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2024 US Presidential Election

The interpretation on this side of the Atlantic is that Donald has gone full Aryan. Talking about the drug problem, eh? It's a weird choice of words for a politician. They usually are expert wordsmiths.

I think Vance is being mighty protective, stretching the material to cover Trump's ass, so to speak. But believe whatever you want to believe. So yeah! The migrant caravan and the drug problem.
I live in New York City which is flooded with illegal "migrants" and they are destroying the blood of this country. Trump is a New Yorker with a daughter who converted to Judaism, a Jewish son-in-law, and Jewish grandchildren. As he accepts and loves them, this does not sound like he has gone "full Aryan" to me, unless I'm missing something.

The Democrats are the real exploiters of minorities and they hide their racism under a veil of lies which unfortunately many minorities and legal immigrants have believed - but that is changing with Biden as he ignores Americans, focuses on giving billions to the corrupt country of Ukraine, and allows illegal entry into this country by millions, as well as the deadly drugs that many bring with them, courtesy of the criminal cartels.

Trump had this country in great shape, and Biden destroyed it. The world had peace, but now there are wars and conflicts which never should have happened.

At the rate he is going, Biden is going to lose, because the majority of people prefer Trump, or virtually anybody besides Biden and his idiot VP, Kamala.
The interpretation on this side of the Atlantic is that Donald has gone full Aryan. Talking about the drug problem, eh? It's a weird choice of words for a politician. They usually are expert wordsmiths.

I think Vance is being mighty protective, stretching the material to cover Trump's ass, so to speak. But believe whatever you want to believe. So yeah! The migrant caravan and the drug problem.
It was just a copy/paste. Why would Trump want to offend his multi-ethnicity base? I agree some things he says are controversial, but most people are more interested in his policies and end results. I wish Speaker Mike Johnson could be President right now to be honest. He listens to the American people.
Remember the time when a bunch of Republicans pushed that birthersim nonsense in an attempt to deny Obama the presidency on Constitutional grounds (citizenship), including TRUMP himself?

Now that the Colorado Supreme Court booted him off the ballot citing the 14th Amendment and his own deeds, suddenly there's outrage about how unfair it all is. Double standards and hypocrisy at its finest.
Remember the time when a bunch of Republicans pushed that birthersim nonsense in an attempt to deny Obama the presidency on Constitutional grounds (citizenship), including TRUMP himself?

Now that the Colorado Supreme Court booted him off the ballot citing the 14th Amendment and his own deeds, suddenly there's outrage about how unfair it all is. Double standards and hypocrisy at its finest.
Trump was not in politics when he questioned where Obama was born. It turned out that Obama was born in Hawaii. At least it became public.

I hope that the Democrats keep persecuting Trump because it seems that the more they do it, the more support he receives.

Biden's illegal migrants have invaded NYC, and are stealing packages and deliveries left on people's porches, knocking on doors asking for money, riding eBikes on the sidewalk and robbing pedestrians, and more.
Immigration is a funny thing. As a matter of fact I was a Green Card holder for the US myself -- until the homeland crowd took it off me, for not living there.

I used to fly over every 2 years and spend money, wander around the Twin Cities and then head back. As a matter of fact I got a great kick out of it. I was always welcomed. I never held down a job there for long but did some casual labour for maybe two weeks or so to "prove" I belonged. So all I ever did was to give and spend rather than take.

I can understand how many people would object to some immigrants with large families drawing their social entitlements. It's tough to survive over there even if you're holding down a job. As a matter of fact we have loadza Americans working in this country.
I live in New York City which is flooded with illegal "migrants" and they are destroying the blood of this country. Trump is a New Yorker with a daughter who converted to Judaism, a Jewish son-in-law, and Jewish grandchildren. As he accepts and loves them, this does not sound like he has gone "full Aryan" to me, unless I'm missing something.

The Democrats are the real exploiters of minorities and they hide their racism under a veil of lies which unfortunately many minorities and legal immigrants have believed - but that is changing with Biden as he ignores Americans, focuses on giving billions to the corrupt country of Ukraine, and allows illegal entry into this country by millions, as well as the deadly drugs that many bring with them, courtesy of the criminal cartels.

Trump had this country in great shape, and Biden destroyed it. The world had peace, but now there are wars and conflicts which never should have happened.

At the rate he is going, Biden is going to lose, because the majority of people prefer Trump, or virtually anybody besides Biden and his idiot VP, Kamala.
Sorry to hear that the US is going downhill. If what you say is true, I hope that Biden and Trump both do the honorable thing and take early retirement. ;)

The US needs some young blood.

On the Ukrainian front. Some bright accountancy major should tot up the shitload of money that the US spent throughout the Cold War years. I can recall visiting friends in one or two of the Kasernes (US barracks) in Germany. They were like mini-cities. The cost of maintaining them over the decades, 1945-1990, must have been enormous. Oh yes, apply a suitable rate of interest to the annual bill.

Once Putin wins back Ukraine, you can expect the US presence to arrive in Europe again.
Remember the time when a bunch of Republicans pushed that birthersim nonsense in an attempt to deny Obama the presidency on Constitutional grounds (citizenship), including TRUMP himself?

Now that the Colorado Supreme Court booted him off the ballot citing the 14th Amendment and his own deeds, suddenly there's outrage about how unfair it all is. Double standards and hypocrisy at its finest.
I agree. Whining that it's unfair and they cheated us is the go to talking point that Trump has drilled into the MAGA mind.

But we now realize that every Republican went along with him, rode his coattails, helped try to move his big lie forward; they now need to be prosecuted and locked up. Otherwise there will be nothing from stopping them trying again with the next guy, whether it is Trump or not.

From the lowly county level election officials, those that did not want to certify the ballots, to the upper level of Trump's inner circle, including representatives and senators, were on board. They all tried to help him with his coup.

There should have only been two outcomes. Outcome 1, it worked and 1/2 of America was fucked and Trump stayed in power. Outcome 2, it didn't work and those involved are locked up and can never hold office again.

But no, we are stuck in this limbo where many are under investigation, those that tried to help are still walking free, still hold elected offices, still peddling the big lie and are hiding behind the excuse that "they had evidence and reason to believe the election was tainted". Bullshit, they knew, they were trying to overthrow the government.

In other countries the coup either works or it doesn't. Only in America does it not work, but the main players are not in trouble, and everyone is already seemingly geared up for round 2 with the guy that started it, all running again and already screaming about fixing the 2024 election "issues".

It is stunning that the head of the RNC, Rona McDaniel, and Trump told Michigan officials to not certify the 2020 election. The GOP is a criminal enterprise under RICO if they have a pattern or ongoing business that is used for criminal activity.

If you have the President, head of the RNC, White House Chief of Staff, and attorneys who all conspire in multiple efforts to overturn an election, knowing their actions are made based on a lie, and then implore GOP leaders in several states, to join the conspiracy, to commit fraud, to stop the peaceful transition of power, this qualifies for RICO, as part of a sustained pattern of felonies.

Of course, now we know there was a wide-ranging effort to produce fake slates of electors in battleground states, and the President himself called officials in several states imploring them to help overturn the election. When everything failed, and Trump was in his most desperate state, he told his followers to come to a protest in DC, "Be there, will be wild!" And then Trump said, "fight" over 20 times in his January 6 speech, before telling his armed followers to march to the Capitol.

He lit the flame, fanned the flame, and then watched it burn. That there is a recording is the type of evidence prosecutors dream about.
......I can understand how many people would object to some immigrants with large families drawing their social entitlements. It's tough to survive over there even if you're holding down a job. As a matter of fact we have loadza Americans working in this country.
There are not "Many people" in the United States, who are against immigrants, they are against ILLEGAL immigration of those who came here unvetted, many of whom carried Fentanyl into the country for the drug cartels, who made their trip possible. It is a fact that legitimate immigrants who went through the process are very angry with Biden for what he has done, by opening the border. I doubt that there is another country in the world that does what Biden is responsible for, as president. If there is another such example, I'd like to know where.

Biden and his high-level backers want a country with a high degree of cheap labor, consisting of people with no choices, few if any benefits, etc. George Soros approves of this exploitation. This is what the Democrats, the original "Party of Slavery", have become in modern times. The rest of us are expected to pay for them, which is already happening.

Trump has said that if elected, he will enact the largest deportation in this country's history. This is, unfortunately, what must be done.
Trump said other countries are emptying their insane asylums and sending them to our southern border. Maybe the Democrats want more of their own kind in our country? Maybe the Democrats will adopt their insane friends and pay for their room and board instead of the American taxpayers?
Why do Democrats tend to encourage illegal immigration, and seem to give a thumbs up to the tens of millions of illegals who have flooded into our country illegally under Demented Joe's leadership?

Why do Democrats tend to encourage illegal immigration, and seem to give a thumbs up to the tens of millions of illegals who have flooded into our country illegally under Demented Joe's leadership?

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I live in NYC and the Democrats are putting the illegal migrants in mostly Republican neighborhoods.I do not think that this is a coincidence. These illegals are robbing garages, stealing packages from the porches of local residents, going door to door asking for money, begging in the street using children that may not even be their own, using messages in English on cell phones to ask for money from passersby in the street, riding motor scooters and E-bikes on the sidewalks, ignoring traffic signals when they do ride in the street, and soon they will start driving cars without a license, mowing people down.

No other country in the entire world is stupid enough to open its borders and allow millions of undocumented, often criminal, illegal aliens to enter. This has only happened in America, due to the Biden administration.

We need Trump as president so that he can close the borders, and deport them all.
The GOP play at this stage is to delegitimize any Trump investigation as politically motivated attacks, regardless of facts.

Actually hold on, that's not new for the GOP at all. Obviously they wouldn't accept one iota of the same behavior from a Democrat.

Anyone suggesting otherwise is an abject liar or has no concept of American politics for the last 40 years or so since Regan.

The amount of damage that Trump was able to inflict on the United States and its government in four short years is literally breath taking. Every day was a new disaster. And somehow, a whole segment of the population was lulled into thinking that all this was a good thing. The GOP could have saved itself a lot of future grief, if its elected representatives had taken the opportunity to impeach Trump when they had the chance.

The Constitution has already disqualified Trump. It's now a question of whether or not anyone "in charge" has the resolve and the backbone to uphold it.
President Biden and first lady Jill Biden are jetting off to the Virgin Islands to ring in the new year, leaving the country behind to grapple with the seemingly never-ending migrant crisis.

You have to wonder if Biden is accepting bribes from the Mexican cartels. If Biden received influence peddling money from China, Ukraine, and other foreign nations, why wouldn't he accept millions of dollars from the cartels if he keeps the southern border open?

I do like listening to both Governor DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy. Both highly intelligent and no-nonsense Presidential candidates. But Donald Trump is the front runner and will probably be the Republican nominee for President at this point.
Speaker Mike Johnson:

At a time when America is experiencing the worst border crisis in our nation's history, it is unconscionable to hear the Biden Administration's announcement that Secretaries Mayorkas and Blinken discussed with the President of Mexico amnesty for illegal immigrants. The United States must focus on policies that deter — not attract — people attempting to come here illegally, and the smugglers who profit from the catastrophe at our border.

This development further demonstrates the Administration has no real intention of solving the humanitarian disaster and immediate national security crisis their policies have created. President Biden needs to stop vacationing and take immediate steps to stop the flow of illegal immigration into our country. Our nation's security and sovereignty depend upon it, and the American people demand it.
Breaking news: Trump is back on the ballot in Colorado unless the Supreme Court rules against it.
Breaking news: Trump is back on the ballot in Colorado unless the Supreme Court rules against it.
Breaking news: Maine barred Donald Trump from the primary ballot Thursday, making it the second state in the country to block the former president from running again.

The snowball is growing. SCOTUS is going to have to weigh in sooner than later. They're being pushed into a corner.

I love it. I'm excited to see what they say. If they uphold it, awesome. If they side with Trump, then it's another nail in the Roberts Court coffin and another giant shove to get Dems off their ass to expand the court.
Breaking news: Maine barred Donald Trump from the primary ballot Thursday, making it the second state in the country to block the former president from running again.

The snowball is growing. SCOTUS is going to have to weigh in sooner than later. They're being pushed into a corner.

I love it. I'm excited to see what they say. If they uphold it, awesome. If they side with Trump, then it's another nail in the Roberts Court coffin and another giant shove to get Dems off their ass to expand the court.
I will be extremely, unbelievably happy if Trump wins presidency. He deserves it after all this shit.
I will be extremely, unbelievably happy if Trump wins presidency. He deserves it after all this shit.
In more breaking news:

Recordings, emails show how Trump team flew fake elector ballots to DC in final push to overturn 2020 election -

Emails obtained by CNN corroborate what Chesebro told Michigan prosecutors: He communicated with the top Trump campaign lawyer, Matt Morgan, and another campaign official, Mike Roman, to ferry the documents to Washington on January 5.

From there, Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and a Pennsylvania congressman assisted in the effort to get the documents into Pence's hands.

"This is a high-level decision to get the Michigan and Wisconsin votes there," Chesebro told Michigan prosecutors. "And they had to enlist, you know, a US senator to try to expedite it, to get it to Pence in time."​

Fake electors were coordinating with the Trump campaign.

Protest organizers for January 6th were coordinating with the Trump campaign and lying to the parks department about coordinated plans to march on Congress.

Proud Boys openly associated with Roger Stone, a known Trump surrogate and recipient of a Presidential pardon. Proud Boys lead the push on Congress on January 6th.

Donald Trump watched the attack unfold for three hours, and did nothing to stop it in that time. He blamed Mike Pence for not stopping the count.

The Trump campaign coordinated with Ron Johnson to try to get the fake ballots into Pence's hands.

This isn't rocket science. Donald Trump is an insurrectionist and barred from office by the 14th amendment. So it looks like this whole thing is starting to look like it wasn't just a big misunderstanding.

What could possibly go wrong with having 1/3 of congress be willing participants in a coup attempt? Heck, what could go wrong allowing them to stick around and keep their hands on the levers of power?
I do not know whether Trump tried to overthrow the 2020 election, but if he did I'm sorry that he wasn't successful.
I do not know whether Trump tried to overthrow the 2020 election, but if he did I'm sorry that he wasn't successful.
Yeah, well, Trump has just been removed by the second state from their ballot. Does that tell you anything at all or are you blind to the world of bullshit?
Yeah, well, Trump has just been removed by the second state from their ballot. Does that tell you anything at all or are you blind to the world of bullshit?
Trump is a threat to the left. They want open borders, which is crazy. The left is trying to push the George Soros agenda on us and the majority of Americans don't want that. It's against our constitutional republic that the United States was founded on.

The phrase "We the People" was a way of emphasizing that the power of the government came from the people themselves, rather than from any external source such as a monarch or a deity. The Constitution was designed to be a document of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Trump is a threat to the left. They want open borders, which is crazy. The left is trying to push the George Soros agenda on us and the majority of Americans don't want that. It's against our constitutional republic that the United States was founded on.

The phrase "We the People" was a way of emphasizing that the power of the government came from the people themselves, rather than from any external source such as a monarch or a deity. The Constitution was designed to be a document of the people, by the people, and for the people.
As if the MAGA crackpots have given a single fuck about the constitution for the last three years at least. The constitution bars Trump from holding public office ever again. Tough luck. That other crackpot buddy of yours admitted as much a few posts back that he's sorry Trump didn't overthrow the election. Sounds like a true constitutionalist.
As if the MAGA crackpots have given a single fuck about the constitution for the last three years at least. The constitution bars Trump from holding public office ever again. Tough luck. That other crackpot buddy of yours admitted as much a few posts back that he's sorry Trump didn't overthrow the election. Sounds like a true constitutionalist.
Are you @Jammer using another poster's name? You sure sound a lot like him. If you are from Norway, why are you so interested in US politics? The so called insurrection was a Fedsurrection caused at least in part by Nancy Pelosi. Trump offered 10,000 National Guard troops to be at the Capital, but Pelosi denied them because of optics. Trump was never charged with causing an insurrection.
Breaking news: Maine barred Donald Trump from the primary ballot Thursday, making it the second state in the country to block the former president from running again.

The snowball is growing. SCOTUS is going to have to weigh in sooner than later. They're being pushed into a corner.

I love it. I'm excited to see what they say. If they uphold it, awesome. If they side with Trump, then it's another nail in the Roberts Court coffin and another giant shove to get Dems off their ass to expand the court.
It's funny watching Republicans losing their minds over these states' rights. Notice how they conveniently cherry-pick when they want to champion states' rights. Oh, abortion's all good, but states keeping candidates off primary ballots on constitutional grounds? Suddenly, that's a massive issue. Been saying this since the beginning, Republicans don't practice what they preach on a consistent basis in terms of political philosophy.

Anyways, Alaska is now looking to join in to disqualify Trump. Things are about to get hectic.

I want to point out that Trump won Maine's 2nd District and its electoral vote in 2020. There's a chance at impacting the outcome, so the Supreme Court has to intervene without a doubt. I'm assuming he's also barred from eligibility for the general election as well. It only follows.
As if the MAGA crackpots have given a single fuck about the constitution for the last three years at least. The constitution bars Trump from holding public office ever again. Tough luck. That other crackpot buddy of yours admitted as much a few posts back that he's sorry Trump didn't overthrow the election. Sounds like a true constitutionalist.
This is my observation as well. The MAGA nut speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, who's an extreme Christian nationalist, has also gone on record to say the US is not a democracy, but "biblical" republic, that the concept of separation of church and State is a 'misnomer'. He's under the delusion that the framers of the Constitution wanted religion/faith to be a 'big part' of the government. These clowns can't be trusted to defend and uphold the Constitution.
If you are from Norway, why are you so interested in US politics
This thread's open to everyone, all is welcomed. Plus, I've met and known plenty of foreigners who grasp our government better than some actual Americans do. Meanwhile, your average American struggles to even name our 3 branches of government...
This is my observation as well. The MAGA nut speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, who's an extreme Christian nationalist, has also gone on record to say the US is not a democracy, but "biblical" republic, that the concept of separation of church and State is a 'misnomer'. He's under the delusion that the framers of the Constitution wanted religion/faith to be a 'big part' of the government
I like Speaker Mike Johnson. It does say "In God We Trust" on our currency. That is the official motto of the United States. I actually read your post while listening to the post above it. :)
I like Speaker Mike Johnson
Did you know Mike Johnson and his son keep tabs on each other's porn intake?


It does say "In God We Trust" on our currency. That is the official motto of the United States. I actually read your post while listening to the post above it. :)
Most Americans think phrases like "in God We Trust" and "one nation under God" date back to the founding fathers' era, but the truth is, they were actually added far later after its founding (refer to Eisenhower and Red Scare). Framers were secularists, through and through.

It's an odd motto for a nation built on the idea of separating church and state. One could easily argue it's unconstitutional which it is. It doesn't matter in the end because the motto is practically irrelevant to what the Constitution explicitly states and how the government actually functions. We still need to be weary of these MAGA Christian nuts though — Johnson, Boebart, Majorie Taylor Greene, Mike Lee, etc.

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