signing contracts for profit like past Presidents. I like people that care and posters on this site do care. I don't like greed and our medical care system, our corporations and even Hollywood - much of everything is controlled with greed. Misbehavior rewards with greed in our society.

Raising blood pressure - issues can be caused from that or increased from - so we need to be kind to one another.
Fauci cares? Good one.

Both parties are the same. The system is rigged. The difference of the parties is the Republicans are more transparent and the Democrats are more hypocrital. There's no choice because the candidates are already picked and they are puppets. The difference in the voters is the liberal voters are stupid and in denial.
@PeteJ I don't understand why you give posters a "funny". Ones who had spent much time in trying to help you - answering your health questions - ear pain and such. Ones that given you compassion "hugs".

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