2020 US Presidential Election

"Y'all Qaeda"

I hope that term goes viral if it hasn't already. Remember how much the right raged against muslims? Even Trump instituted the muslim ban. You have to be careful or you become the very thing you hate.
Comparing rednecks in the deep south to Al-Qaeda is a monumental inaccuracy. Don't be fooled by Facebook memes. Learn about the atrocities that ISIS and Al-Qaeda has done.
Comparing rednecks in the deep south to Al-Qaeda is a monumental inaccuracy. Don't be fooled by Facebook memes. Learn about the atrocities that ISIS and Al-Qaeda has done.
I thought it was more in reference to awful actions committed by neocon politicians in the name of God. Like when Bush used God as justification to commit violence in the Middle East.
I thought it was more in reference to awful actions committed by neocon politicians in the name of God. Like when Bush used God as justification to commit violence in the Middle East.
The rednecks that support Trump, and the NeoCons (like Bush and McCain) are not on the same team.
Trump did have actual neocons in his admin though and he didn't really break the chain of loyalty to imperialism. Before the Iran incident, a lot of Trump supporters were criticising Hillary Clinton possibly invading Iran and Venezuela, but then Trump bombs Iran's general and threatens to commit international war crimes. Then there was the failure in overthrowing the government of Venezuela including that coup attempt which was a disaster. All of a sudden his supporters in my experience just became supportive about invading Iran and regime change in Venezuela as if they just forgot about the history of US imperialism in middle east and latin america.

His lack of experience and incompetency in foreign policy was a positive thing though. Hell it was a good thing he shit himself about invading Iran not going to lie and I probably would have preferred him for the sake of less mass killings of the global south if the rumours about Hillary Clinton being more successful in her foreign policy is true, but if someone is anti-war can they stick to their principles at least?
You won't find anyone here defending or denying Biden's corruption or his hawkish foreign policy.

What corruption?

And one person's hawkish foreign policy is another person's prudent preventative medicine. Remember how Clinton wimped out when he had Osama Bin Laden in his sights? Is strict pacifism and non-action always the right policy? There is a time and place for the application of the military. Very much a subjective thing.

Any way, this thread seems to be unraveling quickly into people taking their partisan sides and merely shouting.

The fact is that these final days of the Trump administration are turning into a nail-biter thanks to Trump's burn-it-all-down approach.

Just tonight there was a close call that could have invalidated all of Detroit's votes. You can imagine what kind of chaos that could have caused had it held. And that's surely not the end of the increasingly extreme measures the GOP will utilize to hold onto the presidency.

Life was simple when you just voted and that was the end of it. Now we have to deal with attempted coups which are defended by a wide swath of the public who believe the ends justify the means.
It is highly unlikely that the election will be overturned, in Trump's favor, but if it happens you can be sure that the animals will be back out in the streets rioting and burning, again.
The fact is that these final days of the Trump administration are turning into a nail-biter thanks to Trump's burn-it-all-down approach.

Just tonight there was a close call that could have invalidated all of Detroit's votes. You can imagine what kind of chaos that could have caused had it held. And that's surely not the end of the increasingly extreme measures the GOP will utilize to hold onto the presidency.

Life was simple when you just voted and that was the end of it. Now we have to deal with attempted coups which are defended by a wide swath of the public who believe the ends justify the means.
I diagnose the US with accelerationism. Not going to lie, but even though people have said that Trump's 4 years was the embodiment of accelerationism (this year, holy shit), I have a feeling that state is going to continue under Biden's Presidency as well. Not only he will inherit a bunch of very angry right wingers, but also the already pissed off left wingers. That's assuming Biden isn't any different to Obama and Trump where things will continue to burn down to the ground.

Biden voters couldn't sleep for the whole week and stayed up all night for the election results. Then you have Trump voters who can't face reality that the person they worshiped as god lost, even after voter fraud cases are getting thrown out of the window at court.

Meanwhile in Russia, people go to sleep early on election night knowing Putin will win anyways lol. Even a huge amount of Russian leftists critically support Putin as a compromise who leans right wing. That's what I have learned from some friends I met in Russia anyways.
Trump did have actual neocons in his admin though and he didn't really break the chain of loyalty to imperialism. Before the Iran incident, a lot of Trump supporters were criticising Hillary Clinton possibly invading Iran and Venezuela, but then Trump bombs Iran's general and threatens to commit international war crimes. Then there was the failure in overthrowing the government of Venezuela including that coup attempt which was a disaster. All of a sudden his supporters in my experience just became supportive about invading Iran and regime change in Venezuela as if they just forgot about the history of US imperialism in middle east and latin america.

His lack of experience and incompetency in foreign policy was a positive thing though. Hell it was a good thing he shit himself about invading Iran not going to lie and I probably would have preferred him for the sake of less mass killings of the global south if the rumours about Hillary Clinton being more successful in her foreign policy is true, but if someone is anti-war can they stick to their principles at least?
But, you criticized Trump for pulling troops out of Afghanistan. Why? Simply anti-Trump bias?

I agree with your post, generally, since I mentioned Trump's election promises but I am not surprised at him targeting Iran. America's recent imperialist/foreign policy has targeted Iran since the Obama administration. He's a puppet following orders. It doesn't matter what his personal opinion is about it, he is following what his handlers want.

Anti-war candidates are not nominees for President, plain and simple.
What corruption?

And one person's hawkish foreign policy is another person's prudent preventative medicine. Remember how Clinton wimped out when he had Osama Bin Laden in his sights? Is strict pacifism and non-action always the right policy? There is a time and place for the application of the military. Very much a subjective thing.

Any way, this thread seems to be unraveling quickly into people taking their partisan sides and merely shouting.

The fact is that these final days of the Trump administration are turning into a nail-biter thanks to Trump's burn-it-all-down approach.

Just tonight there was a close call that could have invalidated all of Detroit's votes. You can imagine what kind of chaos that could have caused had it held. And that's surely not the end of the increasingly extreme measures the GOP will utilize to hold onto the presidency.

Life was simple when you just voted and that was the end of it. Now we have to deal with attempted coups which are defended by a wide swath of the public who believe the ends justify the means.
Is it always the right policy? No. But it usually is and most American interventions have been massive disasters and there are countless of examples where American intervention simply didn't work. How many successes has America had since WW2 where our intervention was a positive success? I'm genuinely curious to see how you answer that. I could listen tons of failed ones. Vietnam, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan come to mind in a few seconds.
Joe Biden supported some of these failures.

I agree though that the GOP has demonstrated an embarrassing lack of respect for our electoral process and it's pathetic. Luckily, it's looking like it will fail.
It is highly unlikely that the election will be overturned, in Trump's favor, but if it happens you can be sure that the animals will be back out in the streets rioting and burning, again.
Yeah, it's kind of of a no win situation for the Trump supporters. Trump haters would go cuckoo if Trump remained the President.
How many successes has America had since WW2 where our intervention was a positive success?
I supported Obama's drone strategy, for one. Not PC but a good way to contain a problem, which is the way to go rather than boots on the ground, and really the future of warfare for modern powers.

I just don't like it when people suggest a certain policy course is by definition right or wrong. Politics is by nature subjective and you have to defend your position case by case.
It is highly unlikely that the election will be overturned, in Trump's favor, but if it happens you can be sure that the animals will be back out in the streets rioting and burning, again.
Give me a break. If Trump won the election as easily as Biden did (it really wasn't that close) and in the last hour, Biden had lawyers working overtime to throw out legitimate conservative votes, there would, of course, be tons of radical right wing behavior -- violence included. Can you even begin to imagine if AOC (the scary brown boogey man who wants to put people in concentration camps!) led that charge to throw out tens of millions of Trump votes?

Statistically, there is more right wing political violence than left wing.



Don't mind these facts though. I only voted for Biden because an angry BLM supporter broke into my home, put a gun to my head, and made me fill in Joe Biden. I never would have done it otherwise. I pleaded with them. I said, "Trump is going to reduce disability benefits! I would love that! Please let me vote Trump." But the person wouldn't let me. They even handed me multiple ballots and made me fill them all in.

This thread is becoming a joke.
But, you criticized Trump for pulling troops out of Afghanistan. Why? Simply anti-Trump bias?

I agree with your post, generally, since I mentioned Trump's election promises but I am not surprised at him targeting Iran. America's recent imperialist/foreign policy has targeted Iran since the Obama administration. He's a puppet following orders. It doesn't matter what his personal opinion is about it, he is following what his handlers want.

Anti-war candidates are not nominees for President, plain and simple.
I didn't criticise Trump for pulling out of Afghanistan. All I have done is mocking his failures in his foreign objectives which people talk about being worse than Bush/Obama's (again which is a good thing) and how him being "tough" and his plans of "winning" lead to something great and that is a possible "graveyard of empires" scenario. I actually get annoyed by liberals who talk about Trump's failed foreign objectives and reducing troops being a bad thing. Never once have I said continuing military intervention was a good thing; quite the opposite actually.

I made similar styled comments about Obama being unable to topple Syria's government, but that never meant I wanted a pro-US dictatorship to replace the current Syrian government. Honestly I laughed at the fact Hillary Clinton lost her election who looked dedicated to toppling Syria even though I didn't think Trump's loyalty in imperialism was any different except his 0 experience in foreign policy was definitely a good thing. I mean he did say he wanted to destroy Assad, but it was him who got destroyed on election night. I had a feeling Hillary Clinton would have succeeded obliterating Syria (which is a bad thing). I never really cared who won because at the end of the day, the worst days in the US is still worse than the best days in Syria,Iraq,Afghanistan,Yemen etc etc, but I prefer less bombings of the global south. I'm sure most people can deal with a president with bad manners for 4 years.

Just look at all my comments when the topic of imperialism comes up. To give you an example, I would like to see all US military bases dismantled and I don't believe in western imperialist propaganda about Russia, China, Iran etc etc either including Trump being a Putin puppet even though I'm not a fan of either of them.
Give me a break. If Trump won the election as easily as Biden did (it really wasn't that close) and in the last hour, Biden had lawyers working overtime to throw out legitimate conservative votes, there would, of course, be tons of radical right wing behavior -- violence included. Can you even begin to imagine if AOC (the scary brown boogey man who wants to put people in concentration camps!) led that charge to throw out tens of millions of Trump votes?.........................This thread is becoming a joke.
Tell that to the people who were literally terrorized by the Democrats' thugs.

Not one riot by the Trump supporters occurred after the election, but apparently the left would have had the right to riot, right? The civilized party is now the Republican Party, and the Party of Savages, is the Democrats.

The radical left wing organizations such as BLM are already demanding that they receive payback for winning the election for Biden. I'm glad that he (Biden) won, the Democrats have things to resolve with those who put their lives on the line, by creating fear and terror in order to sway the votes.

This is the letter sent by Patrisse Cullors, co-founder of Black Lives Matter, Nov. 7, 2020, to Joe Biden and Kamela Harris, requesting a meeting to discuss what is owed BLM for winning the election.


This is the co-founder of BLM, Patrisse Cullors, in 2015, who describes herself as a "Trained Marxist". She wants a meeting with Biden and Harris, because she feels that her group deserves payback for winning the election for them. I agree with her, the BLM movement helped destroy Trump's voter base with terror and riots, and they deserve to be recognized and rewarded for this, by the Democrats. Biden and the pig will be hearing more from them, until they address these issues.

What is your definition of that term?
It's basically that the idea of capitalism and its historically associated processes is accelerated to its inevitable collapse, kinda like how feudalism collapsed everywhere else.

Some people actually apply the philosophy lol. Accelerationist are basically like "This is a painful experience. Can we get it over and done with quickly?". They believe instead of overcoming the common problems that plagues society, that we should just accelerate its collapse.

Both left wingers and right wingers have different methods and end goals to achieving collapse hoping to be replaced by a different system. Both do agree on one thing however, and that is just do nothing(abstain from voting, protesting, improving society etc etc) and of course both hate recycling and prefer to use plastic straws, including the average ex green party member accelerationist.

2020 is basically an accelerationist wet dream as some people say.
I didn't criticise Trump for pulling out of Afghanistan. All I have done is mocking his failures in his foreign objectives which people talk about being worse than Bush/Obama's (again which is a good thing) and how him being "tough" and his plans of "winning" lead to something great and that is a possible "graveyard of empires" scenario. I actually get annoyed by liberals who talk about Trump's failed foreign objectives and reducing troops being a bad thing. Never once have I said continuing military intervention was a good thing; quite the opposite actually.

I made similar styled comments about Obama being unable to topple Syria's government, but that never meant I wanted a pro-US dictatorship to replace the current Syrian government. Honestly I laughed at the fact Hillary Clinton lost her election who looked dedicated to toppling Syria even though I didn't think Trump's loyalty in imperialism was any different except his 0 experience in foreign policy was definitely a good thing. I mean he did say he wanted to destroy Assad, but it was him who got destroyed on election night. I had a feeling Hillary Clinton would have succeeded obliterating Syria (which is a bad thing). I never really cared who won because at the end of the day, the worst days in the US is still worse than the best days in Syria,Iraq,Afghanistan,Yemen etc etc, but I prefer less bombings of the global south. I'm sure most people can deal with a president with bad manners for 4 years.

Just look at all my comments when the topic of imperialism comes up. To give you an example, I would like to see all US military bases dismantled and I don't believe in western imperialist propaganda about Russia, China, Iran etc etc either including Trump being a Putin puppet even though I'm not a fan of either of them.
I agree with all that except that Trump is an American puppet, not a Putin or Russian one. All these leaders have skeletons. The Elites control Trump, not Putin. Putin might have dirt on him but so what? Clinton admin sold secrets to China and most of them have dirt on each other some way or another. But, Elites pull Trump's strings. Putin might have some pull but the liberals exaggerate everything as it's a good distraction from what's really going on.
Give me a break. If Trump won the election as easily as Biden did (it really wasn't that close) and in the last hour, Biden had lawyers working overtime to throw out legitimate conservative votes, there would, of course, be tons of radical right wing behavior -- violence included. Can you even begin to imagine if AOC (the scary brown boogey man who wants to put people in concentration camps!) led that charge to throw out tens of millions of Trump votes?

Statistically, there is more right wing political violence than left wing.


View attachment 41724

Don't mind these facts though. I only voted for Biden because an angry BLM supporter broke into my home, put a gun to my head, and made me fill in Joe Biden. I never would have done it otherwise. I pleaded with them. I said, "Trump is going to reduce disability benefits! I would love that! Please let me vote Trump." But the person wouldn't let me. They even handed me multiple ballots and made me fill them all in.

This thread is becoming a joke.
Yeah, because of posts like yours.

That Economist article is a joke, too.
I agree with all that except that Trump is an American puppet, not a Putin or Russian one. All these leaders have skeletons. The Elites control Trump, not Putin. Putin might have dirt on him but so what? Clinton admin sold secrets to China and most of them have dirt on each other some way or another. But, Elites pull Trump's strings. Putin might have some pull but the liberals exaggerate everything as it's a good distraction from what's really going on.
I said I didn't believe in the western imperialist propaganda about Trump being a Putin puppet though. Sorry I must have worded that sentence unorganised. I have also spoken about that before in one of the previous pages of this thread where I described it as propaganda when I spoke about some Russians I know that joke about it. I believed that Trump was always loyal to US imperialism, not Russia, otherwise if that wasn't the case, then he wouldn't sanction Russia.
How is the article a joke? It has some flaws but it also brings to light some interesting information. It definitely dispels this weird myth that the right never engages in violence.
Because the Economist is a liberal rag spouting inaccurate BS.

Left-wing and far left violence is more frequent and more widespread than 'far right.' You're brainwashed by MSM which spins a misleading narrative.

As soon as I read The Economist's example of the Proud Boys, I knew it was crap.

Since you obviously have no clue, this is the Proud Boys' leader:


A LATINO. This is the same organization the MSM was calling white supremacists. You liberal clowns are so gullible. Yeah, joke of a thread, definitely.

When are the BLM white supremacists going to riot again? I guess Antifa are mostly white but they are again, far left. The far right, for the most part, complain online. They're a bit more active in Europe with marches and flag waving but the majority of violence is committed by the left/far left.

I guess neocons support wars and tough stances on things but they usually concur with liberals on foreign policy and wars. There is a difference between them and other right-wing factions. Most 'right-wingers' committing violence are solo or really small groups and the MSM spins an inaccurate narrative quite often. If you're an easily mislead, gullible person, like most liberals, your interpretation will match exactly what they want you to believe.
Because the Economist is a liberal rag spouting inaccurate BS.

Left-wing and far left violence is more frequent and more widespread than 'far right.' You're brainwashed by MSM which spins a misleading narrative.

As soon as I read The Economist's example of the Proud Boys, I knew it was crap.

Since you obviously have no clue, this is the Proud Boys' leader:


A LATINO. This is the same organization the MSM was calling white supremacists. You liberal clowns are so gullible. Yeah, joke of a thread, definitely.

When are the BLM white supremacists going to riot again? I guess Antifa are mostly white but they are again, far left. The far right, for the most part, complain online. They're a bit more active in Europe with marches and flag waving but the majority of violence is committed by the left/far left.

I guess neocons support wars and tough stances on things but they usually concur with liberals on foreign policy and wars. There is a difference between them and other right-wing factions. Most 'right-wingers' committing violence are solo or really small groups and the MSM spins an inaccurate narrative quite often. If you're an easily mislead, gullible person, like most liberals, your interpretation will match exactly what they want you to believe.
Um the Wikipedia article you just gave me credits him and his group as "far right" and "neo-fascist" and he's a Trump supporter. I think we can call him right wing.
It's basically that the idea of capitalism and its historically associated processes is accelerated to its inevitable collapse, kinda like how feudalism collapsed everywhere else.
So what, in your mind, is a sustainable system?
They believe instead of overcoming the common problems that plagues society, that we should just accelerate its collapse.
And what do such people think comes next and do they think it would be better than what we have now?
I said I didn't believe in the western imperialist propaganda about Trump being a Putin puppet though.
Unless there's a pee-tape somewhere, he is an unintentional Putin puppet.

I also don't think you have to be a "western imperialist" to point out Trump's pathetic weakness with Russia, like with bounty-gate. It's reasonable to call him out on that.

I am just, um, sensing a pattern here with your rhetoric. Vaguely Noam Chomsky monolithic anti-Americanism and self-flagellation.

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