2020 US Presidential Election

People are totally sick of politicians, especially of Trump, who attempted a coup d'état but fortunately... failed.
Trump is feeling a bit jilted that not everyone in the GOP are 100% behind him running for president and he had a bit of a pithy complaint, warning to Joe this morning.

Trump said, "I am watching television — and I am seeing ad, after ad, after ad put in by the establishment, knocking the hell out of me, and it's really unfair," Trump said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe." "But if I leave, if I go, regardless of independent, which I may do — I mean, may or may not. But if I go, I will tell you, these millions of people that joined, they're all coming with me."

I wonder of Stefanik will join him if he runs a third party candidacy?

Trump Reminds Republicans He's Willing to Ditch the GOP
I'm still waiting for Biden's "global corporate tax at a minimum rate of 15%" to be approved...

Has Joe forgotten? Has he lost his memory? Aren't there "advisors" to remind him? :ROFL:

And the EU, as always, is failing to protect its citizens from predatory practices and market dominance by Big Tech. Why is Big Tech NOT paying any taxes in the EU and politicians are doing NOTHING about it?
I'd asked you before about your opinion regarding the other 150 countries that were part of this agreement and you still need to address their actions as well. We already know how you feel about Biden.
I don't really want Trump to run, but if it's Trump or Biden, I'm voting for the former.

I am quite amused that that people were smugly predicting with absolute certainty that he would be chaged with a crime(s), arrested, convicted and sent to prison. They were sure that he was cheating at taxes and, after his returns were released and made public, not a single thing was found that could be used to charge with with tax evasion.

They lost, Trump won. I wonder if it has occurred to any of his detractors yet, that he is not stupid. If not, I would question their intelligence and judgment.

Trump was born into a wealthy family and inherited about $40 million from his late father, real estate developer Fred Trump. In 1971, Donald Trump became head of what would later be known as The Trump Organization.

Trump's earnings and inheritance helped him to develop more than 500 companies. The business mogul has held stakes in luxury golf courses, skyscrapers, television shows, casinos, books, merchandise and, now, social media. These endeavors have helped him reach the estimated $3 billion that put him on the Forbes Billionaires List for 2022.
Breaking news: Chinese balloon discovered hovering over the United States.

It probably contains a suitcase full of money, to be dropped off for Joe and Hunter Biden.
Marjorie Taylor Green is advocating that the Jewish space lasers blow up the balloon over her district so she can hover up the dinero and save the GOP from the Hunter laptop.

This makes more sense than what you wrote, don't you think?
Did you catch Biden's "sermon" at MLK's church, recently? He praises nonviolence, yet he has given over 50 billion dollars of our money, in military and other aid, to fund a war in Ukraine. This is typical for this corrupt, dangerous hypocrite.
Didn't he also write the crime bill that caused thousands of black men to be incarcerated?
I don't really want Trump to run, but if it's Trump or Biden, I'm voting for the former.

I am quite amused that that people were smugly predicting with absolute certainty that he would be chaged with a crime(s), arrested, convicted and sent to prison. They were sure that he was cheating at taxes and, after his returns were released and made public, not a single thing was found that could be used to charge with with tax evasion.

They lost, Trump won. I wonder if it has occurred to any of his detractors yet, that he is not stupid. If not, I would question their intelligence and judgment.

Trump was born into a wealthy family and inherited about $40 million from his late father, real estate developer Fred Trump. In 1971, Donald Trump became head of what would later be known as The Trump Organization.

Trump's earnings and inheritance helped him to develop more than 500 companies. The business mogul has held stakes in luxury golf courses, skyscrapers, television shows, casinos, books, merchandise and, now, social media. These endeavors have helped him reach the estimated $3 billion that put him on the Forbes Billionaires List for 2022.
Strange coming from someone who voted for Biden.
The unemployment rate was 6.3% when Biden took office. The latest unemployment numbers show it is now 3.4%, the lowest it's been in 54 years. A big win for Biden.
Marjorie Taylor Green is advocating that the Jewish space lasers blow up the balloon over her district so she can hover up the dinero and save the GOP from the Hunter laptop.

This makes more sense than what you wrote, don't you think?
The Chinese are not even trying to hide this spy balloon, because Biden is already bought and paid for.
The unemployment rate was 6.3% when Biden took office. The latest unemployment numbers show it is now 3.4%, the lowest it's been in 54 years. A big win for Biden.
Trump had a 3.5% unemployment rate before Covid struck. Was that a "Big Win" for Trump, or not?
Trump said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe.
@Jammer -- I was surprised to read this, as Trump repeatedly (and unabashedly) accused Joe Scarborough of being responsible for the death of a young woman in his office. I suspect this publication got it wrong, as I can't imagine Trump being a "guest" on Morning Joe. I think Mika would have a heart attack! lol

How Joe Scarborough's Florida Office Worker Lori Klausutis Really Died

Lori Klausutis was working in the Florida office of MSNBC host and then-Congressman Joe Scarborough when she died young and suddenly in 2001. Contrary to recent tweets by President Donald Trump casting suspicion over her death, at the time it was ruled an accidental fall provoked by cardiac arrhythmia.​
I'd asked you before about your opinion regarding the other 150 countries that were part of this agreement and you still need to address their actions as well. We already know how you feel about Biden.
Biden wanted to hang himself a condecoration, a medal for championing the "minimum global corporate tax", that would tax primarily American Big Tech... so he quickly forgot.

The money his party gets from Silicon Valley may have something to do with his convenient "lack of memory" on this issue.

Now the problem is the average worker around the world, in every country, is paying A TON of money in taxes. Some people pay 50% only on their salaries, and then on the net salary of course they pay VAT, property tax, tax on vehicles they own, tolls etc. In some countries, like Spain, the average worker has zero deductions. There's nothing one can deduct from earnings, everything is taxable.

This is not a fair game and has to change. The biggest companies have to pay their fair share of tax on benefits, and stop hiding the money with the complicity of governments and tax authorities.
Trump had a 3.5% unemployment rate before Covid struck. Was that a "Big Win" for Trump, or not?
Not a win. It's a loser. Trump couldn't handle it. See below:

"Economists say Trump's economic legacy will be defined by his failure in leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic that exacerbated the financial downturn, domestic policies that overwhelmingly benefited the wealthy, and international trade policies that hurt U.S. industry while simultaneously alienating allies."

Joe got dealt a poor handoff from Trump, and turned the economy around. Win for Biden.

A look at Trump's economic legacy
@Jammer -- I was surprised to read this, as Trump repeatedly (and unabashedly) accused Joe Scarborough of being responsible for the death of a young woman in his office. I suspect this publication got it wrong, as I can't imagine Trump being a "guest" on Morning Joe. I think Mika would have a heart attack! lol

How Joe Scarborough's Florida Office Worker Lori Klausutis Really Died

Lori Klausutis was working in the Florida office of MSNBC host and then-Congressman Joe Scarborough when she died young and suddenly in 2001. Contrary to recent tweets by President Donald Trump casting suspicion over her death, at the time it was ruled an accidental fall provoked by cardiac arrhythmia.​
I understand that facts are hard to accept when they go against preconceived ideas.

This information was reported yesterday by multiple news sources. Sorry to burst your bubble.
This information was reported yesterday by multiple news sources. Sorry to burst your bubble.
OK, so show me the video where Trump appeared on Morning Joe. Just because multiple news sources report something doesn't mean it's correct. Not trying to burst your bubble, but unless I see a video of Trump on Morning Joe, I'm not going to believe it. If you think about it, why would Joe Scarborough give Trump a platform for all his vicious lies and innuendo, especially after Trump essentially accused him of murder? Prove me wrong--if you can.
Not a win. It's a loser. Trump couldn't handle it. See below:

"Economists say Trump's economic legacy will be defined by his failure in leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic that exacerbated the financial downturn, domestic policies that overwhelmingly benefited the wealthy, and international trade policies that hurt U.S. industry while simultaneously alienating allies."

Joe got dealt a poor handoff from Trump, and turned the economy around. Win for Biden.

A look at Trump's economic legacy
That article was written on January 20, 2021, the day that Biden was sworn in. We were still in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis, which some reason people blame on Trump, ignoring the fact that he had nothing to do with inventing it or controlling what the states did. He helped New York State, and this is not recognized.

Biden record inflation, that is a fact that is not in that article, written in January 2021, because it happened as a result of Biden being president. Of course, this is also Turmp's fault as were the 600,000+ people who died from COVID-19 during Biden's first 18 months, after he broke his promise to control COVID-19.

The average American owns equity, and the markets are nowhere near the highs during Trumps term before COVID-19 was used to throw the economies of the world into a tailspin and nosedive. That is what did it, not "tax cuts". But while COVID-19, no thanks to Biden, has declined, the markets have not returned to the highs that Trump had. This, added to inflation, has made Biden very unpopular.

Biden has given over 50 billion dollars of our money for the war in Ukraine, but doesn't want to deal with the Spy Balloon, sent by his friends in China, which is gathering information about our nation's vulnerabilities.
That article was written on January 20, 2021, the day that Biden was sworn in. We were still in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis, which some reason people blame on Trump, ignoring the fact that he had nothing to do with inventing it or controlling what the states did. He helped New York State, and this is not recognized.

Biden record inflation, that is a fact that is not in that article, written in January 2021, because it happened as a result of Biden being president. Of course, this is also Turmp's fault as were the 600,000+ people who died from COVID-19 during Biden's first 18 months, after he broke his promise to control COVID-19.

The average American owns equity, and the markets are nowhere near the highs during Trumps term before COVID-19 was used to throw the economies of the world into a tailspin and nosedive. That is what did it, not "tax cuts". But while COVID-19, no thanks to Biden, has declined, the markets have not returned to the highs that Trump had. This, added to inflation, has made Biden very unpopular.

Biden has given over 50 billion dollars of our money for the war in Ukraine, but doesn't want to deal with the Spy Balloon, sent by his friends in China, which is gathering information about our nation's vulnerabilities.
Closer to 100 billion to the Ukraine last I heard and yes, some of that goes to the AZOV Nazi Battalion; no one can deny that. Nothing for the American people; no schools, no health care, no roads, old broken down water and wastewater plants, the homeless! But money for Nazis, no problem.
I've never heard of the "AZOV Nazi Battalion." I thought any reference of any Ukrainian referred to as Nazi was made up by Putin.
Nikki Haley, a former US Ambassador to the UN (nominated by Trump) is going to announce her bid for presidency soon. I've been saying this since the start.The Republican primary race is going to be the greatest show on earth. I got my popcorn ready.
I've never heard of the "AZOV Nazi Battalion." I thought any reference of any Ukrainian referred to as Nazi was made up by Putin.
Azov battalion is small battalion consisting of 900-2500 troops. It's actually less than 900 troops now after what happened in the siege of Mariupol. Some people in their ranks flirt with far right nationalism and Neo Nazi symbolism. Make no mistake, a few bad apples in a population of 44 million in no way justifies a full scale invasion to 'denazify' Ukraine. Putin is full of crap in that regard.
That article was written on January 20, 2021, the day that Biden was sworn in. We were still in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis, which some reason people blame on Trump, ignoring the fact that he had nothing to do with inventing it or controlling what the states did. He helped New York State, and this is not recognized.

Biden record inflation, that is a fact that is not in that article, written in January 2021, because it happened as a result of Biden being president. Of course, this is also Turmp's fault as were the 600,000+ people who died from COVID-19 during Biden's first 18 months, after he broke his promise to control COVID-19.

The average American owns equity, and the markets are nowhere near the highs during Trumps term before COVID-19 was used to throw the economies of the world into a tailspin and nosedive. That is what did it, not "tax cuts". But while COVID-19, no thanks to Biden, has declined, the markets have not returned to the highs that Trump had. This, added to inflation, has made Biden very unpopular.

Biden has given over 50 billion dollars of our money for the war in Ukraine, but doesn't want to deal with the Spy Balloon, sent by his friends in China, which is gathering information about our nation's vulnerabilities.
Joe shot down the balloon over water several hours ago, thus saving American lives and property. Recovery is underway. Another win for Joe.

Kinda surprised that you voted for Joe...
OK, so show me the video where Trump appeared on Morning Joe. Just because multiple news sources report something doesn't mean it's correct. Not trying to burst your bubble, but unless I see a video of Trump on Morning Joe, I'm not going to believe it. If you think about it, why would Joe Scarborough give Trump a platform for all his vicious lies and innuendo, especially after Trump essentially accused him of murder? Prove me wrong--if you can.
You are correct Lane. I'm wrong about Trump appearing on their show. I apologize.
Closer to 100 billion to the Ukraine last I heard and yes, some of that goes to the AZOV Nazi Battalion; no one can deny that. Nothing for the American people; no schools, no health care, no roads, old broken down water and wastewater plants, the homeless! But money for Nazis, no problem.
Enough of the bullshit, look over there, NAZIS, deflection.
Nikki Haley, a former US Ambassador to the UN (nominated by Trump) is going to announce her bid for presidency soon. I've been saying this since the start.The Republican primary race is going to be the greatest show on earth. I got my popcorn ready.

Azov battalion is small battalion consisting of 900-2500 troops. It's actually less than 900 troops now after what happened in the siege of Mariupol. Some people in their ranks flirt with far right nationalism and Neo Nazi symbolism. Make no mistake, a few bad apples in a population of 44 million in no way justifies a full scale invasion to 'denazify' Ukraine. Putin is full of crap in that regard.
Wow, a Nazi apologist. I guess if you live long enough, you see everything. How do you think Hitler started?
Enough of the bullshit, look over there, NAZIS, deflection.
Look over there, Putin, bad man.

Everything I said is a fact.
You are correct. Joey72 has what I call BDS.
Any one that is in denial about the Azov Battalion's existence needs to do a little research. Google it. It was all over AP, and Time plus other news outlets. You should stick to the debate instead of insulting others. But you can't do that because you know the Nazi Battalion exists. That's all I've ever said. I also suggest that any war mongers grab your M16, flak vest and go fight along side your Nazi friends.

Do some research.
Just to mention, it seems every country has their own unique contingent of ultra-right wing nationalists, fascists, or outright Nazi sympathizers. The U.S. certainly has its share. It's pretty shocking to hear how many ex-military were involved in the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Right-wing extremism knows no boundaries. Nor does corruption for that matter. I heard recently that as much as 10% of the $5 trillion (U.S.) of the COVID-19 relief packages was siphoned off by corruption (that's $500+ Billion!) What a wonderful world! :rolleyes:
Joe shot down the balloon over water several hours ago, thus saving American lives and property. Recovery is underway. Another win for Joe.

Kinda surprised that you voted for Joe...
The balloon was shot down, but not until after it had transmitted all of the information that it was sent here to gather, over the course of a week, to Beijing.

I did not vote for Biden.
Wow, a Nazi apologist. I guess if you live long enough, you see everything. How do you think Hitler started?

Look over there, Putin, bad man.

Everything I said is a fact.

Any one that is in denial about the Azov Battalion's existence needs to do a little research. Google it. It was all over AP, and Time plus other news outlets. You should stick to the debate instead of insulting others. But you can't do that because you know the Nazi Battalion exists. That's all I've ever said. I also suggest that any war mongers grab your M16, flak vest and go fight along side your Nazi friends.

Do some research.
@Joey72, o_O :banghead:
The balloon was shot down, but not until after it had transmitted all of the information that it was sent here to gather, over the course of a week, to Beijing.

I did not vote for Biden.
Sure you voted for Biden, or did you lie when you proudly proclaimed that you voted for the Obama/Biden ticket as proof you're not a Republican?
Wow, a Nazi apologist. I guess if you live long enough, you see everything. How do you think Hitler started?

Look over there, Putin, bad man.

Everything I said is a fact.

Any one that is in denial about the Azov Battalion's existence needs to do a little research. Google it. It was all over AP, and Time plus other news outlets. You should stick to the debate instead of insulting others. But you can't do that because you know the Nazi Battalion exists. That's all I've ever said. I also suggest that any war mongers grab your M16, flak vest and go fight along side your Nazi friends.

Do some research.
Going by your logic, this whole "but they have Nazis!" angle kinda dies when the US looks in its own back yard. You do realize we have Nazis and hate groups too, right? Should we level all of Alabama because of a few shit head Nazis? As long as they keep their bullshit to themselves, they have a right to be idiots.

Anyways, I'm getting tired of your nonsense. I've already explained it in the Ukraine thread if you even bothered to read it.

You keep slandering me for things I don't support. Again, the fact that there is an extremely insignificant minority of Neo-Nazi douchebags in the country does nothing to change what's happening. It's all just a smoke screen and a distraction used by Russia to to excuse what they are doing.

And ironically, all this screeching and anger you have about the Azov battalion when the actions of Russia have been far more Nazi like tells me you're clueless about everything. They rape and torture Ukrainian kids. Where's your outrage for that? You'd make a great mouthpiece for Russia. Putin could use someone like you.
Sure you voted for Biden, or did you lie when you proudly proclaimed that you voted for the Obama/Biden ticket as proof you're not a Republican?
I can understand why some people voted for Biden, rather than Trump. Even for those who did not like Biden, the extremely violent, deadly riots of 2020 were enough to convince anybody that if Trump had been elected again, the violence would have continued and probably gotten worse.

What is amazing, though, is how some people continue to support Biden, even after he has proven to the world how weak a leader he is. I think that they just can't deal with how bad his administration has been.

The Chinese spy balloon never would have been sent here, under a stong president, but Beijing knew that they could get away with it, with Biden. Shooting it down after it had been here for a week, transmitting coordinates of targets to China, was no doubt even better than they expected. This was not a win for Biden but it certainly was, for China.

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