Ok, to be honest I'm getting a bit tired of this discussion & it's the last thing I'm going to say about what we discussed so far. Just trying to put every single thing into perspective as best as I can:
First of all, it's a mistake made by a Secretary of State (lower function than minister in our country).
Secondly, the Secretary had put the the stats of ''murder/manslaughter'' in category ''other'' ((which contains other aspects of less serious class of crime (e.g. petty thievery)) , so it looked like he was trying to hide something worse. It turned out he mishandled it and there was no single occurrence of murder/manslaughter (
Thirdly, most migrants and asylum seekers come from other countries than Morocco and Algeria, Like Syria (
https://www.cbs.nl/en-gb/news/2019/07/more-asylum-seekers-in-2018) .
Fourthly, it is not entirely safe for every person to remain in Morocco or Algeria (''safe countries'') if it concerns homosexuality or political orientation. If you're homosexual in Morocco, and if proven by court, you might get jailed for three years (
https://nieuws.marokko.nl/57896/3200-mensen-vervolgd-voor-homoseksualiteit-of-overspel-in-2018/). You can also get jailed if you were part of a political organisation that wants to demands better rights for people in the rif mountain area in Morocco (
https://www.volkskrant.nl/nieuws-achtergrond/vrouwelijke-leider-rif-protesten-marokko-krijgt-asiel-in-nederland~ba4371ef/?referer=https://www.google.com/). It's mainly for these reasons why people ask asylum in other countries.
Another point, I do not share the opinion that BLM protests in USA and elsewhere should be equaled to violence. It's a complex issue. Most of these protests are peaceful and it's a democratic right in USA and in countries like mine to voice your opinion in the street to demand systematic chance to protect people of color. Sure, some people take advantage of protests and loot shops. But if your focus is on the minority of people who take advantage of BLM protests, you're overlooking the main gist that people demand justice for people of color. Their lives matter too.
And lastly, I was a student-teacher in English and French at a middle & high school, but the tinnitus stopped everything in its tracks.