2020 US Presidential Election

Trump did not say that ALL Mexicans are rapists, or that ALL Muslims are part of ISIS
So what exactly was the purpose of the ban of all Muslims?

I will not defend ISIS -- it's a horrific terrorist group. But it's not that prevalent in the United States, statistically speaking. A ban on an entire religious group, and one that makes up 1.8 billion people is nothing short of xenophobic.

And trust me, I am not a defender of religion (other than the right to believe what you want). I think almost all religions are regressive, including Islam. But his ban on an entire group of people like that is nothing short of xenophobic. Also, he didn't even include Saudi Arabia in the ban, which was linked to 9/11.

Trump's language very clear implies that he thinks most Muslims are bad people. The fact that he invokes Obama's middle name to get a rise out of his supporters (I wonder why they eat it up). He has never once pointed out that the vast majority of Muslims are good people.

Actually, in his speech regarding this "Travel ban" executive order, he said he was banning Muslims from entering the United States.
The worst part is Trump retweeting videos of this and encouraged more of the same.

Still nowhere near as bad as victim blaming the Michigan Governor for having a right wing kidnapping plot against her.

Trump needs to go.
The fact that this guy is cheered on by millions as a patriot is something my brain will never be able to understand. It's like saying 1+1 = 10000000000000. It's so obviously incorrect.
So what exactly was the purpose of the ban of all Muslim
Also, he didn't even include Saudi Arabia in the ban, which was linked to 9/11.
There was/is no "Muslim ban." The ban was limited to a few Muslim countries, previously identified by the Obama Biden administration as high risk for terrorism. Later other countries like North Korea were added.

More African-Americans and Hispanics are expected to vote for Trump now than in 2016. This is a problem for Democrats because Biden is meanwhile facing challenges with minority turnout. I also believe many people aged 18-22 will vote for Trump because they want to go back to school, party, etc. (I heard this on the radio). Trump is against socialism/anti-Americanism, in that sense he is divisive if you have those views. However, many people agree with Trump so he is uniting people who share his views. There is no way to unite/reconcile extreme liberal with conservative views, unless one surrenders to the other, so there will always be some divisiveness.

Shifting alliances and new coalitions: Why Trump's path to victory runs through Miami

Nolte: Poll Shows Black Support for Trump at 31 Percent

Iowa Poll: Donald Trump takes over lead in Iowa as Joe Biden fades

I do think the country is more divided, to the point where pro-Trump and anti-Trump people cannot be friends. I do not think this has happened before, and I can see why people are afraid of potential war. However, I do not hold Trump responsible for this really. He has made some controversial statements but there is an element of truth in what he says. Conservatives recognize his statements as elements of truth, whereas liberals exaggerate his statements (Trump did not say that ALL Mexicans are rapists, or that ALL Muslims are part of ISIS, but these are the rumors that the liberals spread). Basically, the only thing Trump has done is to proudly say what conservatives generally already believe, which is different from other conservative politicians who are basically RINOs. People are essentially more upset with their neighbors who vote the other way, than with Trump (but the violence is almost always done by the left with BLM and Antifa, on the right).
I just want to say that mature respectable people have been able to get along with people of the opposite political views during this era. Before COVID-19 when I was in in-person classes, my gym partner and she was a very hardcore MAGA type and we got along just fine, and we did talk politics and it was fun. I have relatives that are hardcore Republicans and same thing. Even here, I have all the respect in the world and enjoy talking to people like you, @Luman @PeteJ and others whose politics are profoundly different from mine. I think it's important to note this because many people excuse their immaturity by blaming the political climate when it's really their inability to get along with people.

That said, I think your portrayal of everyone left of center as anti American is pretty disingenuous. Most liberals are patriotic Americans who express that differently and view different aspects of America as it's good points than conservatives do. Just to prove this, how many times has Trump insulted aspects of America?

Can you imagine if a Democrat said stuff like this about America? They'd be told they're an American apologizing for hater. Yet I don't feel the need to question Trump's patriotism. Why are right wingers so adamant to do it to us?
Open letter to the President of the United States Donald J. Trump from Carlo Maria Viganò Tit Archbishop of Ulpiana
Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United S tates of America.


  • Open_Letter_to_POTUS.pdf
    275.4 KB · Views: 25
I just find appalling and disgusting that Trump is knowingly lying about doctors who have risked their lives to help and treat COVID-19 patients.
The leader of the country that you come from does probably does things that are more appalling and disgusting than anything Trump ever did.

Of course, you will never in a million years tell us what country you're in, because you are ashamed to say.
The leader of the country that you come from does probably does things that are more appalling and disgusting than anything Trump ever did.

Of course, you will never in a million years tell us what country you're in, because you are ashamed to say.
Why do you care about the country he's from? It doesn't make his opinion on the matter any less valid. And just because he's from a certain country doesn't mean he supports whoever is leading it.

How about you tell us your honest feelings about Trump's bogus claims about healthcare professionals?
Why do you care about the country he's from? It doesn't make his opinion on the matter any less valid. And just because he's from a certain country doesn't mean he supports whoever is leading it.

How about you tell us your honest feelings about Trump's bogus claims about healthcare professionals?
If somebody is going to bash the President of the United States with virtually every post on this thread, I think that it's reasonable to ask him from what country he hails from, or lives in at present. If I were going to speak disparagingly against the leadership of another country, I would not expect to be taken seriously if I concealed my own nationality from the readers and participants in the thread.

As far as asking about my, "honest feelings about Trump's bogus claims about...", this contains a premise that is the nucleus of a Loaded Question:

So what exactly was the purpose of the ban of all Muslims?

I will not defend ISIS -- it's a horrific terrorist group. But it's not that prevalent in the United States, statistically speaking. A ban on an entire religious group, and one that makes up 1.8 billion people is nothing short of xenophobic.

And trust me, I am not a defender of religion (other than the right to believe what you want). I think almost all religions are regressive, including Islam. But his ban on an entire group of people like that is nothing short of xenophobic. Also, he didn't even include Saudi Arabia in the ban, which was linked to 9/11.

Trump's language very clear implies that he thinks most Muslims are bad people. The fact that he invokes Obama's middle name to get a rise out of his supporters (I wonder why they eat it up). He has never once pointed out that the vast majority of Muslims are good people.

Actually, in his speech regarding this "Travel ban" executive order, he said he was banning Muslims from entering the United States.
Trump just wants to divide and to appeal to the voter that can process the most simple message, and the basic message Donald Trump wants to deliver to his voters, on any topic, is "it is not your fault, it is always someone else's fault". That's the general line of "thinking" that underlies all his speeches and statements, the hate for others.

In my opinion, Trump should be ashamed of having attacked doctors and nurses and spread false information about them, about people who care for others, who help others and who are risking their lives in the middle of a pandemic that Donald Trump did nothing to contain.

How can a politician be so disgusting as to falsely say doctors are making money from people who die from COVID-19???? This is a criminal statement. It's criminal.
Can you imagine if a Democrat said stuff like this about America? They'd be told they're an American apologizing for hater. Yet I don't feel the need to question Trump's patriotism. Why are right wingers so adamant to do it to us?
This kind of stuff is where I draw a line and say that it's no longer correct to be tolerant in this position. They are enforcing a fascist mentality and it is on us to not enable it.

It is routine in politics, when you love your country, to talk about ways it can be improved. If Biden wins, republicans will gather in groups and criticize him. When Obama was president, they obstructed his every move. None of this is a sign that someone hates their country.

It's funny because these people love the word "snowflake." Yet responding to criticism with "you hate America" is the ultimate snowflake emotional response.

AOC is a common target for this kind of stuff (and clearly because she's a person of color. e.g. "Go back to the country you came from."). Very clearly, AOC doesn't hate her country, and I say this as someone who doesn't agree with her on everything. Anyone who is proposing solutions to improve is not someone who hates America.
So what exactly was the purpose of the ban of all Muslims?

I will not defend ISIS -- it's a horrific terrorist group. But it's not that prevalent in the United States, statistically speaking. A ban on an entire religious group, and one that makes up 1.8 billion people is nothing short of xenophobic.

And trust me, I am not a defender of religion (other than the right to believe what you want). I think almost all religions are regressive, including Islam. But his ban on an entire group of people like that is nothing short of xenophobic. Also, he didn't even include Saudi Arabia in the ban, which was linked to 9/11.

Trump's language very clear implies that he thinks most Muslims are bad people. The fact that he invokes Obama's middle name to get a rise out of his supporters (I wonder why they eat it up). He has never once pointed out that the vast majority of Muslims are good people.

Actually, in his speech regarding this "Travel ban" executive order, he said he was banning Muslims from entering the United States.
What do you think about Muslim societies that ban non-Muslims, and/or the public expression of non-Islamic faiths? Is it very fair to expect the United States to ignore this, and allow fundamentalist Muslims to come here, and work towards creating a Muslim theocracy in America? This is their goal.
How can a politician be so disgusting as to falsely say doctors are making money from people who die from COVID-19???? This is a criminal statement. It's criminal.
How about you tell us your honest feelings about Trump's bogus claims about healthcare professionals?
This is what Trump said:
"You know in Germany," he told a crowd in Waterford Township, Michigan, "if you have a bad heart and you're ready to die or if you have cancer and you're going to be dying soon, and you catch COVID, that happens we mark it down to COVID. You know our doctors get more money if somebody dies from COVID, you know that, right. I mean our doctors are very smart people. So what they do is they say is, I'm but you know sorry everybody dies of COVID. But in Germany and other places, if you have a heart attack or you have cancer, you're terminally ill, you catch COVID, they say you died of cancer, you died of a heart attack. With us, when in doubt, choose COVID. It's true, no it's true. No, they'll say, Oh it's terrible what he said, but it's true. It's like $2,000 more. So you get more money. This could only happen to us."

See the Fact Check:

"... there is no way to know for sure to what extent doctors and hospitals are taking advantage of the incentive to classify the cause of death as the Chinese virus."

"Even fact-checkers at USA Today determined in April that hospitals get paid more money if they list patients as having the Chinese virus.

As part of the coronavirus relief legislation, hospitals received higher payments from Medicare if they were treating someone with the virus, the newspaper found."

Trump should have used a better choice of words. Instead of saying doctors get more money, he should have said that hospitals have an incentive to inflate COVID-19 deaths since they would receive more money/payments (based on the coronavirus relief legislation). Doctors and nurses would not personally benefit (unless there is a quota they need to meet), it would be the hospital that benefits. Why are the U.S. hospitals marking COVID-19 deaths differently from Germany, and likely many other countries?
Biden, in a campaign speech, just said to love our neighbors. He also condemned rioting and violence. Talk about someone with so much hate in his heart! The anti-American sentiment is just oozing through his eye balls.

Jesus would want Donald Trump to lead us to prosperity. Clown world.
What do you think about Muslim societies that ban non-Muslims, and/or the public expression of non-Islamic faiths? Is it very fair to expect the United States to ignore this, and allow fundamentalist Muslims to come here, and work towards creating a Muslim theocracy in America? This is their goal.
Those societies suck. We don't wanna emulate them here. This is kinda like when people justify American action by saying things like "at least half have freedom here! Unlike in Iran!" It's kinda like "okay but don't we hold ourselves to higher standard than Iran?", I'll say the same to this. Do we not hold ourselves to higher standards than oppressive regimes in third world, war torn countries? Just because they do it, does not mean we should.

And while there may be national security reasons to block entry from some countries, saying you want to ban all Muslims from any society from entering the United States is just obscene bigotry. This is nation with over 328 million people, the idea that millions of Muslims would move here and democratically change our society to reflect the Middle East is absurd. Especially when you consider that before the ban, they could've done this at anytime and didn't.
That's because liberals and leftists are hypocrites at their core. You just can't help it. It's in your psyche or DNA. Maybe you are in denial and refuse to believe you're doing it. You're addicted like an alcoholic or drug user.

You support Biden despite the fact he's just as bad as Trump in many ways. He's corrupt, he's arrogant and verbally abusive. He's creepy and appears to be pedophile-ish. But, leftists ignore all that cuz of Trump. That's all that matters.

Obama maintained America's industrial military complex. He got the nick Obomber. He was divisive. Many voters were turned off by him and his administration. Thus, they voted for Trump despite his baggage. The identity politics started with Obama, not Trump. Obama showed a hostility or distaste for ordinary whites and so did his wife. The division was present way before Trump.
I just want to say that mature respectable people have been able to get along with people of the opposite political views during this era. Before COVID-19 when I was in in-person classes, my gym partner and she was a very hardcore MAGA type and we got along just fine, and we did talk politics and it was fun. I have relatives that are hardcore Republicans and same thing. Even here, I have all the respect in the world and enjoy talking to people like you, @Luman @PeteJ and others whose politics are profoundly different from mine. I think it's important to note this because many people excuse their immaturity by blaming the political climate when it's really their inability to get along with people.
Many Trump supporters have been ostracized by anti-Trump family, friends, co-workers, etc. based on how they voted. There are plenty of stories online. I recently read this article where this African-American lady lost all of her girlfriends because she voted for Trump. I think if either person is very political, the friendship won't work out. I have anti-Trump friends but they are not too political (I'm not too political either, but decided to write on this thread since it was becoming one-sided). Some people on my Facebook were wishing Trump dead from COVID-19 (without saying so directly, but saying that the world would be a better place if he wasn't here, etc.); I cannot be friends with such people.
That said, I think your portrayal of everyone left of center as anti American is pretty disingenuous.
I think the far-left is definitely anti-American (socialism is anti-American). The Communist Party in the U.S. has supported some of the Democratic candidates. Many on the far left also do not support freedom of speech (they support censorship of conservative views). I'm not even sure if are any center left Democrats. If there are, they are very few. Modern day Democrats do not agree with JFK's (a Democrat) statement: ""Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country." I also believe Republicans have become more liberal over time, instead of moving farther to the right as the Democrats have gone farther left. Republicans have become less racist over time (no one now agrees with segregation and Republicans now are very accepting of minorities (as long as they are not anti-American but that applies to everyone)), and even if many Republicans are against gay marriage (because this is more of a legality/definition, which many believe was defined by God) they have become more accepting of gay couples (which wasn't the case before) or they don't see gay marriage as a big issue anymore, as examples. Trump sells numerous merchandise for gays on his Facebook page (previously this would have been unthinkable as a Republican).
Biden, in a campaign speech, just said to love our neighbors. He also condemned rioting and violence. Talk about someone with so much hate in his heart! The anti-American sentiment is just oozing through his eye balls.

Jesus would want Donald Trump to lead us to prosperity. Clown world.
No one even knows when Biden is giving a speech. He's been in his basement so long. Why doesn't he show some courage and call out who these rioters are? Everyone knows. Everyone will forget what he said in a day.
What do you think about Muslim societies that ban non-Muslims, and/or the public expression of non-Islamic faiths?
It's dumb. I am no cheerleader of Islam from the standpoint of a religion that I will be practicing anytime soon. However, you are conflating people fleeing their countries and people oppressing their countries. Trump wanted to ban everyone.
Is it very fair to expect the United States to ignore this, and allow fundamentalist Muslims to come here, and work towards creating a Muslim theocracy in America? This is their goal.
That is a very big leap from the question you asked me. People often flee their country in order to escape fundamentalism and live a better life. It is most certainly not the goal of the majority of people that Trump banned to invade America with theocracy. Most just want to be able to practice their religion, which is of course, extremely fair and reasonable. I have no problems with Muslims, or people of any faith for that matter, as long as they don't (a) use their religion as a political argument and (b) hide behind their religion to say or do immoral things.
That's because liberals and leftists are hypocrites at their core. You just can't help it. It's in your psyche or DNA. Maybe you are in denial and refuse to believe you're doing it. You're addicted like an alcoholic or drug user.

You support Biden despite the fact he's just as bad as Trump in many ways. He's corrupt, he's arrogant and verbally abusive. He's creepy and appears to be pedophile-ish. But, leftists ignore all that cuz of Trump. That's all that matters.

Obama maintained America's industrial military complex. He got the nick Obomber. He was divisive. Many voters were turned off by him and his administration. Thus, they voted for Trump despite his baggage. The identity politics started with Obama, not Trump. Obama showed a hostility or distaste for ordinary whites and so did his wife. The division was present way before Trump.
I'll grant you most of that. I'd like to see a citation for the last part though.

And just because Biden is as bad as Trump in many ways, doesn't mean he's overall as bad. If you are a liberal, Biden does have some policies to offer. He's going to expand Obamacare subsidies to make it easier on the middle class, he will definitely invest a lot more to fight climate change, his education platform is genuinely very good and even if he did a fourth of it, education would be better in America. So he's not as bad Trump on the actual policies. Even if he is an arrogant, rich, corrupt warmongerer like Trump is.

Do you recommend people just don't vote? Because otherwise these are our options.
Switzerland has a pretty high ratio of gun ownership too, but it is one of the safest countries in the world.
I liked and agreed with the post this is from but I want to nitpick this point because this specific comparison is made often and it's very apples to oranges.

It's true that swiss households are allowed to be armed for "defense of the state", however obtaining additional guns and any amount of ammunition is extremely difficult. And, many entire classifications of both guns and ammunition that are commonplace in the US are completely prohibited there. This article indicates that as of 2015, only 11% of the swiss military issued weapons were kept in people's homes compared to 40% of US households with a gun.


Basically every regulation there, from gun purchase to ammunition purchase to the documentation required, to having to provide a "valid reason", to not being able to get hollowpoint pistol ammo, is extremely stringent and paperwork intensive compared to even the most restrictive state laws in the US.

It's also worth noting that while Switzerland does have 49 guns per 100 citizens, the US has 89, the highest in the world.

Finally, carrying guns in public is generally not permissible in Switzerland, and if they are loaded it's almost impossible to do so legally; compare this to the US where a group of people in armor with apparently loaded AR-15s were allowed to enter a statehouse and get into a shouting match with cops, also apparently without breaking any laws (or at least any that were enforced; if they had been black BLM protestors I suspect it would have gone down much differently!)
Many Trump supporters have been ostracized by anti-Trump family, friends, co-workers, etc. based on how they voted.
I think you are deeply exaggerating the part about how they voted. On the other hand, the people who talk like Trump and are brazenly in agreement with his ignorant, hateful style, of course they are going to get ostracized.

I do not think it's common to fully condemn Trump's character, but vote for him because of a particular issue like, say, abortion, and get ditched by everyone. Almost everyone that people are the most upset with are people who hear his hateful style of leading and like it. There is a massive correlation though, because as evident in this thread, almost everyone who votes for Trump feels guilty about it and tries to defend his character on some level.

Congratulations, this is the formula for losing friends outside of politics. People tend to not like narcissistic friends who love conflict and division.
Many Trump supporters have been ostracized by anti-Trump family, friends, co-workers, etc. based on how they voted. There are plenty of stories online. I recently read this article where this African-American lady lost all of her girlfriends because she voted for Trump. I think if either person is very political, the friendship won't work out. I have anti-Trump friends but they are not too political (I'm not too political either, but decided to write on this thread since it was becoming one-sided). Some people on my Facebook were wishing Trump dead from COVID-19 (without saying so directly, but saying that the world would be a better place if he wasn't here, etc.); I cannot be friends with such people.

I think the far-left is definitely anti-American (socialism is anti-American). The Communist Party in the U.S. has supported some of the Democratic candidates. Many on the far left also do not support freedom of speech (they support censorship of conservative views). I'm not even sure if are any center left Democrats. If there are, they are very few. Modern day Democrats do not agree with JFK's (a Democrat) statement: ""Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country." I also believe Republicans have become more liberal over time, instead of moving farther to the right as the Democrats have gone farther left. Republicans have become less racist over time (no one now agrees with segregation and Republicans now are very accepting of minorities (as long as they are not anti-American but that applies to everyone)), and even if many Republicans are against gay marriage (because this is more of a legality/definition, which many believe was defined by God) they have become more accepting of gay couples (which wasn't the case before) or they don't see gay marriage as a big issue anymore, as examples. Trump sells numerous merchandise for gays on his Facebook page (previously this would have been unthinkable as a Republican).
Okay yeah, some liberals are assholes. But some conservatives are also, I have been cursed at in public for my Biden mask and been told I should get hit by a car for supporting communism (I'm not a communist but even if I was, that's just mean). And I don't even live in a right wing region of the country. So yes, don't be friends with assholes but most people voting for either candidate are good people.

As far as your comment, neither side is appropriately free speech. I agree with you that some liberals aren't free speech enough. But conservatives pull the same shit. They threw a national tantrum to cancel Colin Kappernick and the NFL just because they disagreed with him. Trump wants flag burning to carry a year in jail. That's more anti-free speech then anything Biden's proposed. Now I, and many others on the so called far left, am a free speech absolutist. I'm sure you won't believe me but I can cite some big progressives that have stood against cancel culture. Kyle Kulinski regularly shits on it and Bernie Sanders condemned very strongly people that used violence against right wing speakers.
Just look at what Bernie said about Anne Coulter for example, he's very clear about being anti-censorship. And he's the most progressive man in the senate.


The communist party can support who'd they like. The KKK And David Duke endorsed the President. Does that mean he's racist?

You're not sure any are center left? Most Democrats don't even support free healthcare and free college. What would you consider to be center left? That's my question.

Finally, if you don't support gay rights, then it doesn't matter if you claim to be "okay" with gay couples.
Okay yeah, some liberals are assholes. But some conservatives are also, I have been cursed at in public for my Biden mask and been told I should get hit by a car for supporting communism (I'm not a communist but even if I was, that's just mean). And I don't even live in a right wing region of the country. So yes, don't be friends with assholes but most people voting for either candidate are good people.

As far as your comment, neither side is appropriately free speech. I agree with you that some liberals aren't free speech enough. But conservatives pull the same shit. They threw a national tantrum to cancel Colin Kappernick and the NFL just because they disagreed with him. Trump wants flag burning to carry a year in jail. That's more anti-free speech then anything Biden's proposed. Now I, and many others on the so called far left, am a free speech absolutist. I'm sure you won't believe me but I can cite some big progressives that have stood against cancel culture. Kyle Kulinski regularly shits on it and Bernie Sanders condemned very strongly people that used violence against right wing speakers.
Just look at what Bernie said about Anne Coulter for example, he's very clear about being anti-censorship. And he's the most progressive man in the senate.


The communist party can support who'd they like. The KKK And David Duke endorsed the President. Does that mean he's racist?

You're not sure any are center left? Most Democrats don't even support free healthcare and free college. What would you consider to be center left? That's my question.

Finally, if you don't support gay rights, then it doesn't matter if you claim to be "okay" with gay couples.
You seem well-informed and have a miraculous ability to communicate with everyone. I wonder if you have a calling for deradicalizing hate groups (I'm not saying people in this thread are in those hate groups).

I find Kulinski extremely frustrating. Not everything he says is dumb, but I have a hard time taking him seriously since he's planning on not voting. I think deep down, even he knows it's stupid. His videos and analysis suggest he would be a "hold your nose" Biden voter so I find it surprising.
You seem well-informed and have a miraculous ability to communicate with everyone. I wonder if you have a calling for deradicalizing hate groups (I'm not saying people in this thread are in those hate groups).

I find Kulinski extremely frustrating. Not everything he says is dumb, but I have a hard time taking him seriously since he's planning on not voting. I think deep down, even he knows it's stupid. His videos and analysis suggest he would be a "hold your nose" Biden voter so I find it surprising.
Thank yo,u I appreciate that.

Is that still his stance? Because I remember earlier this year he said that but then he said after Lafayette squares incident that changed things. I do not know if he flipped again though. I disagree with him on that, although I still agree with him on most things.

That said, as much as I disagree with him, there is a coherent philosophy behind not voting. Voting does enable the two party and does enable the parties to continually spew out crap candidates. It's just true. Now I think other factors outweigh that but I get his position.
I have dropped several former long-term friends, not "social media" friends but people I have known for many years, due to their repeated wish for the literal demise of Trump. Extreme Trump Derangement Syndrome is as bad or worse than racism, and I know that they'd drop me if I were racist. Perhaps they simply see something in Trump that reminds them of themselves. I am not a psychologist, but I've had enough of this hatred and destruction.
All Presidents and those running were very creative with their taxes including Biden who avoided paying $150,000 in Medicare and social security taxes by forming S corporations. This will stop 10 citizens maybe with tinnitus from getting yearly disability benefits.

Most played Russian games for profit, placed the American military in danger and did little for the middle class, elderly or disabled.

All of them have friends of greed power, otherwise none of them would be able to gain influence to be a Presidential candidate.

One big problem with Trump is that he placed Americans in danger with not taking the virus serious. Then again, it was the Democrats that was against stopping foreigners by sea, land and air from entering the country when the virus hit.

So when a President is confirmed this coming week, whoever it may be, we will still have tinnitus, with an unfunctional tinnitus medical care and disability system - while all of them enjoy their lives and greed.
Is that still his stance? Because I remember earlier this year he said that but then he said after Lafayette squares incident that changed things. I do not know if he flipped again though. I disagree with him on that, although I still agree with him on most things.
I didn't know he flipped on that. I could be spreading fake news.

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