2020 US Presidential Election

All of this loyalty to 1 single complete buffoon they never met...

FBI warns of armed protests ahead of inauguration

Who would actually be willing to die for Trump?? Pure idiots, and just a pathetic way to get yourself killed over.
Somebody radicalized would die for Trump. Like the guys who beat that cop to death on the Capitol... Hello ISIS, just replace with confederate flag or right wing symbols.
The only reason why Democrats would waste time on this in Trump's last ten or so days is because they are afraid Trump would win the nomination and beat Biden/Harris.
Or could it be because he led an insurrection against the U.S.?
Trump is a victim of censorship; he has no outlet (yet). Trump supporters are also being purged from Twitter, Google, Amazon, etc. RINOs know they are next in line.
I know Trump has moaned and groaned, and bellyached, and groused, and cried (like a child) for years that he's a victim, but that doesn't make him one. He and his supporters are being censored because they're using very powerful platforms to incite violence against the U.S. and its institutions. At this very moment, there's great agitation amongst many of Trump's passionate followers, with many calling for a Jan. 6 do over. -- They're also calling for armed protests at State capitols -- FBI warns 'armed protests' being planned at all 50 state capitols and in Washington DC.

As much as I dislike large, unethical social media companies, I do applaud their efforts to clamp down on insurrection planning that their platforms are being used for. Although it's possible they may be trying to preempt legislation that may be coming down the pike in light of how their platforms played a critical role in allow the Capitol attack.

The more information and video that's coming out since Jan. 6 has only added to the revulsion many feel about what transpired. I've heard that if an impeachment trial were to take place in the Senate any time soon, it's not unlikely that 17 Republicans would vote to convict. They really are that angry and horrified at what Trump has instigated. And btw, I myself would welcome Trump being the Republican candidate in 2024. I think a can of tomato soup would probably win against him. I know I'd be voting for that can of soup if that were the case!

Hi @FGG -- Nice to see you back, albeit for only a very brief moment. Miss your posts! :)
Ya know, I think Democrats should really consider lowering the phase out for the $2,000 dollar checks. There's no reason to send checks to single people making six digits.
Do you think that Trump is the overall worst president in the history of the United States?
YES! He is by far the worst US President as he has compromised the future of the country, but you will not see things unrolling just now, today. In the future you will see how taxes have to be raised, public expenditure cut, etc etc just because Trump has done nothing to address any economic problem during his term. He just let things snowball a little bit more...

And you cannot compare the current historical situation with the world 100 years ago, that is just absurd. The world changes and humankind evolves, things that were acceptable before or ideas that were considered to be ok, are no longer acceptable.
Facebook bans all 'stop the steal' content

Both Facebook and Instagram are censoring people for posting anything to do with "Stop the Steal". This is getting ridiculous from Big Tech and media.

America is heading to CCP territory real soon.
Facebook now plans to STEAL the data of European users of WhatsApp... that's a big steal haha.
Facebook now plans to STEAL the data of European users of WhatsApp... that's a big steal haha.
The European Union seems to be rather more strict on tech companies and some have faced hefty fines for it.

The thing is, the people I met who were critical of these tech companies controlling everything always talk about them like they're advocating for regulations. Some complain when the EU actually acts tougher against tech companies because something something leave it to the "free" market. That's the free market for you which acts like a government itself so go deal with it if you don't like the methods at keeping them under control. No one can vote on how Google is run and everyone is too dependent on it so at best a few people will boycott it. The people who boycott always end up going back to using Google as lot of these people lack principles to follow through.

That's my 2 cent anyways.

Ya know, I think Democrats should really consider lowering the phase out for the $2,000 dollar checks. There's no reason to send checks to single people making six digits.
Hey BTS,

So continue bailing out criminal stock traders, corporations and executives, and of course the mega Billionaires like Gates, Bezos, etc. So much of the stimulus money was scammed from companies and individuals in the know, like Jared Kushner for example, he raked in millions.
Capture d’écran 2021-01-12 à 13.17.03.png
Nothing wrong. Just pointing out most Trump supporters work, they don't want free free food. Now we will get another food stamp President like Obama. Trump is popular because he created jobs to put people to work.
"How Trump supporters work" is they live in a reality distortion field, like reducing Obama's term to being a "food stamp President" when he's the one who rescued the economy from the great recession which Trump surfed on until COVID-19, not helped by things like his trade war with China. And how about Trump's vow to "bring back coal"? And don't even get me started with "drain the swamp", capped off by him pardoning his cronies and likely to receive his second impeachment tomorrow.

Trump is popular not because of what he did but for what he represents, which is white nationalism and a pining for the days before there could conceivably be something as offensive to them as a black president.
He wants to send all our jobs to China.
Hey genius, you shop at Walmart? Just wondering about your made in the USA cred. Consumers are a key factor in manufacturing moving to the cheapest labor-zone but I get it, cognitive dissonance is the law of the land.

It's sad how most right-wing talking points can be summarized as one flavor of strawman argument or another. Just parroting demonization fears of the left, sort of like Loeffler's "radical liberal Raphael Warnock" catch-phrase.

How did that work for ya?

I'll give her credit... even that NPC Loeffler was smart enough to back off when the time came to vote on the electoral college, but by that point she knew she was a lame-duck and had little left at stake.
A private tech company is trying to stop domestic terrorism, incited by the President of the United States (which already occurred!) and people are using this time to paint a picture of victimhood over "censorship."

"But it's a slippery slope! First they come for Trump, then his supporters, then moderates then, omg where is my tinfoil hat!?!? Did Antifa take that too?"

This is a very, very bad time to complain about big tech. Any other time period, sure. I share the disdain for the way they control us, but definitely not this time. Trump should have been banned a long, long time ago.

Let these people whine. We should have ignored them a while ago, instead of enabling it to the point of terrorism.
IMHO, one of the better--very succinct--overviews of recent events...

President Trump's call at a rally that day for the crowd to march on the nearby Capitol was surely a spark that helped ignite the deadly riots that left five dead — including a policeman and a woman who stormed the building — injured dozens of others and damaged the country's reputation for carrying out peaceful transfers of power.

But the tinder for the blaze had been gathering for months, with every tweet that the election had been stolen, every refusal by Republican lawmakers to recognize Joseph R. Biden Jr. as the next president, every dog-whistle call that emboldened white supremacist groups to violently strike.
BTW, the policeman who was killed was an enthusiastic Trump supporter.

Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick who died ... - USA Today

In Washington, D.C., Caroline Behringer, a former staffer who worked for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, recalled Sicknick greeting her every morning when she arrived at south entrance of the U.S. Capitol.

"He was the first face I saw every morning when I came to work," she recalled of her time working for Pelosi, who was then the House minority leader.

Sicknick was a quiet, "kind face" and the pair bonded over their love of the outdoors, she said. He often talked about how much he looked forward to getting outside and fishing once he was off of work.

As the 2016 election neared, Behringer said she and Sicknick, a supporter of the then-candidate Donald Trump, traded barbs and joked whether he would prevail over the Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

"We would kind of trade jabs about who was going to win and kind of make fun of each other for our sides being in the lead," she said.

The day after the election, Nov. 9, 2016, Behringer recalled being devastated by the outcome and struggling to face the day as she approached the Capitol Building. As she walked up, the doors had been thrown open by two other officers, a request made by Sicknick when he saw her approaching.

"I collapsed into him in tears and I knew he was a Trump supporter – he was an outspoken Trump supporter – and he put that aside in that moment to comfort a friend and it was a small gesture of kindness, but one that has always stuck with me," she said.
To those of you still not understanding the gravity of the situation:

The New England Patriots football coach, Bill Belichick, was recently awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Donald Trump. He rejected it.

Keep in mind, Belichick is a long-time friend of Trump and even endorsed him publicly for President in 2016. He said,

"Above all, I am an American citizen with great reverence for our nation's values, freedom and democracy. I know I also represent my family and the New England Patriots team. One of the most rewarding things in my professional career took place in 2020 when, through the great leadership within our team, conversations about social justice, equality and human rights moved to the forefront and became actions.

"Continuing those efforts while remaining true to the people, team and country I love outweigh the benefits of any individual award."
Even his friends are separating from him. This is not normal. The president has to be an utter disgrace for an ally to reject such a prestigious award.
If you're up for a little tongue-in-cheek humor, I thought this fairly entertaining. Below the link is the introduction...

Column: I took part in a pro-Trump attack on the US Capitol and now I have to face consequences? That's tyranny!

Hello, I am a patriotic supporter of President Donald Trump who broke into the U.S. Capitol and attacked police officers because I believed the election was stolen and it was my duty to overthrow the government using only a flagpole I picked up along the way and the horns on the cool viking helmet I wore.

I am now being told I have lost my job and might go to prison. This is an absurd, Orwellian trampling of my First Amendment rights, according to a person I follow on Twitter.

What kind of country are we if an outstanding citizen like myself can be fired, arrested and charged with domestic terrorism just because I livestreamed myself joining hundreds of other freedom fighters in attempting to crush a screaming law enforcement officer before defecating in the offices of Democratic lawmakers?...
And a bit more...

... And now, I turn the microphone over to a Republican lawmaker from my district.

Hello, I am a Congressional Republican who loudly repeated President Donald Trump's claims that the 2020 presidential election was "rigged" and "stolen." I also egged on the pro-Trump mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol.

It is tragic that large corporate donors like Hallmark, American Express and Marriott are saying they will no longer give me money and that my colleagues in the Democratic Party are attempting to have me removed from office because I committed an innocent act of sedition and may have incited people to attempt a violent disruption of government activity.

Clearly this is an attempt to silence me, and no, I do not believe it's ironic that I'm saying that in front of a large bank of television cameras.​
All you have do is read 1984
Do you even know the guy who wrote 1984?

His philosophy is far left and he took part helping anarchists and socialists fight in the Spanish civil war, where they were blowing right-wingers heads off and the people he fought against had similar views to Trump. If he was alive today and there was a civil war in the US, don't be surprised that he would travel from the UK to the US to help the anarchists, socialists, antifa, BLM (whatever the right is scared of) etc etc to shoot some Trump loyalists (The violent ones that are willing to fight and die for him in an armed conflict).

He wrote a book about his time fighting with anarchists/marxists against right wingers in Spain:

Homage to Catalonia

He fought for these:

"Revolutionary Catalonia (21 July 1936 – 1939) was the part of Catalonia (autonomous region in northeast Spain) controlled by various anarchist, communist, and socialist trade unions, parties, and militias of the Spanish Civil War period. Although the Generalitat of Catalonia was nominally in power, the trade unions were de facto in command of most of the economy and military forces, which includes the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT, National Confederation of Labor) which was the dominant labor union at the time and the closely associated Federación Anarquista Ibérica (FAI, Iberian Anarchist Federation). The Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT, General Worker's Union), the POUM (Workers' Party of Marxist Unification) and the Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia (PSUC, which included the Communist Party of Catalonia) were also prominent."

Source: Revolutionary Catalonia

Oh guess what? Even though the actual 1984-like states of Germany and Italy got obliterated in WW2, the right won in Spain and that country actually ended up turning out more like his book '1984' where they went through years of fascism afterwards:

Francoist Spain

Is him and his book still worth an endorsement? I don't think he would endorse Trump however.
Hey BTS,

So continue bailing out criminal stock traders, corporations and executives, and of course the mega Billionaires like Gates, Bezos, etc. So much of the stimulus money was scammed from companies and individuals in the know, like Jared Kushner for example, he raked in millions.
Yeah, I'm not sure why any of that means we should be giving people in the top 1% a stimulus check.
A private tech company is trying to stop domestic terrorism, incited by the President of the United States (which already occurred!) and people are using this time to paint a picture of victimhood over "censorship."

"But it's a slippery slope! First they come for Trump, then his supporters, then moderates then, omg where is my tinfoil hat!?!? Did Antifa take that too?"

This is a very, very bad time to complain about big tech. Any other time period, sure. I share the disdain for the way they control us, but definitely not this time. Trump should have been banned a long, long time ago.

Let these people whine. We should have ignored them a while ago, instead of enabling it to the point of terrorism.
If they thought censorship was bad now, wait until you let Trump be a life time dictator (installed by a coup) with unlimited political power. There's compromises in life.

He gets mad at Twitter fact checking him and tried to do something in his limited power in government to change that:

Trump signs executive order to narrow protections for social media platforms
Do you even know the guy who wrote 1984?

His philosophy is far left and he took part helping anarchists and socialists fight in the Spanish civil war, where they were blowing right-wingers heads off and the people he fought against had similar views to Trump. If he was alive today and there was a civil war in the US, don't be surprised that he would travel from the UK to the US to help the anarchists, socialists, antifa, BLM (whatever the right is scared of) etc etc to shoot some Trump loyalists (The violent ones that are willing to fight and die for him in an armed conflict).

He wrote a book about his time fighting with anarchists/marxists against right wingers in Spain:

Homage to Catalonia

He fought for these:

"Revolutionary Catalonia (21 July 1936 – 1939) was the part of Catalonia (autonomous region in northeast Spain) controlled by various anarchist, communist, and socialist trade unions, parties, and militias of the Spanish Civil War period. Although the Generalitat of Catalonia was nominally in power, the trade unions were de facto in command of most of the economy and military forces, which includes the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT, National Confederation of Labor) which was the dominant labor union at the time and the closely associated Federación Anarquista Ibérica (FAI, Iberian Anarchist Federation). The Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT, General Worker's Union), the POUM (Workers' Party of Marxist Unification) and the Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia (PSUC, which included the Communist Party of Catalonia) were also prominent."

Source: Revolutionary Catalonia

Oh guess what? Even though the actual 1984-like states of Germany and Italy got obliterated in WW2, the right won in Spain and that country actually ended up turning out more like his book '1984' where they went through years of fascism afterwards:

Francoist Spain

Is him and his book still worth an endorsement? I don't think he would endorse Trump however.
Screenshot 2021-01-12 at 19.06.14.png

PS: wtf. I can't stay away. Am I addicted to this thread or:

A new poll from Quinnipiac University shows what I've been saying that if Trump runs again in 2024, he'll win the the GOP nomination if he's in decent health.

58% of Republicans strongly approve of Trump even after the riots (an additional 13% somewhat approve), 73% of Republicans still say there was widespread voter fraud, 73% of Republicans say Trumps action were protecting, not undermining, democracy and 80% say Trump is not responsible for the capitol coup. These numbers suggest to me that Trump could easily win the nomination in 2024. It wouldn't even be hard.

That said, this poll also indicates Trump would have a hard time in a general election. 55% of independents strongly disapprove of his performance, 60% say no vote fraud occurred, 64% say he's undermining democracy and 58% hold him responsible for the Capitol coup.

January 11, 2021 - 74% Of Voters Say Democracy In The U.S. Is Under Threat, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; 52% Say President Trump Should Be Removed From Office

So it looks to me that Trump has enough support in his party to mount a successful bid in four years for the nomination but it'd be an uphill climb in the general. The establishment of the GOP should be working day and night to figure out who they can run that can defeat him in the primary because even if the establishment coalesces around someone, they'd be heavily disadvantaged against someone with Trump's numbers. if the establishment does not coalesce, Trump will cakewalk to the nomination.

Of course the question is, who could the anti-Trump group coalesce around? I don't think there's an obvious answer. I think we'll get a 2016 GOP primary rerun.
To those of you still not understanding the gravity of the situation:

The New England Patriots football coach, Bill Belichick, was recently awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Donald Trump. He rejected it.

Keep in mind, Belichick is a long-time friend of Trump and even endorsed him publicly for President in 2016. He said,

"Above all, I am an American citizen with great reverence for our nation's values, freedom and democracy. I know I also represent my family and the New England Patriots team. One of the most rewarding things in my professional career took place in 2020 when, through the great leadership within our team, conversations about social justice, equality and human rights moved to the forefront and became actions.

"Continuing those efforts while remaining true to the people, team and country I love outweigh the benefits of any individual award."
Even his friends are separating from him. This is not normal. The president has to be an utter disgrace for an ally to reject such a prestigious award.
How is that new? Think of the army of ex-Trump cabinet members and allies who have gathered gradually on the sidelines to attack him--even Chris Christie who not that long ago was still equivocating and continuing to profess his undying friendship.

This is a case-study in the psychology of cult-like devotion and the limits of tribalism. How bad does it need to get to snap people out of it? Well, as history has shown all around the world, there are always some who will take it all the way to war.

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