2020 US Presidential Election

I have dropped several former long-term friends, not "social media" friends but people I have known for many years, due to their repeated wish for the literal demise of Trump. Extreme Trump Derangement Syndrome is as bad or worse than racism, and I know that they'd drop me if I were racist. Perhaps they simply see something in Trump that reminds them of themselves. I am not a psychologist, but I've had enough of this hatred and destruction.
Wow, were these close friends?
Those societies suck. We don't wanna emulate them here. This is kinda like when people justify American action by saying things like "at least half have freedom here! Unlike in Iran!" It's kinda like "okay but don't we hold ourselves to higher standard than Iran?", I'll say the same to this. Do we not hold ourselves to higher standards than oppressive regimes in third world, war torn countries? Just because they do it, does not mean we should.

And while there may be national security reasons to block entry from some countries, saying you want to ban all Muslims from any society from entering the United States is just obscene bigotry. This is nation with over 328 million people, the idea that millions of Muslims would move here and democratically change our society to reflect the Middle East is absurd. Especially when you consider that before the ban, they could've done this at anytime and didn't.
Your comment is absurd and you're very naiive. Muslims have moved to European countries and want to change society to their beliefs and influence. Why do you think that Americans can avoid that?
It's dumb. I am no cheerleader of Islam from the standpoint of a religion that I will be practicing anytime soon. However, you are conflating people fleeing their countries and people oppressing their countries. Trump wanted to ban everyone.

That is a very big leap from the question you asked me. People often flee their country in order to escape fundamentalism and live a better life. It is most certainly not the goal of the majority of people that Trump banned to invade America with theocracy. Most just want to be able to practice their religion, which is of course, extremely fair and reasonable. I have no problems with Muslims, or people of any faith for that matter, as long as they don't (a) use their religion as a political argument and (b) hide behind their religion to say or do immoral things.
Most left for welfare benefits and because the pc climate would go out of their way for them. The ME is a wide area. There are middle eastern countries in the near vicinity available for a better life if they're dissatisfied with where they are. You are just parroting liberal propaganda.
Which party in Canada promotes social equality, i.e. decent disability rates... Libs or Conservatives? Or neither? (i.e. NDP)
None really. The so-called liberal or leftist parties are pretty quiet about it. They are loud about immigration, racism, how evil whites are, their own salaries etc. but say squat about disabilities.
All Presidents and those running were very creative with their taxes including Biden who avoided paying $150,000 in Medicare and social security taxes by forming S corporations. This will stop 10 citizens maybe with tinnitus from getting yearly disability benefits.

Most played Russian games for profit, placed the American military in danger and did little for the middle class, elderly or disabled.

All of them have friends of greed power, otherwise none of them would be able to gain influence to be a Presidential candidate.

One big problem with Trump is that he placed Americans in danger with not taking the virus serious. Then again, it was the Democrats that was against stopping foreigners by sea, land and air from entering the country when the virus hit.

So when a President is confirmed this coming week, whoever it may be, we will still have tinnitus, with an unfunctional tinnitus medical care and disability system - while all of them enjoy their lives and greed.
Both parties and candidates are the same and I posted that here but no one agreed. They argued and 'laughed' at my posts. I posted sites and info that suggested that COVID-19 is overblown and you have been lied to. Again, same thing.

People here whined about Trump and the damage he's done to the economy and how he didn't do enough about the plandemic, uh, I mean pandemic. But, NO ONE HAS A STRATEGY because there isn't one. Biden and his cronies just want ongoing lockdowns and even more restrictions on businesses. The economy suffered because businesses are closed or not at full capacity, have less customers, people are laid off work and other businesses closed because of riots.

But, Trump is at fault... what a bunch of baloney. If you want to tax rich people, go ahead, but the COVID-19 craziness is destroying the middle class and Mom & Pop businesses. The Rich are complicit with the COVID-19 insanity because destroying all those means they benefit.
Wow, were these close friends?
One I have known since high school, the other a long time, as well. That's over. They say friends should not talk about politics or religion. Well, that may be true, but I've had enough of TDS people, regardless. A lot of us have. If Biden and that person he chose to run with win, we'll soon find out how much better they will do, than Trump. I'm looking forward to it.
I just want to say that mature respectable people have been able to get along with people of the opposite political views during this era. Before COVID-19 when I was in in-person classes, my gym partner and she was a very hardcore MAGA type and we got along just fine, and we did talk politics and it was fun. I have relatives that are hardcore Republicans and same thing. Even here, I have all the respect in the world and enjoy talking to people like you, @Luman @PeteJ and others whose politics are profoundly different from mine. I think it's important to note this because many people excuse their immaturity by blaming the political climate when it's really their inability to get along with people.

That said, I think your portrayal of everyone left of center as anti American is pretty disingenuous. Most liberals are patriotic Americans who express that differently and view different aspects of America as it's good points than conservatives do. Just to prove this, how many times has Trump insulted aspects of America?

Can you imagine if a Democrat said stuff like this about America? They'd be told they're an American apologizing for hater. Yet I don't feel the need to question Trump's patriotism. Why are right wingers so adamant to do it to us?
That's a nice thing to say but I don't know what the problem is with what he said there? Some of it is silly but I don't really care about it.

As for "getting along" and politics, I consider you and other liberals my enemy. You don't care about me and wish me harm. Leftists only care about themselves and their phony well-wishing bounces off me. I don't know if you noticed but I ignore the hugs shown me. A few posters here have been insulting and malicious and think it's funny so I decided to block them because I didn't want to read it anymore. I previously said I don't like blocking people (I said this long ago) so that's how bad it is.

Leftists wish ill and harm against people who don't think like them. Look at the number of people who wanted Trump to die of COVID-19 and speak of hate and malicious wishes of harm to "right wingers." They despise them and don't care if they have injuries, disabilities and/or other problems. I have no interest to socialize with them, too.
I have dropped several former long-term friends, not "social media" friends but people I have known for many years, due to their repeated wish for the literal demise of Trump. Extreme Trump Derangement Syndrome is as bad or worse than racism, and I know that they'd drop me if I were racist. Perhaps they simply see something in Trump that reminds them of themselves. I am not a psychologist, but I've had enough of this hatred and destruction.
Wow... you are dropping friends who do not endorse the preachings of the extreme hater named "Donald Trump".

If we went back to Germany in 1930 you would be dropping friends who oppose another racist guy called Hitler (he almost destroyed the world... mind, Hitler did not possess nuclear weapons at the time).
Wow... you are dropping friends who do not endorse the preachings of the extreme hater named "Donald Trump".

If we went back to Germany in 1930 you would be dropping friends who oppose another racist guy called Hitler (he almost destroyed the world... mind, Hitler did not possess nuclear weapons at the time).
Why won't you tell us what country you live in, or even the continent? I bet it's somewhere in Europe, the worst place in history for extreme hate, murder, and genocide. You're afraid to say, because you like to lie about Trump, probably due to the fact that you, and millions of others, are brainwashed by the media in whatever country they live in. How much foreign aid does your country receive from the U.S.A.? I think it's time for this to stop.
That's a nice thing to say but I don't know what the problem is with what he said there? Some of it is silly but I don't really care about it.

As for "getting along" and politics, I consider you and other liberals my enemy. You don't care about me and wish me harm. Leftists only care about themselves and their phony well-wishing bounces off me. I don't know if you noticed but I ignore the hugs shown me. A few posters here have been insulting and malicious and think it's funny so I decided to block them because I didn't want to read it anymore. I previously said I don't like blocking people (I said this long ago) so that's how bad it is.

Leftists wish ill and harm against people who don't think like them. Look at the number of people who wanted Trump to die of COVID-19 and speak of hate and malicious wishes of harm to "right wingers." They despise them and don't care if they have injuries, disabilities and/or other problems. I have no interest to socialize with them, too.
I think that's a shame but you are entitled to your view. For the record though, I do not wish any harm on you whatsoever. It's my sincerest hope that when FX-322, OTO-413, SPI-1005 and others come out, you will benefit as much as anyone else. I'm sure plenty, if not most, liberals here feel the same way, as will be proven when this post gets "agrees" from most of them. Just as I'm sure that the right wingers here, have the same hope for me and others in this thread.

There will always be assholes, assholes may be the most vocal. But most people are not assholes.
Your comment is absurd and you're very naiive. Muslims have moved to European countries and want to change society to their beliefs and influence. Why do you think that Americans can avoid that?
Just because Europe moved to far in some ways to integrate doesn't mean that the answer is a complete ban on Muslims from entering the country. America never banned Muslims before 2017 and we never had an issue. Most Muslims living in the US are peaceful citizens.
Why won't you tell us what country you live in, or even the continent? I bet it's somewhere in Europe, the worst place in history for extreme hate, murder, and genocide. You're afraid to say, because you like to lie about Trump, probably due to the fact that you, and millions of others, are brainwashed by the media in whatever country they live in. How much foreign aid does your country receive from the U.S.A.? I think it's time for this to stop.
You know, a word about that foreign aid. It's largely to buy influence in the world. If we cut it off, it's only going to send countries into the arms of the Chinese.
Why won't you tell us what country you live in, or even the continent? I bet it's somewhere in Europe, the worst place in history for extreme hate, murder, and genocide. You're afraid to say, because you like to lie about Trump, probably due to the fact that you, and millions of others, are brainwashed by the media in whatever country they live in. How much foreign aid does your country receive from the U.S.A.? I think it's time for this to stop.
I was told that Trump voters hate identity politics. Remember, he's a "backlash" to identity politics. Yet you feel that @Juan's identity will make or break this discussion. It's funny how that works.

The really pathetic part is if Juan would have structured his arguments based on his identity, he would be accused of identity politics.

Supporting Trump is mental illness. That's okay. I have mental illness myself (independent of my hearing problems and exasperated by my hearing problems). But it's horrible that these people aren't honest about it while everyone else is. The Trump movement is one cataclysmic display of projection.
Americans have the opportunity to get rid of the most divisive guy in the history of the US, a president that has promoted division, tax evasion and hatred, a guy that does not show his tax statements, that hides them from public scrutiny.

Let's take this opportunity and let's get rid of Donald Trump!
I think that's a shame but you are entitled to your view. For the record though, I do not wish any harm on you whatsoever. It's my sincerest hope that when FX-322, OTO-413, SPI-1005 and others come out, you will benefit as much as anyone else. I'm sure plenty, if not most, liberals here feel the same way, as will be proven when this post gets "agrees" from most of them. Just as I'm sure that the right wingers here, have the same hope for me and others in this thread.

There will always be assholes, assholes may be the most vocal. But most people are not assholes.
Of course. I wouldn't wish this suffering on my worst enemy.
Just because Europe moved to far in some ways to integrate doesn't mean that the answer is a complete ban on Muslims from entering the country. America never banned Muslims before 2017 and we never had an issue. Most Muslims living in the US are peaceful citizens.
To integrate? Lol. Do you really believe that's why they imported millions of Muslims that hate western society and any other religions than their own?

Wow this thread is intense :LOL::ROFL:

Anyway as previously mentioned Elmo for president!!
All the developed world has those freedoms and many more. In Spain for instance we can choose our tenants, we don't have rent or eviction moratoriums. We are not subject to a ton of senseless regulations like in the US. When we buy property we are protected by a public system where notaries and land registrars verify the sale and purchase process. We have universal public healthcare.

Now the only danger we have to defend ourselves from is the American FAANG companies, who are preying on the world as a whole, not paying their taxes and are spying on us (like on US citizens by the way...)

@Juan has already mentioned he is from Spain in this thread. He doesn't seem to be hiding it.
You know, a word about that foreign aid. It's largely to buy influence in the world. If we cut it off, it's only going to send countries into the arms of the Chinese.
So what? 'Foreign Aid' funds could be invested instead to subsidize people with disabilities even tinnitus or help with housing or healthcare, for e.g. I don't care if China wants to give some third world country money (that mostly goes into the pockets of dictators anyway).
I was told that Trump voters hate identity politics. Remember, he's a "backlash" to identity politics. Yet you feel that @Juan's identity will make or break this discussion. It's funny how that works.

The really pathetic part is if Juan would have structured his arguments based on his identity, he would be accused of identity politics.

Supporting Trump is mental illness. That's okay. I have mental illness myself (independent of my hearing problems and exasperated by my hearing problems). But it's horrible that these people aren't honest about it while everyone else is. The Trump movement is one cataclysmic display of projection.
That's an interesting accusation, dude. So, you don't mind if liberals are accused of having a mental illness?

Anyway, it doesn't really accomplish anything. I truly believe liberals have mental health issues but it doesn't accomplish anything. It's just interesting.



Of course. I wouldn't wish this suffering on my worst enemy.
To integrate? Lol. Do you really believe that's why they imported millions of Muslims that hate western society and any other religions than their own?
Why do you think European countries took so many refugees? If it wasn't out of the kindness of their hearts what was the purpose? There's not really any benefit to importing a bunch of poor people that no one likes.

@Juan has already mentioned he is from Spain in this thread. He doesn't seem to be hiding it.
Thank you! I cannot be repeating myself all the time haha... yes, I am from beautiful and sunny Spain.

Some of my relatives live in New York, others in Switzerland. The result of the global economy ;-) We are all impacted by how the economic blocks and the different countries interact.
Since disability is often a topic of discussion, I thought people find it interesting to know what Joe Biden is promising to those with disabilities.


I think it's a good start to be honest, Bernie's plan was better.
Yes, it looks like a good start. And the program of Joe Biden to better integrate people with disabilities has specific points that will make it easier for businesses to hire:
  • Increasing tax credits to employers, including small businesses, by passing the Disability Employment Incentive Act to provide any employer hiring a person with a disability up to a $5,000 tax credit the first year and $2,500 if the worker with a disability completes a second year of employment, and up to $30,000 in tax credits to improve the accessibility of their workplace.
  • Providing technical assistance and funding for jobs that allow people with disabilities to put their skills, talents, and abilities to work with reasonable accommodations in settings that include workers who do not have disabilities.
You know, a word about that foreign aid. It's largely to buy influence in the world. If we cut it off, it's only going to send countries into the arms of the Chinese.
I have only thought of the humanitarian aspect of cutting off aid. This consequence is something I hadn't considered.
So what? 'Foreign Aid' funds could be invested instead to subsidize people with disabilities even tinnitus or help with housing or healthcare, for e.g. I don't care if China wants to give some third world country money (that mostly goes into the pockets of dictators anyway).
That's an interesting accusation, dude. So, you don't mind if liberals are accused of having a mental illness?

Anyway, it doesn't really accomplish anything. I truly believe liberals have mental health issues but it doesn't accomplish anything. It's just interesting.



That's a fair position to hold. But it does have to be mentioned, foreign aid isn't really just to be nice, in fact I learned in my World Politics class, it's almost never done for humanitarian purposes. That's just the cover to buy influence.
I have only thought of the humanitarian aspect of cutting off aid. This consequence is something I hadn't considered.
Yeah, it's probably the biggest thing that would result. You'd quickly see the world run to China and China could overtake America as the world's most influential nation. They're already beginning to with their soft power.

@Juan has already mentioned he is from Spain in this thread. He doesn't seem to be hiding it.
OK, he is from Spain. Thank you.

Spain was neutral in WWII, but supported the Axis powers. Spain still has a royal monarchy and king. Juan has compared the legally elected President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, to Adolph Hitler. He apparently has not heard that Trump has a Jewish daughter, Jewish grand children, and Jewish son-in-law.
Thank you! I cannot be repeating myself all the time haha... yes, I am from beautiful and sunny Spain.

Some of my relatives live in New York, others in Switzerland. The result of the global economy ;-) We are all impacted by how the economic blocks and the different countries interact.
If not for Spain, the United States would likely not exist. Spain waged war against Belgium and the Netherlands, and forced Roman Catholicism on the citizens. To escape this situation, in 1624, my Walloon and other protestant ancestors came here, from the Spanish Netherlands, to New Netherlands (now New York) which was taken over by the British in 1674. Eventually, the descendants of the many different people that the Dutch sent, as well as disgruntled English and other settlers, united behind the American Revolution and the formation of the United States of America. Now, we could literally crush England or Spain like eggs, if we wanted to. Spain and England were both major world powers, and now look at them, worried about Donald Trump, a man who has done more for world peace than anybody has, in a very long time. I hope he wins again but if he doesn't, aside from Covid, it's been a great four years with him as our leader.

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