2020 US Presidential Election

Unless he's impeached, convicted and barred from running for federal office (unlikely imo), he could easily win the nomination in 2024.
Assuming he can run in 2024, I think a lot of his chances depend on how much the anti-Trump movement seriously flips on him. If they are serious, they will strategize and put forth one candidate in the primaries. This is their only chance, as Trump will get a sizeable minority just from his base.

I suspect both Trump and Biden will have major health problems by 2024 as well. I know Trump has good genes (in this sense), but there's only so long someone can live with his lifestyle.
Assuming he can run in 2024, I think a lot of his chances depend on how much the anti-Trump movement seriously flips on him. If they are serious, they will strategize and put forth one candidate in the primaries. This is their only chance, as Trump will get a sizeable minority just from his base.

I suspect both Trump and Biden will have major health problems by 2024 as well. I know Trump has good genes (in this sense), but there's only so long someone can live with his lifestyle.
I don't even think that'll work. Trump's base is now a majority of the GOP. Almost every poll he's included in he gets a lot more then 50% of the vote. Between this and the fact the establishment doesn't really have a clear favorite or a certain person to coalesce around, I'd give Trump a 90% chance in the 2024 primary. He'd almost certainly lose the general though.

The health issues could do it but even factoring that in, I give him like 70% or so.
It really is impossible to not bring race into this, when BLM was in DC and in a position to do similar things, the President threatened to unleash dogs and men on them as if he was Bull Connor. Trump wrote the following on May 30th:

"have been greeted with the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen. That's when people would have been really badly hurt, at least. Many Secret Service agents just waiting for action. "We put the young ones on the front line, sir, they love it"

Trump threatens protesters with "vicious dogs." Some note they've seen that before.

But he told his bozos how special they are.
While that's true, it kind of bothers me that people are fixating on this as if the insurrection itself isn't the problem but rather the lax way they were handled. It's an issue, but not the PRIMARY issue. But of course, people come at this incident carrying their agendas.
The double standard between Trump and people like Colin Kaepernack.
You are comparing a US President who explicitly called for and created a situation leading to a (feeble minded) attempted insurrection to a sports personality who vaguely called for a "right to fight back" but stopped far short of endorsing actual violent uprising.

It's not a double standard, it's a false equivalency.

You're going to be hard pressed to find a decent one; we're in a completely unprecedented situation, and the power structure is such that the transgressions of the right are apples to oranges to the transgressions of the left (not least because the institutions of policing are heavily skewed towards right wing authoritarianism, even in otherwise "liberal" areas).
Let me qualify this by saying that I fully condemn the violence and looting on the left. President Biden should continue to be firm about pushing against this.
You shouldn't have to make qualified statements like this. Does the right ever start with such an admission? It's just kneecapping your argument.

There's a bunch of broke brain fascist idiots running around in this country right now, they're dangerous and violent in a way that the most broke brained of the (much smaller number) of actual anarcho-communist idiots we have are not, and they just staged an (incompetent) insurrection. That is the problem we have to solve. It's not a both sides are just as bad thing. They're not.
Yep, and they (Twitter) wouldn't have banned him at all if the Dems hadn't taken GA, they are just trying to kiss ass to avoid having a legal bomb dropped on them. It will probably work, too, because establishment Dems are empty suits.

As far as antifa goes, they have nothing to do with any of this, but if people don't like their ideology then those people should try not being fascists. It's not an organization, it's an intellectual and ideological repudiation of fascism which in some cases has borrowed imagery from well-known killers of WWII nazis the Iron Front, and so it really amuses me to see people saying they're "anti-antifa" or whatever because it's like, come on bro, just take the masks off and show me your swastika armband.
Assuming he can run in 2024
IMHO, Tucker Carlson will carry Trump's baton. Tucker is 10x worse than Trump.

I think even if Trump can run in 2024 that some within his base will perceive him to have choked in the clutch and will be looking for a new sociopathic narcissist who is just a little more cunning, a little more quick-witted, a little more uniformly sadistic. Carlson fits that profile to a tinnitus. I mean, his trademark furrowed-brow expression that makes it look like he wants to tear your liver out is ideal for Trump's proud-boys base, although maybe he has to complete the look by growing a beard like Ted Cruz did.


"I ate his liver with some fava beans"
While that's true, it kind of bothers me that people are fixating on this as if the insurrection itself isn't the problem but rather the lax way they were handled. It's an issue, but not the PRIMARY issue. But of course, people come at this incident carrying their agendas.
I think it kind of is the problem tbh. It is one thing to have a bunch of lunatics storm the Capitol, it is another thing to have lunatics get in and be a legit safety threat. Like this wouldn't have been as bad if security was competent.
To be very clear, I'm not trying to dispute the idea that there are organized groups of leftists who have in some (very recent) cases coordinated illegal actions of one kind or another at protests.

There's an impressive network of right wing militias who actively stockpile firearms and ammunition and go do LARPer drills in the woods. IEDs were left at multiple locations including federal spaces on Wednesday. These two things go hand in hand, and that kind of organized militarized group doesn't really have a parallel at all in what "antifa" is doing. Antifa is a concept that's crystalized around the intersection of Trump goading fascists out from the closet, and police violence which is inherently authoritarian. The people who comprise "antifa" in extreme cases are the same small hodgepodge networks of black bloc protesters we've seen at G8 (G7 lol) summits and the like, and they will change names and coalesce around whatever they perceive the new social problems of the new order are.

The militia dudes? They'll still be organized in the same way, still be out in the woods popping off a small fortune in ammo, and have likely been very emboldened by everything that happened in 2020.
I think it kind of is the problem tbh. It is one thing to have a bunch of lunatics storm the Capitol, it is another thing to have lunatics get in and be a legit safety threat. Like this wouldn't have been as bad if security was competent.
I agree with this. Maybe I wasn't clear, but I think the bad response and the insurrection itself are highly connected. That's why I don't think it's a distraction to talk about the response. It was a poor response by design, based on plans from the mad man who rose to power and became a powerful mad man by stoking fear and racial division. Honestly, the super woke stuff doesn't always do it for me, but it's pretty relevant here.
Why do I get the feeling Obama has similar taste in girls to me lol. Ethereal bisexuals that'd be impressed with knowledge of far left politics. Only difference is I didn't learn it just to impress them but damn, if you threw in artsy, it'd be perfect.
You are young, you'll get your mojo on and you will have a flock of ethereal bisexuals knocking on your door.
Here is a video of Ben Shapiro being a massive hypocrite (captions available and I set start and end times 4:10 - 5:30 for the relevant part). Look at him being hurt that all conservatives are being lumped in with the people who stormed the Capitol. Well, gee whiz, I recall the right saying that the rioters during the BLM protests represented the whole left. Remember? Even Joe Biden deserved blame, despite condemning it? Fucking cowards. Mr. "Facts don't care about your feelings" bases all of his opinions off of feelings, and then works backwards to hope for misleading "facts" to back them up.

IMHO, Tucker Carlson will carry Trump's baton. Tucker is 10x worse than Trump.

I think even if Trump can run in 2024 that some within his base will perceive him to have choked in the clutch and will be looking for a new sociopathic narcissist who is just a little more cunning, a little more quick-witted, a little more uniformly sadistic. Carlson fits that profile to a tinnitus. I mean, his trademark furrowed-brow expression that makes it look like he wants to tear your liver out is ideal for Trump's proud-boys base, although maybe he has to complete the look by growing a beard like Ted Cruz did.

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"I ate his liver with some fava beans"
This guy challenges me to not wish ill will on people. He has spent all his time stoking race hate and McCarthy esque nonsense 24/7. He is a smug little tool who is morally corrupt and his audience laps up his hate filled nonsense like lemonade on a summer day. A propaganda pro.

Hope he gets his retribution one day, just an awful American.
Kind of hard to believe the SOS didn't know the call was being recorded. This from 60 Minutes.

Scott Pelley: Did you know that the call was being recorded?

Brad Raffensperger: No.

Mark Meadows on White House call: So, Mr. President I'll turn it over to you.

Someone gave the recording to the Washington Post.
Kind of hard to believe the SOS didn't know the call was being recorded. This from 60 Minutes.

Scott Pelley: Did you know that the call was being recorded?

Brad Raffensperger: No.

Mark Meadows on White House call: So, Mr. President I'll turn it over to you.

Someone gave the recording to the Washington Post.
Hi buddy,

I am sure he knew. This was the follow up call to the first heavy lean call. He was protecting himself. He's a local politician going up against a heavy weight. More news is coming out about extorting Georgian officials.

Regardless I wanted you to know you are a stand up chap and we have all got your back. Don't take people's anger and disappointment with Trump personally.
Total respect to you and your religious and political convictions. Had to be said.

OK, back to the show.
Tinnitus sufferers would never attend a rally on the left or right. Too bloody dangerous for our ears. My tinnitus still stinks, but I've been feeling good about everything else on the home front. Hope that's the same for you.

Peace out just1morething.
Here is a video of Ben Shapiro being a massive hypocrite (captions available and I set start and end times 4:10 - 5:30 for the relevant part). Look at him being hurt that all conservatives are being lumped in with the people who stormed the Capitol. Well, gee whiz, I recall the right saying that the rioters during the BLM protests represented the whole left. Remember? Even Joe Biden deserved blame, despite condemning it? Fucking cowards. Mr. "Facts don't care about your feelings" bases all of his opinions off of feelings, and then works backwards to hope for misleading "facts" to back them up.
I agree with your opinion regarding Ben Shapiro.

BTW, Dr. Phil has something to say about his feelings;)

I agree with your opinion regarding Ben Shapiro.

BTW, Dr. Phil has something to say about his feelings;)
"Dr Phil DESTROYS Ben Shapiro the CUCKSERVATIVE with LIBERAL FACTS and PURE WISDOM (gone sexual)"

If Dr Phil's YouTube videos had the same style of titles as his 14-year-old fan boys with a hint of those fake prank videos.

On a serious note if you watch his debates, it's normally freshman college students and if you slow down the video, his arguments aren't as good as they sound. He just speaks really fast and bombards them with a bunch of fancy words, so they end up getting confused because of how fast he speaks, hence them getting DESTROYED with CONSERVATIVE KNOWLEDGE.

His main counter to universal healthcare is always "my wife is a doctor, do you want to turn her into a slave!?" While sounding really aggressive. So much for "facts don't care about your feelings".
I heard yesterday that some of the Republicans who voted against certifying the electoral votes for Biden did so not in support of Trump, but because they had serious safety concerns for themselves and their families. The GOP woman in the following video describes the many threats made against her and other colleagues who have failed to go along with the avalanche of lies being perpetuated by the pro-Trump/Trumpism cabal.

GOP lawmaker calls on colleagues: We have to take responsibility
Republican South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace tells CNN's John King that she considers the storming of the Capitol by Pro-Trump rioters "domestic terrorism," but believes impeaching the President would only further divide the country.
I heard yesterday that some of the Republicans who voted against certifying the electoral votes for Biden did so not in support of Trump, but because they had serious safety concerns for themselves and their families
I would think the opposite. They would be more worried about the left threats more than anything. Women for Trump got all sorts of threats from leftist groups. Rand Paul said there was more than likely fraud in the elections. After the riot they probably didn't want to pursue it anymore. Trump said some of the "low class" people were responsible for the riots. Whether that was his own supporters or extremists groups I don't know.

Senators Cruz and Hawley are not dumb people. In fact the person on 60 Minutes said those two were probably the top 10% in IQ in the Senate. They were just standing up for what they thought was right.
According to Charles Manson's IQ test score that he did, he's also in the top 10%.

Here's what he's like. Does he sound smart here? Would you trust him? He was very smart at taking advantage of people though:

How anybody could say that Trump is the worst President in history, is beyond my ability to comprehend. He did not invade another nation, drop any atomic bombs, never started or continued to perpetuate an unjust war, etc. I question the values and/or intelligence of those who insist that he was the worst.
Senators Cruz and Hawley are not dumb people. In fact the person on 60 Minutes said those two were probably the top 10% in IQ in the Senate. They were just standing up for what they thought was right.
I agree those two characters are not dumb people. But I believe it was sinister of them to do what they did. And apparently many in their home states agree (including people and newspapers that used to think highly of them). It goes to show that IQ isn't everything, and can be used for a multitude of purposes.

I believe their IQ played a part when they discerned that riling people up with lies about a supposed fraudulent election would raise their political profile, and help them secure the Republican nomination for President in 2024. There was a multi-year track record by Republicans of all stripes showing how easily this could be done. In other words, they used their remarkable gifts for craven political ambition.
I would think the opposite. They would be more worried about the left threats more than anything.
It appears you didn't watch the video I posted. It's by a Republican woman who describes and iterates numerous times how she and other Republican colleagues were constantly threatened by Trumpers, just for opposing the effort to stop the certification of Biden as President. Notably, she never mentioned a single instance of being threatened or harassed by someone on the "left". What you suggest strikes me as somehow grasping at straws.
How anybody could say that Trump is the worst President in history, is beyond my ability to comprehend. He did not invade another nation, drop any atomic bombs, never started or continued to perpetuate an unjust war, etc. I question the values and/or intelligence of those who insist that he was the worst.
Trump is racist, intolerant, created a commercial conflict with the whole world, he appointed his own daughter and son-in-law to positions for which they lacked any qualification for etc etc. On top of that he never made public his tax statements as all US President did before him. I hope the IRS prosecutes Donald Trump too.

Democrats introduce impeachment article in effort to oust Trump

Unprecedented charge of 'incitement of insurrection' levelled at US president
How anybody could say that Trump is the worst President in history, is beyond my ability to comprehend. He did not invade another nation, drop any atomic bombs, never started or continued to perpetuate an unjust war, etc. I question the values and/or intelligence of those who insist that he was the worst.
I wouldn't call him the worst but he did continue unjust wars.
In the above video (at 2:15) I found it ironic that this woman thought that somebody from the White House press corp. should show more decorum and tact--the very nature of Donald John Trump! Why doesn't she call out Trump for his behavior when it's apparently the same kind of behavior she's criticizing. -- BTW, I think it's uncivil for anybody to act out in a deplorable Trump-like manner.
What's wrong with some people being on food stamps?
Nothing wrong. Just pointing out most Trump supporters work, they don't want free free food. Now we will get another food stamp President like Obama. Trump is popular because he created jobs to put people to work.

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